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@joapet99 its JS lol
just make one function that decrypts it then
something I can actually run and make sure it works
Then its source
before I go cracking it
It would be easy for you if you had the source
He DOES have the source. You GAVE him the .jar.
Oh yes
@Grey I normally do something like this:
of course you want validation and stuff in there too, but that's just pseudocode
And, once again, if your algorithm is "broken" by having access to it, you didn't build a good one.
It works
Do you understand that? Do you understand that real, modern cryptography is all about using well-known algorithms, there are no "secrets black magic" source code files.
Sorry then it is maybe not cryptography if that is your definition
No, it doesn't work, it turns input text into output text (and allegedly does not undo the transformation correctly). That isn't encryption that's obfuscation and it's not secure.
No, it's the definition.
You're not learning how to make a good cryptographic algorithm like this. You are learning how to make a bad one. That in itself is a good educational step, but you're refusing to admit that it is what you are doing.
So why does it works for me with my EncryptOpener
actually ArbendoOpener
I don't know, I didn't look at it. It sounds like you have been explaining how to use it one way when really it needs to be used another way.
Wait. Did i forget....?
Which returns back to the "rigor in thought processes" point I made earlier.
I gave him wrong things
Which also refers again to that point.
Do you understand?
@MickLH I gave you wrong file
@joapet99 I think you are running low on HP
I did not give you the decryption thingy
I'm gonna get a glass of water, before I download that, test it and tell me exactly how you used it to decrypt your plaintext
I just gave you one jar that will crash
it hasn't the required files
Thats why the Encrypter didn't work
that's scary
What is scary?
I come back and instead of a reassuring "I tested it, good luck and good game." I get what sounds like a guess about why it broke last time
why would the encryptor need the decryptor to work?
Not the decryptor
the LetterCombination file
@MickLH I see why it broke now.
because you hadn't LetterCombination the encrypter crashed
there are 2 .jar files
Yes one encrypter and one decrypter/opener
explain to me how to decrypt it, give me everything except the password
You have to make an encryption first to get the Encryption.txt file
you are supposed to do that with the "winning" answer, so you know I can't cheat
But it is impossible to decrypt something that doesn't exist
is your head broken?
well you included this with it too:
2.0 A
2.1 B
2.2 C
2.3 D
2.4 E
2.5 F
2.6 G
2.7 H
2.8 I
2.9 J
3.0 K
3.1 L
3.2 M
3.3 N
3.4 O
3.5 P
3.6 Q
3.7 R
3.8 S
3.9 T
4.0 U
is that the encrypted text?
But it doesn't give you the answer
no, but that should be what we have to decrypt, right?
No, his output is integers.
@IcyDefiance no that's the uh.. security lol
ok, I'm going with this one
it's the obfuscated way to write 2.1
That mapping is just an intermediate thing
Ugh, finally the UPS guy arrives.
@MickLH have you made an encryption?
@Jovito Excuse my ignorance, but who is that?
@joapet99 no, I'm waiting for your ciphertext still..............................
we don't need to encrypt anything. that defeats the purpose.
oh, you need to put this into a new .txt file
you need to encrypt something and give us the result.
(born March 21, 1959) is a Japanese video game composer, best known for scoring the majority of titles in the Final Fantasy series. He is considered one of the most famous and respected composers in the video game community. Uematsu, a self-taught musician, began playing the piano at the age of eleven or twelve, with Elton John as his biggest influence. Uematsu joined Square (later Square Enix) in 1986, where he met Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. They have worked together on many video game titles, most notably the games in the Final Fantasy series. After nearly 20 years in ...
but don't give us the key, assuming you're using one
@IcyDefiance can you even find where a key goes into this algorithm lmfao?
I just got the decompiler downloaded. looking at his code now.
