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how about "lottery winner"
isn't that a title enough
sounds like a title to me
also I don't think I've heard of any billion dollar lotteries
I don't think I've ever seen a lottery winner in Romania
they all go bankrupt in a year anyway
will this guy ever be a millionaire
at least he is trying to make some money
oh man
i just finished
wow cool
well, at least you finished last
ba dum tschh
sh @AlexM.! I'm trying to watch League
sh @IcyDefiance! I'm trying to watch @TheProgramm3r trying to watch League
you were playing the drums.... :P
i let whoever was last to go
I still didn't get my fate thru email
goddamnit guys, you starred my "flixel is gay" crap and you didn't star that gem of a game :\
more people need to see it
that website looks so restless
updated with the author's website instead
i downloaded the game
maybe that somehow interrupts and it does not get sent to?
play it pip
you'll like it
play it @Grey
maybe you'll get some ideas
i downloaded it @AlexM.
and make an even more awesome game
flixel is fucking gay
lol'd 5+ times <3
@AlexM. Unzipping
you don't have to tell me everything you do :P
just let me know what you think once you're done
TMI @TheProgramm3r
hmmm I saw AlexM in my playthough
@MickLH :P
@BlueBug weird
didn't get any email yet
you don't get to see the name before
that's true
i saw your name
after i killed you
didn't think it was u.
but I did so only because u lied to me
Wow... I'm so busy, I opened up my music player 4 hours ago, and never started to play music.
I don't want my man to lie to me. I asked you what was up with the moaning sound. You told me you were having sex with a deer.
dude I hate that
@AlexM. when your significant other gets your all hot and bothered about beastiality and is all like JK MISSIONARY
@Jon woa.
As you left the cave you were confronted by a farmer called bluebug. They asked you three questions.
The first question that was asked was:
Why do you have blood on your overalls?
To which you responded:
I tried to help a woman who had blood on herself.
The second question that was asked was:
Why do you have a knife?
To which you responded:
To defend myself if the need arose.
The third question that was asked was:
I heard moans, what have you done?
To which you responded:
Nothing, the woman was in pain.
I was honest
and you killed me
As you left the cave you were confronted by a farmer called bluebug. They asked you three questions.
The first question that was asked was:
Why do you have blood on your overalls?
To which you responded:
I tried to help a woman who had blood on herself.
The second question that was asked was:
Why do you have a knife?
To which you responded:
To defend myself if the need arose.
The third question that was asked was:
I heard moans, what have you done?
To which you responded:
I was having sex with deer. He had a nice long dung.
ok sorry. I just killed you even though u were honest. I am a horrible person. I just wanted to kill an innocent bystander.
the first guy was honest too
but I still killed him
because he seemed suspicious
and didn't want him to go kill everyone
was it kyunghwan chang
I didn't know he was honest obviously
only found out later
yeah I was like "haha die you!" then picked up the name tag only to find out it was you...
oh this is weird
I just played it again
then it is now actually me..
and I killed myself..
if there are no available players the last one probably gets reused
no.. it was me from the past before even
my first run through..
maybe the server pulls out random log if there isn't any available.
no idea
but the game gave me some ideas
> no idea
> but the game gave me some ideas
how dis work
I had no idea about how the server pulls stuff
but the game gave me some ideas about other stuff
hmm, right now my text rendering is pretty fast, but it has to make a draw call for every letter. so "test" takes 4 draw calls.
for debugging purpose? I think that's ok
Bye for now guys, I have to go
but, before I do
for debugging it would be, but I'm not making a game. I'm making a framework/toolset/random code stuff built on top of OpenTK. so speed is toward the top of my list of concerns.
new commit @AttackingHobo @Blue @Jovito
I was going to pass just a position point to a geometry shader, and let the shader construct the quads and texcoords for each letter.
have some fun (requires Python 3.3.x and the corresponding version of Pygame
but sending an array of 256 ints representing the edges of each letter on my spritesheet will probably be even slower than just making 4 draw calls.
sooo maybe I can modify my sprite renderer to draw multiple sprites with one draw call.
I haven't touched geometry shader before. I should try it.
it's nice. my sprite renderer just passes in one point for the top-left of the quad, and the geometry shader makes the other 3. I plan to use the same thing for my particle system once I port that over, which should massively reduce the bandwidth required.
does it save somewhere...? or like only for the frame?
save what?
I can paste my shader here if you want
the points,
it takes whatever data you send it, and emits new vertices based on that info.
you can have out variables just like the vertex shader does, and those out variables go to the fragment shader
bah, I'll post mine here anyway. it explains things better than I can in words.
#version 430
layout (points) in;
layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out;

uniform mat4 spriteMat;
uniform vec2 topLeft;
uniform vec2 bottomRight;

out vec2 texcoord;

void main () {
    for(int i = 0; i < gl_VerticesIn; i++) {
        gl_Position = spriteMat * gl_in[i].gl_Position;
        texcoord = topLeft;

        gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position;
        gl_Position.y = gl_Position.y - 2.0;
        gl_Position = spriteMat * gl_Position;
        texcoord = vec2(topLeft.x, bottomRight.y);
Yay I got jbox2d to work!
opengl4, c++?
C# with OpenTK, but the shaders are still written in GLSL, which is what I pasted there.
and yeah, OpenGL 4, though I don't think there's anything significantly different about geometry shaders with GL3
@joapet99 gg
Q: How Can I make This Mess of Java For Loops Faster?

