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"generally be better support for proper rendering across browsers, mobile devices, screen readers and other accessibility tools," <-- this. I find that on mobile Chrome the MathJax doesn't know how to space properly, so the text immediately following it is moved left so that it overlaps partially with the content within $...$. This is a pain, but even worse when an author does it just for text. — David Roberts 13 hours ago
@DavidRoberts If you encounter some problem with MathJax (like the one mentioned in your comment), it might be reasonable to post a bug report somewhere. Both Meta MathOverflow and Mathematics Meta might be an option - since they are visited by several people from MathJax team (Davide Cervone, Peter Krautzberger). It seems that they are quite active on Mathematics Meta - maybe a bit less on this meta. (But it might be just an impression caused by smaller sample.) — Martin Sleziak 4 hours ago
No, it's a browser problem, as it happens on the nLab and the nForum as well. — David Roberts 50 mins ago
@DavidRoberts As this is only tangentially related, I do not want to leave too many comments about this (=reporting MathJax problem) here. If there is more to be said we can continue this discussion in chat. I have also asked a question about this on Mathematics Meta: Where to report MathJax bugs?Martin Sleziak 25 secs ago
As an experiment, I have also started MathJax chatroom some time ago. But it never really generated enough interest.

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