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It is when the web page looks like that.
Lol, ask to make a new one.
To me, it looks like a Catholic Youth Group home page.
'Come join us for a night of fun, food, games, and friends!'
@hasherr WAAAAAH
You told me that I could use OpenTK w/ Mobile.
@hasherr Port it and you can. ;d
Android uses Java or C++.
You can use OpenTK with Android
I'd tell you how but then I'd have to kill you.
that uses opentk
I just happen to own a buissness license from them, too.
checks to see if it's free
For the higher up stuff.
you can use it for free
Looks like everything I need is free.
Did they change their licensing again?
Looks like it.
@Lasse Damn you1
You used to not be able to deploy to the device on free
Looks like you can here.
like, not even test on your device
You had to use the emulator
And it was so awful..
@VaughanHilts that's just stupid if you want any popularity
I have a device. i will never use the emulator again.
@Lasse That's how it was.
And I own a free license because of it
Here's my question: What is Xamarin Studio?
Is it any good?
I was like "WTF GUYS I CAN'T DO ANYTHING" and they handed me a free license
@hasherr it's monodevelop with different label
I use it
@hasherr It's a port of MonoDevelop; it's a boiled down VS. It's okay. VS is better.
I like VS, but if feels cluttered if you don't have a big enough monitor.
Sounds find to me, I like Monodevelop.
VS can be trimmed down
You've clearly got too much going on :)
I don't like it when I'm debugging and when I finally fix my code I realize I have almost 10 layers open on top of my workspace
Monodevelop was okay. VS is still my favorite.
Found it!
I was their 5000th ish customer
Back when it was still called Mono for Android
So you can use C# to write iOS and Android apps?
You can, you can.
I've made a couple, works nice. :)
Is it 'Write once, run anywhere'?
Let me rephrase that
Your model and logic can be shared
But you need to rewrite all your UI code
I expected that.
And it works with OpenTK?
Even so, a pretty sweet deal.
The OpenGL stuff works everywhere, any platform.
Since you'll be rolling your own.
What have you published? Sorry, just trying to get as much info as possible.
Yes, OpenTK works.
Internal apps only. :)
Nothing you can see
No, normal apps.
That's okay, just wondering. Games, apps?
Grocery scraper as one of them - you walked through aisles grabbing barcodes and it'll look them up, grab their name, UPC any info about them, and sove them in a DB
I wrote it so I could collect product info and build my own grocery DB
And all I had to do was run down grocery aisles
Scanning as many codes as I could :)
Also wrote a game in OpenTK / MonoGame for 'Droid on it
I imagine you scanning as many codes as possible, and then somebody seeing you yelling 'HE'S GOT THE CODES!' And then watching everybody scramble.
Called 'Retro Run'
Parents just asked me if I needed any Software stuff for Christmas.
Seriously considering asking for Win 8.1
Win 8.1 is fvree.
if you got win8, 8.1 is free
well thats sensible
except no one bothered with window s8
@Lasse I don't have Win8
raises hand I did.
I have Win7
keep it, youll be better off
I have nothing to ask for, lol
I've already shelled out 100 bucks for christmas and I have nothing that I need.
A new monitor.
@VaughanHilts I already have one!
No room on desk for another.
ask for a bigger desk
no room in room for bigger desk
ask for bigger room
"it's for coding purposes"
ma, paw, I need new house
Your name is actually Vaughan Hilts
I always knew that Vaughan was your name, but I thought Hilts was just some character from an Anime or a silly nickname...
Nope, my real name is Vaughan Hilts.
My real name is Hasherr McBasherr
I really should polish and release Retro Run
It's actually pretty cool.
I'll play it.
It's too simple, though.
You'd be bored in twenty minutes or less.
You swipe, and your red dot goes in that direction until it hits something
After that, it stops. Your goal is to catch the yellow dot, the duck.
rename it to 'Duck Stahp'
I guarentee you'll get 10+ more minutes of entertainment out of your users.
Clever, I like it.
I might finish it and GitHub it
And launch it on the play store for kick
'Duck Stahp touched my heart like ET did, ripped it out, put a band aid on it, and punted it back into my chest. It's an emotional roller coaster that sent me from the depths of hell to the glorious realms of freedom, all in less than 20 minutes. 10/10 without a question.' - IGN
GOTY 2013 - 2052
'It was okay.' - Reddit
I have no idea what I am doing wrong here now. The program just refuses to clear the GL buffers
'My pants were wet. Like, SOPPING wet, as I progressed through the game. I only noticed when my neighbor knocked on my door yelling 'Stop yelling, you dicker!' Action packed, 11.5/10' - Bear Grylls
I'm off, guys.
@hasherr Your marketing phrases are probably a bit overkill. ;)
5 hours later…
@VaughanHilts They got me to google it before realizing it was just fluff. :P
I should add some sort of unit testing deal to my project.
Or at the very least, a few tests I can do easily to confirm features are working as expected.
Hi all!I want some walk and jump sprite for my game.can anyone help me?
tnx but I think about 2d sprites...
@mpower There are plenty of 2D sprites on that site.
I found them now.at first look there is no 2d sprite
@Noctrine The guy has problems with both Photoshop and Firefox. :P Perhaps he needs to upgrade his system, rather than blame the software.
Hmm, if I have two branches in git, lets say a master and an experimental branch, and fixes are added to the master branch, how would i propagate them from master to experimental?
Seems copying them one by one could get tedious.
Q: How to keep pixel arts unblurred?

