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Yeah, they have this nice Release function. It'd be nice if I didn't have to manually compile them every time.
guys, help me out
Q: Find angle between two points in java

Vishal KumarI am making a very simple game and want the hunter to shoot the dragon when the player touches on the screen. I want the arrow to be craeted at hunterPosition.x and hunterPosition.Y and move towards the touchPoint. My Touch point co-ordinate is (x,y) I tried but I am failing to calculate the rig...

I'm trying to identify where he ripped the art from
the archer is from HOMM 1
if he's not selling it, does it matter?
yup, I'm curious
the only good reason :P
also I am pretty sure you can't just rip artwork and think it's fine for "not selling it"
All I think when I see that is, "This, again. . .really?" This site needs to restrict the ability to ask questions until you have used the search feature enough times :P
@IcyDefiance Yes
Copyright infringement is about copying not selling.
sorry, I should change that to releasing, not selling
for a project that only the creator will ever use, I don't see the problem
Technically, still yes.
Although it is of course much harder to gain any traction litigating that
legally, still yes, but morally? there is no "technically" in this situation.
I think educational institutions within the US get some flexibility with this, not 100% on that
Of course, no flexibility when it comes to commercial usage
just for the students
they don't as far as I'm aware, unless they're given flexibility in the license, which does happen
Section 108 allows some flexibility for libraries and archives.
Woah. While looking for the egg image, I came across this weekend's breakfast idea:
"Egg in Basket"
ooh, my mom used to make those once in a while
haven't seen it in years though
It's possible you could get a "fair use" exclusion for something you copy only privately. But fair use is thorny, and usually by the time you are relying on that you are screwed.
yeah, that's where the legal and moral questions have completely different answers
what's the best way to handle gl DisableVertexAttribArray?
do you just disable the vertex attribs after you're done with each shader?
I just spent like 2 hours debugging something that turned out to be "forgot to disable attrib array"
Also the law makes no real distinction for private copying, that I am able to see.
yeah, pretty sure that's right
@JoshPetrie wouldn't just owning the product give you the right to do that?
I mean what if I want to play a game on both my desktop and laptop. I have to copy it to do that.
nowdays you don't own the game, you just have a licence to play it
heck, the very act of installing the game is an act of copying it, though I guess that's obviously endorsed by the creator.
@Lasse depends on how you obtain the game. through Steam, yeah, you're right. buy the disc, though, and I believe you own it.
@IcyDefiance Nope.
It's absurdly complicated.
But it basically boils down to, you have a license to run the software on the disk.
dang, the whole business is incredibly warped
IP law is really thorny and ugly, and completely non-intuitive.
That and privacy laws are the great problems of our time.
well, you wouldn't download a car, would you?!?
makes perfect sense :P
@Jimmy fuck you, I would if I could.
and people wonder why libertarians and anarchists are gaining popularity...
they should make a libertarian version of SimCity that plays itself
wow that would be aweful if it is based on SimCity 2013
that sounds like a pretty horrible misrepresentation of libertarian views, tbh
it's more likely a horrible misrepresentation of SimCity. I haven't played one in 15 years.
I think a better analogy is buying a ticket to a theme park. You get access to the theme park, but you sure as heck don't own the theme park just because you paid for access. The difference is the delivery format
@Jimmy You gave me a good idea. A game like SimCity that plays like a city builder for one person, and then a bunch of other people try to destroy the city through whatever means they can think of.
@AttackingHobo This is how some people play Starcraft
I remember playing Brood War back in the day and one guy getting offended that I attacked him too early (I had like 3 tanks 2 dropships and 20 marines, but he wasn't "ready yet")
anyways, anyone here have good ideas on how to structure a standard webGL game loop?
heck I used to do this with lincoln logs
little me was a pretty strategic guy
webGL? haven't used it yet
I currently have render() being called in a requestanimFrame() loop and update() being called on a setInterval(0) loop that keeps time residues to lock to 60 updates per second, since setInterval(16) seems more unreliable
@IcyDefiance or just javascript game loops in general
@IcyDefiance Have I shown you my Virtual Extended Desktop idea yet?
no, but the name sounds cool
what is this
spaceglasses.com/applicants/695 if you like the idea, a vote would help(you need a twitter or github account for that)
@IcyDefiance if I can get it to work, it will be pretty damn awesome.
is the idea that you can use another device as a desktop extension?
definitely looks cool. I'm going to bet our first problem will be with quality, though. being able to read small text on a virtual monitor without moving your head real close to it may not be possible. then again, I haven't used the device.
I don't quite understand
oh, space glasses
Yeah. its a AR device that goes over your eyes. So it can display any kind of graphic in space
I would love being able to have a dual monitor setup with my laptop really
or whatever the system can hold.
Jimmy what do you think about the Virtual Extended Desktop
I dunno. I think it would be useful
but I'm not sure if it will look good in a AR view
Well obviously it would depend on the resolution of the device
But I wouldn't mind a low resolution large screen that I could put things on.
LIke putting this chat window floating off to the side would be awesome
waiting for someone to make an AR app that helps you find the LEGO piece you need
was that the intention of the lego demo in the video?
seems like it
a 3D interface for Zbrush would be nice too
; a ; i speaketh.

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