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@JoshPetrie and taking out JUST the linq stuff fixed all the issues?
cant fault linq to sql for that
@RhysW Switching to a different LINQ backend fixed the performance issues.
the development team messed that one up not linq to sql
its a tool not a member of your team
@JoshPetrie but, then you still had a use for LINQ?
@RhysW At no point did we ever write any language-integrated queries (which is what I said has no use).
very few do
@JoshPetrie but, you just said you used linq from a different backend. am i not following correctly?
most just write extension method chains
extension methods are not linq @RhysW
but they use linq
@Wardy no im not talking about extension methds, im talking about linq
he's simply saying he wrote against a bunch of apis
@RhysW My position is that "from x in y select z" is an abomination and you should write "y.Select(x => z)"
@JoshPetrie so its only the syntax you dont like, not the linq itself?
@RhysW I don't like the *L*anguage *IN*tegrated *Q*uery, correct.
right ok were on the same page then
As I said, the library features and extension methods are useful.
so extension methods = good linq = bad ?
i thought you were completely against it in every way which is why i was disagreeing
even though extension methods build linq ?
well, now its quiet
quiet is good
that was the most peculiar conversation
i dont like quiet :/
@RhysW so... did you browse through my ECS? Do you still think it's understandable?
@Wardy im pretty sure 90% (mad eup statistic) of causes of arguments is people not understanding what the other person is saying xD
i had the strangest argument with a colleague the other day
we were both arguing that we should design the code in the same way
it took us an hour to realise that
@MrPlow One day you may run in to trouble with older, cruddy tools that don't like spaces in paths.
@MrPlow i got caught up in a discussion, ill have a deeper look now :)
@JoshPetrie where?
"My Entity Component System"
You have some trivial stylistic inconsistencies (mainly, so far, in whether or not you space within template brackets).
oh... yeah... my naming is lousy
ok guys serious question here
@MrPlow i still find it understandable, more so now that those ones have full names
Personally, I'd put the private methods of a interface at the bottom, so a reader sees the public stuff first.
my world is so big i have to use doubles for the coords
but unity only accepts floats
so how do i translate
@Wardy slice it up and have them as different 'areas'?
You may also want to consider including system headers last, as a convention, to help improve idempotency of your headers.
my world is endless
i dont have "zones"
im trying to figure out if i can offset a camera coord with a given world coord
You can (and should) still chunk it up.
it can still be endless and be chunked
@JoshPetrie Oh.. I thought that system headers should go first. I see
yeh its still bsp managed
@MrPlow Okay, my first real suggestion for you is to investigate the copy-swap idiom.
Particularly with regard to implementing your operator= overloads.
@JoshPetrie oh.. will do
still cant quite get under 20 on that game vaughn linked
@JoshPetrie though what should I use it for? I'm not passing around my custom objects, instead I'm using smart pointers which have their own move / copy stuff already implemented. The only thing I've created a rvalue move constructor / assignment operator for is the ComponentExtractor class since that ain't being passed as rvalue by default in VS2012 (no rvalue "3.0" implementation in VS2012)
or am I misunderstanding something
@RhysW the lowest I got was 23
@MrPlow i need sleep, but i also need to beat my personal best xD
@MrPlow Well you have at least one operator=, so you should use it there.
Be careful; don't just throw everything into a smart pointer and assume that will handle all your lifetime issues for you. That's a trap.
@hasherr hey sharky :D
Just got back from the scoolz
ready to write all the codez
@hasherr woop, i have a question for you actually
I have to learn visual basic at school. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.
Go on.
your game is about sharks and otters right? so whats with the whale 0.o
@hasherr Knowing more languages is always a good thing. Gives you perspective.
Sharks and seals, Rhys.
The whale is just a temporary sprite
I didn't want to make a very graphic seal.
@hasherr i was close :(
So I threw something together.
@JoshPetrie Okay.
ah ok, just curious is all :)
@hasherr just be glad youre at a school willing to accept programming should be taught
@JoshPetrie 1) "Well you have at least one operator=, so you should use it there." - By that you mean that I have at least one explicitly defined operator= overload or that I'm using more assignment operators for which I haven't made move / copy constructors / operator overloads?
Some of the guys wanted to name the whale, but I told them we shouldn't get too attached because he won't be here for very long.
@MrPlow The first.
@RhysW Yeah, I'm really really lucky that my school has 1 Algebra teacher who minored in CS in college.
Maybe the second, I stopped there.
