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ok, i take it back.
they need to go back to not saying Superman.
6 times and we're only 11 minutes in
so, apparently no one on Earth knows about Kryptonite yet?
also, just putting my insane theory out there: crenshaw == martian manhunter
7 hours later…
@MikeEdenfield Bear in mind the weird situation that DC has over it's TV stuff at the moment. Other than The Flash (I have no idea why this seems to be the exception), the movie side don't like the TV side using characters that they want to be able to use - it's why Suicide Squad haven't been seen since Arrow season 2(?). So if Supergirl does end up using Martian Manhunter, it would mean that the movies don't want to.
@DrRDizzle i think Zack doesn't liked Martian Manhunter, i heard it somewhere.
But i always feels him more important then cyborg
That choice i didn't like from DCEU
@AnkitSharma I don't know enough about either character to comment. Then again, if Hack Zack Snyder doesn't like him, he must be a good character ;P
@DrRDizzle Martin manhunter is bit risky character to handle with. He is quite strong alien, shapeshifter and can pass through solid things. On other hand Cyborg is a cyborg.
@AnkitSharma If Marvel can pull of The Vision on screen, I see no reason why Martian Manhunter would be riskier.
@DrRDizzle ohhh that character who appeared for 2-3 scenes.
He was just came as cameo, we need to see how it work
@AnkitSharma He had more screentime than Thor did, I think. He was awesome.
@DrRDizzle Yeah , thor scenes got cut.
And he was good, awesome, no
@AnkitSharma I know that lol, I've seen his extended "Waters of Sight" scene on the Blu Ray.
@DrRDizzle i didn't yet
@AnkitSharma The scene where he is first created and his conversation with Ultron at the end of the film are the films best moments.
I think there were many twin scenes too, which got cut
@DrRDizzle i will say a good cameo, But an awesome character, no. Lets see how it develop.
@AnkitSharma I only saw one deleted scene that revolved around the Maximoff Twins, I think. I can see why it was cut - it fleshed them out a tiny amount, but took too long to do it. The way the film ended up redeeming them during the action scene in Korea was much more efficient.
@AnkitSharma It wasn't a cameo though. We already understand who he is.
@DrRDizzle I might sound rude but i didn't liked Twin at all. And you will surely be disagree
@AnkitSharma I'm not thrilled with how Scarlet Witch ended up being written (she ended up being the least well defined character in my eyes), but I really liked Quicksilver and SPOILERS I'm sad that he is dead.
@DrRDizzle i am happy we have one less badly written character.
I even liked X-men version more even when i hated his look.
And scarlet can still play well with vision........love arc.....lets see
@AnkitSharma The more I think about X-Men: Days of Future Past, the weaker it seems. When the best scene in your film is only there because you didn't want Marvel Studios to use Quicksilver first, you done goofed.
@DrRDizzle To me twins always seems better with x-men. All of their big story are with x-men
@AnkitSharma I don't know much about the comics, but they seem best as "event" characters to me. They work really well in Avengers Disassembled and House of M, for example.
And days of future past was a big fix of universe and it worked for me. Now wolverine origin and x-men3 is non canon...wow
@DrRDizzle she was more as event but quicksilver did have interesting arc too
With inhuman and with his hunger to get power back can work on-screen quite well
@AnkitSharma The problem is that after Wolverine 3 and X-Men: Apocalypse, they will probably reboot the universe with a new Wolverine, Cyclops etc anyway.
@AnkitSharma I don't know what you mean by that.
@DrRDizzle quicksilver did losse his power in comics and try his hand in inhuman to get power their way. Have a inhuman wife and child
@DrRDizzle better to ignore Wolverine and move on with others. They have big list to start with
Deadpool and gambit already coming
@AnkitSharma Fully predicting both of those to flop, commercially and critically.
@AnkitSharma There will be a small, vocal, hardcore group of fans that like the characters so much they will be willing to ignore the films flaws, but I really don't expect much from either.
@DrRDizzle your taste buds are at wrong place.
@AnkitSharma How can you say that when the only thing we know about these films is a) Ryan Reynolds is in it and b) No director wants to film Gambit.
In fact, the only X-Men film I'm actually looking forward to is Wolverine 3, and that's based solely on the strengths of The Wolverine.
