somehow matt murdock seemed to find the time to date and break up with elektra and black widow in between dating karen and her dying. I never read any of that stuff.
when i picked up DD with Marvel Knights she was already dead and the other two were exes
> I went directly to an unimpeachable source, who told me that the film division is still planning to make the film, and there are certain elements of the “Inhumans” universe that have been declared off-limits to the “SHIELD” people as a result.
> Here’s how you will know that Marvel has cancelled the feature film. If you see the royal family, including Black Bolt, show up on the TV show, then there’s a good chance the feature division has finally changed their mind.
sounds like bickering, but i always assumed the inhumans movie would deal with the royal family
@JackBNimble yeah I didn't like that scene at all; Loki sneaky-stabbed him like it was going to have some effect, but Thor just pulled the knife out tossed it away. Did Loki not know that would happen? Was he just being symbolic?
(i just watched Avengers last night and that bugged me)
having said that... watching 4 more years on Inhumans on TV without ever once seeing the King of the Inhumans will make both TV and movie look downright idiotic.
and we know the movie side isn't gonna acknowledge anything that happened on TV, so we're gonna have an Inhumans movie where SHIELD's had Inhumans working for them for years and yet we won't see a hint of Daisy?