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icy's pretty rich
not bill gates-rich
He lives here.
that's pretty bill-gates-rich
I'm not joking
lol technically bill gates is so rich he can't give a shit about how rich he is anymore
Forbes #1 rich gai
Bills Face: :|
there is no "can't buy that" for him
^ Before
After: :>>>>>>>>>
When he goes to number 2
so his amount of money basically overflowed
I used to want to be rich, and I stopped trying.
but instead of going back at min val
it just became the constant "A lot of money"
is his finance
@Grey what was the reason for change in your mind?
@Grey probably, if it overflowed 4 times or so
@BlueBug It would be nice, but it's not my goal anymore.
Probably the lack of money, @BlueBug :P
^ this
how can getting rich not be a good goal
It's a good goal
getting rich means you get stuff for yourself
and spending stuff on your own ass is the best thing you can do in this life
"stop trying" "start doing"
It's kind of fun to look forward to stuff though.
can you start to be rich?
@BlueBug Im rich
Already, actually.
I think for most people getting rich is one of those achievements you look at and go "Oh man. That one! I'll go for that one!"
I am itch, but no rich.
Being rich means being able to generate assets on demand IMO
and then somewhere along the line they think "Well.. it's a bit hard. Maybe I'll choose another one for now".
Having stagnant money is a risk
being rich is being able to not consider money to be a factor in anything
I should say wealth actually then being rich. Any one can be rich, short-term
knowing you'll be able to afford anything anytime
What Alex said :P
But being wealthy is generating assets on demand and eliminating risk.
Wins a lot of money
even someone who dies of hunger
also, on an unrelated note. StarCraft 2's Element TD is pretty fun.
Has no skill to do anything with it except spend it
but has 253463463465 acres of land
is considered to be wealthy
actually... I think u can be bill-gates-rich if you are obsessed enough, just like how you can be a good programmer. or not maybe just rich wealthy enough.
You are rich but you are not wealthy.
@BlueBug I'm just living right now. I have goals but being rich isn't the focus right now.
let me know how you feel in a few years
Oh when I'm a student?
Everything changes when you realize that you have to live with what you've sown. You become ambitious, I know lol.
after you've started seeing how nice it is to have money, and how bad it is to not have them
Honestly, though. I'm 23 now. Having more money than I can spend would solve pretty much every problem I'm facing right now.
@Leathe ikr
money is so awesome
@AlexM. Making money is nice lol, but I'm not rushing anything. :/
@AlexM. Amen.
If it comes it comes lol, Its not my "PRIMARY TARGET"
@Grey just be sure to make a priority queue with these stuffs
It's broke
@Grey how old are you?
due to gd.se overflow
@Leathe 14 sir.
14? really?
being crazy about money and trying to get as rich as possible is a great goal at 20 years
Well, so yeah. Getting money honestly shouldn't be your primary target.
getting married at 20 is a fucking bad goal man
that's what I'm suggesting @Grey
@Grey R u serious? 14?
@Bluebug 1999
I don't really see as "getting married" ever to be a goal for me.
@Leathe bs. It should be a goal man.
@Leathe it is for me, but after I'm done buying all of the shit I want
and I need an inheritor for everything
wow u r going to be good by the age 20 then. so jelly. Maybe you have a shoot to be bill-gates-rich; smart people become rich.
Well, here I'm defining a goal as something you're actively going for, all the time
@AlexM. I agree, but my plan is to -> achieve most of my goals -> settle down so I wont be a hermit -> family -> END GAME NANANANANNANANANANA
@BlueBug idk. I hope so. Again I don't want to set myself up for failure lol.
also, marriage isn't necessary for a healthy life/relationship/whatevertheFU--
I'm not talking about lifetime goals @Leathe
@Leathe I used to want to be single all my life, but that changed. I just don't want it to interfere with my goals in life.
Oh, @Grey I don't want to be single my whole life
one's lifetime goal should be to contribute as much in whatever areas he can, so the next generation can take over and contribute further
this should be invariable, for everyone
but still. marriage still isn't necessary
otherwise they're scum who do not contribute to humankind's progress
and could safely be garbage collected
I'm talking about marriage as in: actual marriage. Getting married in a church/whatever
marriage in the church is just for the show you know
which definitely isn't necessary for <insert the stuff you just said>
yeah, I do :P
I just used that as an example because it's the most common
or most known.
the marriage you go through at the local official is the real deal
the one that also gives you various benefits from the state
this depends from country to country
exactly :P
here there are other ways of providing those benefits
most girls want the wedding. If you want to just finish ur wedding at the local office, then you should go gay.
Collision detection is working better now though there are some goofy edge cases I've got to look into
@ToddersLegrande can you marry collision detection
@BlueBug if you mean the party after the official stuff, yeah, that's the best part
many gay people do wedding/simple office marriage. They seem to be content with being legally together.
if you mean the church bullshit, then please get your christian ass out of here
or whatever religion you are part of
@AlexM. I don't believe that's legal, no.
what isn't legal?
no i meant the fancy wedding u know. White dress, flowers, and stuff.
