@MartinSleziak I vaguely feel that the faq could need some updating. But did not yet look into it in detail. Would you have an opinion on this?
Presumably you know this anyway and only seek confirmation but: usually graph-theory under co.combinatorics, set-theory under lo.logic, real-analysis mostly ca.analysis-and-odes (but might also be fa or ap sometimes).
linear-algebra is more tricky. "By the book" I think it would be ra.rings-and-algebras but depending on context other things might be more natural such a ac.commutative-algebra. (Incidentally, at some point it had been proposed to delete this tag.)
On the other question, I guess I just do not see the point in not tagging co in addition to graph-theory.
4 hours later…
About MO top-level tag: I'll simply go with whatever the MO community says they consider correct tagging. I do not have any problem with treating (linear-algebra) or (graph-theory) as a top-level tag.
We talked about this a bit in the MO editors' lounge: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2016/5/22 (In fact, that real-analysis is probably used in that way did not occur to me until you mentioned it.)
But I have some doubts whether the question gets an answer at all. My impression is that there is not much participation in tag-related discussions on meta.MO. And this was also confirmed by François G. Dorais:
> These days, however, only a handful of users are interested in tagging issues, probably since the system works well enough for everyone.
In fact, I explicitly asked moderators in chat whether the question is ok - I said that I am certainly willing to delete it if it should be for some reasona problematic: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2017/10/21
@quid Do you mean update in the sense that some other questions should be chosen as faq or that some of the posts tagged as FAQ are a bit outdated and need some editing?
I am definitely not going through all FAQ posts at the same time - that would be quite a lot of reading.
5 hours later…
in The Ivory Tower, 23 hours ago, by Wrzlprmft
@BAYMAX If you are just looking for the how, that would be a suitable question IMHO. Do not ask for specific service providers or the list for a specific research area though.
2 hours later…
When I see a new tag, I mention it in tagging chatroom. But I seldom bring up new tags on meta - except for the cases which seem the most problematic.
@quid This was mentioned recently by Jyrki: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/67270/2017/10/20 and chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/67270/2017/10/21
I guess I wasn't in sandbox for some time. So probably I'm not pingable there. (I mean using regular ping, not superping.)
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