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A new nomination is up; Thomas looks like a contender.
Here are some of his relevant meta answers.
Citizenship score: 38 (from 20+18).
After refreshing my memory, I think there are 2.5 candidates I could vote for, as of now. Thomas, Pedro and 0.5*Arkamis.
are we allowed partial votes?
and if so, must they be rational :P
@JyrkiLahtonen you would be a great candidate!
Hi @skullpatrol! Perhaps let us save the echo game for a more idle room.
@Behaviour I agree, though perhaps I would make that 2.7.
That's splitting hairs... The weak point of Arkamis (as far as I'm concerned) is that he got carried away on meta a few times in the past. When he keeps emotions under control, I tend to agree with what he says.
Anyway, this by no means suggests that I'm totally satisfied with the current pool of candidates... Still waiting for JL and JM to show up. :)
Splitting hairs is a hobby. Any non-deleted references for that claim?
I agree about JM being a good candidate/contender.
There was nothing egregious, or I would not have even 0.5 there... I thought some meta exchanges in comments were unnecessarily long, and too forcefully stated, without being productive. This proposal, although well-received, was overstating the problem, and was never going to make a difference regardless of outcome.
Eh, sure.
Here is an external page where one can get the "citizenship scores" of the current nominees.
This will avoid bumping the same meta thread every time the list of nominees changes.
Come to nominate, @Ted?
Adhvaitha is suspended again, for a month this time.
That was quick.
@Behaviour I suppose you didn't notice when they posted their election rant. I believe it was within an hour of getting off suspension.
I did notice, but did not check the user profile at that time.
Ah... whoops. My 6k shows me again.
I saw they had posted something but too late. (Yes I know I should just get 10k.)
I know the feeling, @quid.
You did not miss anything interesting.
> Elections (in most places, not just on math.stackexchange) most often than not throws up idiots and the top idiot wins. Democracy, elections, voting, etc. is of the idiots, by the idiots and for the idiots.
@MikeMiller It is particularly hard if one is spoiled from oter sites.
Thanks Behaviour. Really not that interesting.
This will be a rare occasion: election during Winterbash. Expect the candidates to pay particular attention to their hats.
I absolutely won't vote for candidates not wearing the right hats, much less those not wearing hats at all.
Simple question that really ought to be on the SE standard list of questions for candidates:
A: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Gerry MyersonWhat is the most serious problem facing Mathematics Stack Exchange today? And what would you hope to be able to do about that problem as a moderator?

^ moar upvotes, please, so it gets asked.
I just updated my "nomination speech" including my citizenship score.
Eh. I hope the "score" does not get overused, because after all it is just a number.
@Behaviour Is there a reasonable way of searching chat transcripts? I'm looking for a message I remember but have not even close to an idea when it was sent.
@JackD'Aurizio You say you are for closing HW dumps... but you answered a large number of those. Sometimes voted to close, and still answered. Other times just answered before the question was closed by others.
@MikeMiller There is the search box in the upper right corner, it searches the entire history of the room.
Ah, I'd forgotten about that. I'll try it when I'm back on my computer. Thanks.
@Behaviour: you are right. The reason is that I am uncomfortable as a "bad cop". I like to be here to learn and to help. Sometimes I gave my help (and my time) also on questions that did not deserve it. Karma will reward me, I hope.
1 hour later…
@JackD'Aurizio Okay, you are here to learn and to help. But that's not what the janitorial task of moderators is about. They help maintain some order in the sea of questions and answers. You don't want to do that, it seems. When you see a question like "show this number is divisible by 7", you are not looking for an appropriate reference for duplicate - you jump in with an answer, one of 12 posted there. Hungry for karma - or rep?
@PedroTamaroff New avatar: preparing for Winterbash hats, or an electioneering move?
perhaps both?
i prefered the modern art
Maybe his way of answering to Asaf's need "I don't want a faceless moderator".
1 hour later…
@Behaviour I am not saying that this is always applicable, but there are definitely cases when posting an answer is faster and easier that finding a duplicate. (If I see that it already took me, say, 15 minutes and I did not found duplicate - although I suspect that there exists one - I might just post an answer.
Other possibility would be leave a comment saying something along the lines: This was very probably asked here many times. Try to search before asking. But I consider this not a very kind thing to do. I have some experience with finding questions and duplicates on the site. If I did not find a duplicate, does a newbie really have a chance to find it?
Sure. But the preference for fast and easy ways is not what I look for in a moderator.
It is a discussion for another place and another time. But I have to say that I am not satisfied with the situation about not closing duplicates myself.
I agree that sometimes it is a bit tricky to decide whether the question is a duplicate or not.
But my main complaint is that many questions are closed as off-topic (lack of context/effort) should, in my opinion, be closed as duplicates.
BTW about the voting process.
Do I remember correctly that number of votes = number of slots. And I not only cast 3 votes, but I also say who is my first, second, third choice. Is that correct?
Is it the same in the primary and in the actual election?
@MartinSleziak I've read somewhere that SE uses meek STV method but I'm having hard time understanding it! Any help!
@MartinSleziak You're right about the election proper, but in the primary you just give each candidate an up or down vote and the top 10 by score advance.
@ArthurFischer Thanks for the link!
A: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsWhat's happening? The community is electing diamond ♦ moderators; those individuals responsible for moderating the site the election is happening on. Moderators are elected by a three phase process: Phase 1: Nomination Duration: 7 days Anyone may nominate themselves to be a moderator as long...