Marrying collision detection
I wonder what benefits you would get from marrying collision detection
@ToddersLegrande damn, and here I was hoping I'd be able to
@BlueBug that's the party
Todders is the best his game is the best. best game award
Not so sure as I am from Asia. Don't girls want fancy wedding? Not party wedding.
they just want it to look fancy
it depends what you think of when you hear party
@Todders Moving platforms next?
I understand party to be any sort of special celebration
not some crazy alcoholic gangbang spree
@Grey I dunno
@AlexM. That reminds me...
I am already married hasherr.
Ha, to whom?
oooh, crazy alcoholic gangbang spree
where do I sign up
@hasherr my wife
Who's your wife?
@hasherr the one I'm married to
Its a computer.
@Todders NDA
@ToddersLegrande lol
@Grey high five
Alex F.
@AlexM. What's her name?
Alex Female. Alex Male. Alexs are endangered species.
@hasherr the same that is written on her ID
I see where this is going
@ToddersLegrande lol Alex L.H. M
So something like ####-#####
I presume
more like [a-z,A-Z]+ [a-z,A-Z]+
plot twist, her name is Alexa9
jpetrie sighting in reddit-gamedev
@Leathe lol sounds like one of those usernames from the live webcam ads
plot twist; Alex was actually a girl. So they married in Canada. well... actually never since there's no girl here.
or one of those usernames from the "find girls to fuck near you" ads
@Grey Half-Life 3 confirmed.
@Grey that's my buddy
pretty sure it would be Alexis9 then ;P
jake petrieson
@Leathe yeah man
Alexis9 Dakota
lol I remember our high school teacher & supervisor asked us who was our favorite actor
@hasherr You need to irssi mayne
and one guy said Rocco Siffredi
irssi ftw
@hasherr GETOUT
I am also Reddit
jpetrie has spoken
but only during saturdays
during fridays I am totally facebook
the new tarzan.
the modern tarzan.
@Grey #reddit-gamedev: Now with 300% more GD.SE chat!
I just twitter
Twittering is fun
@_CodeAssassin, USA, California
I make games. I go by the name of 'Code Assassin' and Grey Stranger. 14 yrs old. TRTWNT currently on hold. Not so biological brother of @ultifinitus
2.5k tweets, 108 followers, following 85 users
Do u guys have blog? * recommend me any good blog web? In need of starting blog.
I can just image a modern Tarzan swinging from an ethernet cable in a server room
I do, but I haven't posted there in ages.
@BlueBug I have a blog but my config file is messed up and I need to fix it but I'm lazy
Not since I left SlimDX, which is mostly what I posted about.
when did josh get back. lurker!
@Grey followed
@Grey Do you need a chain for that plug?
@Grey I am too lazy to write html myself. Least u have will to write html.
followed back because gd.seness.
@hasherr lol
@BlueBug wordpress
I could post my twitterz, but I've never ever tweeted
wait, you want software?
and I don't plan on doing so
wordpress is #prostuff
anyway, gotta go sleep
@Grey you are 14?
Yeh, gotta study. You guys are distracting meh
@AlexM. wait, was that YOUR BLOG?
@BlueBug no
I don't have kids
and I am not married
@ChristianCareaga yes
@AlexM. You lied to me...
I did not know that
@BlueBug his blog is
@hasherr what makes you think I'm not lying to him
You're not married.
blog is...?
Anyone ever play of guards and thievs?
I'll refresh my blog once I get that host and domain name in a bunch of days
Pretty fun
ooh, neat I knew it was worth it to wait for the next gog offer
The first version was made in 72 hours for LD
legend of grimrock for $2
^ is that yours omg
@Grey You talking to me?
Oh wait. It's the guards and thieves game.
I will pretend it is :P
I actually not using Dvorak anymore. I'm using programmer Dvorak.
So I am still getting used to the other keys that moved.
Goal: Get a desktop.
You could just use a table
@JoshPetrie so wait. Private is just for the "calling class" right? and protected is for both right?
Isn't that what I said ._.
@Grey you're 14? I have been so confused about your age.
"Calling class" isn't a thing.
@AidanMueller 14
@JoshPetrie It's not
Parent Class
Parent class? Is that were people where newborns go?
Private members are accessible to the class declaring said members, and explicitly granted friends, only.
sounds like C++ specific territory. Friends. Okay so what's protected then?
Protected members are accessible to the class declaring said members and any class that inherits from that class.
It is C++-specific.
Protections like this are C++-specific.
Keep in mind that parents can't access privates. Only you and your friends.
I mean
you know.
Unless your parents are friends.
Parents with benefits
can the class being "friended" access the other classes protected members? is it mutual?
I guess not.
okay im done. see yall
No, friendship is not transitive, inherited or reflexive.
Bah. Why do I always get the urge to start playing games when I should be going to bed
and "friend" classes are usually a very good indicator you fucked up somewhere
@Grey someone please edit this so there's another pair on his face the whole time also, and play it in half speed reversed
maybe the C++ TRs should rename "friend classes" to "butt buddy classes" to give it an embarrassing connotation for the ultimate good of the programmers journey learning and even the world's software
Alright. Platformer Starter Kit with mediocre collision detection now in GitHub github.com/tylerrrr07/UnityPlatformerStarterKit
@MickLH err. no
I'll clean up my gitignore and delete the junk later
but now its public and I, or anyone can use it for the jam if they'd like :D
And time for bed. Later all
vmware iz teh best
that is all
VS 2013 looks gorgeous on a retina Macbook Pro.
oh right, there's that out already
I wonder if you can just upgrade from 2012?
or do you have to download and install it from scrach?
