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@RhysW and Unity
I feel like they're trying to kill C# for games
Wait, you liked Microsoft to begin with?
@VaughanHilts :(
i wish they wouldnt
I think they're more trying to appeal to the HTML5 crowd... They already know that Unity and XNA audiences for C# are big, so that's not their corporate concern.
They're trying to say that you can use their products to make HTML5 games.
Microsoft ain't such a bad company.
should be, people will happily move elsewhere if other communities are more supportive
@VaughanHilts Yeah, but they are a company. And one whose heart pumps money.
@ShotgunNinja they cant help being successful xD
There's definitely worse companies (looking at you, EA and monsanto)
success does not a bad company make
Microsoft has done bad things, but overall they're not so evil
Especially to students.
I'm agreeing, they're not bad, but their agenda is for survival and continuing relevance in the market.
God they pour out so much mmoney to students
Admitelly, they only give us so much free shit to get us hooked on their tech
Microsoft: Raising another generation of Windows Users aka students
Just to serve as the devil's advocate, they spend more ensuring we buy their products than they do actually making them.
Well, they have to in todays market.
With so much choice, they need to grab everyone they can.
And once you're in an ecosystem, it's harder to leave
I'm not saying it's wrong; it's a smart business move. All I'm saying is that they have less about the consumer's wants in their mind than some smaller companies, because they have to support their own weight.
No, I know.
At least they're not Monsanto.
nono a bad company is one like amy's baking company
Or most indie companies.
That never make it more than 4 weeks.
@RhysW Is that the one that Gordon Ramsay walked out on?
@ShotgunNinja yup
@RhysW I just watched that the other day, lol
@ShotgunNinja it gets so much worse though
@RhysW They closed down?
so much bad stuff that wasnt shown on that episode
@ShotgunNinja unfortunately, no... i dont think so
@ShotgunNinja on their facebook page (which is actually run by them, not soemone pretending) they openly mock and abuse customers
flies and other stuff is frequently delivered in food
hygiene is horribble
they shout at customers they dont like for complaining about flies in the food,
THAT is a bad company xd
@VaughanHilts facepalm
Tada, you guys fromt hem m0ar money.
@VaughanHilts wat
that site forces you to watch a video to rread the article
no thanks
I didn't have to
I have adblock, though
Yeah, I read all about them.
While we're on the subject of things to be pissed about, how bout Russia persecuting LGBT activists?
Didn't hear about that
@ShotgunNinja i saw your post yesterday, made me sads
@ShotgunNinja anyone who discovers how to solve world hunger with a resilient, cheap, safe crop, shouldnt be allowed to sell it, it should become public owned, free to all
Illegal to be "LBGT" there now?
@VaughanHilts i expect mass emmigration
Problem is you need a country that's willing to take them
the UK, im pretty sure we dont give a crap :L
sometime i honestly think i could do a better job of running a country than these half wits
I see someone cleaned out the useless starred messages again.
@RhysW The UK has David Cameron, who has recently shifted his views in favor of gay marriage rights.
@VaughanHilts come to holland! We have tulips and gay marriage.
@KevinvanderVelden Only two? My girlfriend has four.
@ShotgunNinja ¬_¬ really dude, REALLY :P
did you Have to go there? xD
@RhysW too low for your taste?
talk about lowering the tone :P
@KevinvanderVelden Not too low for mine ;P
Over here in Croatia people started a petition for a referendum to prohibit gay marriage by state law, it got over 700k signatures : /
@MrPlow barf
screw it ill make my own damn country, who wants to come join? xD
Well, both my girlfriend and I are bisexual, despite the fact that we are now in a heterosexual relationship, and we find this offensive.
I'm down, @RhysW
Sorry, I like Canada.
They have internet - your country probably won't.
@VaughanHilts you can get a joint citizenship :P
@RhysW only if you make me the treasurer
Is it even possible to found a new country?
Maybe you can find one.
We'll make a sky country.
@VaughanHilts At this point, there's no real unclaimed land on Earth, aside from islands in the Pacific or South China Sea.
@VaughanHilts yes, you can declare independance and hope no one cares enough to dispute it :P
Even then, we have country lines.
Your only real hope is to secede and be recognized by the UN.
Let's make a country.... IN SPACE
Well, you can secede individual oil rigs, apparently.
The entire principality of sealand fits in a photograph.
@ShotgunNinja so does the entire earth...
you can fit anything in a photograph, you just move further away xD
@RhysW You can't get the backside in it, though.