@DrRDizzle because i know this two character. They are not so unfamiliar.
@DrRDizzle wolverine standalone i never liked , he was too forced in x-men films already.
@AnkitSharma But neither of them are interesting characters. Deadpool is for 14 year olds who love "lol so randum" and Gambit is a relic of the 90's.
@AnkitSharma Did you see The Wolverine though?
@DrRDizzle already said that i disliked it
@AnkitSharma Ah, that's a shame. It was like 75% perfect.
X-men 1 - Wolverine join X-men
X-men 2 - Wolverine past comes back
X-men 3 -Wolverine save the world
Days of future past - Wolverine get back in time to save the world
And then we need 3 stand alone too
@AnkitSharma It's almost like he's the most popular character by far. And yet the best X-Men film only had him as a cameo. Go figure.
@DrRDizzle yeah first class is my only x-men fav film. I liked x-men 1 and days of future past too but not my fav
@DrRDizzle i am bored of him and his character development
He is not even much kickass anymore or wasnot even from start
@AnkitSharma The only film I've liked him in is The Wolverine. Despite being effectively the main character of the X-Men franchise, in the X-Men team films I much prefer other characters, like Nightcrawler in X2.
@DrRDizzle really, for me they ruined Nightcrawler for me
@AnkitSharma That opening scene where he is teleporting through the Whitehouse is one of (if not there) best scenes in the entire X-Men franchise.
14 mins ago, by Ankit Sharma
@DrRDizzle your taste buds are at wrong place.
@AnkitSharma You don't at least think it was a cool action scene? It was tense, well shot, well paced, had great special effects and opened the film with a bang.
@DrRDizzle i didn't liked his tattoos and old look
I hated his transformation from comics to film
But i liked his upcoming apocalypse look
@AnkitSharma UUUUUUUUggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
So every scene which had old man Nightcrawler reminded me how much i dislike him
@DrRDizzle didn't you said that you dislike when live action change from conics on fundamental level. Or that rule was for DC only?
@AnkitSharma The "slightly constipated and socially awkward" look, what a killer
@DrRDizzle Not best but better then his previous old man look
@AnkitSharma I care about the essence of the character, not surface level changes.
@AnkitSharma And I only actually care when changes are made that make things worse.
@DrRDizzle you might watched some alternate version then
@DrRDizzle yeah they did made it bad. All i like about nightcrawler is , how he is connected to other character, his mother and step sister etc etc. Not like a lame cry baby assassin character from x-men 2
SO the changes were not surface level but at every level
@AnkitSharma Religious? Check. Catholic guilt? Check? Conflicted? Check. Athletic, acrobatic, blue, teleporting, German? Check, check, check, check and check.
@DrRDizzle lame check, no depth check, stale dialogue check, no character development check, no intresting interaction with team check check...............check check...............check check................check check
And he looks like big brother of his own mother
@AnkitSharma Lame is subjective, the fact he is conflicted gives him depth, his dialogue is fine, his character does develop over the course of the film, his interactions with the X-Men develop him as a character - your only actual complaint that stands up so far is that fact he is older in the films, which is purely surface level.
@DrRDizzle age did made him a complete different character
@AnkitSharma At surface level, yeah. But X2 did a great job of adapting Nightcrawler for the film, getting the deep tissue stuff about his personality and who he is at his core 100% correct.
@DrRDizzle is there some director cut of X2, which you have seen. Because you reply doesn't match with film
@AnkitSharma It does. I'm beginning to feel like you actually aren't very good at recognising and analysing character in films - which would go a long way to explaining why you like Man of Steel, funnily enough.
@DrRDizzle so you are now saying nightcrawler is better then superman from man of steel. OMG R.I.P. ur taste buds.
@AnkitSharma This doesn't mean much, but there isn't a metric out there that doesn't rate X2 as higher that Man of Steel. Metacritic gives X2 68 and 8.7, and Man of Steel 55 and 7.6. IMDB gives X2 7.5, and Man of Steel 7.2. Rotten Tomatoes gives X2 a 'fresh' 86% and 85%, and Man of Steel a 'rotten' 56% and 76%. But of course, it is I with bad taste.
@DrRDizzle there are other factors too which affect a film rating, like when did it come, affect of previous films ete etc but better not to go there and stretch it to death.
