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sup dudes/dudettes - i'm hoping to find a little help in filling a gap in my elemental type-matching, anyone interested?
i'm setting up the four classic elements, each as two polar counterparts
wind has lightning, earth has wood, water has ice - but i can't for the life of me find a good pair to fire
I saw your question, haven't been able to come up with one
usually the opposite to fire is ice but i see your problem
But lightning = wind+fire, wood = earth+water, ice=water+wind, maybe ??? = earth+fire
as a physics guy, i don't see the others as polar counterparts,either. so i think you have some freedom there
Ooh! Metal that was the one
lightning is just static electricity
yeah metal is my placeholder for now - i've heard dragon and plasma as interesting options too
if you consider fire as a lifegiver, you could pass off ghost as its counterpart
fire IS plasma
@Almo the bit of lightning that we see is also plasma =p
Plasma is all the things
oooo, good material alex thanks!
no prob :D
Relationship with other Natures
Lightning is strong against earth because it can easily travel through and break the ground apart but weak against wind because it is a natural electrical insulator.
Lightning also has a unique relation with water, since water conducts electricity. This means that a Water Release technique can be used to increase the damage of a Lightning Release technique and vice versa.[11] Though this also means that if one's opponent still has a physical connection with the water, either a pre-existing source or one created with their own chakra, then they can be paralyse
why are there so many damn pairs for earth? wood, metal, dust, crystal
it's nice because there's this stuff
@CodeMoose ignore those, just concentrate on the basic ones
those are derivatives and combinations
A circular diagram of the different elemental weaknesses. Clockwise from the top: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water. The clockwise direction also shows what particular element is strong against.
gotta go pick up lunch - thanks for the input all, got plenty of new material to consider
hehe, I was the one who put metal
Metal (), the fourth phase of the Chinese philosophy of Wu Xing, is the decline of the matter, or the matter's decline stage. Metal is yin in character, its motion is inwards and its energy is contracting. It is associated with the Autumn, the west, old age, the planet Venus, the color white, dry weather, and the White Tiger (Bai Hu) in Four Symbols. The archetypal metals are silver and gold. Attributes In Chinese Taoist thought, Metal attributes are considered to be firmness, rigidity, persistence, strength and determination. The metal person is controlling, ambitious, forceful and s...
I remembered that in Chinese lore, they replace the Western "wind" with wood and metal.
went to McDonald's and there were these kids constantly going to the McCafe counter and 'stealing' sugar packets
the parents were so idiotic all they could say to them was "please stop"
the only way for them to stop was for the group to leave
there was no intent from the parents to put the sugar back or smack those brats to hell
actually forget the kids, the parents needed a smacking more
honestly there should be an exam for people to take before they're allowed to make kids
does any one know of a good detailed thread about benefits of multi threading games
dunno, spend a year with a doll which records the way you take care of it
people are kind of notorious for pretending to be good to pass a test
yeah but you probably won't be ok with spending a full year pretending if you don't want to have kids for good
okay here's a question.
for my obj loader, if the exporter exports the faces as quads instead of triangles
I need to convert them to triangles by taking vertex 0, 1, 2, and then 2, 3, 0
will they deal damage? QUAD DAMAGE
so I have this code:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

if (verts.Length == 4)
	for (int i = 2; i > 1; i++)
		if (i == 4) i = 0;

		//exact same code
I really hate repeated code. is there a better way to do this?
yay allman <3
@Dave It's not an easy task, and unless you're doing some heavy processing, you are unlikely to gain anything
quoting a romanian magazine "is it just me or are all next-gen games mediocre?"
no shit
it's just the consoles that changed
@IcyDefiance Call a function?
the games are the same
well the developers wanted not to have to learn a new console for each port of their big games
most notably the extreme architecture differences of the PS3
so they got it
@ShotgunNinja well yeah, I abstracted it until there are only about 7 lines of repeated code, but meh, I still don't like it.
I hope they're happy
there's a nice video by total biscuit
about how you should not play NFS Rivals
he 'hacked' the game to run at 60 fps instead of 30
guess what, the speed of the game is frame based :\
I have no idea why they did that
on console you're certain of the hardware
yes but...
if you're guaranteed 30 FPS at all times, why not do it?
Probably because under most conditions, you can assume a PS3 will have roughly the same load.
I mean
Does this game have multiplayer?
you're really not guaranteed 30 fps at all times. if you assume that, the player can intentionally slow it down to cheat.
you can probably play it... after you watch N minutes of unskippable cutscenes
how on a console?!?
I can see slowing it down on a PC by messing with other applications
but consoles tend to be pretty well-locked down
I dunno, I have no idea how big companies work, no idea what kind of pressure the people were under but
to not consider the time between frames for the speed of everything?
consoles are entirely hackable. it takes a few tricks, but people release the scripts online for others to use, and it's not usually hard to find them.
