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ALL RIGHT! Win 8.1 and Visual Studio have been installed again. At least I can code now while I wait for other stuff to download again.
If VS ran on a Surface (not Surface Pro), I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
even if it did, it seems like it would be painful to code on.
I mean if I bought a tablet, it would be a Surface, but I still don't see the use
I travel a lot for work (not programming related), so it would be nice to have one for the road. Setup in a hotel with a small mouse and the keyboard cover and do some light programming.
why not a laptop then? they come with a lot more power and a better keyboard.
I use a laptop now (along with a desktop). But it's a bit heavier if you just want to use it as a tablet and carry it around. But... it's what I do now... :)
yeah somewhat heavier
chrome is being a pain left right and center recent
refreshing is taking for ever aswell
close and reopen it?
have you tried turning it off and on again?
it likes to glitch out on me when my computer goes to sleep and comes back. really the only complaint I have with it.
uh dev team issues
I've been a part of one for about 5 months now. I don't have a huge role...but it's sort of "huge"
Not giving out names but
The "leader" is being a total arse right now. His problem? Well he doesn't allow anyone to speak except those who "run this division".
Woah, that makes no sense.
First of all. Were indie. Second of all it isn't a freaking dictatorship.
I swear to god the next time he does that to anyone of the team members I'm going to let him have it.
it doesnt seem to do it if i close dev tools
The things thats sad is that
No one wants to anger him, and he gets more unruly by the moment. I'm not trying to replace him no, I'm trying to talk some sense into him and the only way I'm going to do it is if I get others to back me up.
He's not like this all of the time.
That's a blessing lol, but for the most yes.
strange if i assign an object to a var then alter that object it also changes the var's value o_0
Livestream time :3
Hey guys, so I've had this problem pretty much ever since I first started learning to code. I try to jump into projects, get in over my head, and end up coming far short of where I expected or not finishing the project at all and have it sit in a folder somewhere on my hard drive.

Recently, a few friends and I started working on an idea for a game intended to be made in Blender. This time though, I wanted to try something new, organization. So, I came up with this checklist of goals that I feel are important to get a polished game at the end.
High Level Narrative Summary (Pitch)

Short (one to four pages)
Major Locations / Levels

Detailed Story Outline

Scene descriptions
Gameplay objectives
As detailed and thorough as possible
Story Presentation Plan

How, exactly, is the game's story being told?
Who is telling it?
Estimated Cut-Scene Breakdown

How many are there?
When do they take place?

How many characters are needed?
Who is important?
Tales of Xillia est la fin.
Obviously this isn't delving into all the technical aspects of designing a game, but keep in mind that this is my personal checklist so some of the bullets are kind of random from, remembering how long something should roughly be, to simply reminding me to use logic or reason when writing the storyline!