And i am not always go with critics
I watch and listen to critic after i watch a film for comparison and analytical view, not to follow them
@AnkitSharma I'm not saying you have to. But acting like I have bad taste because I prefer a well-thought of film to one with a mixed reaction at best is just silly.
@DrRDizzle You are saying nightcrawler is best in X2 and for giving proof you are referring to movie critic rating.
Saying like hawkeye is best in avenger 1 because movie is highly appreciated by critics and public.
@AnkitSharma No, I listed a bunch of verifiable facts about why Nightcrawler in X2 is a good adaption of the comics, then compared that to Man of Steel, which isn't. Then you said I had bad taste, so I showed you that my preference for one film over the other isn't controversial.
@AnkitSharma I'm ignoring that fact that X2 is better written, directed, paced, structured etc than Man of Steel for now.
@DrRDizzle i didn't said x2 is bad or worse, i said nightcrawler as character was non relatable to me. An extra with no essence
@AnkitSharma And I showed you how the film proved you wrong, by giving examples of the character that line up with the comics. You don't have to relate to a character for them to be a well-written character.
@DrRDizzle it was not relatab;le because he was not good written. And i did watched many critic review of x men film and many say x2 is good but nightcrwler is not
So overall movie rating proof nothing
@AnkitSharma I said that myself - "This doesn't mean much, but...". I wasn't using those reviews as proof that Nightcrawler is more well-written than Superman, but that I don't have bad taste.
@DrRDizzle taste thing was told for character thing not the film.
So full film rating not equal to individual character
@AnkitSharma But it has nothing to do with taste if a character is well-written or not. They either are or they aren't. We like to think that everything about art, TV, films etc is subjective, but that simply isn't true - some things are objective facts, and although your personal taste might mean that it does/doesn't effect your enjoyment of a thing as a whole, it doesn't change that objectivity.
@DrRDizzle conclusion- after Man of steel, arrow/flash, supergirl, we have a new disagreement - Nightcrawler :D
@AnkitSharma There is nowt wrong with a healthy discussion every single goddamn day of the goddamn week now and then.
I have stamina to digest all this but other might throw us out of this room :D
@AnkitSharma It's a good job we are on when no-one else is - I know some other users don't like this kind of discussion.
@DrRDizzle i mostly come on odd timing, not my fault Timezone sucks
@AnkitSharma Nah, it's everyone else whose timezone sucks.
@DrRDizzle that was part of my election campaign over movies.se
@AnkitSharma And it worked too!
@MikeEdenfield We came to the joint-conclusion that Man of Steel is the worst film ever made, if that helps.
@DrRDizzle odds were in my favor, 2 of the pro tem mod were missing from long time. And mostly election have more chances of getting pro tem mod elected back.
@MikeEdenfield can't see the image :/
@DrRDizzle you and mike?
for the record, I liked Quicksilver in DoFP, less in AoU, but I liked Scarlet Witch and wish they'd have done more with her. I have no opinion on Nightcrawler
@AnkitSharma No, me and you.
@MikeEdenfield I think she'll be important (but not too important) in Captain America: Civil War if that helps.
I assume Fox is just going to recast Wolverine and cross their fingers that fans will just deal with it
@MikeEdenfield Jonah Hill for Wolverine 2017
wouldn't he be a better fit for the blob?
@MikeEdenfield Skinny Jonah Hill is a good looking chap.
@MikeEdenfield That will make me hate fox more
@AnkitSharma Be prepared to hate Fox more then.
if that's going to make you hate Fox then there probably isn't much hope for you or any point in them trying to make you happy.
because they really don't have a choice
Fox milk cow till death and then fuck it after death
fox isn't the one that put Wolverine in every single source comic ever written
@MikeEdenfield they had choice. NMove on , make good film like first class without him.
I'm pretty sure Marvel uses Wolverine so much it violates the laws of physics
@MikeEdenfield Days of future past? He was not that big part in comics.
@MikeEdenfield I'm 90% sure that following the comics and specifically the events means that you literally see him in more than one place at a time.
Even in phonic saga, he was too forced in X3 film then comics
i think you see him on more than one planet at the same time
@AnkitSharma He still had a fairly major role. He protected Kitty in the future. Also, that reminds me - X-Men: Days of Future Past was such a massive disappointment when compared to the comic.
