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It's not very likely that some MO users visit this room, but I'll try anyway.
This proposal on MathOverflow Meta probably needs some attention from people with knowledge of functional analysis: Suggested tag: approximation-property.
Q: Suggested tag: approximation-property

J. van Dobben de BruynI'm relatively new to MO (but have been on MSE for a longer time), which means that I don't have enough reputation to create new tags. Which is probably a good thing. Lately I've been puzzling with Banach space tensor products and the approximation property, and on multiple occasions found that ...

Done! I think my proposed tag info should be checked by an expert. For instance, I don't know too much about the (Haagerup) approximation property for locally compact groups, but I get the feeling that it is related to other approximation properties in functional analysis (maybe via the group algebra?), and therefore should be included in this tag (which is what I've done now). But I'm not sure if that makes sense. — J. van Dobben de Bruyn 2 days ago
This is wonderful! I think this is now a model tag request. (Which we needed.) I am not at all an expert in this area but I hope experts will chime in sooner than later. — François G. Dorais ♦ 2 days ago

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