I mean ffs it's not even that much of a big deal
those people will find a way to cheat anyway
I've used a fair number of them on my brother's Wii
It was probably just a practical decision made at some point by the project lead.
like those damned mouse-to-joypad devices fucking up FPSs
@Almo the harder you make it, the fewer people will do it, and not relying completely on fixed framerate is a very easy measure to take
the fact that game is locked to the frames per second is well.. an amateur mistake
@ShotgunNinja no idea, but I am sure they knew they'd port it to the PC anyway
and yeah, when you run it on a GTX Titan and you see it's stuck at 30fps or is laggy (CoD Ghosts), you tend to wonder why
i personally do notice 30fps being not enough
everyone does
there's a noticeable difference between 100 and 60 too
120 is also noticeable over 60 if you have a 120 hz monitor
if you see them both side by side it's even easier to notice
that said, games shouldn't be locked to 30fps on the PC
I like to lock things on 60 fps, just because if I let it hit 9k fps my graphics card starts to make a high pitched noise that doesn't sound too healthy. Although I could lock it higher if people really do notice that.
especially if they're FPS games
a high pitched sound :S
must be the fan ?
coil noise
I'm told it's the capacitors, and I'm also told it's perfectly normal when the card or cpu is under a lot of load like that..
ooh video, can't watch now, but you probably know more about it than I do
man I love watching linustechtips' videos
the guy has a nice voice and seems to be a great person overall
anyone see boogie's interview with major nelson then the second video he uploads was basically "id recommend a ps4" lol!!
@IcyDefiance give it a try when you can
the sound is recorded properly
problem with coil noise is...
will do. it won't be for few hours though
at least in Romania, it's not covered by warranty
unless it's horrible and really makes the card seem broken
which is why some stores don't bother replacing your card if you have coil noise on the 1st day
you can return it though, and get something else (or probably another card of the same type, but not through the official replacement)
yeah my card's not broken or anything, and it only makes the noise when I made something and forgot to lock the fps somewhere below 9k
been too long to return it. might still be under warranty, but meh effort.
oh god. remember when something corrupted my desktop and I had to reformat? the same thing may now be happening to my laptop.
if so, I'm am going to fucking rage
"Man... I remember people bringing computers (not laptops) to parties (even outdoor ones) and firing up Winamp for the music entertainment. RIP Winamp."
haha, that's true, winamp = party music
@IcyDefiance :O
Ryse got a terrible review
Ubisoft: "Optimization on PC isn't worth caring about, just buy a bigger GPU". gamefaqs.com/boards/916373-pc/67888360
"It's always a question of compromise about the effect, how it looks, and the performance it takes from the system. On PC, usually you don't really care about the performance, because the idea is that if it's not [running] fast enough, you buy a bigger GPU. Once you get on console, you can't have this approach."
misleading title much
well, not that much
but at least ubisoft is honest
eh, there's some shadow of truth in that quote, but I don't think it's any more than a shadow
I mean you have to have some level of optimization or even the best cards won't run much
but its business smart to get it to run on as many cards as possible
it's business smart to get paid by nVidia to make sure people need to buy new cards for your game
im not sure people will buy a GPU for AC BF
its never been that much of a resource intense game
AC BF is part of the next gen wave
people buy cards for the next gen wave
next gen for consoles
which is still 5 years ago
there is no "next gen" for PCs
because there are no generations of PCs
sorry to inform you, but most AAA titles in the last decade are console ports :\
yeh but a next gen console is essentially a 5 year old PC
hell, on Steam you can find iOS ports
that's crazy
so i dont see why people would buy cards for PC inline with the wave of next gen consoles i dont see the link
you buy cards to run games, not sure what you're not getting here
@AlexM. yeah? on the Win8 store you can find WP8 ports, and...well, just more WP8 ports. it's all WP8 quality stuff. :D
"people buy cards for the next gen wave"
@IcyDefiance lol
@Dave yes
what has a console gen wave got any thing to do with GPUs on a PC
ive never known any one say "PS4 coming out better upgrade my PC"
games are ported to the PC
not all games
Star Citizen i imagine will be the next moment people upgrade their PC's
but the popular ones are often ported from consoles
of course it's not all games
the next WoW expansion isn't ported
and none of them are ever a struggle to play on a PC @IcyDefiance
I'm still not sure what you don't get
the fact you said people upgrade pcs inline with consoles which no one does.
Infinity Ward hardcoded the 6GB RAM requirement in CoD Ghosts to require "next gen" hardware
@Dave if you haven't upgraded your PC for 3 years, they might be
so people upgraded their RAM
well thats a forced thing not quite the same
yeah, IW was stupid enough to make it obvious
luckily (for devs) the average guy is still stupid enough to not notice that developers who seem nice are actually hiding it better :\
I don't think anyone consciously thinks "oh hey, new consoles. better upgrade my pc."
but when a new console is released, the graphics quality of the games goes up along with it
then forcing people to upgrade their pc's
for me ive never had lag on ACreed games on my 8 year old PC granted i have upgraded it a bit with a 260 gpu and extra ram but its still ancient :P
@IcyDefiance Dave is all over the place
not sure we're getting anywhere
you claim people upgrade their PC inline with consoles i claim they don't even consider that
I just explained that
you're right they don't consciously consider it
but the effect is there
ok, let me put it in more obvious words
consider the current gen GPUs - they are still ahead of consoles.. so you wont notice
people upgrade their PC inline with demanding games
do you agree with this?
yeh but demanding from whos perspective?