@hasherr Sebastian, i named him sebastian :D
@hasherr you are, i got taught word for 7 years straight, thats it
@hasherr :O sebastian can hear you! youll hurt his feelings
@RhysW We have a class at school called 'Computer Apps.' They really need to renmae it to 'How to use Microsoft Office 101'
2) "Be careful; don't just throw everything into a smart pointer and assume that will handle all your lifetime issues for you. That's a trap." - If you're talking about my overuse of shared_ptr then I conceed. I'm thinking up a design which would cut down my shared_ptr dependency and allow me to use unique_ptrs
@hasherr sebastian should atleast be a hidden easter egg an unlockable character!
school ? wtf
long time ago
@RhysW That's a very good idea.
@MrPlow I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how you've used it now, I haven't analyzed it in detail.
But we aren't naming him.
But there can be.
@Wardy shh wardy, you are showing your greys! :P
@hasherr so we arent naming sebastian?
@RhysW im not that old u cheeky git
His name isn't sebastian!
You can potentially get, if not less deterministic, less obvious destruction behavior if you go overboard with shared_ptr use.
He doesn't have a name!
@Wardy im just pulling your leg! but im being careful, i dont want to put you in a wheelchair
@hasherr sebastian most definately has a name, its sebastian :P
How about this, Rhys.
If you have, for example, a system that holds an authoritative reference to every object, such that it both creates and destroys all those objects, consider simply returning raw pointers.
If you make me a kick-ass whale sprite, I'll name him Sebastian.
You may not need the overhead of a shared_ptr in that case, potentially.
@hasherr sold!
@JoshPetrie 1) I implemented my operator= overload and rvalue move constructor according to this. Or were you saying that I only made an rvalue assignment operator and move constructor and that I'm lacking the lvalue ones?
@MrPlow I'm saying copy-swap is better than how that page suggests.
And it's a useful idiom, so you should learn about it.
Evening Govna's
@JoshPetrie 2) True I've considered on using raw pointers to avoid possible overhead
who wants an even harder version of flood it? :D
@Dave just want to inform you that you called everyone here "Shits" or "Feces" (whichever you prefer) in Croatian :P
lol really ?
govna means feces?
Brb, food tiems
AHHHH flood it just broke my head
yeah... "govno" = "turd" , "govna" is plural of that
@MrPlow if you call some one a moron your calling them a Carrot in welsh :D
Also if you call some one a dude, your calling them a camel's penis head
language is fun
@Dave that's.... oddly specific
i know right! ?
but its true :P
oh great now i can get mocked by 2 versions of flood it
@Wardy i love flood it :)
flightradar24.com this is awesome
does anyone know how i might generate a single "blob" of land using noise?
@Dave Looks like the software I built at Raytheon.
@Wardy in flodd it? :P
in 3D
3D flood it, now that would be fun
ahhhh no go away
i wish the data was publicly available with api would llove to make a cool business game on airports with that @JoshPetrie
leave me alone
@Dave Funny, because the software we built was designed post-9/11 when abosolutely the last thing you'd want is a public-facing API.
(lest the terrists get it)
lets not go on a tangent about terrorists...
And the room goes quiet
The beginning of a good political discussion...
so sebastian the whale, he can have a top hat and a monocle right?
@JoshPetrie i guess but as a plane fan i wish it was public from air traffic systems it fascinates me
As long as it's kick-ass, then whatever you want @RhysW
My mother is upset with me :(
@hasherr she found your 'tutorials' did she? :P
Lol, no.
That day shall never come.
she found your porn
my dad found some kinky stuff my ex bought me lol
Lol, no.
That day shall ALSO never come.
whats up then? :P
i think i know
she found out he don't like cabbage
No, I was being all bitchy because they were messing with me about girls at school.
hehe that doesnt go away btw, my parents still do that now :P
ah mums always get giddy like that
i talk to a girl and my mum is like "she your girlfriend... what she like!"?
so old fashioned doesnt realise girls hang out with guys as friends these days
Something my parents have yet to undertstand.
i work in IT, i have the easy response of 'mum, its IT there are no girls'
i think its cos my mum didnt go to mixed school
and sadly, aparet from 3 im my office its true :/
Lol, in my coding class there are three girls. XD
heck the girls i used to hang out with were as bad as the guys we were like jackass teenagers doing stupid stunts etc the girls used to do them to lol
there was 2 in my computer class 5 years ago then one dropped out.
