IIRC, originally it was just supposed to be a cool barry allen cameo, but they decided to make a full-fledged Flash show and use those two episodes to kick it off
The two TV Shows Arrow and The Flash cross over (or so I'm told).
I've only been watching Arrow so far, and Barry Allen has just turned up. Do I need to start watching flash episodes?
What order do I need watch these shows in?
@JackBNimble They reveal that Project Theta was the Helicarrier restoration.
@MichaelEdenfield @Pureferret Originally, they were going to introduce Barry, and have the accident occur. Then later in the season have a proper backdoor pilot. The suits liked what they'd seen of the work on the show, and scrapped the backdoor pilot.
said backdoor pilot has remnants in the S2 Arrow episode that has Caitlin and Cisco. It's why that episode feels off, it had been gutted of a plot.
I'm still trying to figure out this part: if no one knew Sara was on the boat with Oliver except the other people on the boat, how did her family know she died?
@MichaelEdenfield I figure that at a certain point, they'd figure out she wasn't at college, which was why she wasn't responding to emails or phone calls. Then it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together.
and there hasn't been any indication so far that they spent months/years looking for Sara before decided she'd died with Oliver; it sounds like Quentin immediately shifted into "i hate oliver queen" mode?
I'm wondering if I missed some bit where the news reports listed her name, like maybe some official passenger list from the marina had it, or the coast guard heard it on the sos, or something like that.
i don't really wanna go back and watch all of S1 again :)
@Keen that largely matches up with his comments about why he joined twitter and took an earlier break (without deletion). he said he had originally joined to pimp out much ado and complained that it had practically become another job just keeping up
pfft. mysterious and infamous sniper / hired assassin tells you that he was hired to kill your brother by shadowy secret organization he only knows by the alias HIVE. You pick up your girlfriend's top-secret-government-agency phone to find out more about hive... from Bing.
At the end of Interstellar why did they expect us to believe that Jennifer Chastain would turn out as an ugly fat old lady, I imagine a skinny version of her.