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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

caught a scyther, evloved a jolteon
ah, finally evolved a Golduck; that cost me a lot of pokéballs
I wasted 12 on a Ghastly that fled.
It escaped thrice.
2 hours later…
mike and dave need a wedding date is funny if anyone needs a comidy to see
1 hour later…
another person i know saw it and said it was terrible.
2 hours later…
To me mankey is the hardest pokemon to capture
Got only two pokeballs......grrr... and wasted on a weak zubat
Holy shit gym is getting stronger and stronger, can't even capture it now and stupid paras teasing me sitting in front of my monitor
Q: Since when was Metropolis just across the bay from Gotham City?

Travis RIn Batman vs Superman, Metropolis is apparently just across the bay from Gotham City. Has this ever shown up in any of the comics or shows before? And if they've been so close, why hasn't Batman met Superman before? I mean they're so close, they could have met for lunch or something.

Petition to rename Agents of Nothing to Agents of Pokemon GO.
So from what I'm hearing, the newest Ghostbusters film is somewhere between OK and Good.
What happened to Dizzle again ;P
Is he jealous ;)))
@AnkitSharma soo cute.
BTW, they have no further plan to introduce Pokemon Go for Windows T__T
BTW, are legendary pokemons covered in Pokemon Go?
@AnkitSharma oh man ;)
No pokeball to catch him
@AnkitSharma why not free some?
It doesn't work like that
You have to go to pokestop to get them
@AnkitSharma okay, so where is your nearest pokestop?
@MAFIA36790 nobody got it yet, they did made us select three teams and each of them are presented by one flying legendary pokemon
@AnkitSharma ohh.
@MAFIA36790 next building to my company and already been there and got 2 pokeball and used them already, other point are on some walking distance but can't leave office that rapidly
job is more imp
@AnkitSharma kudos
> And so it begins again. All the kids are talking about this awesome new app and those of us with a Windows Phone in our hands are looking at it despondently.
@MAFIA36790 poor window user
WTF ;(
> We're not exactly confident that Pokemon Go will ever show up on Windows 10,
@MAFIA36790 I got it!
@DrRDizzle okay, I'm jealous ;(
How could they forget the Windows audience!!!!
Team Mystic for life!
It seems everyone ignores Windows ;\
There is no SE app for Windows phone ;(
@MAFIA36790 Yup, there is a reason I got an Android phone this time. I loved the UI of Windows Phone (easily the best there is, in my opinion), but the lack of app support is an OS killer.
Meanwhile in xkcd, probably for a windows user like me:
@DrRDizzle so you are my enemy, i am red
@MAFIA36790 lol
@PokemonGOPlayers: when did pokestop started giving stuff again???
@DrRDizzle Valar Valor Morghulis
@AnkitSharma 5 minute cooldown on pokestops
@phantom42 ohhh, so i have to leave my office every five minutes ;D
Anywya got my first egg, 5 km one
@phantom42 so cruel
how is such an edge case like field of dreams not more contentious? oh. that's why.
james bond, batman, and even scott pilgrim, which can be argued that it has the "is it real?" angle were all huge arguments.
@AnkitSharma Us being enemies is not a surprise.
@AnkitSharma C'mon little boy in a grown up man ;|
@AnkitSharma Every 5 minutes ish.
@DrRDizzle You mean old bad history
The British Raj (/rɑːdʒ/; from rāj, literally, "rule" in Hindustani) was the rule of the British Crown in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947. The rule is also called Crown rule in India, or Direct rule in India. The region under British control was commonly called India in contemporaneous usage, and included areas directly administered by the United Kingdom, which were collectively called British India, and those ruled by Indian rulers, but under British tutelage or paramountcy, and called the princely states. The resulting political union was also called the Indian Empire and after...
i want a pikachuuu

Proposed Q&A site for proposed Q&A site for questions about all aspects of Marvel.

Currently in definition.

i mean, we kinda have marvel covered over here
@Himarm Is there non sicfi marvel stuff too?
@Himarm I have three; what do you pay and how can I deliver?
i guess marvels junglebook adaptaion
email, credit or debit
@Himarm me too, me too
There was one nearby but had no pokeballs
@AnkitSharma no. especially if we go by the rule that if there's sf/f content in the universe, all related titles are on topic
so marvel junglebook is on topic?
@Himarm i drove by an area with a squirtle this morning. nowhere near close enough though and i didnt have time to go find it
whats the close for future reason?
is jungle book in the 616
if it's in the 616 or ultimates or something, it's game
@Himarm POB
i think marvel just published it
Q: Should questions about future works be closed as Primarily Opinion Based?

phantom42This is a subject that we've touched upon slightly in the past, but either the questions are based on old close reasons such as "General Reference" and "Too Localized", which are now gone - or they're a little more specific. Movie Trailer Based Questions How do we deal with questions about rum...