@Dave used to? we still do that crazy crap xD
the other might aswell have been a guy
@RhysW im old now :P
I hardly ever do stupid stunts.
my body is ruined from stunts i cant do anymore lol
worst being i jumped off roof broke both my legs
I've never even been to a party, so I can't speak like you can Dave.
@Dave ahaha, i never broke anything, though i almost got run down by a lorry
we were trying to make a parkour video
i got too ambitious :P
i didnt roll when i landed so yeh =/ ouch
ah, i fell through the roof of a cricket pavillion
@Dave That'll do it.
aha xD
now i know the pain of broken legs... i dont know why parkour runners do it
they are crazy
they know to roll :P
The crazies thing I did was sneak out with a bunch of my friends at like 2 in the AM at camp to go sing to the girl cabins.
We had to cross a forest.
one of the best thing i remember doing was hiding in a graveyard and scaring my friends when they came past on halloween xD
@Dave I used to do parkour. It leaves you more sore than anything.
all the lifty runny stuff is mostly easy, its the not clipping yourself on the edges of things and going flying thats hard xD
oh scrapped my knees alot i used pads in the end
ive broken concrete with my head before thanks to stupid stunts xD
I fell of a 3 foot wooden box onto concrete and hit my head.
That sucked.
i knocked myslf out whilst ice skating xD
i gave up doing odd things after i nearly lost an eye though
falling on ice hurts too
but you know when you have great friends when your really hurt but they are laughing and filming it :P
and then do it too and hurt themselves xD
thinking they can do it better than you :P
dont start @hasherr :P
im kidding i just had to do it :P
/me slaps both of you
me slaps both of you
oh! have you ever nearly got run down by a tractor? :L
im in a city there are no tractors here
ahh, we were playing manhunt in a field
The whale refuses to move!
show the code
@RhysW How's that sprite coming along?
thought you had it working last night
I moved a lot of a code around.
So nevermind! :D
@hasherr slowly, i havent opened my image creator yet, its 00:15 and im about to go to sleep xD
I want the whale by 10.
:P its a free image you dont get to lay down deadlines xD
@RhysW yer an artist?
@MrPlow oh god no, but you dont learn without trying so :P
I need music.
im sure if i tried i could get something OK, i just never try past 1-2 minutes :L
First person to give me free music gets a special gift!
true, last nig.... morning (4 am) I've made myself a ship sprite
^That's my philosophy.
I'm quite happy with it
Anybody want to give me some good music?
You get a cookie!
though it is pillow shaded
the NSA keep stealing my cookies, no thanks
about 100GB there
take ur pic
Thank you, sir!
@Wardy are those music files legal?
As earned, here's your cookie!
thats my nas
that has pirated music in that link.
@Dave ew ew ew
its my entire lib
collected over quite a while
yeh but your sharing illegal stuff ...
Here's your cookie!
only if you know its there
The BETTER cookie.
@JoshPetrie can you delete the link please
@Wardy please follow the rules of the site... posting links to pirated material is bad idea.
fair enough
my bad
@hasherr or was it @RhysW if you need free legal music for your game: incompetech.com
you have to attribute the user in the credits but the music very good
@Wardy bad wardy, no! sprays with water
right im off to bed
to sulk
night all
@Dave it was hasherr but ill gladly use it too xD
What did I do?
I didn't know the music was gonna be ILLEGAL.
use this search engine to find specifically the music you want: incompetech.com/music/royalty-free
and use freesound.org for commercial free sound effects
@hasherr we didnt accuse you of posting illegal stuff :P
@hasherr nono shh, he was asking who the legal link should be sent to :P
Also, I'm glad none of you noticed my first 'cookie'
@hasherr thats not legal to use either
@hasherr it was just a link to a tutorial
it aint worth taking a legal risk when theres so much free music/sound out there
Lately I've just been looping this like crazy.
@hasherr oh GOD, check your links man!
you want this
badass music
@RhysW I've had that up in a seperate tab for 3 days now XD
I can't force myself to get rid of it.
got access to VS2013 through dreamspark
"new" C++11 features
gimme gimme
right im off bye all
Later, hater.
cya sharky
so @hasherr did you get your fellow to move?
No, but I'm creating move acceleration right now.
@RhysW Sleep tight.
have you tested your constant speed movement first?
This'll be finished soon, I'll have the code up by tonight.
Translation: 3 hours.
yeah.... I'm not sticking around that long
see ya

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