DoFP did its job, though: it made X-3 go away
@DrRDizzle Film was made to make MCU XCU
@MikeEdenfield and origin too
@AnkitSharma That doesn't make it any less disappointing.
when i come into the room and see a hundred messages between dizzle and ankit, i know i need to get some popcorn.
@DrRDizzle i liked it in parts but as a whole it was too focused in fixing issue that it has no individuality. And even missed many issue to fix.
@phantom42 LOL, till we rip each other off
@phantom42 i already made that joke
i made some for you
come on guys. i need more to read
and arrowverse used katana last season, and amanda waller is back this season. both from suicide squad.
and gotham is doing more with joker this season
@phantom42 My friend who loves Arrow told me that they couldn't use the Suicide Squad itself anymore thanks to the upcoming film though
well, there's also the issue that most everyone from suicide squad is dead in the arrowverse
so, that sort of puts a damper on things too
now whether that decision came before the egg is a fair question
but they've been using characters from the team
@MikeEdenfield can't see image again :/
reuploaded to imgur
@phantom42 i don't care till its enjoyable which it is. And i think dizzel is not even following it.
@phantom42 Didn't they introduce Harley Quinn, only to never mention her again or something?
@DrRDizzle not really, no. officially, she's not named. you just hear her in a cell but never see her.
but producers said that it was supposed to be her.
@phantom42 Was that a teaser that never came to fruition, or an Easter Egg?
easter egg, i believe
but it happened around the time that suicide squad news was starting to break
As far as I know the only character that was taken away from Arrow was Deadshot.
ok. here we go. DC said no more harley and no suicide squad but apparently they can still use characters from
because that edict came down before katana showed up
Stephen Amell talked about it at SDCC I believe, they made Arrow kill him off prior to the movie
@phantom42 from what?
but they only had the full suicide squad on a tiny handful of episodes. plus they've moved on to HIVE
@DrRDizzle suicide squad
@phantom42 Well that's confusing. "Don't use Harley Quinn or Suicide Squad, but can still use characters that aren't Harley (or Deadshot apparently) from Suicide Squad."
@DrRDizzle same like coulson is dead but alive or avenger will not help S.H.I.E.L.D.
We need to live with that
Even if we like it or not.
just like we need to live with the fact that fox is gonna recast wolverine.
whether we like it or not
@MikeEdenfield i will love to see it get ruined then and i will say, i told you :D
@AnkitSharma But Coulson is canonically alive.
@DrRDizzle yeah alive in canon but can't be mentioned in movie canon because movie people don't watch TV
That's why i liked DC is keeping TV things away
But then they announced canon kypton series but i think it will not affect movie canon as it plays in long past time
@AnkitSharma There is no difference between movie canon and canon. It's more like his character won't be mentioned because, for now, he has chosen to keep his revival a secret from The Avengers, but we've already seen an event from Agents of SHIELD affect an MCU film. We know out-of-universe reasons for the lack of meaningful cross-over, but Agents of SHIELD (and Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc) is 100% canon.
@DrRDizzle we all know that already :P
I wonder if Captain America: Civil War will mention the sudden influx of superhumans caused by the Terrigenesis in Agents of SHIELD. That would be cool.
@AnkitSharma I'm still not clear if WB will consider Krypton as part of the DCEU, or if they're just using Man of Steel as a reference point.
@MikeEdenfield All reports I've read seem to indicate it will be part of the DCEU, but I've seen no official source on that yet.
@MikeEdenfield rumor says it will be canon but till now there no green-light given to show, so will wait and see.
Did anyone watch last nights Agents of SHIELD yet by the way? I haven't, but I read all the spoilers. Looks like it will be a good episode.
@DrRDizzle i didn't :p
not yet.
im a day behind everything
@MikeEdenfield I like Wednesdays. It's the perfect day of the week to watch both Supergirl and Agents of SHIELD.
Today is more a flash day for me.
@AnkitSharma Hey man, what you do in your time is your business. But don't do that.
That's a joke about the word "flash", before anyone gets antsy.
antsy or nasty?
@AnkitSharma antsy
@DrRDizzle always at least one day behind due to watching on hulu/amazon/downloads
@DrRDizzle this isn't mess eisley. we don't go around flagging everything here.
