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murder? I do admit, the character trope of a guy in a suit with a cross necklace blowing things up and then saying "Amen" is a pretty cool one.
Trigun had something like that I think.
Hellsing :\
ooh yeah that's what I was thinking of
even better
I now pronounce you Man and Knife.
I saw the original Hellsing, and apparently Ultimate is a lot better, but I can't make myself watch the same story again. :/
There was the one dude in Trigun but Alexander Anderson is that trope personified
Ultimate is better in all things
I'm pretty sure Wolfwood wasn't a true priest
The story is the proper story, not the anime type one
also his storyline is different in the anime from the manga
So watch it :p
@AlexM. Do you know of any 2D tile editors?
for unity
Good ones at that lol
@Grey Favorite Pixel Art tool is Pyxel
tile editors, as in..?
Listening to Obama's Spotify playlists...
This guy has the music tastes of a 14 year old girl.
@AlexM. Creating Levels Via Scene View Unity. I'm sure there is an add-on.
yeah, it's called Unity 4.3 :D
I have used Tiled in the past, but I don't know if it's actually any good
you guys recommend programs that export the map data in a format unity doesn't recognize :)
unity can't read xml?
too bad
I meant actually doing art, not making maps :\
well it reads what you tell it to read
but I'm sure Grey wouldn't write his own map parser
@AlexM. easy
I'd just have to mess around with the Z for depth
why would you do that
when Unity 4.3 lets you build 2D stuff in the scene view :\
@AlexM. I would do that if Tiled was my only option
@AlexM. yus
pretty sure Linq for XML makes parsing easy. not fast, but it's not like he'll load something every frame.
can C# for Unity use Linq?
there are easier ways to read xml
like serialization
could be. I've only done it once, and I just used the first hit on google.
Easiest way is use xsd
you just need to create a serializable data structure which fits the xml
to generate a class defintion, and then just deserailize it
why would you read an xml and build the level through code
because he didn't seem to want to use the editor
also, it seemed like a fun problem
omg so hrdcr
like I know, right?
your face is a hrdcr
@IcyDefiance he wanted to use the editor
but he didn't know of a plugin
that's what he asked for :D
that one line slipped thru my hawk eyes
or past?
idk vOv
7 mins ago, by Grey
@AlexM. Creating Levels Via Scene View Unity. I'm sure there is an add-on.
@Lasse no, you're not a hawk either. you're a freaking penguin. a very confused penguin, but nevertheless, a penguin.
hey how do I quote, I've asked this before and didn't get an answer
stop trying to be other birds, dammit!
click on the arrow next to the message and drag it to the text box
that never crossed my mind
22 secs ago, by Lasse
that never crossed my mind
@Lasse Maybe?
it has to be on it's own
@VaughanHilts that would work too if you didn't type anything else there
no additional text
7 secs ago, by Icy Defiance
@VaughanHilts that would work too if you didn't type anything else there
Well, that's just lame.
it's oneboxxed. same as images or whatever else.
Hrm, my blueprints don't look government-y enough
@Grey if you don't want to 4.3 you can also go back to orthello
@Noctrine I demand you fix this madness.
@AlexM. 4.3'ing
see's orthello's name
@Noctrine add something completly unhelpful data in there, should get it sorted
is Unity 4.3 out yet?
yes it is
@VaughanHilts No, it's not out till 2014
Orthello is the only framework which caused me issues because it used singletons
it is also the first thing overall that caused me issues because it used singletons
I still don't hate on singletons though
Woo, looks like it is.
I'll hate on singletons! :D
I'll have to take a look next weekend, bleck.
actually no I won't. I just haven't found a use for them yet.
honestly, if I had to build something to hold references to all of my entities in a game, I'd make it a singleton :\
Then you end up GodManager
so I could just ActiveGameEntities.FindWithID(someID);
that's what static classes are for in C#
it would be weird to not use static classes for a singleton, don't you think?
singleton is not a static class
Fuu, building a calculator is going to take like 8 hours
Fucking Swing
Q: Why choose a static class over a singleton implementation?

EladThe Static Vs. Singleton question has been discussed before many times in SO. However, all the answers pointed out the many advantages of a singleton. My question is - what are the advantages of a static class over a singleton? Why not simply choose a singleton every time?

