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@Behaviour oh, I get what you mean. That's actually do-able
Remind me & I'll do it for this election.
@Behaviour I was wondering is it possible to see how many voters actually read the meta question and answers? I mean can you track the ip addresses associated with voters to determine if they went to the meta page and for how long. The reason time is necessary is because it takes more than a second to read the posts. That way we can tell home many people are actually making an informed vote.
@dustin This data is not available, but I can make an educated guess on how many of the voters read the questionnaire responses...
.... I'll say, 11.
@Behaviour I was just curious if it was possible. No guessing is needed.
@Behaviour I think that would be an interesting data set to analyze since there are many votes on some answers and it is sparse on others. Similarly with the primary tallies.
I read all of them.
Leaves 10 to be found.
I read all of them.
No one needs to admit if they have done so. I was wondering if the nameless data existed.
I know, just following quid for giggles.
I hope that above guess is way off by the way. That took a lot of work for the candidates.
I appreciate them having taken that time. There were some well thought out answers there.
@J.W.Perry the way some of the votes are on the responses I wouldn't be surprised if it is accurate.
Ah, I only voted up a few myself, and voted nothing down (yet). Still waiting for that one set of answers to come in.
@J.W.Perry the set from some of the candidates who haven't answered yet? If so, I think that is only the girl (I can't remember name).
Absent 5 days and counting through an election after all that talking.
@J.W.Perry surprisingly she still acquired many votes in the primary though.
Very surprising! I am completely at a loss there.
@J.W.Perry this is why I wanted the data for these anomalies in voting.
Good on you for that. It'd be nice to see things like rep and registered time and so forth. Voting anomalies like you said.
From Alexander Gruber's charts, voting is correlated with rep.
I saw those.
The correlation makes sense.
@J.W.Perry it makes since as in the users are highly visible but not in the sense of what makes a good mod. Moderation has nothing to do with math ability or amount of answers.
That was for candidate reps though. It would be interesting to see binned rep counts of voters.
Agreed on candidate rep. But it turns out that the most participatory, experienced, and qualified candidates will oftentimes happen to have rep by virtue of time on the site.
Voter rep and time on site though. I'd be curious to see those bins.
I found that the Q&A was more helpful to ordering the top few (e.g. for me, 5) candidates than anything else - generally, I looked at their nomination to see if they sort of understood the job (in so far as what I want them to be doing), looked at rep, flag count, and their history of meta posts (including if they tried to cover for not having been active before the election by being really active during). Only satisfied then did I proceed to the Q&A - otherwise, it'd be too much info.
@Meelo Likewise on the Q&A. I definitely settled my third pick directly from something written in that Q&A.
Over 700 voters already (705 as of now).
877 voted Fischer up or down. I'm thinking when we pass that we're getting somewhere in the most of the votes are in territory. It would be interesting to know how many individual accounts participated in the primary.
At the rate votes are coming in that might not take long.
Let's extrapolate. In 2013, there were 317 votes on Alex Becker's nomination (maximum among the nominations). 437 voted in the final round, the factor of 1.38. Accordingly, we can expect 1209 votes in the final round of 2014 election.
@Behaviour Very nice. Thanks for that.
3 hours later…
Over 800 users voted by now.
I'm planning to edit all the questionnaire answers to add a link to the user profile and nomination at the top.
See mine for an example:
A: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Ilmari Karonen Ilmari Karonen's user profile and nomination. How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments? These kinds of cases always need to be considered on their individual merits, since eve...

Any objections?
I wouldn't touch posts by other candidates if I was running in the election.
Also: by now, nearly all readers of those answers are those coming from the election page. And they come via direct links to the candidate's answer. For them, the thing on top is redundant.
But it is a convenient idea.
@Behaviour Hmm, yeah, I guess it would be better for someone else to do it. Wanna volunteer? :)
Or maybe @Shog9 could do it.
I agree a mod should do it
I think he's probably busy with other things. Adding the name on top was suggested in the comments there early on; whether the candidates followed the suggestion or not may say something about them.
2 hours later…
This further explains why Karonen is in my vote set of three. We are like brothers from another programming mother. How cool.
10 hours later…
For the first time in any election here, the number of voters exceeded 1000. (Currently, 1049.)
@Behaviour is there a way to see the current leaders?
@dustin No, the final round is more like a normal election: no information until the election is over.
Can we conduct an exit polling like Gallup Poll or quick count maybe on Meta to predict the result of mods election?
@Venus expectations are a big part of the excitement, no?
@skullpatrol No, curiosity is. Because it is one of the great secrets of happiness. #RandomQuote
@Venus a meta question would defeat the purpose of a randomized exit poll since it is no longer random.
3 hours later…
Exactly 1100 users voted so far.
Soon more users will have voted than have ever voted before.
Exactly? That's odd.

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