@Andrew So, are you saying that the words that come from the body of Christ are not the words from Christ?
I also "see now as through a glass" and "know in part and prophesy in part", I claim that Yeahso knows fully and prophesies fully.
Now the Lord sits with the sinners, for they are the ones in need of the physician. What is considered Holy and what is considered common is perspective.
You say "that the life of men comes from the mouth of God." Now realize it was your worldly dad that communicated with your worldly mom to get into a relationship. The result of those conversations is you.
There is a difference between claiming a single object as the creator, and seeing the fullness of the creation.
His testimony absolutely does not avail to nothing. For one to enter the Kingdom of the Universe, meaning the Laws and Life within the Universe. A person must understand how the Laws apply to ones life.
The opposite equal reaction to the tithe is a return, to be last is indeed first, for those first must complete the last.
If I go make myself a sandwich, then as I eat it Existence sees me eating it and asks me to make a sandwich.
Or I go make Existence a sandwich and he tells me no, or later, and I am free to eat my sandwich without interruption.
If you want to think me condemned go ahead and think that. I see the works of the Lord every day in my life, and I know that he is with me. I do not need your approval to know that he is with me.
I have this gift, and I want to share it with you. I have even told you how to get it, and if you simply do what I have told you to do, you will have this gift as well.
Then it will be the Lord who proves what I tell you is right, and I no longer will need to convince you, because you will hear it directly from him.
I was driving the company truck and I heard a really screechy sound coming from one of the rear tires. So I looked around and found a tractor trailer.
Enjoying my time with the Lord I prophesied, "Colorful birds are going to come this year, and not all those black birds, so Yeah."
A few weeks later I have been hearing beautiful bird songs. So when with my wife I prophesied, "The birds are going to sing, so Yeah."
Then my wife heard the birds and she said, "It would be so cool if the birds would land on that telephone line so that I could see them."
Now to be clear I have not see the birds line up on the line yet. I find that the Lord sometimes likes to take his time.
However, while listening to the birds I prophesied, "A group of birds are going to sing in beat with each other, and another bird is going to harmonize, so Yeah."
And sure enough after I said this, the birds made a beautiful song, and then this other bird sang a harmony.
16 hours later…
If we are sons of God, then we are brought forth not by the desire of man but by the will of God. This is written in the scriptures. And Messiah also who, did not have a father among men and so is not "birthed from a man," as you say, but the Spirit of God overshadowed Mary, who was blessed among women that the fruit of her womb is the Firstborn among all creation. He is the Son of God as God testified concerning him, unless you presume to explain his generation otherwise?
Now you say that you see in part. Before you spoke about "the perspective of God" and "the words of God" as though you see fully and know fully, and if I only listen to you and believe what you say then I also will be full. But I do not believe what you say, because you say something different than what I have already heard from the mouth of God.
You claim to speak for him, saying, "I am a prophet, believe as I believe and you will be a prophet like me," but when you prophesy you do not sound like him, and you do not sound like the prophets that prophesied before you.
But you do sound like one who prophesies and teaches out of vanity, and you add to the testimony and interpret the scriptures as you will, substituting this word for that to demonstrate what you will. And so you continue to fail to convince me that what you say is true, indeed to the contrary you continue to build my confidence that you are the son of the devil.
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