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Hi Martin, thanks for the answer. I've got one more for you. Would you be able to see if a comment of mine was removed or just wasn't integrated into the question thread?
It was supposed to be a comment where I told everybody that my reasons where in accordance with the quid's answer. However, that has disappeared or was never accepted. Thanks ;) (please tag me in the answer ) ;)
@Anoldmaninthesea. Only moderators can see deleted comments.
So I do not have many possibilities how to find out whether a comment of your has been deleted. (If you're lucky you can sometimes find already deleted comments in Google Cache, SEDE or Internet Archive - but I doubt any of these is the case here.)
Ok. it's just that it's not the first time that a comment of mine gets deleted without any warning by the same user. (I'm not saying its the same, but it could be in this case)
@Anoldmaninthesea. Again, most users can't delete your comments.
You can delete your comment.
And then diamond users (mods and SE stuff) can deleted comments.
What other users can do is to flag comments, if they are - for some reason - problematic.
It is strange to say that your comment has been deleted by the same user, since you do not know who deleted your comment and in fact a few messages above you basically said you are not sure whether you posted the comment at all.
BTW apart from Google Cache and other similar possibilities I should probably have mentioned also your browser cache (locally, on your computer).
Ok, so maybe I misunderstood what you posted here in chat, but it sounded like you were not sure whether you posted the comment.
This comment was deleted without any notice: «To appease the minds of those more unsettled spirits, whatever the reasons I may have, they are in accordance with quid's answer. youtube.com/watch?v=u5o582N3wOQ » Please, if you're deleting this at least give a notice and an explanation of which rule I broke, and hasn't been broken by others above in this thread... — An old man in the sea. 8 mins ago
I wasn't sure if it was accepted in the system. Maybe the system had some sort of filtration for some rules, I don't know.
Until now, you're right, I only have a suspicion of might be deleting my comments. I've just flagged the question for moderator intervention to help me clarify this
5 hours later…
@Anoldmaninthesea. Just happened upon the thread here. Perhaps there was a problem related to the external link? I've see youtube links in chat rooms all the time, but rarely on site or on meta...if at all. Otherwise, I see nothing at all objectionable to the first sentence of your comment. And I don't find the second comment problematic to the point of deletion of the entire thread...
... I think the comment okay, as you quote it, save for the you.tube link (that's my personal opinion; I don't like to have to click on links if doing so can be avoided.) But I don't think an entire comment, answer, question, should be deleted when the comment/question/answer can stand on its own, without the link.
2 hours later…
@Anoldmaninthesea. False alarm.... yet again
1 hour later…
@amWhy False Alarm? why?
Thanks for your input on the comment

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