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Also, the up-down vote game is played on an uneven field: all 15+ users versus all 125+ users.
what do you mean with that?
@JorgeFernández one can upvote with 15 points but not dv, for this one needs 125 points
@IlmariKaronen Thanks for your comments. They're helpful.
One good additional candidate. So this was a good day! Hoping tomorrow we will get still some more.
@mixedmath we talk about the usefulness of Cleo's answers all the time in the chat room :)
4 hours later…
Ilmari is also active on meta.SE - 10k+. Are some of other candidates active there?
Ilmari Karonen is the only 10K+ Math.SE user who has 10K+ on four other SE sites. Also, nontrivial reputation (200+) on more sites than I bothered to count.
I guess you are referring to this post (now deleted - visible for 10k+) and to the query from that post.
dustin also had some activity there: meta.stackexchange.com/users/222435/dustin
Yes, but not much: a bug report concerning his own profile, plus a closed question.
Well, still at least knowing about existence of this site is a positive thing. (This is to say, I am afraid some of the 20 candidates do not even know about that site.)
There are also a few "101-users" among candidates. I hope I did not miss somebody when I went through the profiles.
BTW it seems that the frenzy about the election is declining. A while ago there was almost always some discussion in this room and almost all recently active questions on meta were about election, candidates, moderating and related stuff.
I still don't understand why they didn't wait until January for having the election, Christmas is such a busy time for most people.
There isn't much new to talk about. The chaos of the first day of nominations was the source of much discussion, but after that things went smoothly. By the way, out of 4.6k Caucus badges awarded all-time, more than 2000 are for this election. Since it's the 5th one, the number shows significant growth of the site or of interest in the election.
Perhaps they are looking for those who are dedicated enough to put this site first even during Christmas.
What is the most effective way to vote in the primaries? For the three candidates you want to win? For 10 you want to advance to the second round? For any number of candidates you find worthy?
Also, does it make sense to not vote on some of the nominations?
@Behaviour In my opinion it does. It is possible that I do not have enough information to say whether he could be a good mod. So I am undecided.
Or what if there are some candidates that I think probably would not make a good mod, but there are other candidates which I definitely do not want to see in the moderators team?
I only have -1/0/+1 as a possibilities to differentiate.
Yes, I think having three option helps there.
I think other moderators should get a stronger say in who they want on their team.
After all, they are the ones who basically decided when to call this election.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Three cheers for Daniel and Jyrki!
Hip, hip Hooray
1 hour later…
@BalarkaSen I notice you didn't mentioned Pedro!
@Integrator since he used a complete list of the new candidates I do not think one can infer much from this.
@Integrator I cheered for the new candidates, since their self-promotion has been long awaited by me as well as many of the MSE community. Pedro nominated himself way earlier.
I believe @AhaanS.Rungta would be a good moderator. I've seen him doing a really great job not only as a TA on edx courses helping students, but also as a brilliant.org moderator. Someone else mentions he was also an AoPS moderator.
@SpinningTurntable He is the best candidate among the youngsters IMO.
Hmm, I just learned two things:
1. You can't upvote comments on the nomination page.
2. Actually, you can.
I should probably report that as a bug. :)
@IlmariKaronen Maybe that was some moderator (maybe they can upvote comment).
No, that was actually me. :)
@SpinningTurntable @Venus Thanks a lot for your kind words! My relatively low reputation compared to the very deserving and experienced candidates might be a drawback but seeing the support is great. :) I'm starting to wonder if I should mention my many adventures helping and moderating at edX. But again, there's a word limit.
It's not very hard to figure out, if you've played with the SE client-side UI as much as I have.
Funny, I do see comment votes in earlier elections. Is the comment voting only (supposed to be) disabled during the nomination phase? That's odd...
Or did they change it since the last election?
@AhaanS.Rungta Is there a word limit? What's the maximum characters that can be inserted in the nomination box?
A bit over 1000, IIRC.
And yes, it's extremely annoying. :)
I understand why it's necessary, but damn... I had to cut my original nomination post down to less than a half, and I'm still not sure if I picked the right pieces to keep and delete.
@IlmariKaronen It's new. Voting on comments to the nominations has been disabled recently. It used to be possible. But apparently people thought that upvotes on nomination comments provided even less information value than upvotes on comments on main.
@Venus Indeed, there is 1000-character word limit.
@IlmariKaronen One can use the thread with the questions for mods to expand on ones views. See here for the last election: meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/9556/…
@Michael: True, but the nomination text is still the bit that people read first. I'd really like to squeeze in just one tiny little paragraph more there... maybe if I cut out the introductory sentence, and shaved off a few words here and there... :)
Or I could just drop the moderation philosophy bit, since it's really just restating stuff that's already in AToM, so all moderators ought to basically agree with it anyway... or maybe not. :/
Besides, it's got bullet points, and they break up the "wall of text" nicely. :)
Ah, leave it. I think it's fine.
Glad you nominated, @DanielF.
Q: Can *too* upvote comments under an election nomination

