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4 hours later…
@phantom42 @@
That's meant to represent someone rolling their eyes.
@DrRDizzle @@ represent superping on SE
@AnkitSharma What does that do.
@DrRDizzle mod specific power to ping anyone on SE in any chatroom
2 hours later…
@DrRDizzle i didnt say it was a credible rumor, but i also would have bet against ghost rider showing up in AoS simply based on a flaming chain graphic at SDCC.
@phantom42 That's a fair point. My eye rolling was more "this sounds like a terrible idea" than it was "I doubt it" though.
eh, i'd be ok with quick flashbacks showing how they got caught. it would make sense if boomerang was caught by flash
@phantom42 Huh, I hadn't thought about that actually. Wouldn't that imply that Flash is active in the present though, which (judging from his appearance in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and his presence in the trailer for Justice League) isn't the case?
doesn't bruce see a flash suit in the flash cave?
maybe he's doing the spider-man thing and keeping a low profile
we saw him stop an armed robbery already
@KutuluMike One he just so happened to be nearby for, sure. That's very different to costuming up and actively searching for bad guys.
@DrRDizzle do we know the timeline on suicide squad yet? wasn't there some sort of flash cameo/reference in BvS (still havent seen it)? i didnt necessarily get the feeling that the flash wasn't public in the JL trailer, so much as he's not been palling around with anyone yet. could still be early in his career
@DrRDizzle Then why he had a costume in his secret room ??
1:18 in the JL trailer, bruce is looking at a red suit in barry's apartment
in bvs, bruce appears to find out about the flash for the first time in that stolen info hes got
so hes def not "public"
Whole point of meta-human files was, there are active heros
wow. none of you noticed/pointed out that the justice league trailer is linked wrong in the pinned post
1:12 in. other trailer i was looking at had a bumper
@phantom42 I didn't clicked on all oF thEm ;D
@phantom42 WAIT, i will fix that
though the flash can operate at full capacity with no one ever seeing him anyway.
JL trailer fixed
but bruce didn't seem to know about any meta humans till he found the folder
@Himarm lol, nice point
@Himarm that's what "operating in secret" means.
@Himarm Wonder woman was retired long long ago, Aquaman might be living under water most of the time , flash can be to fast to be ever get noticed or maybe bruce never give shit to this stuff before
clearly Aquaman has been doing his thing for a while... and Flash..
someone got footage of them doing stuff or Bruce couldn't have found it
not every Flash runs around telling everyone he meets who he is
What you guys think about arroverse trailers and Justice league action trailers??
i think it was whats his name that had the footage, luther, which shows how extra creepy he was
@Himarm Maybe lex was working for Darkseid
he appeares to have been setting stuff up for years
it would have been neat if the folder contained some videos of young clark
the ms store on xbox says they have the bvs ultimate edition for "rent", but when i click through, it just goes to the regular version
stupid thing
is the ultimate edition worth the hassle of finding?
@AnkitSharma I didn't notice that. Interesting.
@phantom42 I'd be very, very surprised if it was.
@AnkitSharma No. We see that Aquaman is hostile to visitors, that Cyborg is still "under construction", and that Flash is only known about thanks to him intervening in a robbery taking place in a store he was already in, in civvie clothes. None of that suggests that they are active heroes.
Speaking of xbox, microsoft has sent me an offer of 2 months free trial of Hulu.
That being said, there is no reason why the death of Superman couldn't be a trigger to make these other characters start trying to be active heroes, now that the world has lost it's most obvious protector.
aquaman not liking visitors doesnt mean he's not actively saving people talking to fish.
i really just got the feeling that everyone was doing their things, just very locally
like daredevil
no one talks about daredevil because feig is being an ass he's just dinking around in hells kitchen and keeping a low profile overall
@DrRDizzle isn't the ultimate edition the one with the extra footage of the other heroes?
@phantom42 The garbage fire version I saw in the cinema had cameos from Aquaman and Cyborg, and two from the Flash. So I don't think so.
@phantom42 What did the director of Ghostbusters (2016) do this time?
