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Delete plz?
A: Color me a Pole


2 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
2 hours later…
Does anyone know what happened to programmer5000? I haven't seen him around here for a while
@BusinessCat D: do we know why?
Voting irregularities
Suspension reasons are deliberately vague. Let's not dwell on it.
6 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
2 hours later…
I'd rather give a jobs to sheep
Can someone please explain what the significance of sheeps are? Is it a meme, an inside joke, what?
There's a mock sheep/goats battle going on, occasionally made worse by deliberate misspelling. Any such messages that my attention is drawn to will be removed.
I'm wondering how this baaaaaaaaaa-ttle started? (had to!)
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved from The Nineteenth Byte
Is it like some sacred wool (rule) that no one discloses how this began?
What misspelling what
Why did my message get deleted?
6 mins ago, by trichoplax
There's a mock sheep/goats battle going on, occasionally made worse by deliberate misspelling. Any such messages that my attention is drawn to will be removed.
@Zacharý It's from the book "The Hills Is Lonely" by Lillian Beckwith.
"Even the sheeps on the hills is lonely."
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3 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
Thank you so much, now I finally know where that started...
It's an entertaining book. I recommend it.
@MetaEd I'm sceptical about that being the source of the mispellings and goat and sheep obsession in this room though...
Was it this "Evil Shep" guy or something?
@trichoplax any messages about it?
@trichoplax I see what you did there.
@MetaEd I'm afraid I don't
Mispelled misspelled.
@totallyhuman Asking genuine questions isn't a problem. I'll be removing anything considered noise in keeping with the chatiquette
Another example of why the sheeple will not rise
@MetaEd Oh! I almost did that in my previous message and carefully checked to avoid unintentional puns, and then I completely missed it in the next one.
Unintentional puns ... why would one try to avoid them?
@Zacharý Because it would be hypocritical when I'm tasked with kicking for excessive puns
@Christopher You're bound to get kicked ...
@trichoplax It only stands to reason because the 'sheeps' are causing a letter 's' shortage.
Ok... Not sure how it was noise but I can't argue I guess
@Zacharý Jinxed me :P
And then the message gets deleted ...
@trichoplax I made one comment and that is a kick? Whatever
@Christopher It followed a string of other comments about sheep. Even though it was your first, it didn't add anything to the conversation and the room owners are tasked with reducing noise. See the chatiquette linked in the room description.
Puns (unless it's just a bunch of APL puns ... for some reason) lead to kicks.
@Zacharý Yeah that kinda ruins the fun(s)
Ok I will stop with my pun
Also, bear in mind that you are not the only one being kicked - it's not personal
trichoplax's finger hovers over kick
@trichoplax when did sheep stuff cross over with intentional misspelling
Since the obsession with sheep crossed over with obsession with goats.
Is this an insult
There's not a "no puns" rule. The main problems are when the room goes into a string of puns, or the puns are in messages not relevant to the conversation or the room.
There, fixed Downgoat
@Downgoat I don't have a detailed history, it's just a general observation
Incidentally, crossing out your deliberate misspellings doesn't make me less likely to kick, it only makes them more obviously deliberate
@trichoplax 1) this screams confirmation bias 2) there is a total of 0 misspellings of sheep in this room (1 but that was someone else in different context)
@trichoplax where is this coming from??
My message, before the edit.
On the subject of noise: just about every message from the past 20 minutes...
@PeterTaylor Ah but noise is allowed as long as it does not interrupt real conversations so in reality no noise
Meta TNB? :P
If we need a meta TNB we have bigger problems
@Downgoat Silence eventually ends
@PeterTaylor Once the subject moves on (hopefully now), I'll trash the last 20 minutes or so. I'm kicking to try to reduce the noise and will take further action if that continues to be insufficient.
Yes but silence is better ended by something of value rather than noise.
> Sometimes, there isn't anybody talking in chat. That's perfectly fine. Don't send messages just because the room is quiet.
@Downgoat We may differ on what counts as a misspelling, but I'd love to move the subject on from this. If there seems to be inconsistency of approach you could raise it on meta
Ok. Just saying if the spelling is correct I don't consider it to be misspelling but ok, agree to disagree.
54 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
("one does not simply outgolf dennis" meme here)
All I need is one more upvote ...
All I need is another 100 upvotes...
Thank you, whoever upvoted me! 1K
5 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte

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