@Himarm We have to wait until they add a trade option. ;-)
theyll add it as a micro transaction!
its nice that money really cant you 2 far ahead in the game
my result of last night:
you can buy incesnse but that only really lures like 3-4 pokemon in 30 min
> As for the plotline of "Spider-man: Homecoming," it will be set during Peter Parker/Spider-man's high school years, which deviates from the previous two franchises of the film.
i think someone forgot to watch the first spider-man movie
@Loong grrrr....show of
wait wait, didnt both series start in highschool so far?
hm. now i cant remember if garfield was in hs or college
@Himarm yeah they did
so yeah, in ASM, they graduate at the end of 2, right?
gwen gave the graduation speech that he missed
garfield was def highschool
@phantom42 wtf? where is that from?
@Loong Jesus, are these yours?
i wish you could organize your pokemon
@DrRDizzle yes, note the German names
just show the stared ones
@Himarm it's nice that you can sort by name before you transfer the weak surplus to the Professor
Do you think a meetup called: "Pizza, Beer, and _Tech Topic_" promotes a stereotypical (male) community?
Pokemon go got more kids to do exercise in 24 hours then Michelle Obama did in 8 years
@DrRDizzle He is a sensei ;)))
@MAFIA36790 I found several gyms occupied by a Snorlax with about 1400 cp. So there is still much work to do.
Has anyone got any Ghost or psychic pokemons yet?
@Loong hoo.
these are my biggest right now
i u se the ratticates to soften up gyms
@Himarm ah! Drowzee!! where did you get it from? Some mystic temple?
they spawn at mcdonalds across the street
got that scyther at a walgreens
Also, please someone ping me when you get Ghastly ;)
Everyone getting pikachus and gyrados, and rapidash, and I'm like, "oh good, another fucking pidgey and rattata"
@Himarm ohh.
i got a drowzee. cant remember where
Any Ghost pokemon? Just want to know where they can be found.
supposedly cemetaries
theres gastlys near me
there always right out of reach
i used to live around the corner from a cemetary and next to a church.
my cousin caught a hypno at his wal-mart timeclock
would have been awesome
except that house sucked
charmanders are rummored to hang out at gas stations
i was as at a wawa (gas station) this weekend. no joy there.
but i've heard that you see more/better pokemon as you level up
i just hit 7 this morning
yeah im catching 200-400 cps at lvl 11
i got that 470 scyther, and my wife got a 140
same spot
same time
shes lbl 5
@Himarm yes, same for me at level 12
bleh.. my neighborhood sucks.
and my office sucks
@MAFIA36790 I have a Haunter.
you guys all cheat
i wonder if disney is tagged all over
yeah, i have some friends that went this weekend and said it was nuts
i think we're going to go to sea world this weekend
every ride is probably a pokestop
@DrRDizzle where did you get it?
@MAFIA36790 I caught a ton of Ghastlies in various places and evolved it.
@DrRDizzle ;)
this game almost makes me miss working in downtown dc
but then i remember working in downtown dc
but damn, i could have just taken a walk around the block outside my office and probably cleaned the hell up
i could see the fence to the south lawn from the corner my office was on
and the capital building
Last night, I was mainly hunting water creatures.
I wanted to catch enough Psyducks so that I could evolve one to Golduck.
its just pidys for me
maybe i'll try walking around the lake behind my house tonight
nothing but dam pidys
i wont even spell their name right
stupid bird whores
oh, that's why you won't spell something right?
you have to have a reason now?
i have some reasons when i know how to spell it
Why does Magikarp need 400 candies to evolve?!
@Loong Because it's meant to be hilariously difficult to train up a Magikarp.
just like in the game
since you had to swap his ass out every fight
How do I upload a screenshot via mobile?
you dont
@DrRDizzle turn it into full site mode
on mobile
at least not that i've found
it's such a pain
the app lets you switch
what app?
i just use safari/chrome on my phone
mobile site for most of the time, switch to full if i have to upload
My mons
theres an iphone app
i assume theres an android
the stackexchange app on ios, or is there another one?
@DrRDizzle and here comes Spook ;)
the SE app i have doesnt have chat
@MAFIA36790 That's Le Spook to you!
it got updated with chat
like 6 months ago
i'm in it right now
for iphone
you have to hold down on sci/fi
then chat/meta pops up
@DrRDizzle: Where did you get the Paras? Pharmaceutical shop ;P
well i'll be damned
way to hide that
i got paras in the meat department in my grocery
of note: about 20 feet from the seafood counter
so the app lets you switch between a clean chat room with no upload, or full chat where you can upload
it's the same as the regular mobile site on your phone browser
I once emailed SE team when they were making SE app for windows.... I got no reply :(
Maybe they were busy.
Maybe they don't want to ;(
All doom came on me when Lumia entered my house T__T
nintendo market value up 7.5 billion, stocks up 24%
should have invested in nintendo on wensday
making up for that wii u flop
thats massive in 5 days
same time they fix the issue where ignored tags still show up in the ios app
@MAFIA36790 Just around. They aren't rare, I don't think.
nintendos best day since 1983
which i assume was NES release?
Who here is using Pokemon GO (not the APK version) on an Android phone?
so which penny arcade comic is supposed to be the funny one?
i think they talked about it on the funny big bang theory episode
i think alot of them are funny
what happened to the dickwolves drama?
did everyone just stop caring about that?
@phantom42 same here
wow, everyone seems stronger here, i need pokestop near to me
All 2000 employees of our organisation have just received the following emails.