@phantom42 do you guys do that on main room.
@phantom42 I meant more "no, The Flash is good an you suck" comments.
@AnkitSharma somebody does.
I have a theory about why the Internet is so mad about the gender politics in Supergirl but not Agent Carter. It's because Agent Carter was set in the past, so people can pretend that sexism is a thing of the past. But Supergirl brings that the present, and then audiences are reminded that "Oh yeah, things aren't all that great for women in a lot of areas of life".
And the fact that a show would say that is, to some idiots people, an "anti-male" sentiment they they classify as bad writing, despite the fact that the writing is of a similar quality or higher to that seen in the pilot episode of The Flash, which the same people loved.
@MikeEdenfield Arrow had already killed him once anyways. He shot him through the eye!
@DrRDizzle I'm also usually a day or two behind, because I don't know when shows actually air, I just wait until they show up on Hulu.
@DrRDizzle Your statements are contradictory as always.
Flash is bad, supergirl is good but both are same.
@DrRDizzle They call her Super girl because she acts like a teenager, and they don't take her seriously because she acts and talks like a teenager.
They might respect her if she acted mature.
aside from her comment to ally mcbeal, has kara actively fought against sexism?
in agent carter, it's part of the setting, yes, but peggy actively fights it
even kara's comment wasn't taking issue with being labeled as a female or females being seen as weaker/inferior - it was being labeled as "girl" instead of "woman"
@AnkitSharma I never said The Flash was bad, I said that the pilot episode was really poorly structured and paced, whereas the Supergirl one wasn't. Other than that, the similar tone and style of writing means that as far as I can tell, there is very little difference between the two.
@DrRDizzle one is over feminist show and other is little funny show. Both have fun moments but different feel.
@phantom42 But other areas of the pilot approached the subject, such as when the leader of not SHIELD said she couldn't do it, and Kara's sister was like "Why? Because she's a girl?".
The show itself is dealing with sexist attitudes in different ways, rather than the characters in it (at least, as far as I have seen).
@JackBNimble Are we talking in, or out of universe? Because in-universe, the name Supergirl appears as soon as she is shown to save the plane, the public have no idea about her personality or anything. We know she is a bit awkward and adorable, but no-one in-universe does.
@AnkitSharma Did you watch the second episode?
@DrRDizzle no
didn't we talking about pilot
@AnkitSharma I was, yeah, I was just wondering if you'd seen the second episode or not. I haven't yet.
@DrRDizzle my current state is to quite shows not to start any :(
Once upon a time seems in next cancellation
@AnkitSharma How much can you possibly be watching?
@DrRDizzle I was speaking more of how the DOE treats her.
@DrRDizzle Currently Gotham, once upon a time, arrow, flash, 2 Indian reality show
+ checking youtube video from my fav channels
@AnkitSharma That's not even that much!
@DrRDizzle i watch altleast 10-15 YouTube video daily in bad days
else they cross 25 mark
+ 15-20 songs a day
And i leave office mostly late
@AnkitSharma That makes more sense.
i used to watch more shows but current slate is restricted
And today i have to go to a part which i don't want to.
@AnkitSharma I'm only watching Supergirl and Agents of SHIELD as 'current' TV at the moment, but I'm watching Danger 5 and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as well.
How many stars in the night sky? That's how many shows I feel like I am watching.
yeah, that's us right now too.
@JackBNimble seems like you have time machine or time move slower in your zone
Flash, Agents of SHIELD, Super Girl Mindy Project, Grimm, Fresh off the Boat, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Minority Report (probably dropping), Bones (probably dropping), Sleepy Hollow (probably dropping)
I might start two anime shows soon.
Only dropped naruto recently
Grimm doesn't mean anything. It's just something they say before they try to kill me.
@AnkitSharma Which two?
walking dead, last man on earth, gotham, fresh off the boat, muppets, flash, shield, , modern family,svu, arrow, heroes.. undecided on supergirl. catching up on once upon a time, so we'll watch that real-time once we're caught up.
oh yeah, Walking Dead. Modern Family, Heroes.
@phantom42 If you can tolerate The Walking Dead, you can tolerate anything ;)
Those guys' Jo Kata forms in TWD were shoddy, in my opinion. On the other hand, there has been an uptick in interest in Aikido this week.
