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In a (now deleted) comment to this answer you complained about repeated deletion of the questions and you mentioned that you consider your answer useful and you would prefer if it stayed somewhere. I have reposted the question here and I have tried to add more details so that it will not be closed for lack of context. You can repost your answer under the new question, if you wish to do so. — Martin Sleziak 13 secs ago
After seeing my comment please ping me in chat to let me know that I can delete it. I think it is better clean up comments like this, since it is totally unrelated to this post. (I simply needed any place where I could ping you, so I randomly chose one of your answers.) — Martin Sleziak 8 secs ago
Other possibility would be to flag the comments as obsolete, but moderators have enough to do and it is no problem for me to come back and delete the comments after I receive your ping.
@MartinSleziak I’ve seen it now. Would you check the new version of the question that you just posted? The title and the first sentence disagree, and I think that you want the version in the title.
Thanks for catching that. It should be corrected now.
Yes, I want the version corresponding to the deleted question - which is the one from the title.
I have removed the above comments from the main site to reduce the noise. (They are archived here anyway.)
@MartinSleziak Sounds good; thanks for the heads-up.
You're welcome! I hope this is an acceptable solution to the problem. (I am not sure how long it would continue, but I suppose that after more rounds of deletion and undeletion moderators would intervene.)
It's few minutes after midnight here, time to get some sleep. See you later!

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