"Same here, unable to submit"
"Can you all please stop replying to ‘REPLY ALL’ please and can you just reply to sender"
"Please can you respond only to the sender by selecting ‘Reply’ NOT ‘Reply to All’, someone just congratulated someone else for commenting that it should only be replied to the sender, then included everyone!!!"
"And so did you – at least cheered up a rainy Monday"
"Please stop I'm getting a headache"
A chain of people telling others not to "Reply to All"... using the Reply to All button.
i forgot about the dickwolves
they had merchandise too
Is it best to evolve your Pokemon and then level them up, or level them up and then evolve them?
@DrRDizzle theory crafters have determined it doesnt mater which order you do it in
the stats will be the same
Q: Does it make a CP difference if you feed candies before or after evolving?

kasobanWhen activating the evolution for a caught pokemon, it seems to amplify the CP. Thus it is most beneficial to evolve your pokemon with the highest CP, if you have multiple of the same kind. But what I am not sure about: Does it make an efficiency difference, if you spend candies and dust to boos...

Problem is when you waste energy in leveling up and then u suddenly get pokemon more leveled up then your current one
@AnkitSharma That's exactly why I'm evolving first, and then levelling up, and only evolving my high level Pokemon.
its a crap shoot anyway
also, you can power up further, as your level higher
my pidgeot was maxed power up at lvl 10, but at level 11 i can power him up 2-3 more times
so you have to keep spending dust anyway
and next week at level 20 ill be catching pideots higher level then mine is right now >.>
I had 90 Pokeballs at the start of the day. I have 140 now. The benefits of working within range of two Pokestops are huge.
fucckk. there's a lure nearby
think i'm gonna go take a break.
rare pokemon, and candy. It's a win win.
@DrRDizzle grrrr.....luck
I lost many pokeballs when hunting Psyducks with higher cp.
I have some “great balls” now, but I don’t notice any difference.
i toss berrys out occasionally if its a new pokemon i havnt scene
like the sycther i found yesterday i berried him first lol
bah. just more ratattas
Why is the a room called On-Topic Chat?
@Himarm I regularly used the Razz Berries, but without any significant effect.
Q: Is there an interest in dedicated SciFi and Fantasy chat room?

DVK-in-exileUPDATE: Room created! Thanks to everyone who expressed interest! Everyone interested are welcome to visit the newly create room at: https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/42263/sff-ontopic-chat Q: If there was a dedicated "SciFi and Fantasy" chat room in SFF chat, would you be interested in pa...

