as a Hilbert space is an inner product space with a norm so taking contrapositive we get if "it is not an inner product space then it is not a Hilbert space" , is this correct?
11 hours later…
in Mathematics, 4 mins ago, by user1770201
@MartinSleziak I checked out that link but can't figure out how to use that to determine whether L^1(R) is a subset of L^2(R)
in Mathematics, 4 mins ago, by user1770201
But I think it must so, since 1/x is in L^2(R) but not in L^1(R)
Most likely neither of the inclusions is true, you can try to have a look here: List of counter-examples to $\mathcal{L}_p(\mathbb{R})$ inclusions.
1 hour later…
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