Can you objectively measure shortest solution on mathematics? For example two solutions of this form are basically the same: "A=B, which obviously implies C=D" and "A=B, and therefore (insert a proof long several lines here) C=D" are basically the same. I could imagine using some software like Coq or other theorem prover to measure length of proofs, but I suspect not many people would want to write proofs in this way. (Certainly I would not be able to write formalized proofs in some of these programs.) — Martin Sleziak 58 mins ago
@quid Maybe I misunderstood the post, but the part mentioning computer programs is description of codegolf. About this proposal the OP says: "problem is set to be solved using mathematics with answers containing peoples attempts". Also looking at example question, I do not think that answers are supposed to be computer programs. — Martin Sleziak 9 mins ago
@MartinSleziak no, it was I that was careless in reading the post. Sorry! I removed the comment. — quid 5 mins ago
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