@MartinSleziak No problem. Though I seem to have had a one-box fail.
@ArthurFischer That (up-down)vote will not be included in my vote-count (shown on profile page) right?
@Integrator It shouldn't, but I can't say for certain.
@ArthurFischer Okay, I need to dig up meta for that, I would like to remain as clean as robjohn !
@Integrator Not downvoting nominees you feel are clearly unqualified would be a disservice to the community. If it means a downvote goes on your "record", at least you should get a badge to go along with it.
But, as I said, I doubt that those votes will count to your total.
@ArthurFischer I should and I'll down-vote. :)
@Behaviour Any Idea about my query?
13 hours ago, by Daniel Fischer
@MikeMiller Life is full of compromises.
^ @ArthurFischer
@Integrator The answer to all life's math.SE's questions!
@MartinSleziak The number of votes is independent of the number of vacancies. Some will say that there are 3 votes, as in the linked post above. I'll say there is just 1 vote, but it can be transferred between three candidates you select. Hence, the name Single Transferable Vote, STV.
The transfer happens according to a pretty complex set of rules, with the goal of reducing "wasted" votes: if your top choice needs your vote to be elected, they get it. If not (because of being eliminated or already elected), the vote goes to your second choice, etc.
@ArthurFischer A while ago I flagged one of user11639's posts above. I kind of wish they were not here, any of them.
A: Are election primary votes intended to count towards your Q&A votes?

Geoff DalgasThese votes will no longer appear on your profile or used in any of the current badge grant calculations.

7 messages deleted
@Behaviour Thanks! Yay!
@Behaviour Never saw those flags, and uncertain what became of them.
@ArthurFischer Well, Life's not complicated anymore!
Thanks for the explanation about number of votes and voting system, Behaviour.
Thinking of proposing a new question for the nominees: You see an unsolicited advertisement posted as a question on the site. What do you do?
Too easy. I think we have more than enough questions there.
And frankly, after reading a dozen of responses to a set of 8 questions... they all begin to look more or less the same, except for some variation in length.
Much like reading a stack of recommendation letters.
I don't know. The number of naked close votes cast on spam around here is mind boggling sometimes. As well as those all-too-effective "this is spam" mod-only flags.
Q: 2014 SO Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Grace NoteIn connection with the Stack Overflow moderator elections, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is completely voluntary. The purpose of this thread...

@ArthurFischer What is the correct answer for <10k users other than to flag you?
Flag as Spam.
@MikeMiller What he ^^^^ said.
Not a mod-only "other" flag. But the actual "SPAM" flag.
Oh, I see. People use other to repeat "this is spam"? How bizarre.
@ArthurFischer After the election is over and the Community Bulletin becomes less crowded, create a series of educational "events". Such as "How should we deal with spam"? Click -> short explanation -> better educated users -> profit.
Maybe not you, but someone else on the mod team.
@Behaviour Profit? Sounds like spam. (I nearly posted something like that on meta last week. Had freehand red circles and everything.)
There are all sorts of FAQ on meta, but Community Bulletin is (apparently) the only way to reach those who inhabit the main site only.
@Behaviour And even that doesn't always work:
A: Fate of the (homework) tag: The community voted.... now what?

Fly by NightExactly how many active users do we have? I would suggest that 156 is a tiny fraction. I've been an active user of the site for a couple of years and had no idea that this discussion was taking place. I find it questionable that a discussion with a different web address (meta) can impact on the ...

