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5:37 AM
@BeeePollen You can of course invite the community to discuss the question here (that’s technically what you would be doing). Not sure how much feedback you would get, though.
8 hours later…
1:49 PM
Thanks @Stephie--and haha, yes, I see now that this place is a little quiet. Well here goes:
I work in an office in a building with central air. I leave the office door closed when I am inside, and no one else comes in. I don't know much about the ventilation in the building, other than that it is a "normal US office building," built sometime during the past 20 years, in the northern half of the US, during winter.

- Should I put something over my AC vent (i.e. a filter or something to block it entirely)? Why or why not?

- Are there any easy other actions I can take to reduce risk (other than wearing a mask or not going into the office)?

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