I dunno what you plebeians have to do.
I've been using it for ages via the MSDN.
Wait what. I just uninstalled some software.. and now I have less space available on the disk than I did before
I get my stuff from Dreamspark/MSDNA :P
MVP MSDN has better prerelease stuff.
well I doubt I'd benefit from having prereleases
Probably not. It's usually a waste, and dangerous if you don't use VMs.
Sometimes they do not upgrade well. Or at all.
oh damn. I need to remember to send in my job application to rovio and redlynx tomorrow D:
@Almo Are you around?
does anyone have a second to talk about game design patterns in C++?
I have 20 minutes.
I assume this is per your question I just closed?
thank you Josh
it is
did you understand my question?
i can rephrase
Yeah, so you're right that the fact that you've got all this interconnected referencing (coupling) of systems is bad.
Having to pass a lot of different things to a lot of different other things that way is a usually sign you have a poor abstraction and poor dependency management.
Unfortunately a "design pattern" isn't going to solve your problem here; this isn't something you want to take one broad stroke with. Instead you're going to have to break the problem down into all it's individual parts and solve them all, possibly uniquely, in the manner that works best for the goal of the system and the APIs.
That said, I do also see another design issue in your example and that is the overuse of "manager" classes, which is possibly contributing to your overly-connected web of dependencies.
So let's start with one of the concrete examples: you said you need a reference to the enemy manager in the weapon manager. Why is that?
1) What does the weapon manager do?
2) What does the enemy manager do?
Okay. So let's take this one example because it might help illustrate my issue. I have an enemy manager. It holds and computes logic for enemies (objects of an Enemy class). The enemies are kept in an array and every frame, it updates their logic and such. My projectile manager does the same with projectiles. But I need to check to see if enemies have collided with projectiles.
Let's use projectile manager and enemy manager.
Okay. Well what you have are three requirements:
The enemy manager maintains a vector of enemy class objects. The enemy manager simply updates all of them every frame. Loops through the array, updates them via the update function in the enemy class.
go ahead.
(1) something has to update every enemy, (2) something has to update every bullet, (3) something has to check for collisions between things and notify other things that they occurred.
Just in case I run out of time (I have a dinner to go to), I'll give you the quick sketch of what I think a final solution is, and then start working through it:
okay, fantastic. thank you.
Reduce the "managers" to nothing but a vector<Enemy> or whatever that is stored in the game object itself, and have the game do the iteration and updating of all of them.
Add a third system, a collision system, that checks for collisions between "rigid bodies" (to use the typical physics term) and fires a callback when collisions occur
Give both Enemy and Bullet members of the RigidBody type that are managed by the collision system.
(you can skip the first bit about doing away with the managers if they actually do more than just update everything)
are callback functions extremely useful in game design?
Oh yes. Software engineering in general.
They help you manage this kind of dependency nightmare (among other things).
and the callback function would alert which system
i use box2d and they have an system in place so that may not have been the best example
You can use Box2d's.
i think I just structure badly and don't allow objects to talk when they need to
Your top-level game would create the collision system, and register collision callbacks on it so it is called back when two things collide. The callback in the game checks to see if the two colliding things are an enemy and a bullet, and if so, does: enemy->TakeDamage(bullet->DamageValue) or something
The game already knows about all these types so having the game do it at the top level like this isn't a new dependency.
that's what im worried about
is bloating my scene class
with a lot of logic
i had hoped to contain within the managers
when you say register collision call backs (i will look at a tutorial for this) but is it essentially firing a function?
Registering the callback is essentially storing a function pointer or std::function
Firing the callback is calling that pointer
You don't need to put it in the game / scene class -- there are other places. But that's probably the easiest for now.
okay. and so if my collision manager fired the collision callback when it detected collision, where is that callback function stored?
does it belong in one of those classes
or is it just separate and takes the Enemy and Projectile as the arguments
In the collision manager. It might look like this: struct CollisionWorld { std::function<void (Body *, Body)> m_callback; }
ahh okay
thank you
world.m_callback = &Game::HandleCollisionBetweenBulletAndEnemy (more or less, that's pseudo-codey)
Anyway, gotta run. Give that a shot, and if you have trouble that is more specific ask on the site or here, somebody will probably help you (or I'll be back later).
thank you!
i appreciate it
1 hour later…
@JoshPetrie It's about me having to hire someone, and me needing advice on a particular applicant.
think he's off doing stuff
just to repeat the email address, if he's willing to talk a bit about it. Just have some unusual qualifications in someone and need to decide if they apply well to game programming
@JoshPetrie Would you say that this is off topic? I think it's more of a programming question: gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/69582/…
had my dose of Trackmania for today
@Almo I am back.
i give it a week, before that guy gets found out and fired/sued

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