This is more of an attitude than awareness issue. Presumably, after the above post, the user knew of the existence of meta and what happens there. Still, hasn't been there since August (but visits main regularly).
This is getting a bit off-topic, so I'm going to log off with a small election-related remark: I wish Thomas picked a more recognizable name/nickname. By my count, there are 66 users named Thomas on the site. But he's the one most active by far.
hello everyone
Thanks @Behaviour for all your hard work and analysis of this election, I hope I didn't offend you with my sarcastic attempt at humor yesterday :P
i also noticed that most people on the main site don't go to the meta site.. i also think it's a bit hard to notice
Yep, you have to look for it.
i saw some complaining that only a tiny fraction of users would vote in the moderator election
and it's.. sad if such an important event is relegated to a tiny link on the right
well two links
Seriously, it took me two years to find the one in the upper left corner.
i usually explore.. but it still took me some time
Like I said I had to look and ask others for it.
the other thing is that probably many users don't care
Major point^
Why should they care?
Care Bear (or whatever his name is right now) should be a mod.
@skullpatrol oh and you're not running for the election?
who's Care Bear?
oh that guy is Behaviour
i didn't even know.
no time?
Don't like politics.
Never have and never will.
wondered for a moment who this new guy was, meddling in moderation business. didn't see that can coming. heh. :P
actually i wonder how much politics there is.. those of us with too low reputation can't even see the hidden stuff going on..
He's pretty slick with the name changes. @BalarkaSen
i'd rather have believe he was the guy if he had his location as his username :P
He knows a few tricks to get around the 30 day normal waiting period.
what's the point of changing user name anyway?
it's traceable through comments..
Keeps people guessing
Those that care at least
i couldn't be bothered to change mine from the default haha
To each their own my friend.
@Behaviour Have you considered to run for mod to please those that want you to be less effective? ;-)
@Behaviour It's Time to change your name to Not running for a mod, stop askingIntegrator 2 days ago
@Integrator I'm aware of that. I'm just not sure his reason would convince those who want them to change their voting habits.
@MichaelGreinecker He seems to be changing his voting habits. Just today there was a comment that he is going to case enough upvotes to make it serial upvoting.
However, the comment was probably not meant seriously. It can be found at this deleted post. (I am surprised to find out that also link to a comment at a deleted post works.)
@MartinSleziak "If I go and serial-upvote you now, you will have "serial upvote reversed" on your record permanently. So what?" A hypothetical.
Q: Election Deposit

rjstellingIn future elections (as the user-base grows) I would like to see a reputation deposit required. This is similar to UK elections where a candidate is required to pay a nominal fee. This is returned if they poll at-least 5% of the vote. I suggest a deposit of 500 reputation, returned if the candi...

@DanielFischer I know. This was not meant to be serious.
2 hours later…
Oh pity, Jonas declined :(
@DanielFischer How about you @DanielFischer-san? Have you decided to nominate yourself?
Still pondering.
@DanielFischer You'd be a good candidate. It seems people here like you
Being liked does not a good candidate make. It would help a candidate be elected, whether good or not.
@DanielFischer I didn't say, "You'd be a good candidate because It seems people here like you". What I said, "You'd be a good candidate. It seems people here like you".
Yes, you didn't say the two were causally linked.
@MikeMiller Indeed this is also the correct thing for a 10k user or even a mod to do. Spam (and only actual spam, that is advertisements not general garbage posts) should be flagged as spam, not just removed somehow, as this feeds the spam protection mechanics of the site.
Down to 19 again, Ellie K withdrew rather than being bumped out by the next added candidate.
I think 20 is a better limit for the number of nominations than 30, except possibly on SO.
Thanks, @quid.
1 hour later…
@Behaviour: about the previous debate, I am not a reputation wh#re. I like to spend my time on MSE when possible and give insightful answers. I marked as duplicate many questions for the sake of order, just thought that math.stackexchange.com/questions/1063583/… did not deserve the same sort. Moreover, we all know that to reply to "quick&dirties" is not the most effective way to gain reputation. So, for short: yes, for karma, not for rep.
nobody is calling anybody a wh#re, this is just politics my friend
@skullpatrol: I know, I know, that was just the equivalent of the expression "attention bitch" translated into a reputation context.
@JackD'Aurizio If you run for mod, I suggest you watch your language a bit more.
@MichaelGreinecker: you're right, but I didn't mean to be mean. I was just replying to @Behaviour's argument. He is clearly against my nomination, and I am here just to "stand my trial".
I am not a native English speaker, so, just to know, is "attention bitch" considered a rude expression?
@JackD'Aurizio The long record of answering homework dumps, followed by the promise to close them, followed by answering more of them, followed by cover-up and some choice language. Yes, I'm clear on my opinion regarding your nomination.
Your opinion is legit, but I do not think it really makes a point about me begin a bad moderator.
3 hours later…
@DanielFischer With Jonas's refusal to nominate, I think it's time you and Jyrki step up.
Indeed "attention bitch" is also considered a rude expression @JackD'Aurizio may I suggest you look into what is called "politically correct" language? :)
In general, swear words should be avoided.
Also, not being a native English speaker could be used to your advantage in such an international online community.
2 hours later…
@JackD'Aurizio I just saw your last comment under your nomination. Although you are young, you are not a teenager anymore. You should know that that expression is totally inappropriate.

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