mpowerI'm creating a game in GMStudio that uses pixel arts. when I launch the game, all textures and... become blurred but that effect is applied for bigger images to be smoother not small ones. let me show some examples: This: rendering as this: Is there anyway to keep them in pixels not blurred pi...

can anyone answer this?
how do you load the textures?
oh it's game maker
I have no idea how to fix that with it
this happens on a big part of programs when you open pixel art
have you considered using larger images with doubled pixels?
the more resolution the source images have, the less they blur out
good Idea but doing this with many pictures is not too easy
that's the problem with pixel art games and today's technology. The technology is not made for such low resolution
Rudimentery googling skills are essential if you want to be a programmer. :)
I'm a game maker! not programmer :D
sometimes that's the same thing
It's always the same thing. You can't make a computer-game without at least a bit of programming.
that depends on what you naming computer-game.
A game played on a computer?
first game I made with UDK don't have even a line of code
Programming isn't about lines of code. If you use drag'n'drop behaviors to influence interaction, that's also programming. Consider Game Maker's drag'n'drop system, that's programming.
yes.I didn't think about that...
That and if you're doing something where you don't write a single line of code to make a game, in my opinion you're missing out some serious functionallity
@William'MindWorX'Mariager the answer is on that page surely but what is that function exactly?I read it twice but can't find the answer! may be I can't understand it.@Blue yeah.after making that game I understand what can I do with codes.
@mpower: By writing code you can do individual behaviour of things in a game. Things that the programmer of the "engine" did not implement. This programmer cannot implement "everything"
Hi Nathan.
"Oh you want to drive a truck inside a naked loli and attack her cervix... sorry there isn't a command for that." - It's been done.
@nathan - yo
@mpower - updated the answer for you
All the VBA programmers in the house say "Yooo-oahhh!"
Not sure how much longer I can deal with this shitty language
Just don't tolerate it, and hate it out loud. Perhaps MS will add C# support at some point.
Hahahah! That'll be the day!
yes, C# isn't optimal but better.
What would be optimal then?
I wouldn't mind if VBA in Excel just had a decent fucking IE and compiler.
It can't even identify User Type errors and take me to the correct line.
It's made of wet paper piled on top of soggy bread. It's sluggish, irritable and just balls.
tips hat
Mornin' @hasherr
tips fedora
protected override void OnRenderFrame (FrameEventArgs e)
	// Add delta to total time
	time += (float)e.Time;

	// Trim total time to be max PI*2
	if (time >= (float)Math.PI*2)
		time -= (float)Math.PI*2;

	// Add model to rendering queue
	Matrix4 modelMatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale (25) * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(time);
	//Matrix4 modelMatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale (25) * Matrix4.CreateRotationY((float)Math.Sin(time));
	model.QueueRender (ref modelMatrix);

