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One does not simply "bypass" the halting "problem". The Halting "Problem" is the way of life, and it is in perfect harmony with the Other side of computation. Jon Skeet and Dennis solved it with ease, but to keep the balance, they kept their solution well hidden, for this solution could overturn the balance of the universe. Okay that made absolutely no sense to be honest.
@totallyhuman halting problem is already solved. It's been proven to be undecidable
@totallyhuman Dennis has. He would make it a and self-answer, but he dosen't need the rep.
@programmer5000 Frequent jokes about someone's ability get tedious, even if they are intended to be complimentary. Let's not treat people as memes.
@trichoplax remember the memes page? At one point, Dennis was a meme :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing specifically, outgolfed by dennis
@cairdcoinheringaahing Which becomes irritating, so it was removed. Similarly references in TNB will be removed, and further action taken if necessary
7 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
2 hours later…
@Mr.Xcoder he's Dennis, you don't question his golfing ablities :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing He's human too
@Mr.Xcoder barely :D
@Mr.Xcoder Heresy!
:o Dennis has created a golfing superpower that even he can't control! oh wait the golfing superpower is him ._.

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