javaI'm trying to find all the 3, 4, 5, and 6 letter words given 6 letters. I am finding them by comparing every combination of the 6 letters to an ArrayList of words called sortedDictionary. I have worked on the code a good bit to get it to this point. I tested how many six letter words are check...

my eyes
uhh, pretty sure it doesn't work that way
which actually fits the code well
oh. They are emoticons.
damnit I failed to tricock again
@IcyDefiance, why are you processing gl_VerticesIn number of vertices?
I wasn't at first, but I'll need to for my next change.
I copied that in the middle of making changes to it.
ah okk, sorry :)
well to be more technical, I was at first, then realized I didn't have to, removed it, then realized I'll need it for my next change and put it back in. XD
copied it? perhaps from tutorial? mind pointing me to that tutorial if you know a good one?
I did use a tutorial as a starting point, but it's not really a good one. There are a lot of mistakes or even lies in it that are annoying to work out. The only reason I'm still using it is because he does explain the math parts well.
ty mate.
this one's far more thorough, and I believe more accurate: arcsynthesis.org/gltut
more ref, better.
so... if I have an option to "play again with same settings" the player can bypass the setup menus starting a new game
How would you handle a collision box for a animated sprite that varies in width and height?
my temptation is to set a flag and go back to the main menu
the menus then check the flags and quick-advance through them to...
for example.. when traveling horizontally, the sprite would be much wider than when it travels vertically.
bad idea.
they'll animate. ok, forget it.
I guess the collision routine would just have to check what shape the BB currently is
doesn't that just mean the collision box is not const?
Now, adjusting the hitbox based on the current frame is bad, because the player could get stuck.
@Jon in that case, you wouldn't want to allow the sprite to turn while it's too close to a wall, right?
If you are vertically manoeuvering between walls, then turned horizontally when there is not enough room.
I guess create the new BB, check for collisions, if none, then upate
update. otherwise, don't allow whatever action caused the change
One option would be to restrict the movement.
I can see some great ways to get stuck if rotation isn't smooth and you don't allow the player to rotate when he's too close to a wall.
Essentially you'd put a check in place that verifies if you are allowed to change direction.
I don't really like that, as it restricts movements.
But I guess that's the only way
crap, spaces don't work in my text thing either.
text is incredibly irritating
hey it could be worse
it could be flixel text
Q: What's the best cosplay can I do?

Mateus Felipe Martins Da CostaThis is me (You can see I'm not very photogenic.) And I want to know what is a good character to cosplay.

To all those PHP devs out there.
fuck you?
Wth is PHP_SAFE_MODE.I looked at the documentation and it is depreceated.
@AlexM. Nah, dat unsanitary.
why you little
Q: When or for what Reasons should folks turn PHP Safemode ON/OFF?

Samquestion about PHP safe-mode: By default it is switched on in PLESK shared-hosting account environment: While on my site seems to work fine, but maybe it will work faster/better when off? I dont understand the below text very well, especially PHP's explanation: PLESK: By default, PHP is configur...