@JackBNimble it was in the garage of a hotel on the corner
Yeah, we kayaked out to the fountain to claim this gym for #teamblue #pokemongo https://t.co/vKyWMK4bsN
I was amused when you said one of those was in the middle of a lake.
In Florida, those lake pokemons sometimes take the form of alligators.
So what team is everyone? I'm Team Blue.
mostly because that's what my finger was closest to when i picked
@Loong, you're a mod. Can you delete @phantom42's account, for Team Blue?
blue <
@JackBNimble It's not my fault that he chose the wrong team.
@DrRDizzle sure
phantom42 has been kicked from Agents of Nothing and cannot return for 60 minutes.
Red seems to be the team of choice for kids
and bros
blue is hipster
and yellow is some left over rejects
theres like 1 yellow dood in town
the jesus froyo place by my house is a yellow gym
We should spread a rumour that there is a secret team that you get if you ignore red, blue, and yellow – like the starter Pikachu.
My phones GPS on Pokemon GO is really inaccurate if I'm using 4G.
so whats the deal in the uk then?
i thought they delayed the launch there
@phantom42 They did. I have the APK version.
but all the pokestops and gyms and spawn points work in the uk even though it's not out there?
@phantom42 Yup. They must have been set well in advance.
I think they just losde
loaded the whole workd up
im pretty sure your not region locked so we can catch pokemon world wide
right. i just wasnt sure if the game recognized locations worldwide already despite it not being released in certain areas yet
There are probably a million unclaimed Pokies up in the mountains.
user image
im dying
@Himarm I thought Team Rocket ;)
holy hell. my eyes are bleeding
@phantom42 Christ man, NSFW that shit.
wait. we're nsfw'ing a horrible webpage, but not a comic where people are literally shitting all over each other?
the fire stick better be on sale tomorrow
ineed 2 more
@phantom42 I don't make the rules, I just think them up and then ask people to obey them.
can lists have rows and colums?
or rather how to do rows and colums on arrays
in what
why am i so god awful at my job
in vb6 they used an int array, and then the user selected value's position in the combobox as the counter essentially for which item out of the array to select
user image
@DrRDizzle are you sure you're not american?
oh, you're blue team. that explains it.
@phantom42 100%, which means "fully" for any Americans/Team Reds reading this.
Just realised the three team colours not only match up to the three legendaries in the first generation of Pokemon games, but also the three different games released as part of that generation - Red, Blue and then later Yellow.
Nice one, Niantic.
multidimensional array wiki here i come
finding the word to google is the trick
Does anyone know a good library for transforming HTML/CSS into PDF in VB.NET? I'm struggling.
new jessica jones coming being launched
with the original creative team
are articuno, moltrese and zaptos in game?
no one has found them if they are
In my area all three teams are active but blue and read more then yellow
Seen only one empty gym but also missed it :(
Map precision is too bad, can't fight in most of them
you're just not trying hard enough to get into buildings
And why the hell is gym in graveyard
break in first
get shot later
I am not going to graveyard or dumb dark streets
i question your commitment to sparkle motion
@phantom42 lol
I like my life more
whats wrong with graveyards
i don't like them and too dark
/obligatory "everyone's dying to get in"
why the hell are your cemetaries dark in the middle of the day?
My house have nothing good nearby.....grrrr.......even pokemon not coming, must be my roommate scarred them
@phantom42 9:15 PM
maybe they're tired of being in your bathroom
pfft 915
@phantom42 lol, that was my sister's place. Here there is no single one
Now at my own house
I need new house and a car
for this game
just buy a small motor home
thats 2 birds 1 stone
nice idea
Or a food truck?
Because i can loose my job if it got addicted
food truck perfect
i have a perverted 2nd cousin who drives an icecream truck
and im sure hes playing pokemon
his roomate is actually on the sex offender list because he too drove an icecream truck and one day his junk fell out in front of all the kids
on accident...
we dont associate with this 2nd cousinmuch, but he shows up to random family parties
Interesting family
in Mos Eisley, Jun 5 at 18:32, by steelerfan
Why are all of your cousins "weird" Himarm?
this one is my grandma's sisters grandson
so hes so far removed
my immediate family/cousins are just semi-alcoholics :P
@Himarm That can work with me ;)
i'm just sayin... after the stories you tell about your family, you may want to be a little slower to call "rednecks" on floridians.
from a question:
> I don't recall anyone from the book called Julian,
from the answer:
> Julian Keller is better known as Hellion.
and it's an immediately self-answered question.
finger of shame
Don't say bad stuff about my would be in-laws
my SIL is scum.
my wife pretty much refuses to talk to her anymore
i've told the SIL that she's a waste and a disappointment to everyone, and an ungrateful... [censored].
my wife tells my cat that everyday
How people get 200+ lvl pokemon in wild
you have to be higher level personally
she's single-handedly ruined her parents retirement
Tooo time taking, have to reject starting pokemon 4 times
You can find enough random Pikachus in the wild.
i did seen one far away
saw a raichu in target. couldnt find him though
shoulda stayed for hours till you found him!
i found a bulbasaur at meyer, but i think it was inside, i drove completly around the dam place >.K<
I selected charmender for startup and feel like a waste
If Pokemon Go isn't destroying your life, you aren't playing it right.
are pokemons sometimes in the air?
There was one, one step away from balcony
SO must be in air
"Humankind solves all outstanding issues going to the Moon when it is announced rarest pokemon is in the Sea of Tranquility."
I want to put a sign in my lawn. "Pokemon Poachers will be shot."
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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