My point is, you can get it in a photograph, and still make out individual people.
@ShotgunNinja sure you can, you just need a few mirrors
@ShotgunNinja sure you can, move the camera around the earth in an orbit nd take one really long picture :P
@ShotgunNinja define photograph? Check google earth =p
Never mind the photograph bit, you trolls.
the bridge i live under can fit in a photograph
@ShotgunNinja what you working on currently shotgun? that haunted house thingy right? hows that going?
@RhysW Yeah, I'm just doing preliminary engine coding and building up a design base.
@ShotgunNinja gonna base it on the ECS you built? :P
You know it.
what language you using?
do not say english
Java, via libGDX
I might look into OUYA compatibility at some point.
bleck java
Yeah, I know, but it's easier and faster than setting up Visual Studio, and I already know Java fairly well.
Never used libgdx heard it was cool though
Yeah, it's really simple.
Does it enforce an ECS?
Nope. It's just the bare bones of what you need to get graphics and sound running in a game window.
@VaughanHilts surely it enforces whatever the hell you tell it to enforce? :P
Ah, so lesss engine and more framework
Well, more a game library than a game engine.
@ShotgunNinja more like a game book from the sounds of it
@RhysW lol, yeah, kinda
Has a lot of stuff XNA dosen't, though.
@VaughanHilts liiiiike?
@VaughanHilts You sure? It doesn't have a lot of stuff to begin with...
I take it back
It has a camera class
And that's it
ah Pingu, you crack me up
The point of the library's design was to be a simple set of classes to get a game going in minimal steps, for the purpose of game jams or prototyping.
@RhysW You mean Tux?
@ShotgunNinja nope, i have nicknamed him Pingu
my honour </3
So, is anyone here a different web person and want to make some money on the side?
different web?
web 3.0?
gah auto correct
decent *
that makes more sense
functionally yes, design wise, not so much
Yeah, it's more design I'm worried about
im not your guy then im afraid!
layouts n stuff is not my strong point
if you say i want 'X' i can make it look like x, but im not creative enough to think of making it look like X myself :L
Well, yeah. Cloning designs is easy enough :p
well i dont think i am anyway, i guess ive never tried but ive never been good at arty things :L
I'm a backend guy, and I don't like web stuff anyway...
I do front-end web dev. at Axonify time to time
@RhysW you and me bro... I've aced my web design / web programming class but all of my designs looked like the old school menu of Half Life 1
But it's front-end
Not design.
I can pound out HTML...
dark backgrounds and yellow glowy text.. that's my "design" .. can't think of any pretty modern things you see around nowadays
I'm looking for something like:
http://www.waveengine.net/ http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/ http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/ http://www.deltaengine.net/
But something that screams more 'community' like
I'm out
I can't generate that much graphical content.
waveengine and libgdx look pretty, others look cluttered
Yeah, I'm thinking something similar to WAVE
aren't there a crapton of free frameworks which can give you a similar look?
If I knew about them, I might.
I don't know much about web development but don't most sites nowadays use bootstrap?
or they heavily modify it
"Touch to dial: Uncle Putin"
Found a stray sheep in the C# room
@Flotolk, welcome
I found this code for buoyancy: forum.unity3d.com/threads/72974-Buoyancy-script it is attached to my boat, which has both a collider and and a rigidbody. Can anyone tell me why my boat still falls through the bottim.
@shotgun thanks again
Ah, Archimedes Law..
Is your desnity set correctly?
Let's see your setup
i.e: is the boat just really heavy
density is 500
And what's the water?
Do I need the script in the water too?
I'm not sure about unity, never worked with it.
Try lowering the desnity of the boat
See if it floats at low density
it doesn't, still falls staright down
Try a density of 0.5.
The water probably needs a density, too
Does it fall at a lower speed the lower density?
the water doesn't have the script right now
even with .5 it falls
The water probably needs the ocean script.
Well if the water object doesn't contain a script then how do you expect the boat to know how to interact with it?
is that in the website too? I didnt see the ocean script
> 1) add an object with a collider(s) (even in children) and rigidbody.
2) attach this script BuoyancyJS.js
3) set the level of water in world coordinates
// CONGRATULATION, you got a physic object which is floating

4) by script, use AddForce to move your object
*) for a boat, you should have to change rigidbody.centerOfMass = Vector3 (0, -2, 0); to make it more stable
oh.. so water is a global height level and not a singular object
I don't know if there's an ocean script, or if it does what I think it does
I tried that... not sure why it still doesn't work
Have you set the water height correctly?
