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Motivated by a comment there I commented in MO chat. I initially had you pinged by saying who brought it to my attention, but then thought maybe it is preferable not to drag you somehow into my explication.
I am not sure if you still get that ping or not and it could be confusing whence the explication.
Also I saw your recent comments there.
Such as
in MathOverflow, Oct 2 at 2:56, by Martin Sleziak
I suppose the views here on MO might evolve in the future.
MO had developed a policy of encouraging context and motivation.
The situation was better at some point.
At least it seems they do not yet wish to introduce a 500 character limit for questions. :-)
Maybe you know this anyway but:
"Provide background and motivation

MathOverflow isn't just a place to ask and answer questions. It's also a place to read questions and answers, which is a great way to see what people in other fields think about, and to see how they actually think about it (not just what the polished papers look like). So when you ask for the help of those who know more than you, please also extend a hand to those who know less than you by explaining why you are asking the question. You'll get more votes, generate more interest, and are more likely to get your question answered. Explaining the motivation
Taken from
Q: How to write a good MathOverflow question?

Scott MorrisonHow do I write a good MathOverflow question? Got any advice for me?

And also present on MO 1.0 for a long time.

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