He can't catch a break, it seems.
i asked a question on the site about what the differences were between the theatrical and ultimate editions.
i don't think anyone answered.
it just got downvoted
> n the most basic sense, Batman V Superman doesn’t just add back in key details to the plot, it also includes a number of extended scenes and subplots that (even in the most subtle instances) allow the audience to linger on interesting conversations longer than before while also clarifying entire story beats that, originally, made characters look stupid, careless, or downright unheroic.
@DrRDizzle dammit. i always swap feige and feig. cant imagine why
@KutuluMike To be fair, I'd instinctively downvote anything to do with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice too.
@phantom42 Me either, their names are nothing alike.
A: What are the differences between the theatrical and extended releases of Dawn of Justice?

Jason BakerScreenRant.com compiled a list of all the differences. I won't go through the whole list, but some of the more important changes are: The woman from Nairomi, who in the Theatrical version we only see giving testimony at a Senate hearing, is given a more significant subplot. We run into her a fe...

nothing about the JL cameos.
@KutuluMike that's a useful question. of course it got downvoted.
Does the Ultimate Cut explain why Lex Luthor would use bullets that can only be traced to him when trying to frame Superman? Or why he'd use bullets at all? Because if not, it's pointless.
we need more questions like, "what do we know about the pilot who tony crashed into in iron man?"
also that pilot was american, so we should tag the question
@DrRDizzle I may be imaginging things but I thought they explained that in the original
@KutuluMike If they did, I missed it.
the bullets were designed to leave no physical evidence so Luthor used them so it would look like Superman killed those people; Lois only got one because it went stray and lodged her notebook and didn't disintigrate?
i might have just made that up but I thought that army guy lois talked to on the bench told her what they were
you know a movie has to be pretty bad when I'm filling in plot holes not just by logic, but by imaging fully shot and edited scenes that didn't exist
@KutuluMike I don't remember anything about them disintegrating. I don't doubt you, I'm just saying that I don't recall it.
i think mikes right
i remeber that scene too
I know the scene was there. Lois shows the bullet to some guy and he tells her they're special.
I thought he told her what they did.
but maybe not
Regardless, that doesn't really explain why a pile of bodies full of bullet holes would implicate Superman.
maybe not disintegrating, but everyone was supposed to die and lois wasnt supposed to get a bullet
@DrRDizzle because no one except superman shoots bullets. duh.
at least, not at people.
@DrRDizzle again, my understanding was they they were designed to "explode" or "shred" on contact, so the wounds wouldn't look like bullet wounds and there would be no trace of slugs left behind.
there are actual bullets that are built to do that, because they're more lethal.
these were just "better at it"... but i may have filled in that bit in my head
Well the Ultimate Cut apparently has Lex's goons burning the bodies too.
I'm assuming he was just throwing shit at the wall here, trying to figure out what would stick.
yeah i was suprised the place wasnt trashed after superman left
that makes more sense if they had that in extras
that's also possible, though even burned bodies with bullet wounds are identifiable. and metal doesn't burn, just melts.
I assumed they were some super advanced version of hollow points
jet fuel doesnt melt steal beams tho
It would literally make more sense if Lex's goons had have just snapped everyone's necks.
That's Superman's MO, after all.
yeah but I think the concern was that would be too slow and someone might get away.
> So when you see someone in an Internet discussion reply to a person and say "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" they are usually making a joke — the message they are really sending is "your thinking is insane, like that of a 9/11 truther."
himarm flagged.
SE flags can't melt @Himarm's memes.
I'm supposed to be at work in 15 minutes.
should probably get up
@phantom42 IT have some missing piece , clark's research, few parts of lex's plan, that girl with spectacles and alien holding 3 mother box. most of them are explained in movies.se answer if you want i can link them
im controversial #himarm2016
@DrRDizzle Even that can trigger to make new ones too, in comic when superman died many ripoff superman came to take his place
@phantom42 no, not at all, it have some explanation to stuff and one villain's cameo
@KutuluMike where? I can answer that
it got answered, i just forgot.
let me see
bookmarked, will see if i can add anything later
I watched Stardust last night and didn't realize that Triston is Dare Devil.
Until I saw a more recent photo of him.
io9 (and everyone quoting io9) is reporting that AoS is now allowed to use "classic inhumans" source. only, the quote and context they give in the article doesn't actually say that.