Ilmari KaronenApparently, we're not supposed to be able to upvote comments in moderator elections any more. Only, it turns out that you can, if you just know how: Basically, it's yet another back-end validation issue: while the upvote button is missing from the page HTML, the SE back-end is still happy...

There we go...
@AlexanderGruber Yes, I do
2 hours later…
This^ kinda stuff makes the room look like there is a conspiracy going on.
Yes @skullpatrol it is quite scary. But fear not the nice blue-ish users are watching over you. :-)
Who me? @quid
Not you specifically. Just like EveRYBodY and EverYthING
The Classic.
When @Shog9 lowered the number of nominations to 20, this seemed to have side effects: the list of nominees is now preceded by "22 candidates", and the sidebar says: "moderator candidates 20/22". Only 20 are actually shown, so that part is working.
There's a link at the bottom that lets you see all 22 nominees. Since the lower-rep nominees will get back in when somebody withdraws, that makes sense too.
@Behaviour I see, this is
I wanted to get a big red box (syntax [status-bydesign] but apparently only Meta.SE chat supports it?) No big deal.
@Behaviour I just checked the primary procedure which I did not know. Since votes are public, even when one votes could play an important role.
Yes... vote often vote early.
Well yes. But when I downvote I often vote late to avoid balance/pitty upvotes
I wonder what the optimal strategy in the primary phase is if there are a few candidates you want in, a few you really really don't, and the rest you don't but will lose anyway.
I suspect it might be to upvote the weakest candidates as well as your preferred ones.
@quid The score on nomination does not go negative. The system makes note of the score, but displays it as 0. At least this is how I remember the 2013 election.
Thanks that's interesting to know. Does it show +/- or just the balance?
Q: Election primary vote count is no lower than -1

BalusCThere are currently 2 moderators who have a total vote count of less than 0 during the primary phase. But the total vote count sticks at -1 and is no lower than that. Neal, for example, currently stands at +97/-140 which should give a total vote count of -43. I remember having seen this during t...

