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Yeah, well fuck that :P
I'd rather be honest and fail then succeed and feel guilty
Good attitude. <3
I couldn't figure out how to use noise right to do what i wanted
Yeah, well... can't say it took me far, but hey.... It'll pay off eventually
so i took a different approach
but i would love to use noise
What approach was that?
i think i could get better shaping with it
take a look
its some custom code
looks cool
needless to say ... when i tried this with noise on my cpu it took 3 minutes to build 1 island
my current code takes less than 1 second
I was using simplex too rather than perlin
@MrPlow that's my game :)
well since my world is 2D I don't think I'll have too much problems
I'm just hooking up the server code to it now
There is a basic client only first pass on that page if you fancy trying it out
but the controls are a bit glitchy in that version
I've already tidied that up a bit in the current code
But if anyone here has any ideas on how I might produce something like that using noise I would love to hear it
I need a way to generate the data for an island on its own given only a seed
so it needs to be quite controllable
i did work on a way using noise to generate a x,z plane bounds then more noise for the y values within those bounds
but couldn't get it how I wanted it
was being annoying
@Wardy Just tried it.... It's quite beautiful
its the most basic first ever build sample of my world
imagine this on a huge scale
thousands of islands
and insane battles
im thinking steampunk type theme
that's where its slowly going
the next posting on that blog o mine will be a server driven demo
so people can jump on there and run about with friends
Congrats on the first playable build, I'll check it out when I get home.
it definately not much but consider this an open invite to all to keep an eye out and grab the lastest version on my blog at any time
every programmer wants free testers after all :)
bookmarked :P
Keeps you motivated, other people are doing stuff!! I need to do stuff too!
Its a project i've had in my head for about 5 years or so
but never had the balls to try it
i started it in XNA and microsoft then announced they were dumping support for it
so i switched to unity ... which blows at times
crashes a lot but has some neat stuff in it
hmm when I create a dll If I want to use it I still have to provide the include files?
shouldnt have to
it should be a self contained assembly
simply refer to it and start calling up its types
although i could be wrong
not really a C boff
Either you need to write out an include or link it.
Linking is usually more maintainable but can be a bit daunting at first.
C# my thing ... no such thing as an include file lol
I mean I've gotten used to using other libraries and they all need include files
@Wardy Don't underestimate C#. :P It can do some impressive things.
Well, not C#, but .NET.
So in Unity, not so much.
@MrPlow In C++? Yes.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager im looking in to using expression trees based on L systems to create a rule system that learns at the mo
@JoshPetrie thought so. thanks
Remember what we talked about before: C++ compiles every TU in isolation.
the idea being things like my world eventing system and smarter AI coming out the other side
And you can't call or refer to a thing that isn't at least declared previously in that TU.
So you need to provide some method of declaring the symbols in your DLL, even if the linkage to them is ultimately deferred until later.
@Wardy Sounds complex.
@JoshPetrie yeah I didn't think to link(no pun intended) that convo with this situation.
Right, listen to jpetrie, my C++ is a bit rusty.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager it tends to be because of the whole "code that writesw code" thing it has going on
but the power is nuts
Miguel talks about it a lot on his blog (this sort of thing anyway)
Sounds interesting.
looks like his latest is all about everquest next running on his voxelfarm engine
my code isn't too dis similar
a crap ton simpler though
that guys a friggin genius
@JoshPetrie would you know where I could get some C++ code review for a bit larger project? I've created the first version of my ECS and I'd like to know what technical mistakes I've made and how to fix them
@Wardy, Just remember, unless it's necessary to progress, consider if now is when you need to add it. You'll easily lose momentum with difficult unnecessary features. :)
A Need/Want/Nice list is a great tool to help prevent that.
i have a crap ton of stuff going on it all ends up in trello though for the "to think about later" stack of things
right now my focus is purely on rendering a nice world that i can basically just run about in endlessly
after that i'll start looking at my basic player tools
That's how far I've gotten with my game. Been narrowing down my focus to get back to it.
then my world eventing system (im planning to have things like wind move the islands about)
@MrPlow You can pastebin the files here.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager try trello its really helped me
@Wardy Yeah, @John promotes it constantly. :P
I find it too distracting.