@phantom42 My wife wants me to catch up on Once Upon a Time. I just have no interest in doing that. I feel like it isn't a great show.
whenever they show people doing kata/forms, they always show them doing the same exact one over and over
angel used to only ever do the first tai chi form
@phantom42 It must be the most important one.
@JackBNimble it's definitely got its ups and downs, but i like far more eps than i dislike
pretty much anything with pan in it, i dislike.
but i think a lot of that is that crappy actor
he's annoying on heroes too
He's got a face no mother could love. Probably why she died and they sent him away.
I think it is odd that anytime he teleports into that girl's bedroom, she jumps up and gives him a hug. Haven't they only really known each other for a few days?
Also, NASA should recruit that guy. The cost to going to the moon (or Mars) just got a whole lot cheaper.
I assume people are caught up on Heroes Reborn.
i have to imagine that they did dna testing on him when he was being studied by primatech/renautas
how did no one notice he was related to claire/hrg?
Also there are two Angela Petrelli's in the past now, one who is involved in Primatech and one who is presumably evading them.
@JackBNimble i was unclear how long they've been in that town. they've only semi-recently become friends, but they may have known each other a little bit longer
@phantom42 you saw the news... Pan's coming back for at least 1 more episode
Hiro and Nathan represent what I assume is faster-than-light travel. They should totally get into the space exploration business.
@MikeEdenfield yes. but i was hoping it was a nightmare
Angela said "Nathan, for the son I lost" which means Peter is still alive.
@AnkitSharma next in cancellation for you, or by the network?
@JackBNimble i have not started watching "June 15th" yet. so I think I'm 2 eps behind?
I think they should have sent Claire away or something, rather than have her inexplicably die. She was obviously immortal in the original series. I suppose it is impossible to have HRG without wondering where Claire is though, so they had to do something.
They could have just said she moved to Nashville and became a country singer.
The shows I'm watching at the moment:
@MikeEdenfield Spoiler alert.
Blindspot, Heros Reborn, SHIELD, Flash, Arrow, NCIS (kinda stopped), Bones (kinda stopped), Sleepy Hollow, Haven, Grimm, Vampire Diaries, Originals
@MikeEdenfield No Supergirl?
and also catching up on The Strain
oh and Supergirl
and Supernatural, and Castle
and Once Upon A Time, and The Libraries, and Gotham, and iZombie
you can see why I'm behind
and Doctor Who
@MikeEdenfield Oh yeah, I watch Doctor Who too
I feel like there's at least one more summer show I haven't caught up on.
I dumped Under The Dome when it got cancelled, I finished Stitchers and Dark Matter and Killjoys
I ws a bit annoyed at S2 of Supergirl with the number of times they mentioned Superman
but it seems like they're mostly doing it to set her up as 'different from him'
like it's actually part of the plot that whenever someone sees her they think about Superman, and presumably, the plot will be driven by her attempt to change that
so I'm gonna give them a pass for another couple of episodes before returning to being annoyed
DOE seems like Cadmus. They seem to have a lot tech specifically designed to deal with Superman (or girl).
so, Supergirl's ratings dropped a bit.
looks like it went from a 3.1 to a 2.2
which is still the second highest rated show on CBS
I would think Superman would be actively involved in capturing those escaped prisoners as well.
but hopefully that was the entirety of the post-pilot drop
how close is national city supposed to be to metropolis
why is the daily planet competing with the Tribune?
the miami herald doesn't compete with the orlando sentinel
Well, she did complain the Daily Planet was reporting on her brand.
which is question #2: why is it normal for the planet to report on Supergirl, but the Tribune can't report on Superman?
oh yeah.
no spoilers, please, but do I have to reset my Barry's Secret Identity counter?
it's up to 8
@MikeEdenfield Is that 8 in-universe days 8 out-of-universe days, 8 episodes?
@DrRDizzle Definitely not episodes.
out of universe days
@MikeEdenfield how are you liking s2? we quit after a few eps
2 hours later…
@phantom42 well I haven't deleted it from my DVR but I also haven't been motivated enough to watch the last 6 episodes.
but it seemed to pick up a bit after the 3rd or 4th one
4 hours later…
365 days.
Supposedly the first pic from the Dr. Strange film set.

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