You'd need to get @Wardy in here.
Don't we have more people who do Unity stuff?
@Byte56 Does
And @ToddersLegrande I think
the script I am using is in c#, the GetwaterLevel is returning water level as 34.75f
that's where the water is too
@ShotgunNinja I did some unity stuff =p
and the ship is at?
Is that the same as the global water height?
I could easily see this being bad crosstalk between two water libraries...
try setting it slightly above.. although that probably won't do much
how much higher?
Set it to 35.
Try shit.
Boat's should still be pushed up via force even if it falsl
Try a few different levels.
It sounds like it's not recieving ANY bouyancy
Try some lower as well.
@Garan Know anything about Unity?
@VaughanHilts yeah, that's why I said that it proably won't do much
@VaughanHilts To a very small extent
Hey Noctine is a unity user
well now its just shot up to 618 in y, and still flying
That was very weird though, because I only JUST opened my laptop
And was like WUT? MSG?
@Flotolk The density must be way too low now.
Is it still at 0.5?
its kinda bouncing and fliupping ion
let me check
increment it until it settles down.
bloody hell this game is hard lemoda.net/javascript/flood-it
I know a lot of game engines spawn water vehicles slightly above the water, so they have an initial downward force to kickstart the buoyancy.
ok, at 500 it seems to work fine again
@ShotgunNinja That's really interesting.
Buoyancy should kick in even if you're slighly submerged.
maybe it doesn't like the fraction?
now it works fine
Come back any time =D
k, thanks guys
@VaughanHilts fun little game, just barely managed to flood the whole thing in 24 moves
@MrPlow I win like every third round -_-
Most rounds there's like one block elft
@VaughanHilts I got a lucky generation so I could overtake a lot of blocks early
got it in 21, on my 6th attempt
you bastard.
After the first win I can't seem to win anymore
I'm always either 1 block short or a whole block short
LOL That happens to me a blot.
I'll be one 1 single block short >_<
It's like "FU - if only I made a smarter descission earlier..."
Ahh thought it filled in from the outside but its just the upper right hand corner
Upper left, actually
Ah yeah, wasn't thinking, trying to get it :p
Careful - it's addictive.
Almost had it
3 moves away
@MrPlow what we talking about?
@RhysW I don't know
:( 6 moves away.... can I do it?
@MrPlow but, what? xD you must! i replied to something you said! xD
thankyou :P
24 / 25 got it
Happens all the time.
@RhysW I really don't know what you're talking about.
that game isnt hard, 25/25 on my first try :L
C++ can be quite funny
Play again, asshole.
If I have two headers and each includes the other one I get messy nonsensical errors
however if in one of those headers I predeclare the other class and only include it in the implementation file then everything works fine
That's not funny.
@RhysW Minimum Viable Win
@VaughanHilts second game 20/25
That's exactly how it works.
@RhysW :( You're making everyone here sad.
@MrPlow Remember what #include does: it's just dumb textual substitution. The preprocessor handles all include (and other) directives to produce the resulting TU that is compiled.
oh flood-it
@VaughanHilts :D i have a similar game on my iPad, except its 2 player, take it in turns to pick a color, try and get more than the other person, ive never lost xD
No wonder, the man has experience LOL
Since you presumably have header guards in there (otherwise you'd see the "include recursion too deep" errors, you're getting errors because one particular .cpp file is being turned into a TU that can't be compiled
actually thats a lie, i lost once to an 'insane' ai
Probably because of a reference to a symbol that is defined lower in the TU.
@JoshPetrie right but with proper include guards shouldn't it work even with circular inclusion?
Forward-declaring that class solves the issue.
@MrPlow Absolutely not.
i like flood-it
I think I'm going to develop something like it for js13k
That's not what include guards are for.
@Almo its catchy, a ncie quick game to whittle away a few minutes
yeah I have a very nice version on my iPod touch
@Almo we might have the same one, whats yours called?
It's by PixieLabs I think
is it 'set in communist russia' kind of thing?
hahah no
that sounds cool though
@JoshPetrie really? Aren't they there to prevent multiple inclusion of the same file ( since as you've already said preprocessor just copy pastes the contents )
ah mine is, its pretty funny
@MrPlow Yeah that's what I thought.
I would've thought that that would prevent circular inclusion as well but I'm obviously in the wrong
@MrPlow Yes. It prevents circular inclusion.
It does not prevent nonsense TUs.
ok I feel better now.

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