Distracting, eh?
well @JohnMcDonald is right to do so !!! its an epic little tool
It's decent looking.
But having to remember to context-switch to my browser and load it is too much.
I've mostly just been keeping a txt document in my solution folders with things.
That's what I mean by distracting.
@JoshPetrie I've pushed them to github, Though they're uncommented and I'm writing coments as we speak
Lots of brainstorming and then a bit of sorted stuff.
@MrPlow Don't write comments after the fact.
And don't comment "just because"
Comment the why of a decision, not the what.
I have a source control folder full of docs on features to be in future versions
I keep scratch text files and handle my to-do list that way.
:e .scr in vim and call it good
what source control do you guys use?
Since VS2012 I've been using git.
git, hg, p4 mostly
i setup a TFS box ... just makes sense when ur writing in Visual Studio
TFS is horrid.
Me and git fell out
And I hate IDE-integrated source control, especially in VS.
@Wardy You can use git with Visual Studio.
It's easy and straight forward.
TFS is great ... i can tell it to build and push my code to my test box
@JoshPetrie oh?
and i like the way it works
but 2012 went a bit off with me
tooling seems more complex now for some reason
@JoshPetrie Right... I'm not particularly good at writing comments, I find it hard to explain things plainly so I always write too much.
going more git like
@MrPlow Learn to write self documenting code.
+1 to that
my code basically reads like a page from a specification doc
agreed thats a life saver
Well that's hard when everything I've written makes sense to me but I'm not sure if it makes sense to anyone else
@Wardy Same. :P
I have helper properties just to have it read. The compiler will inline simple things anyways.
@MrPlow ive already told you that i can read your code :(
and it friggin bugs the shit out of me when others dont
or when they dont follow basic rules like SRP and i have to go behind them and start refactoring crap code
So things like if(this.IsMovingLeft) { ... } rather than if(this.velocity.X < 0) { ... }
@RhysW well I've written the basic interface to be as easy to use as possible, but I'm unsure if the underlying code is easy enough to understand
@MrPlow throw up a link, one easy way to find out :D
@William'MindWorX'Mariager +1 to that too !!!
@RhysW It's up there: Link
and here's how my commenting looks like: Link
@MrPlow i understand this might be a matter of preference but i prefer full words rather than shortened ones for variable names, e.g position is clearer than pos especially in large systems where you might be far away from the declaration, but that might just be me
@RhysW right and I do use full words almost everywhere. The only place I didn't use full words are in the example main.cpp and for velocity component
@RhysW I'm the same on that regard.
@MrPlow ah i might have picked both of those as my examples by chance xD
Using abbreviation is a leftover from before IDE's and autocomplete.
@RhysW take a look at world and system classes
they're full of words :P
I do use it in canonical cases though, like i, j and k when iterating.
I use small words or letters for iterating as well as for small Ideone.com examples since it doesn't have autocomplete
I really hate using short variables for indexers, etc. i and j and the like. :|
What do you use?
i use what they represent
@JoshPetrie what do you suggest instead?
like index ect
"fooIndex" or "barIndex" or whatever else is more appropriate.
So users[userIndex]?
I've seen i and j cause too many stupid bugs to keep using them.
i prefer my linq based collection
Now that I'm using C++11 and range based for loops I use what the objects I'm iterating over are supposed to represent as names
var user = users.First(u => u.Name == "Foo")
i saw an open souce project today that prohibited the use of LINQ atall, i never did figure out why
that's just dumb
Most of it is evil.
It's not dumb if they have a good reason for it.
yup its silly, sure, ban poeple who cant use it right, but dont ban it outright xD
thats like saying i dont like strings, no body can use strings
And there are good reasons to not want to use various interpretations of what LINQ is.
@RhysW PHP?
linq ??? evil ??? @JoshPetrie what are you on?
LINQ is not what you typed above.
@Noctrine C#
No I mean. Ban the people who can't use it right but not it outright :p
uh yeh it is @JoshPetrie
@Noctrine OH
my mistake!