@Dave few people have current gen GPU's, as a percentage
well i dont know the %'s
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I'm out of this
its been like 10 years since the last console wave
and when they do upgrade, they probably won't upgrade to a Titan or something. no one's saying that.
they'll upgrade to whatever can run the game
well no - titans are waste of money anyway xD
so if consoles lag 5 years behind PC tech, so do the computers people own
I have a Radeon HD 7870 XT because I am not a remotely normal person.
consider this.. lets say ps4 is roughly 5 years behind a PC. your PC is 4 or 5 years old it should still be perfectly fine.
obviously some people would have bought a shitty PC 5 years ago and wont be fine
most people*
not many people go all out on a computer. they get the cheapest thing that will do what they want it to do.
if their a PC gamer they know how it works by now... if they buy cheap PCs they might aswell just play on consoles
@JohnMcDonald looking great there!
dat tshirt <3
the vast majority of gamers buy 1 or 2 games a year and that's it. they don't know any of the things we do.
anyway thankfully my secondary pc is powerful so i dont need to worry :P
So, you have to remember that there is more than just the typical specs of the hardware to consider when evaluating the "power" (which is largely bullshit) of a console.
@IcyDefiance I am surprised you agree with his comparisons
I mean, he even considers consoles and PCs to have the same CPU architectures
you also have exclude shitty ports which are terrbly optimised :P
as well as GPU architectures
cod ghosts being one of them
Often, for example, you end up with a unified addressable memory space, which is extremely useful and allows for really awesome optimization that you cannot get on the PC.
Also you usually get a less restrictive OS.
@AlexM. the PS4 has been mentioned numerous times to have a PC like architecture
(Though in this generation and even to some extent in the last one that is less true and you are sandboxed much more.)
i don't know regarding the xbox tho
@Dave that is irrelevant, since you were also considering the past consoles
@AlexM. there are often many ways to defeat an argument. there's no reason to explain something like that when the logic itself is flawed and I can point that out instead.
just wait until tablets become more powerful
all PC games will be iPad ports
the past consoles did not push the PC world to upgrade their PC if they did i don't remember it was what i said
bah, I wish there was a chatroom for people who have to deal with Struts and its bullshit.
who's struts
It's a Java web framework.
Apache Struts is an open-source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt a model–view–controller (MVC) architecture. It was originally created by Craig McClanahan and donated to the Apache Foundation in May, 2000. Formerly located under the Apache Jakarta Project and known as Jakarta Struts, it became a top-level Apache project in 2005. Design goals and overview In a standard Java JEE web application, the client will typically call to the server via a web form. The information is then ei...
this one?
what's bad about it? :D
the name? :P
I'm upgrading an app from Struts 1.x to Struts 2.x, and I have no documentation whatsoever regarding what tags in their tag libraries are equivalent between versions.
@IcyDefiance aside from that :D
So I have to cross-reference articles about what the Struts 1 tags actually do against articles which discuss what Struts 2 tags do, and figure it out on my own.
has any one played AC:BF on pc yet im about to launch mine see how it looks on max settings
@ToddersLegrande People who didn't read the book think it was awesome :\ I agree with the plot moving forward magically though -- at least in part.
You'd think they'd have a more comprehensive guide to upgrading an application from one version to the next, especially since they effectively threw away half of the conventions in the JSP tag libraries between versions.
I feel more that Ender was completely prepared for the final battle the moment he came in, there was no real strategic development.
So much of Ender's Game is internal, or externalized through the game (not the battle school game, the computer game). It's hard to move that stuff to a movie.
(I haven't seen the movie yet.)
pain and gain was my fav movie i saw this year
so damn funny
Facebook is updating slowly in parts for me :\
Facebook sucks.
social interaction sucks :D
wait. why am I here?
So many people insist on it, so it remains the best method I have for contacting them :\
@Noctrine their chat was broken last night
their chat is broken like 1 night out of 10
it wouldn't update until I refreshed and sometimes it would throw errors when I'd try to send messages
@Noctrine I just don't contact those people ;)
Or more realistically... I have my fiancé friend them and get my updates through her. :D
This is more like, arranging art gallery stuff or contacting random art people for stuff
oh so it wasnt just me after all then i was getting it too
I prefer email over all of that but so many people just don't bother with their email. And I hate phone calls.
i use fb's chat box i never use status' / comments
or look at pictures
I don't much like email either (but mostly since all email clients suck and continue to want to process email the "old way.")
why is everyone mentioning what they don't use FB for?
it sounds like you're making excuses
excuses for ?
I dunno, it kinda sounds like it
lol no

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