since I'm pretty new to actually planning what I guess would be my development cycle, I wanted to know what you guys think is important to getting a finished product out the other side. It would also help point me in the right direction of what I should be looking for.
You type pretty fast for a copy pasta :p
@ryanhagz Hi
lol well i made it a post on the forums but its kind of an open ended question which i was told the forums werent suited for :P
@ryanhagz have you made a game before?
Q and A :P
not forums! :3
@ryanhagz I'm not a professional. I'm just a kid who likes making games, but I can give you my 2 cents.
What's your experience?
trying to structure the game development cycle is foolhardy imo
is this a good alternative to A*? dropbox.com/sh/m7rxrto9w9fr7ny/1bCofyOCLo
@ryanhagz Can I give you a gif :)
i'll pass
@ryanhagz my point is if you are new to making games....start with a small project.
You have no choice :)
I have started a ton of games but finished only like two
@Dave nonsense! start with big pokemon mmorpg!
real site :P
Dave's right. If you haven't finished a game yet, make Pong.
I'm serious.
@ryanhagz You are setting yourself up for failure already and I'll tell you why.
making a game with things like "weather" is way too much work if youve never made a game before... you will only put yourself off.
I've worked on small projects before
You are trying to make a bible to your game.
Games do not have bibles.
Only Finished Games do.
@Grey that image took for-EVER to load
i know the whole idea of your idea is too big, but that's why im trying to organize it more this time.
@Dave YOU CANT RUSH eye candy
@ryanhagz IMO don't
anyone? :P
Especially if your indie.
@Grey While I agree somewhat with that, planning what you want your game to be is a great idea. Scope creep is scary.
@ryanhagz based on that list i hope you have half a decade free time to work on it if not more xD
^ yeah
That's what causes most games to go down the drain.
i wouldn't say half a decade, but either way even coming up with basic answers to those questions i think would help give a better idea of the game youre trying to create
My game will have procedural cloud systems.
Starts making game.
@ryanhagz have you decided the engine of choice the language of choice? i'd start there
@ryanhagz here's my advice. whatever your idea is; focus on a single, core mechanic. make that work, and make it perfect. then build out from there.
I don't see the procedural cloud system happening. What am I doing. *closes project
are you using unity?
@IcyDefiance boom.
Blender. and either C# or C++ mainly.
worry about the mechanics before any polish. something like "weather" comes after you have perfect mechanics.
oh yeh blender i forgot xD
i was thinking of unity but im not sure considering Blender has far better features
@ryanhagz i is expert in both o . o(lies)
blender has better features than unity ?
Blender's not really meant to be a game engine. I've tried working with it, and it's not fun.
for a game engine ?
As far as Animation and modeling goes, yes
@Dave Who told you this.
trust me unity is miles better its tailored for making games
simplicity, no. lol
modelling software !== game engine
Blender has a game engine thing, but I've never heard of anyone actually using it.
Blender IS both though
Look it up
It is, but trust me m8 you don't wanna go down that road.
we know. doesn't mean you should use it
use unity and just import your models from Blender
blender is better modeller than game engine, unity is better game engine which can utilize anything you create in blender
I know Solar Lune makes some pretty nice BGE games.
you should use both not either/or
Not to mention that you can extend Unity to make models in-editor
photoshop/illustrator for GUI
Yeah, but my problem with unity is graphics mainly.
@ryanhagz Wat
your making the graphics in BLENDER
idk it just seems like every game thats made in unity has that "unity" look
if that makes sense...
@ryanhagz Oh god.
Not this. Someone hold me.
shut up lol
*holds @grey
@ryanhagz <3
can you make textures in blender???
well unity has much better support for making games when you get into difficult problems
ha, a lot of them do have that look. I've noticed it too. but that look can easily be changed.
@ryanhagz see that gif up there
What did I make it in
It's not Unity :)
ive been using crazy bump and they look good in there but when i bring them to unity theyre awful lol
@ryanhagz yes, why?
@ryanhagz yesh you can
@ryan Don't you agree?
just start making big game, it doesnt matter if you fail or never finish it, you gain much valuable experience from big project then from stupid pong or unity game
@ryanhagz Shader problem.
@Kikaimaru yeah but he said he's done that a lot and wants to actually finish something.
@Kikaimaru Or you might gain the equivalent of what you learn in pong and as a result never finish a game, while if you had done pong you would have gotten knowledge and the finished game.
@Kikaimaru one of the things you will learn is that you should have started a smaller game
Yeah , but the reason i dont wanna work on smaller games is the simplicity of them. I know how to make pong games and tetris games etc.
I have started with pokemon mmo and i turned out well :)
a small game doesn't mean its "simple"
it just doesnt interest me and i cant find anyone around me or friends who are interested enough to actually get something cool done
@Kikaimaru lies
@Grey no...
i wanna get something with an awesome story done. something immersive
NO i dont mean a AAA title
@ryanhagz That's what I'm working on :3
@ryanhagz to summarize it all: Blender is a modeler, Unity is a game engine, if something looks bad when imported from Blender to Unity it's probably not Unity's fault and you can fix it, and the best way to finish a project is to not worry about polishing it until after you have the mechanics and gameplay perfected.
neither of those require a huge game :P bastion is not a huge game but its amazing
In Unity. And I've got about 15 days to finish it.
if your models look bad in unity ... it could be lighting.. lighting is 80% graphics xD
@Dave Shadderrrisues
@Dave yeah but they programmed Bastion with MonoGame. obviously they're superhuman. :P
would you guys recommend trying to learn shader programming?
@Dave mainly not enough ssao, which isnt in free unity :)
@ryanhagz yes
yes, but only tentatively. I'd say wait until you have a use for it.
@Lasse is it similar to any other languages?
@Kikaimaru could you not make your own if you had the braveity to do so rather than the built in one
@ryanhagz similar to C in syntax, but with a very set structure.
I have experience in web design as well as Javascript, C++, C#, and Python
@Dave i dont know, can you? is that even an optiton in free unity?
@ryanhagz it might look like C but it really isn't C as I know the diffirences
@Kikaimaru thats what i was asking you xD
@ryanhagz Web Design could help with GUI Design in games. but that's about it.
@Dave i dont know :)
@Kikaimaru u can
@ryanhagz go with C# if you go with unity
@Dave +1
i dont think any of us can really suggest much if you are using blender game engine
Why though? Since it's all interpreted by unity internally anyways doesn't it work out the same?
because C# is widely used
thus lots of support for it
its not the language your learning here its the techniques of making games
which you can then use in any language once you learn them
UnityScript is a bad implementation of JavaScript, and JavaScript is a hard to maintain in larger (unity-scale) projects
C# ftw.
@ryanhagz Don't buy the "made in unity look" do you buy the "made in game maker look"?
It all depends on the person behind the keyboard at the end of the day
i dont even know what the made in unity look is :p
Does Blender have any tools similar to Z brush?
@Dave scanlines.
term is so subjective anyways
the problem with that unity-look is with the interface in between the keyboard and chair
Where is iklsr.
@Dave it's where everything's real scenic, but it's all made out of plastic. I'll see if I can find good examples. I know what he's talking about, though, since I've noticed the same thing.
@ryanhagz ask the Blender stack exchange
@ryanhagz I thought you could sculpt in blender?
it's mostly caused by people leaving too many things at the default settings
or so I'd guess
@Lasse I've made some models in Blender, but pretty basic never really did much sculpting
zbrush is more user friendly tho
and far more popular for sculpting
hola señores

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