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so it looks like banner/hulk can be killed
not nearly up to date, but i assume there's more to it than just "he got shot by an arrow"
since, you know... he was able to take on the entire freaking planet worth of heroes before.
2 hours later…
@phantom42 You mean a 3rd TV show based on X-men is in development
1 hour later…
> Singer
Ah well, better luck next time.
3 hours later…
@AnkitSharma hellfire is currently cancelled again, so it's just legion and this one.
4 hours later…
I guess, is there anyone in that picture other than Snapper Carr that hasn't already been in something?
whos the one between flash and hawkdude
#TheFlash also had another speedster on set today. Currently DO NOT know who yet. Any input is welcome. https://t.co/hOug5O3C04
looks derpy
1 hour later…
@phantom42 Zatanna
she hasnt been in anything non-animated, has she?
I don't know, has she been on Gotham as a young girl? Usually she knows Bruce Wayne via his training with her father.
> Zatanna is a recurring character in the final three seasons of Smallville, portrayed by actress Serinda Swan
they added a retry button
Q: Do Daredevil's foes know about his condition

Francisco V.I recently watched the two Daredevil seasons and was wondering if Daredevil's enemies know that he is blind. In the last episode it was apparent that the ninjas knew about his blindness as they did not use their weapons to not give away their position.

@JackBNimble not yet
@Himarm to what
> as they did not use their weapons to not give away their position.
retry for pokemon
when log in fails
@AgentObie do daredevil's foes know about his condition, because they obviously knew of his condition
i just had it pop up
Daredevil always covers his eyes, so anyone who gets a good look at his head might assume he is blind.
also all the times he's bumping into walls like a blind guy
I don't see the point, because he obviously isn't blind, because he can always find his enemies.
The real question maybe should be, do Daredevil's enemies know they are dealing with a super soldieresque type person when fighting him on account of his eyes always being covered.
the real question is "what is known about matt murdock's neighbor?"
What is the average distance between Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones when they are both milling around in Hell's Kitchen?
did we ever confirm that she's in hell's kitchen?
I thought those Defenders were based in Hell's Kitchen.
the ninja turtles appeared to go into lukes bar
in the new movie
well, bebop and rocksteady go into the bar*
Is Luke behind the counter?
two mutants walk into a bar...
no some white d00d
it was before they were changed
but the bar looks identicle
> the epic will unfold over multiple years of original programming, taking viewers deep into the gritty world of heroes and villains of Hell's Kitchen, New York.
marvel's press release said that the shows deal with hell's kitchen in specific
but the shows always make it seem like they're running around a wider area than just hell's kitchen, which is actually pretty small
Hell's Kitchen, where everything is overcooked.
i hear gordon ramsay is going to show up in luke cage
and call everyone donkeys
and complain about crap food
It must be the only place in New York City where you can rent office space without having any income.
If you want to elevate a drink, all you have to do is put a straw in it.
rape corner
I'm telling you, put the last Pokemon on the Moon, and we've got a space race.
next pokemon is sun/moon
put some pokemon on the sun
ghostbusters has a higher rotton tomato score then metacritic lol
it got a 3.9 on imdb out of 10
so critics like it but people hate it?
That probably means it is bad.
i dont understand critics
if you rate movies low that everyone likes, and rate movies high that everyone hates
your like catering to such a minority
Why is the decal on the car holding up 2 fingers?
Isn't that from the Ghostbusters 2 promo stuff?
Ok, for some bizarre reason the guy doing this video apparently photoshoped the other logo on the car? That is my guess.
Now it is too late to delete them.
Oh well.
@Himarm Most of the reviews on IMDb are coming from places where it isn't even out yet.
I saw it last night - it's OK.
You've got to remember that there are a lot of people really mad about this films very existence, never mind those who hate it because it has women in. I wouldn't trust any kind of "user scores" on this one, because they're being manipulated.
well i feel that women might be the reason critics are praising it so highly on the other side
@DrRDizzle Usually they do press screenings before the movie comes out.
Unless the movie is terrible, then they don't do press screening before.
@Himarm Why would they be doing that?
I listened to two reviews that say it isn't as good as the original, but it has some funny jokes and it okay over all.
for the same reason people downvote it because of women
@JackBNimble I preferred it to the original, but I recently found out that I don't like the original, so...
@Himarm Misogyny?