So, yes: as on the site, one can get the breakdown of +/- votes, but by default the balance is shown, and it does not go (very) negative.
Thanks again! Strange combination.
I updated citizenship scores table. Yes, comparing N vs N+1 does not mean N+1 would be a better moderator... but at least it identifies a smaller group of candidates that are most involved on the site.
As far as I am concerned one might almost skip the primary and go by that list.
I expect many will vote by reputation and that that's roughly what will happen anyway.
I'd be happy with Jyrki, Pedro and Thomas elected ;)
Perhaps we will all elect you out of spite.
Spite makes right?
@MikeMiller As long as Jyrki and (Pedro or Thomas) get elected too, I could live with that.
Has anybody been elected and then declined to serve as a mod?
Well. I, too, would be happy with Daniel, Thomas and Pedro elected ahead of me. They all beat me in one or more relevant categories.
Skullpatrol: That would be a bit naughty IMHO.
One has to nominate themselves to be elected. I think people would be cross with them if they declined after nominating themselves.
Just a thought ;)
Two minor flaws of the election page. I felt these were small enough so I would not open a separate bug for each. Interesting that the primary voting begins at 20:00 UTC instead of 0:00 UTC.
@Behaviour Exactly one week after the nomination began, methinks.
Perhaps because this places it at 3:00pm Eastern Time, where SE headquarters are. So the technical and other issues could be addressed promptly without pulling employees out of bed. (Or out of a bar, which has its own implications.)
Winterbash also begins on 15th, but at 0:00 UTC. In 5 hours, to put it simply. Candidates will have time to acquire moderator-y looking hats.
More importantly, it's lunch time on the west coast, giving the more laid-back candidates a chance to nominate first.
I reiterate to all prospectives the importance of the right hat in my voting decisions.
@Shog9 Laid-back approach to the site is what we have enough of already.
Got my mind on my modding and my modding on my mind.
Now that I think of it: given the current set, I am not going to vote for any American U.S.-based candidates. So there.
That's because you're not a suitably laid-back west-coaster.
When Jeff Atwood participated on meta.Math... laid-back was not an adjective I would use to describe his approach.
That's some real West Coast philosophy right there
You don't hear East Coasters saying shit like that
"DO MORE STUFF FASTER THEN! Life's too short to smell the roses"
The meta in the old days was even more "fun" then it is now. Too bad I missed out on all that. Or maybe not.
The presence of Atwood was too imposing, imo. Unlike the programming communities, where he fit right in, Math viewed him as an (occasionally evil) Overlord from another land. I suspect this contributed to the site's relative isolation from wider SE.
This was a big influence on the design of the election system as well.
As for relative isolation... I remember when Math.SE launched (was not employed by SE at that time). It was something of a running joke that the folks here then were dogmatically contrarian, regardless of the topic. I won't go into more detail on that - I'm sure you know what I'm talking about - but for those of us who'd been patiently waiting for features to be implemented / bugs to be fixed for a couple of years at that point, it was not exactly endearing.
And then came the evil overlord from another land? :D
I am not quite sure that changed.
I am the evil warlord now. Warlord skullpatrol.
Let him come to my land.
@Shog9 I think many people would be surprised how harmonious things are now.
We are now less of a bunch of tenured professors who are used to boss IT guys around.
Let's blame everything on MO's real names policy. ;D
@Anastasiya-Romanova秀 You should be advised that the community does not, in general, take kindly to moderators using unilateral votes for anything less than a clear cut case (in particular, to support their own ideological views with respect to a heavily contested issue.)
It may be helpful for you to look at the response to my (comparatively moderate) position on this issue during the last election.
While I agree that a moderator should not go around using the mod abilities left and right in contested case, I for one consider the restraint demanded by some from mods on this site as excessive, and in fact a cause of problems.
@quid I agree with you. I'm just letting Ana know she may be taking a polarizing stance, in case she isn't aware of that.
@AlexanderGruber In fact I thought so. I merely meant to mention my opinion as this gets said less often than the converse I think.
And if no one ever says it the perception can become skewed over time.
> Find algebraically the coordinates of the points A and B. (7 mark question)
People like to make a spectacle of moderator actions, in the same way they do for politicians, or anybody in the public eye. It can be restrictive. But, then again, there is a large spectrum in the PSQ/homework question debate. Even the current moderators have varying personal opinions on the issue.
I would not mind a mod closing in such a case, when a question is an embarrassment for the site.
@Behaviour Well sure, even I'd close that unilaterally. What constitutes an embarrassment is a fuzzy line, though.
Or duplicates. Many of low-level PSQ are in fact duplicates. Often a duplicate is found after some OT votes are already cast, and the closing reason becomes a function of how many votes went in which direction. If a mod sees such a thing, voting to close as a duplicate is entirely appropriate, imo.
@Behaviour Yeah, again, that's what I'd call a clear-cut case. I close for duplicates, and merge if there is good content.
@Behaviour Shame you got that homework tag depricated, you could've gotten a PSQ goldhammer. ;-)
Dupe closings should be pretty uncontroversial. Should be.
...or not; see "Dr. Strangedupe".
I agree it's rare, but it's possible to be too eager with dupe closures, too.
@IlmariKaronen As I understood it, that was about not deleting duplicates - when they are not delete-worthy on their own; closing duplicates prevents fragmentation of answers, and the closed dupes serve as signposts to the collection of answers.
@IlmariKaronen Searchability is one of my biggest priorities when moderating, actually, despite being one of the least discussed issues on meta. I guess it is a mostly behind-the-scenes concern.
@DanielFischer I'd summarize it as talking about approximately how many variations of each question should remain on the site.
Anyway I'm cluttering up the room, my questions for the candidates have been answered. I'll be in the main math chat, good day y'all.

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