	// Clear the main framebuffer
	GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
what is wrong with this, it just does not clear the color and depth buffers
I am so god damn stupid
@StefanK. What's wrong with C#?
ModelRenderer.Clear ();
now with that added, it actually clears the rendering queue too
@Blue, I remember using VBA to make Excel macros at a company I worked for when I was like... 14 or something.
I cut my work day almost in half by automating tedious procedures they had me do.
I've made an entire errand delegation suite in Excel VBA back end @William'MindWorX'Mariager, Macros would have been peanuts, this is just tedious.
I am destroying my house looking for chapstick right now.
@Blue Haha
@hasherr Never realized you were a girl. :P
No, just a guy with extremely dry lips.
aka a girl. :P
I wasn't referring to your gender buy rather your masculinity. :D
I'm just joking around of course. <3
A: null refrence when adding dictionary in unity3d

BlueYou just needed to instantiate your dictionary before using it, do this in your start before you use Add() and you should be plain sailing. Here is a working example I just ran in unity using your file example. I just edited to also add in the loop you need to add all the lines into the myDiction...

Whore all the votes!
@Yellow Gave you a downvote!
Will Montgomery? Sounds cool. :D
You mustn't forget the willy.
Ignore me.
I missed that it wasn't C#. :D
slaps @William'MindWorX'Mariager with a wet fish
I could do a for( balh in blah) but I just know with all the typing crap that Javascript has in Unity3d it wasn't worth it.
Q: How to verify/workaround severe JS engine bug?

MickLHIn a piece of software I am writing, I find that the behavior of variable assignment changes into something unpredictable and useless when my function recurses too many times. Moving the code in question into a separate file and feeding it the same inputs gives the expected results, as do the oth...

we thought you were gone for good!
well, not really, only @Dave thought
can you list some free flash games with free license , that I can try to put to my website for visitors to play?
alex do you have any suggestion?
try the results from the first to the last, or until you get bored
haha, you made my day :)
that's a pretty good answer Alex.
first result, seems to have a lot of flash games
I am just very concern with licenses.. you know..
"For use on websites accessed by PCs and Laptops only. Not to be used for mobile devices or tablets, including but not limited to the Android Market, iOS devices, Blackberry or Windows Mobile."
asking random people in a chatroom for help with something as important as licensing is not necessarily the best option.
sure thing, at least I can gather more info.. :) how about responsive website? does it fall for pc or mobile?? you ideas would help me..
@Almo flashgames247.com - what can you say about the website? is it legit?
@AlexM. thanks :)
np, I suck at licenses so I can't help you there
but you shouldn't worry that much about flash games on mobiles
please do not overuse ping. I'm at work, and just look here when I have a moment.
flash is dead in mobile browsers anyway
you should also let it die on desktop browsers too
understood Almo, Alex is heart breaking to hear that, I mean...'dead' is something...
well, Apple never supported it
so it never lived within iPhones and iPads
scary to know that...so how do apple users enjoy games?? alternative to flash you mean?
i play lots of games on my iPhone
you don't normally play browser games on tablets or phones
they're apps, not webgames.
suddenly, Pandemic has 108 warnings when I compile
changed overnight. wtf
looks like opengl stuff
i see... .
It wouldn’t be a tech launch without some sort of hardware failure causing a bit of a fuss across the internet. For the Xbox One, some people are finding that their freshly unpacked Xbox Ones have a broken disc drive.
The First-Ever Official Video for ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ Is an Interactive Masterpiece wired.com/underwire/2013/11/bob-dylan-rolling-stone-video
that is awesome
close xcode reopen recompile warnings gone o_0
SCons was the best builder i ever used
not once did a rebuild give me a different result, and that was with an Unreal 2 project on PSP. Specifically Splinter Cell.
argh can't get a cure because contingency planner needs to reuse New Assignment to turn into the Scientist to get a cure with 4 cards instead of 5, but he can only hold one event at a time, and he already has Rapid Vaccine Deployment, which can only be played when you find a cure.
which would have happened last turn if the Researcher who was previously the Generalist until I played New Assignment had drawn a black card for the Field Operative to take. We lose. :(
Pandemic is actually quite a complex game.
I'm honestly suprised it's as popular as it is.
two things named Rand(). One returns the current RNG, the other returns a new one seeded to 0
getting the wrong one, can't figure out why. Fun.
Hey William
If noobe answered you, just do a merge with your master
You forgot the @. Lucky I noticed the message. :P
Yeah, I think I found out. I should checkout master, checkout experimental and then merge master into experimental.
But doesn't that end the master branch?

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