I can't think of a way to enforce the presence of a single instance of an object without static classes
static properties does not make the class static
I don't think global is evil applies sometimes.. :)
(Maybe I'm just lazy.)
@Lasse static classes do make the classes static though
a singleton is an architectural pattern
oh yes, but if you declare a class static, you can't create a singleton out of it
you use staticness for it
@Lasse only if you abide to the Class.Instance recipe
you want to be right so hard that you can't say someone else is right?
I'm not saying you're wrong
what are you saying then?
I'm saying you are incorrect
big difference
if my entity manager was a "static class"
if it was a static class, it wouldn't be a singleton at all
did it even matter or differ that much in concept from the singleton, enough to not take the same things it involves into consideration?
it would work like one, but it would be completly different thing from architecture viewpoint
I think it still behaves like a singleton in all cases except the class doesn't hold a static instance of the singleton
and I just treat the static class as a singleton
if I were to talk to someone about the OT static class and the problems it caused to me, I'd most likely refer to it as singleton
because that's what it is
and it makes the listener understand what I'm talking about
there is a difference
nitpicking usually doesn't help the discussions in most cases
you could destroy the singleton and create a new one, but you can't do that with static class
then you need a different approach to the singleton implementation
and that alone is a reason enough to keep the two terms separate
I don't think it is, honestly :\
and why would I need a different approach for that?
because mine doesn't cover your use case?
isn't that what you're saying?
if I have game states implemented as singletons (a bad example in real world, I know but let's just ignore that fact) it would be wise to be able to destroy the unused state if it's not used any more with it's current data
only the state machine would be a singleton if I were to drive that design and had to use singletons
as I said that was a bad example in real world, but the only one I was able to think of so quickly
	State CurrentState;

	OnEnter(Entity target);
	OnUpdate(Entity target);
	OnExit(Entity target);
this is how I usually implement FSMs
and your code just does not have anything to do with any of this
what I'm showing to you is why you don't need to destroy states
What's cooler
ice cream!
Top Secret Government Facility in the Middle of Nowhere, or Top Secret Government Facility in a city.
I dunno lassie, it seems to me like you're not saying anything here :\
just barking around
it seems to me the same thing about you :(
'cept I'm talking and not barking :D
@Noctrine personally I find it cooler in a city. there seems to be so much more you can do with it.
@AlexM. now let's make an argument out of that then
also since people recognize places in a city, it's a bit more of a surprise.
@Lasse I'm afraid I don't have the time
but you can go on alone
argument always takes two
if it doesn't, time to take the pills
and suddendly, chrome is not able to kill tabs
This just happened less than 100 miles from me.
Giant Robots and Jets launching out of a city is highly implausible though :\
Yeah. I think the worst just passed me.
Our power went out, we didn't get hardly any at all.
@Noctrine yeah, at least if it's supposed to happen on a regular basis.
@hasherr :O
@hasherr There was a storm called "Eino" in finland just this weekend, and it's still going on
@Lasse #WeWillRecover
the destruction! the horror!
almost 10k residences are without electricity after this Eino storm
@AlexM. Clicked on the video, immediately closed it. I will not get fatter.
that was a mistake
because it's not what you think it is
was that tuna?
.. if anyone would like to just donate that chocolate to me instead.
would you like the tuna and the bunny with that too?
bunny really didn't want to die
poor bunny
I just... I just want to know WHY.
I could use Byte's help...
@hasherr I'd reply to that but the video is in finnish and has no subtitles
I crack up everytime he says 'Jimmy your mom is ded'
flips table in anger
Why isn't my spritesheet working!
flips table in anger
is the table now actually right side up?
as in standing correctly
It's glitching up again.
but if you flipped the table two times, how come it's wrong?
            glTexCoord2f(0f, 0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x, pos.y);

            glTexCoord2f(128.0f, 0.0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + playerSprite.getImageWidth(), pos.y);

            glTexCoord2f(128.0f, 64.0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x + playerSprite.getImageWidth(), pos.y + playerSprite.getImageHeight());

            glTexCoord2f(0f, 64.0f);
            glVertex2d(pos.x, pos.y + playerSprite.getImageHeight());
See, this is why you don't work in raw OpenGL.
why texcoord like that?
To assign which part of the spritesheet that I need.
I must be doing it wrong though.
show the matrix, I see no problem in that code
The matrix?
Your view matrix
if he's doing 2D with some library, he probably didn't make one himself
I don't know what that means.
Looks like like jwgl
i.e: raw opengl
@VaughanHilts it's not wrong to use raw opengl
Of course it isn't. :)
yeah it does look like that
(But it is painful for a beginner..)
2 mins ago, by Vaughan Hilts
See, this is why you don't work in raw OpenGL.
@hasherr have you outputted the values you get from pos and sprite size?
I still think @IcyDefiance is a sadist. :)
Or at least, masochistic.
uhh, those would be opposites

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