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That must be it then.
GameForm.Delta is being altered.
How do you know the rate is being dropped?
FPS : you can see the number is going down
if you stop moving your pacman does the fps go back up
I'm not noticing it going down anymore. That could've been spontaneous with my system or something.
oh so its staying pretty consistent as you move the ghost ?
if so might of just been LICEcap
Licecap affecting my performance? Yeah.'
if you put it at 60FPS :P
I don't know how to limit it :/
theres an FPS box in bottom left corner you can set the FPS
Oh, with Licecap.
No, it was at 60
anyway - that aside theres nothing wrong in your code there ^
Then what is causing this?
There's always a bug in the code.
does it always happen when moving to the right or in any direction
Every direction.
does it pause every X amount of time like there is a pattern
I would print something every time you change one of those variables, make sure that part works 100%
(which it should)
Seems like it.
So then it's delta-time related?
also how come delta is stuck at 1014 all the time?
@Dave Probably because I'm not doing Delta right.
But I don't know how to do it in Native C#
So I just found a generic FPS clock online and used that.
It's obviously not working.
didnt icy explain that :P
jumps back, sweeps cloak
yeah it's because he's counting frames and calling it delta for some reason
he doesn't actually have any delta variable
Oh... what?
GameForm.Delta so this is delta from last frame ?
so when it stops, delta is 1 or 2, and it speeds up because delta counts up
or that is some random number
I don't know how to calculate frames in C#. I'm not familiar with the timing commands.
you mean frame rate?
And Googling it is near-worthless because there's so many different ones.
delta is always at 1014 because he has the fps counter set to update and reset delta whenever delta counts to 1014
@Dave Same thing.
it's all crazy
(fyi, Delta means "Change In", and in this context, it's "Change In Time" which should be the amount of time that has passed since last frame [or update])
I understand that.
I don't know what C#'s functions for timing are.
@IcyDefiance so his animation is linked to his frame rate?
Just making absolutely sure, :)
@Dave It's linked to the Delta.
Which I've incorrectly calculated.
I thought it was fine until now.
so your delta should hold the time between each frame like:

frame1 | --DeltaTime -- | frame2
look at his gif, and watch when the character stops, compared to when the fps counter changes
that's when delta is being set back to 0
ah i see
then it counts up from there, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc
I'll be back. getting food.
@MattD 9 PM here, you must live far far away
i live in the future
its thursday morning here
@IcyDefiance So I do need this timing, or can I just use a constant for a speed?
you can just scrap the delta in the speed calculations. you won't maintain a constant speed that way, but it'll work.
Okay. So should I implement timing into the game?
remember my rant on time?
there's two main concepts of time
There's real time and then there's game time.
Or 'Delta'
a) "real" time. this is the actual real world time. its what your UI, and your non -game systems run on.
b) "game" time, which is purely simulation time
remember that delta is whatever you want it to be. you can slow down "time" by reducing the delta relative to "real time"
thats an important concept a lot of people dont get :)
Uh-huh. I'm having more trouble implementing it.
how so
C# has so many damn timing elements, and since I'm not using a library/framework there is no standard set to use.
^Like that
is there some concept of a high performance, or high resolution timer?
Q: C# + high resolution timer

suraI want to have a timer with about 5millisecond resolution. but the current Timer in .Net has a resolution of about 50ms. I could not find any working solution that creates a high resolution timer, although some claim that you can do it in C#. Please help

so, stopwatch. awesome
@MattD I used it to compare algorithm runtime.
for pathfinding.
what you need is, for each "time". the previous time you checked it, and the new time now. the difference between the two is the "delta".
for gameTime, you could do something like gameTimeDelta = realtimeDelta * scaleFactor
What I need is a method that gets the current second.
But C# doesn't seem to have anythign like that, unless I used epoch, but I'd like to avoid that.
you're going to be working in milliseconds
not seconds
While (thisSEcond = currentSecond)
[ frame rate ++
@hasherr does DateTime.Now not give you what you want?
@ToddersLegrande No.
that wont count your frame rate
I should probably rephrase that to say "what you need"
There's five different 'Second' variables, all associated with DateTime.
@MattD I realize that was poorly written.
just store the time at a resolution of a second
then compare it
great music
    if (currentSecond = Now.Second)
        lastSecond = currentSecond;
        CurrentSecond = now.Second;
        Delta = 0;
Something like that
But C# is sooo hard to find things I need with.
I know you guys think that Java is messy, but seriously, I have a hard time finding anything I need in C#
Well I'm not sure you know what you need. I don't know what you think you need anyway
Mostly I just don't understand this algorithm
Fine, then don't pay attention to my code. I need code that can calculate FPS, help me limit it to 60, and calculate Delta for me.
delta is never 0

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