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Yeah, that's right. I went there.
how can I make a gif out of a video file?
Hit print screen, paste the contents to paint, save as a jpg, repeat until video is over, combine jpg files into gif with another tool. BOOM
You can record a GIF with LiceCap to begin with.
My suggestion is honestly horrible. Don't take it seriously
If all else fails, record the video playing with LICECap xD
(My suggestion is slightly less horrible, but still suck)
Do videos still have that problem where they don't print screen properly? I haven't tried in a while
no known tools?
@ToddersLegrande That's not really a video problem - it'd be a software thing.
@VaughanHilts Well right...
Seems like this can do it: imgflip.com/gifgenerator
@ToddersLegrande So.. I'm nopt familar with what software had this issue. :p
Speaking of software, WinAMP is dead guys. No longer whippin' the Llamas ass.
@VaughanHilts like... Windows XP and Windows Media Player
and MS Paint
Pop in a DVD, can't do a screen grab of whats playing
@ToddersLegrande Dunno then, I've never used WMP for my video. VLC all day errday.
And VLC screen captures fine(even has a built in feature for it)
@VaughanHilts WHY AOL WHY :( Fucking winamp was so awesome
Yeah well I was in 8th grade and more into art than computers (though art on the computer) at the time
@AttackingHobo because Llamas don't make money.
thanks @Vaughan
God this hold music is AMAZING. It's only been 11 minutes
So, who fucked up this time @ToddersLegrande
If I told you I'd have to kill you.
Tell me, then.
@ToddersLegrande hold music?
Tech support hold music, probably.
Or at least a representative.
Nah its a conference bridge that plays music until at least a second party joins
And every 30 seconds it stops the music and repeats to me the access code I entered in case I perhaps entered it wrong
But alas..
I think Latin is the ultimate 'hold' music genre, period.
something like Copacabana
post the conf number so we can all crash the call
I don't even know how to properly describe what I'm hearing
@Jimmy That would be fun wouldn't it
@ToddersLegrande Yes it would
I'm tempted to dial in on my cell phone....
If someone emails you and says they are running late and to "hang tight" how long do you wait?
half hour.
Oh someone joined the web ex
Maybe they'll call in soon
@OliverSchöning OMG ITS 3D
wtf facebook...
I randomly clicked the FPS counter and dragged a little and my world changed!
Hehe :p
I gave up on making my own astar. And just went for the best performing one out there
Motivation to make games today: 0%
I'm going to die in 2 days. Skydive
@ToddersLegrande I usually ask them "how long?" and tack on ten minutes.
Yahoo! SQLception complete! PL/SQL that generates SQL that generates SQL, :D
Since I find people under estimate usually.
heh, not messy at all: key_concat := key_concat || ', '''''' || ' || table_keys(k) || ' || '''''' ';
A: I would like a mug please

Shotgun NinjaHey Stack Overflow! When I tried to reach the site It was a teapot.

Time to win all the mugz.
@ShotgunNinja Nice
I need something else to work on...
@AttackingHobo Blocked...
What does it say?
It says "Keep Calm, While we steal your data"
With Chromes logo
And the back says "Don't get scroogled"
Isn't Microsoft responsible for some data theft as well?
And its from the official microsoft store
Yeah, that Scroogled campaign :p
@hasherr Yup.
this seems a bit awkward though... does Microsoft not steal our data?
Then why the hell are they talking?
@Jimmy Exactly...
I mean, I figure PRISM applies to everyone
@Jimmy It's no fun if you have to own up to it, too.
I got into an arguement with a kid today in programming. You guys would've been proud of me.
@hasherr what about?
He doesn't make games. We have to make games. I was explaining delta to some of my friends, as they're pretty new to programming, and he chimed in like 'What?'
A: What would a "2nd person" viewpoint consist of?

Alex M.It depends only on your point of view over the issue. When you see your character from afar, standing in front of a chest, you can think of him in three different ways: I am standing in front of the chest. My character is standing in front of the chest. The character is standing in front of the...

