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4:24 AM
Over at Gardening & Landscaping there are some unresolved identification Qs. Judging by some of your recent HNQs they could be a doddle for Biology's experts to pin down. Might anyone pop across and lend a hand please?
5:01 AM
@pnuts maybe @theforestecologist would be interested in this...I wrote this to ping them
Thank you! - but I suspect you have others well competent to do so as well, even if perhaps not as competent. Still, it only takes one.
13 hours later…
5:38 PM
@another'Homosapien' thanks for the ping. I'll take a look, but I will probably not dedicate much time their simply b/c I already spend too much time here and that's another dangerous rabbit hole for me to jump into :p.
Thanks for letting us know about the treasure trove of identification questions, @pnuts
Actually, The Great Outdoors Stack Exchange also has both an identification and animal-identification tag that together have about 50+ questions, too.
6:05 PM
@theforestecologist Did not mean that you should spread yourself too thin or sacrifice even more of your time (the hole is bottomless!) but I suspect some Qs would be very easy for those here to answer, so may not require exceptional expertise - just more that of a scientist/botanist than of a craftsperson/gardener.
6:45 PM
@pnuts Sure I understand. I'm more so just trying to convince myself not to spend too much time on these additional questions ;p. I think it's great that you brought that site's questions to our attention b/c I know a number of us like solving those puzzles :).
2 hours later…
8:39 PM
:) @theforestecologist

I have put species-identification in ignored tags' list but still happen to click on them. Though less frequently.

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