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A: Ask Japanese complicated passage

Kentaro Tomono this paragraph means being commanded to do overtime work which seems no to make profit for company(?),requested to do which is about to violate the rule, many people will said and insist i won't do that , or deceive with reason that suitable(?)(?) No, judging from the nuance of the sentence,...

@naruto あの人がそうだとは言いませんが、支離滅裂、読解能力が低い、コミュニケーション能力が低い、興味のないことは忘れる、空気/人の感情を読めない、怒りっぽい/思ったこと‌​をすぐ口にする・・・などの問題を抱えた学生さんがたまにいはるんですけど(というより近年増加してるんですけど)、発達障害とかアスペルガーとかの原因があることが多いよ‌​うです
jesus f christ. The first option worked for me. May i ask you for my code review later? Even for money. Can i have your skype\email\whatever to contact with you? — tiredsys 11 secs ago
1 message moved from The 2nd Monitor
4 hours later…
Who's capy?? @WadCheber. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oops sorry stepes on a rock. My bad.
1 message moved from Mos Eisley
3 hours later…
Images coming in live from John Bull's home:
2 messages moved from Mos Eisley
3 hours later…
@chocolate 消すなら書くな!つーかもうワシと関わるな。好きな奴とだけ夜中まで話してたらええやん。あほんだら。
2 messages moved from Japanese Language
As Naruto says, I think what he would like to know is not about wordplay but a solution ( answer ) to this wordplay. ( Naruto may be not saying so, but I think this question belongs to yes, puzzling site not this "language" site here too ) — Kentaro Tomono 12 hours ago
なるとさんは what he would like to know is not about wordplay but a solution ( answer ) to this wordplay とか言うてはったっけ?
Northern Ireland is split between the Loyalist and Republican factions, and basically the Republicans all voted Leave and the Loyalists all voted remain. The issue is tied in with unification of Ireland and it's hugely complicated and potentially rather nasty.
1 message moved from The h Bar
@ACuriousMind Stop being a stackexchange Nazi. The website exists so that people can find answers to questions they are seeking. If a particular rule is coming in the way of this, the people who have control over how the website is running, should be considerate enough to tweak the rules whenever they see fit, and by seeing fit, I mean when an OP is being helped. If I have to read general statements, I can open a book or read Wikipedia. I and many other people come to SE,
because they seek specific knowledge from experts on something that is troubling them.
2 messages moved from Charcoal HQ
2 messages moved from The h Bar
7 hours later…
1 message moved from Mos Eisley
1 message moved from Mos Eisley
2 messages moved from Mos Eisley
Perhaps the subject of Brexit and any mention of Drumpf2016 should take a temporary hiatus.
@ThaddeusHowze Drumpf yes, Brexit - probably impossible right now.

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