I told him what it was, and he said he wouldn't need it.
this is a really interesting question, but it's way too broad if you dig deep enough
I have an "Achievement" mug at work. "You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision, determination, and an endless supply of expendable labor."
I asked him what was in the game, and he told me it was a 2D RPG. I said, yeah, you'll need it.
@hasherr if its turn based shouldn't matter at all
and it's also not gamedev related if you dig deep enough
it's more related to psychology and philosophy
@AttackingHobo It's part turn-based, but it's a 2D game. Meaning movement, interaction, etc.
He argued with me for about 10 minutes. He still doesn't think he needs to measure his delta/fps consistency.
I mean, people wrote 2D games back in the day that were just fixed-rate loops where your delta is kind of implicit
Is there any live interaction? Because if there isn't then it does not really matter too much. On a really super old shitty computer an animation might take a bit longer but the game itself will work fine
Yes. It's a 2D game with LIVE interaction.
I shouldn't have even said RPG, it's a 2D game.
So its not turn based?
Hmm. Well it really depends. If its his first game running at a fixed timestep should't be an issue as long as he doesn't bog the computer down
ideally for any game I would use a fixed timestep with interpolation, instead of worrying about all the weird effects and edge cases with a dynamic timestep.
I think he'll need it. He's so stubborn sometimes, and he just won't listen to anybody just because he owns his own company.
can you give him an example of why his game will be crappy without it?
I did, he was being stubborn like I said.
I don't see any problem with what he is doing, other than if he tries to run the game on a really bad computer.
We're not on great computers.
If he designs it for that computer and it holds steady then it should be fine.
I told him, if he wants to make the game at both home and school, it's something he HAS TO HAVE, otherwise performance will be different on both computers.
Not if he limits the framerate
He owns a $3000 dollar laptop and we do our coding on computers from 2005 at school.
There might be some issues there..
Hardheadness is a common trait in Hasherr's school :p
@AttackingHobo That's what I'm talking about. He doesn't believe in that.
let him suffer then
@Noctrine Hey, I'm climbing my way out.
he doesn't believe in a limited framerate or he doesn't believe in using variable delta-times?
@AttackingHobo Will do.
@Jimmy Either.
well, that's an easy problem to fix
I'll not participate and help organize.
He didn't even know what it was at first mention, he'll run hard up against it and then prolly be here trying to figure it out :p
Pick the theme too.
I did have the most suggestions for the last one :p
weren't you responsible for the theme last time?
No, a computer was :p
@Byte56 For the Jam?
I was responsible, but it was randomly chosen.
For the Jelly.
@hasherr Yes
What was the theme, anyway?
How was it randomly chosen?
There can only be one.
@Byte56 with that being said, I have a question.
Was it picked using a cryptographically secure random number?
I think the main complaint was that suggestion # 12 was randomly chosen out of the top ten, due to a 4-way tie
Will the games br required to be in browser still?
Soo... will they?
Need a fully random dice roll or something with more entropy
Why do you hate that requirement brown :\
j want to wrire my next game in C#
@AttackingHobo Complete with dice tower
I don't like it either, but that's just because my day job is webdeving and I work with browsers a lot. I'd be okay with it if it was a browser game again.
just use unity for C#. add empty scene, add dummy component, write a monobehavior that calls your C# component
@hasherr Supergiant Monogame
I just figured how stupid that "I work with browsers a lot" sounds
runs with NaCl
I never managed to get supergiant MG to build correctly
I also can't use unity as linux has no web unity support
@Jimmy would that work with an added framework? Like OpenTK?
I might have to go sleep, I am producing stupid sentences now. :|
or you could try JSIL for simple XNA apps probably
@hasherr no, but why would you need OpenTK when you can do this:
isn't that 90% the same API
#Brown hates Unity
well, glBegin/glEnd is horrible practice nowadays, but if you can use modern functions, then yeah it's identical
Yeah, not a big fan of Unity. If we can't establish an non in-browser system then I'll have to write in Java again. :/
@hasherr Supergiant Monogame :D
What is that? On mobile, mind dropping me a link?
@Noctrine whoa, I didn't know what you meant by that at first, but after googling it, that's awesome
THANKS. Alright going out to eat, see you guys in a bit.
on a tangent from that, I really can't wait for Transistor's release.
@IcyDefiance que?
I never finished bastion
not sure I will like transistor
@ShotgunNinja upcoming game by the makers of Bastion. it looks pretty cool to me.
Bastion is one of very, very few games that I've played through more than once.
I'd buy for the OST :\
I'd buy because supergiant
who knows what fork they'll make available after transistor