@joapet99 do you swear to fuck if I put this in a text file and decrypt it, it works?
It's just a transform, so all you need to do is decompile the code.
not maybe
100% or fuck off
seriously, paste it and run it yourself
thank you.
I got the answer
explain what you did
if the answer is ADU
you are retarded
I maked an encryption with the encrypter. The encrypter maked a auto-genrated .txt file called Encryption.txt. I opened the decrypter and choosed the .txt file
the answer is ADU
it's ok, just focus on making games
I'm here when you need help
So did you crack the sequence then
You still have work to do
obviously I cracked it
give me any encrypted text ;)
I'll give the answer
Of course you can find the answer with the decrypter
I thought you could crack a code without the decrypter
You can.
@joapet99 can I give you my decryptor then?
and an encrypted text
You usually need a significantly larger sample set than a single 3-letter word, though.
I have to go
and you will have the decrypter and everything
you just havee to crack it
I'm fucking retarded for going this far
I thought there was at least a key for FUCKS sake
@joapet99 Or more information than just the cipher text in general, since a very small cipher text can expand to any numb of possibilities.
jesus god damn titty fucking christ
I'm just being dramatic, sorry
It would be better to ignore him in the future if you're going to get so agitated. He's clearly not terribly interested in learning things in a particularly correct or efficient manner.
it was more for me to learn
actually, I found the whole thing
I was reluctant to believe someone at that level could even make it into chat
It's not like there is a test :P
@JoshPetrie there's some guy who understands what databases are, and he can't make it in here
but that guy.... is...
What do you mean? Being able to do anything in the chat is mostly based on rep, and it's a very low gate (20 I think)
yeah the guy has 1 rep
100% newbie, but his question showed he at least knows what a DB actually is and a bit about forms even
but it got put on hold
oh well, I wouldn't have touched my project either way tonight
I put the safe part on GitHub tonight though
you talk way too much @MickLH
@Jovito are you extracting my genetic material?
Oh I didn't think so, cool story! Tell me more!
You're either too young to understand, or too mature to care right?
You know I love you. That's why I won't lie to you...
you're a pain in the ass.
I've figured that out, if you want to help, tell me how to fix it
embrace jesus.
You're trolling?
why would you ask something like that?
I'm serious
Do you literally mean that, or are you trolling?
@Jovito if I've understood this conversation so far, you have made an algorithm that, even worse than being trivially crackable, doesn't even have a key, so it doesn't need to be cracked. am I right so far?
you're talking to the wrong newbie dude
@IcyDefiance nah that one left
this one's on a whole different fallacy
oh right, wrong guy
sorry about that
damn J's
lol ikrr
you're awesome
lol ikr! :D
: - :
woah what was that did someone hear a ghost
nvm I must be getting crazy...
okay, so if I'm understanding this ECS thing properly, my mesh rendering system would search entities for entities that have a mesh component, then draw those, right?
so much hate
@IcyDefiance correct
crazy right?
ha. I think it's finally clicking.
I got so much misinformation from crappy tutorials, it made it harder instead.
and pipe down kids, don't make me resort to mind control
@Jovito what's wrong?
nothing's wrong, I'm actually having a beautiful day
that's how I was hoping it would turn out
for you, for me or the whole wide world?
but I don't have that kind of energy tbh
my head hurts
some people are black holes you cant solve with brute force
it's more like taking a limit if you are familiar with calculus
good to know, this is how I picture you sometimes
lol nah
I'd have a cigarette in my hand, on its way to my mouth in that pic
and youd see my satan horns poking my hair a tiny bit
where is god now?
@icydeficance Question about PHP?
that ping didn't work, but shoot
echo('<form method=POST action=' <?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);>'>';
syntax error, unexpected '?'

