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3:11 PM
What would you prefer more ? Server side controlled UI or client side controlled UI ? Unity is not very UI friendly... last time i decided for client side controlled ui, i ended up with dozends of scripts just triggering serverside actions, most of the time those consisted of 1-2 lines of relevant code and a lot of boilerplate
Generally I'd put most of my UI code client-side, for maximum responsiveness. The underlying model that the UI displays is informed by messages from the server, but the server shouldn't concern itself with the view of how that information is presented.
Thanks @DMGregory :) All my Dialogues and popups do have the same structure prnt.sc/rodzeh Only the Popup-Items should be able to execute actions on click... for example sending a request to the server etc... probably thats a good useage for a event handler which communicates directly with the server to trigger actions... than i could atleast get rid of all that boilercode
If you can standardize these messages, each pop-up might be able to use the same script, with just an enum or string specifying which message needs to be sent. Then all those signals can go through one common pipe that formats them into the correct form to send to the server.

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