^ I saw thsi one
Maybe I should be asking
"shared-server security problem" what this is
things like this function, probably: us2.php.net/file_put_contents
Oh changing files?
also, all databases on a shared host are all at "localhost", so you need users and permissions there.
basically anything that might let users interfere with other users on that server
Oh so it was an attempt to stop malicious users.
yeah, at least that's what I got from the question I linked first.
This is not a movie set - Quebec, Canada
fuck 9gag
cool picture though
too bad the 9gag watermark RUINS IT
it could be worse
it could be a FlxPicture
@Grey since you're messing with php, I'll address this to you. don't watermark pictures, unless they're really yours.
Watermarking all the things.
okay, short rage session is over. now I'll rage at code instead.
YOu can't stop me
watermarks your avtar
It is done.
it's John!
hi John!
^ o ^ John
are the streets in your city like that too?
man I'd love to live there
@Icy I've never messed around with PHP before. Contributing to my first OS project :o and it is addicting.
I can see something like that down Stephen Ave in Calgary, but right now it's pretty dry
And Stephen Ave is much wider
can't wait to get that much snow here
I'd totally contribute to open source projects, if I used any that I had significant problems with...
I'll totally look at it then go back to WoW
actually monogame might be a good one.
but I'm also too lazy. vOv
@IcyDefiance I don't really use it it's just a chance to get to know a new technology
Right now the project suffers from two things
Lack of Documentation
lack of being supergiant monogame?
and the developers reason for this is that he made it in a week(hackathon style) and he doesn't have time to comment it out
It's kind of irritating because he knows the code base better than anyone. It took me like two hours to wrap my head around this one php script he had.
There was only one comment in there.
bah, I introduced a bug in arx libertatis and I need to fix it
but I had so little time on my hands I couldn't even ars ignis :\
The second thing it suffers from is the error handling.
He uses die(); for every error.
every error as in...
even user caused errors?
Like for example
I have a rule of thumb I follow
if PHP_SAFE_MODE is enabled it will interfere with the creation of directories on the server
for anything the user is able to cause, use exceptions
for anything else it's the programmer's fault and assertions are in order
so he just kills the webpage and leaves a semi-helpful message
and I'm like. Wot.
if you messed something up, let the program fail fast
@Grey that sounds like a programmer error
and killing it is a good idea
@AlexM. because he couldn't think of an alternative.
@AlexM. No it's a bad idea, because the user will be "WTF'ing"
it shouldn't have been released to the user in that state
@AlexM. Well it did.
and in any case, it's a bug
and you can't catch bugs like you catch exceptions
Hoping I can fix it. There is a workaround.
either way, I'm sorry, but you're kinda wrong :\
@AlexM. k
@AlexM. It's not a bug
It is an exception.
So I wrote in the a check to see if I can move, before a direction change is made
And it seems to work pretty good
no it's not, it's an error
black bear.
"Exception handling is the process of responding to the occurrence, during computation, of exceptions – anomalous or exceptional events requiring special processing – often changing the normal flow of program execution."
Q: What is difference between Errors and Exceptions?

hiren gamit Possible Duplicate: Differences betweeen Exception and Error How can I differentiate between Errors and Exceptions in Java?

Right. And in this case it should try to catch it :)
I am sorry, but there is no way for the user to cause the behavior
There is.
how can the user override some setting in the PHP installation
some servers allow you to, some don't.
don't you need server access?
most paid servers allow you access to php.ini
even shared hosting
mine does
erm, okay
let me make this idiot friendly
how can the end user, who is using a browser, override some setting in the PHP installation.
@AlexM. php.ini
well, most of the time you do amaze me with your amazing work
but every now and then you drop these stuffs around
I get what's going on now. You're defining terms differently.
@Icy it's not my fault. Alex has screwy def's
Grey's defining "end user" as the programmer who will be using the php script in development here, which is probably the right way to look at it.
@Grey please change the php.ini used by a PHP-based forum of your choice
like, PHPBB
Alex is defining end user as the person actually viewing the web page in the browser once the product is released.
find a website running that forum
and change the php.ini on the server
@AlexM. I can't.
of course you can't
this script is meant to be implemented by other developers, right?
the end user cannot cause that behavior
meaning those other developers are the end user.
@IcyDefiance Person who has access to the server(or owns it)
therefore it's an error, and an error caused by the programmer
@AlexM. No it's not an error
(a programmer using a script is an end user for that script btw)
@Grey yeah, so it's meant to be used in other websites, not being made specifically for one website.
@AlexM. that's what I've been going on about for the last 2 minutes. -.-
@Grey I'm done arguing with you
feel free to
@AlexM. No argue with me more.
gets flame thrower
try { runApp(); } catch (Exception e) { Print("A problem occured."); }
because it makes sense
@AlexM. in this case, your points are correct, but your premise is wrong. Grey's right here.
just like when I installed Joomla and it told me it needed php 4.3.something. if it just crashed hard, I would've been pissed.
that's because I am the end user for them.
Grey is saying that by setting that flag, directory creation is messed up
right, so if the end user has that flag set, it should say something like "Disable this shit or I won't do what you want."
is this a library or something?
that's the impression I got, though Grey hasn't been perfectly clear about it
I mean why else would you worry about whether someone has that flag set?
if it's not meant for others to use, just don't set that flag.
well, he was busy insisting it's an exceptional case, rather than explaining things better
@AlexM. and you were busy insisting things were errors
I explained it 3x over, and got ignored. vOv
I wouldn't have been able to explain things better anyway
because I'm not using your software
so it made sense for me to insist
think with contracts when writing code
contract checks always make the program fail if they fail
those are errors
between the user and the contract-checked layers, there's an extra layer for validation
if validation fails, exceptions are thrown
not errors
well you can k me all you want :\
you're not even remotely funny imo

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