I think Bastion, LoZ:OOT, SSB:Brawl, and the first Halo are the only games whose campaign I've beaten more than once, and the last two were only because I did it while cooperating with different people.
ffffff, I need to get out of this place
gotta get mad sleeps, work on the Anime Milwaukee website, and go to Daisho Con.
I have like 20 minutes left to work, and it's driving me crazy
TIL SSB has a campaign :P
@AlexM. yeah I have a pretty good amount of respect for Supergiant. I think they did an AMA once too, and sounded like great people. (hits google for a second) yep, here: reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/lwljh/…
(reads some of it again) okay, not great, but fairly cool anyway
@Jimmy Brawl does. I don't remember any on the previous games.
Kid reads some of the AMA again. Then he speaks in italic, 'cause of the memories. Memories get distorted by time, you know. Ain't nice when you realize it.
shit, look at the time, I gotta sleep
Just Arcade on the old ones
technically, I believe most of memory distortion is caused by remembering it, since your state of mind when remembering it gets applied to the memory. but that just me regurgitating another distorted memory of something I read.
@Noctrine Humble Bundle was giving away the OST
@VaughanHilts For Transition?
@Noctrine Nevermind, thought we were talking about Bastion.
Explosions! :D
no idea who that is
but cool name :)
@Mariano its the host from a local tv show
@Mariano he also hosts another show called "In Bed with Mariano"
I should host an "in bed with Mariano" show
you woudn't if you saw his guests
ok, let's talk games. So far I have a simple tiled map, some tiles are solid, sprites collide with solid tiles, everything works. My enemies follow the player using a simple enemy.velocity = (player.position - enemy.position).normalize() * speed * elapsed
@Mariano ship it.
now, this simple line does nothing for sliding on a tile, so if the player and an enemy is separated by a tile, the enemy will stop moving. Wondering if there's an accepted method to follow
it's on github if you wanna check it out...
like, transfering x velocity to y or viceversa
position is a vector?
@Mariano what do you mean seperated by a tile?
let me upload a picture
with a tile between them?
yeah, tile between them
enemy is at same Y axis as player, and it tries moving on X, but there's a tile so it stands still
be careful to split your concepts of pathing, and locomotion
you want your pathing to tell the enemy (you need to be here). the enemy'
yeah, don't really want to get into paths yet, was wondering if there's a simple method for sliding on a tile
s locomotion needs to work out how to get there
@Mariano A tile that its colliding with?
what is "sliding" on a tile?
shoudn't the enemies stop when they hit a solit tile?
moving above it, I guess
doesnt make any sense in the context. im pretty confused as to what the actual problem is... got those images? :)
@Mariano nothing that is neat or feels right for the player
His problem is that he has no pathfinding and the enemy is just attempting to walk towards the player and can get stuck on objects
ah you want to path around the tile?
guy in center is my player, left are the enemies
enemy on the left gets his velocity from the equation stated above
@Mariano a simple fix would be to detect that state and change the enemies behaviour to only go up or down
welcome to short term obstacle avoidance
and when its clear of the block track the player again
@Mariano well, this is where proper pathing would work nicely, it would "path" around the obstacle. for dynamic things. locomotion needs to be able to "avoid" things that suddenly block the path.
wait, does he want it to avoid the obstacle, or be stuck on it so the player can hide?
Yeah, i've been reading about A* and others, shouldn't be too hard, but I was wondering if there was something cheap and hacky I could do
@Mariano basically, for a simple approach. when there is an obstacle between the enemy and the player. and movement is impossible. you could simply have the enemy check perpendicular motion to see if that is also blocked.
@Mariano and move perpendicularly for a set distance (max) until it is unblocked.
Then Hobo's solution would do it.
I want the enemy to avoid the obstacle, what I said about sliding meant when it can no longer move right, maybe move that velocity down the y axis
@MattD exactly, something like that
you want perpendicular so it works for vertical blocks as well as horizontal blocks
you could also favour certain directions first to gain some predictability
consider the same problem if the player is able to "create" blocks while escaping enemies. the enemies will be heading towards the player, but now need to avoid the obstacle
@Mariano What do you think of my solution?
i think we're saying the same thing just in different terms.
@AttackingHobo just read it, yeah seems to be the same thing, transfer velocity to its perpendicular axis
gonna try it, thanks guys
not so much as a transfer of velocity
more that, shit i cant continue to move along the vector i was moving. so i'd better try something perpendicular to that
(or since you're using tiles, on a different more perpendicular cardinal axis)

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