some of the reviews on rotton tomatto are rating it highly, because it helps womens rights, not because the movie was good, and idiots rate it bad, because it has women in it, thats what im saying
"Girl power and ghoul power - it's a winning combination."
"A middle finger to the screaming brobabiez. If girls can't be Ghostbusters, then here, guys can't do anything."
@Himarm I don't believe any critic worth his or her salt would pretend to like a film they don't. People commenting on controversy is just that - comments.
im not saying they are amazing critics, nor all the critics, just some
but im saying it could help to inflate the rotton tomatto score
This is exactly why you should go to specific critics instead of aggregation sites, by the way. Find someone whose opinions you can trust.
@Himarm If that were true, I'm sure the Rotten Tomato score would be higher than 75% with a 6.6/10 average.
this ladys review seems pretty much on the womens rights band wagon and little on the this was an excellent movie bandwagon.
anyway i dont like reviews anyway
so i dont really care one way or the other
ill see it on dvd
@Himarm You realise that overall, that's a pretty mixed review, right?
I don't think it was established that anyone of the three original Ghostbusters were teachers at Columbia.
Certainly they were doing research, but is there anything to say they taught? I don't think so.
So that review loses credibility for saying something incorrect 5 sentences in.
In other news, the Reddit people don't care for my Jack's Bad Movies: The Fifth Wave article.
but on topic with movies, mike and dave need a wedding date was hilarous
@JackBNimble But it's really funny. I genuinely laughed out loud at parts.
@DrRDizzle and there are also critics who are bought too. aintitcool is completely untrustworthy because of it
i think a lot of people are afraid to say they dont like it. they started teh whole blitz of "if you don't like it, it's because you hate women"
which, i'm sure there are people like that - but it's such an asinine argument
i want the movie to be good. i want every movie to be good. but based on everything i've seen in trailers, i don't think i'm going to like it much. hopefully i'm wrong.
that was my point, the buzz about the movie was if you dont like it you hate women
also, dizzle loses all credibility by saying he doesn't like the original ghostbusters
But he gains credibility because he liked my article.
wife and i were talking about ghostbusters. she said, "it looks like the same sort of humor from that bridesmaids movie" "that's because it's the same director." "why the hell would they let that person direct another movie?"
@JackBNimble do any universities have pure research staff? IME, they all had to be at least an adjunct
that's true. university research is done by professors and grad students.
I thought we actually saw one of the three teaching a class in the first movie?
1s in a lab, and 1s doing the cheating electric test
thats all i remember of the school.
i can't get people to stop submitting code that has tons of commented out code
"we may need to put it back in later"
which happens like once a year
i have alot of commented out code
mostly because it may still be broken
i like a log of what i tried >.<
but do you leave that all in when you submit your pull requests?
all that crap gets yanked out when i'm done. it's in the commit history if i want to look at it again for some reason
@phantom42 did you explain to them that's what source control is for?
@KutuluMike repeatedly
but remember, i have the boss who likes to code on production and then backfill code
@Himarm sometimes i leave a large comment in that explains why i did something weird and i'll mention things i tried but didnt work. but that's pretty rare
for anyone who might come along and not understand why something looks like a dumb hack
@phantom42 In fairness, Bridesmaids is super popular.
lots of things are popular, but have little to no quality
look at big bang theory or seinfeld
or krispy kreme
i laughed at bridesmades
i dont know if you could say it had a plot
i laughed like twice
and shitting in the street
i think i really dont like maya rudolph
shes the least funniest in the movie
kristen wigg isnt that funny either
its mostly the big one whats her name
she's very one note though
melissa mccarthy
she's like the seth rogan of female comedy.
the girl from reno 911 was awesome
she did that one movie that was good.
yeah the reno 911 lady is funny
and then she did that same move over and over and over and over and over and over and it gets worse every time
totally underused in bridesmaids
and the chick from kimmy schmit
she was the one who had never drank before, right?
the reno 911 lady has a tv show now, the goldbergs i think
i forgot it was her, but yes, she was funny
yeah that girl
when they teach people to type in schools these days, do they use 30 character wide screens?
@phantom42 Maybe? I mean all the guys in The Big Bang Theory aren't teaching any classes.
I know a guy doing post doctorate work at a university doing only research.

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