no idea how to fix :/
afaik php within php is okay.
is this being written to a file or to the page itself?
if it's being written to the page, why not do:
echo '<form method=POST action='.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'>';
as for your specific error, though, it's because you didn't escape the single quotes inside the other single quotes
what language is 'echo' used in? PHP?
echo '<form method=POST action=\'<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\']);>\'>';
should work too
that's ugly
it is
what's this? assembly?
now I see on the page "'>"
what's the exact line?
echo '<form method=POST action=\'<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\']);>\'>';
huh, interesting
try my first answer
echo '<form method=POST action=\'' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '\'>';
I'm not sure it will run php code that gets echoed anyway.
wait that would be partly wrong
there, now it's right
yay it works
now I need to figure out how retain that information :/
because right now it clears the text boxes.
@hash brown.
judging you
okay, last question about implementing ECS, I think. does this look about right for a mesh rendering system?
class MeshRenderingSystem : ISystem
    public void OnUpdate(List<Entity> entityList) { }

    public void OnRender(List<Entity> entityList)
        DrawMeshes(entityList.FindAll(x => x.GetComponent("mesh") != null));

    private void DrawMeshes(List<Entity> meshes)
        for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++)
            Mesh mesh = (Mesh)meshes[i].GetComponent("mesh");

            //draw logic
Looks good to me. ++ on using LinQ
yar it looks good.
@Grey I'm in DC. I'd rather be home coding. Now eat a penis.
e - e
I went to DC before. Got to visit the smithsonian and stuffs.
Meh too.
@IcyDefiance almost
move your LINQ into an updateCache method, and then render the cache
and add a member that is a flag of when to actually update that cache, and of course only set that flag when you really need to
ah okay, that sounds better.
the other thing is how to get the data from my camera
or if there's more than one camera, how do I know which one to use
do I use all of them?
@IcyDefiance your render system should worry about that
yeah that's what I'm making right now
my brain's not in the right mode for this yet
tips hat evening gents
okay, so now I have this:
class MeshRenderingSystem : ISystem
    private Engine engine;
    private List<Entity> meshCache;

    public MeshRenderingSystem(Engine engine)
        this.engine = engine;
        meshCache = new List<Entity>();

    public void OnUpdate(List<Entity> entityList)
        if (engine.Flags.ContainsKey("meshesChanged") && engine.Flags["meshesChanged"])

    public void OnRender(List<Entity> entityList)
I'm only asking because this still feels really backward to me.
@Blue hi
wait, it all just clicked I think
Hey @AlexM. - how's it hangin'?
just right I think
now that the crypto talk is over this place is also more enjoyable :D
@icy Is there a resource that teaches you how use those escape characters in php because I'm getting another error and it's probably related to what you just solved for me :/
Crypto talk? Is that what I saw all those stars about..
joapet tried to build a crypto algorithm
Righto, how'd it go? puking optimism
@Grey if I remember correctly, nothing in single-quotes needs to be escaped except for other single quotes
Now sit tight for AlexM. and the Codewives.
any php keywords in double quotes are interpreted as php keywords, though, so if you type echo "variable prints here: $varThing"; it will translate $varThing into whatever $varThing contains.
@IcyDefiance - spot on, single quotes escape everything.
"keywords" is the wrong word to use there
but yeah, something like that
@Blue well
joapet sent a jar
mick disassembled it
and found a bug in the algorithm
$varStuff = "stuff";
$varStiff = 'stiff';

$varStaff = "$varStuff is not" + '$varStiff';

echo $varStaff; // prints out: stuff is not $varStiff
and that's when I left
echo '<p>Server Name: <input type="text" name="ftp_servername" placeholder="ftp.myserver.com" value=\''.echo $ftp_servername .'\'></p>';
Total Confusion.
HINT pls
too much echo
@Blue *too much php
@Blue disaintnogame();
kill the parenthesis. you don't need them and it's annoying me. :P
also you put a semicolon after ftp_servername
wait, you did echo there too, lol
echo '<p>Server Name: <input type="text" name="ftp_servername" placeholder="ftp.myserver.com" value=\'' . $ftp_servername . '\'></p>';
$strInput = "<p>Server Name: <input type='text' name='ftp_servername' placeholder='ftp.myserver.com' value='$ftp_servername'\/><\/p>";
echo $strInput;
the . operator is just concatenation, similar to + in C syntax
@IcyDefiance you're escaping stuff you don't need
I think both our statements are equivalent, aren't they?
well, other than the forward slash at the end of the input tag
If you really want to suffer through PHP I would recommend using something like AngularJS and just have your PHP be AJAX calls from your model. But I hate PHP so that's the route I would go :P
Ahhh I thought you were escaping double quotes, not a single followed by a string closing quote.
yeah, that is a bit confusing
might be better like this:
echo '<p>Server Name: <input type="text" name="ftp_servername" placeholder="ftp.myserver.com" value="' . $ftp_servername . '" /></p>';
That's why I try to use doubles where possible.
You can still use singles in HTML so it's no biggy.
I like singles better just because it behaves more like C syntax, which I'm used to
and it just feels safer
but no need to jump out of the string for php variables
Its happening
Oansudsanuiaushiguiahsfhuiahfuisahdu Invited.
someone hol dme
Dec 7th
; _ ; THIS IS too much
also obligatory that's what she said joke
@AlexM. V _ V
First Hackathon
10,000 Dolla prize
and internship
oh cool
do you have a team?
I always though hackathons are team based

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