> “We do have a little more freedom,” said Jed Whedon. “We’ve told a couple of seasons of stories but now we do have some more freedom. So when we return to focusing on Inhumans, we’ll be able to do a little bit more.” That freedom, Whedon and Tancharoen said, included being able to use some of the classic Inhumans. We’re pushing for Lockjaw.
Daisy totally needs to adopt lockjaw.
I never liked inhumans much and even been much familiar with them. It's good for me that they are staying with TV shows for now
is that guy just going around fixing ankit's grammar?
holy hell he's flooded the front page with grammar edits
Hm, however, your meta community and the SE rules do not agree with any alleged limiting guideline.
Or do I miss something?
there are no official limiting guidelines.
the mods yelled at him
only bumping is discouraged afaik
hes not really bumping
it is a battle between people who care about the things at the top of the front page vs. people who don't.
in other words: if you frequent SO where the front page recycles every 11 seconds and is so useless no one uses it, you don't care.
i never use active, i just stay on new
if you frequent... every other site, where new questions can spend all day there, then you don't like artificially pushing them off.
our site has always discouraged mass edits because new questions get bumped to page 2 and never seen
everything is allowed here now. except for spy-fi and watership down.
some users take it very seriously and demand concrete proof in triplicate that any edits are worth the cost of destroying the sanctity of our active questions tab...
active is the 5th item on our top bar for sorting
with newest being the first
active is the default view for users who don't know how to switch.
so our top bar encourages you to see new questions on newest
you have to click on the Questions button to get the "newest" view
http://scifi.stackexchange.com/ <-- active
http://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions <-- newest
iirc, once you change the tab, it becomes your default
yes. but again. only if you click "Questions"
active is not the default for new users
you have two different views and each has a saved preference.
@phantom42 if I navigate to the home page without logging it, I get the active questions view.
in a private window, q3 is stories about 3 gems/guardians. change to active tab and it's what's the full name of amazo
the "tab=active" active view is sorted different from the "no tab" view.. not sure why... but both of them contain recently "active" questions
one just looks out of date?
according to meta.SE possibly one of them counts comments and the other doesn't?
ah. the default is called the "interesting" tab.
which I guess filters questions out based on your preferences.
oddly enough when I'm logged in they are the same?
even the HNQ is different?!
like, 100% not even close to the same different.
@KutuluMike The HNQ list changes randomly when I reload the page.
mine is staying the same on both tabs even through a forced refresh.
but its different on every tab I open.
this site confuses me.
it's almost like the site is a hobbled together patchwork instead of something built with a clear vision
Matt Ryan is voicing Constantine in Justice league dark animated film
@phantom42 SFF is the 3rd site on his list. He did same on SO and movies but only SFF is too strict with front page so he might be in trouble
@AnkitSharma did he focus on you on all three sites?
in The Screening Room, 31 secs ago, by Ankit Sharma
Wow 1 got +110/-6 rep on SFF just because of those edits
@phantom42 NOt just me, he recently did this to one more user on movies.se but on SO he seems to be serial editor
he did one or two other users on SFF, but only one-offs. and then he seemed to have just found your profile and went down the list
@phantom42 I got a Fan :)
SO wouldn't notice a thousand edits pushing to their front page. and M&TV just doesn't care enough to yell at him.
i see no problem with a brief mini-flood
capped at a reasonable limit
some days we just dont have the traffic to bump them very quickly
holy shit
holly is the shit? or holly is shit?
that's a perty nice "Image Not Found" you got there. shame if something happened to it
7300? for team valor?
Valor rocks
they are more crazy, they are more good, they are best
i'd be concerned with job security in that emerging market.
but that's just me.
also, it doesn't seem like there's much room for advancement there.
@KutuluMike nothing much to add in BvS theatrical vs ultimate cut , i do think he added too less in real answer from that link
"too less" does not parse.
"not enough?"
at-least Jena Malone, bat butts need to be mentioned ;)
@phantom42 Advancement isn't everything man.
So I'm listening to a movie podcast where they took a poll of top 4 scifi movies.
Some people said things like War Games and The Truman Show. There seems to be some confusion on what is a scifi.
@JackBNimble you'd never know from our meta.
@JackBNimble what about rep? is rep everything?
@phantom42 It used to be, now I don't know.

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