Those are just extension methods to IEnumerable.
They were added as part of the supporting infrastructure to LINQ.
And unfortunately exist in the System.Linq namespace
But LINQ is "from item in container select x where y;"
that was a simple linq query I use all the time (a lambda on an IQueryable<User> )
That's what LI means.
Language integrated.
@JoshPetrie whats wrong with that though?
Extension methods are library features
in .net the extension methods are simply a wrapper around linq
...no they are not.
The extension methods are the mechanism used to implement LINQ-To-Objects.
ok let me rephrase that
linq to entities ... which i mostly use at work is
but linq to objects is perfectly good for game code
if used correctly
The actual LINQ syntax is needlessly cumbersome and cannot even express the full functionality of the extension methods and constructed underlying query expression trees.
There's no reason to use it. Ever.
meh ... ur loss
i find it reads well and produces good fast results
@JoshPetrie dont be silly, you cant write off an entire feature of .NET just for that, there can be good reasons to use it, readability is one, its very simple to see what it is doing
coding is about more than optimising for the computer, its about optimising for the people too
@RhysW I would argue exactly the opposite.
That's why I would say never to use LINQ syntax, because the extension methods are regular old function call syntax that most programmers are more familiar with.
@JoshPetrie and thats exactly why the feature exists, one suits you and one suits me :)
the compiler is about optimising for the computer
the language is about optimising for the developer
I don't think either of you are grasping what I am saying. None of you have demonstrated examples of LINQ syntax, only extension methods.
@JoshPetrie i havent even tried
I don't mind the integrated syntax, other than the fact that it's non-c#-ish.
@RhysW Then why are you arguing with me?
yeh i get it josh ur thinking something more "sql esq" in style ... raw linq syntax
@Wardy Yes. That is a useless abomination.
@JoshPetrie in mot arguing, im simply stating that it has its uses
from bla in foo select bla.Name
that's linq
@RhysW None of which I would consider legitimate, because it is both less expressive than the alternative and vastly different from the syntax of the rest of the language.
@JoshPetrie honestly i dont care if you consider it legitimate, im not out to appease you, im simply giving you my opinion, do with it what you will
What exactly is LINQ and what's it's main purpose? I was forced to use .NET 2.0 so I've never got a chance to use it
my point was simply that linq as most .net devs use it (by calling the extension methods) is still a use of linq under the bonnet even if not directly
@MrPlow linq is a kinda SQL for objects
@MrPlow It's a means of providing query expressions against arbitrary collections of data.
Oh. I see
you can do some neat stuff
i personally find it gives me a little more control over what im doing with the object, it gels with the way i think and therefore i like it
var query = from foo in someRepository.GetAll() where foo.Bar == "bla" select foo.Munchkins;
then you can simply iterate over it
foreach(var f in query) { ... }
neat way to query a db imo
when combined with EF
@JoshPetrie im not going to try and force you to change your opinions on it, if you dont like it thats fine, im just trying to say that other people do like it and do find it useful, i hope you dont take my statements as hostilities towards you
@RhysW I just don't get the impression that you even understood what I was saying.
@JoshPetrie maybe i dont, im not going to lie im not the best coder there is, im still really new at it
And I don't want to have a discussion at cross-purposes.
ive done some rediculous business solutions on it ... stuf that would have taken a lot longer and ultimately be a ton harder to maintain without linq
adios folks
@ShotgunNinja cya!
later @ShotgunNinja
We used a LINQ-to-SQL-backed system here for a while.
It was horribly slow and unreliable.
@JoshPetrie im with you ... most people feel that generalising the whole "extension methods are linq" is just an accepted thing that's understood
i dont want you to take this the wrong way, but things that get that bad, arent generally down to a single feature
Hmmm, so let me see if I'm understanding this correctly.
despite not actually being linq ... its still refered to as linq
LINQ is like sql for objects. It has library extensions which are sane, but it's actual syntax is a lot like SQL and is really foolish?
@RhysW It was, the LINQ-to-SQL backend was (is?) completely immature and did the most inefficient things with the constructed queries.

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