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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

oh wow, such a bad asset amirite
i'm gonna go leave a review
"Worst asset ever. non-Monospace fonts will not render as monospace. Free or not this is not how a font renderer should function."
1 star
@JohnHamilton The House passed a motion to repeal the ACA/Obamacare, but the Senate has not yet passed it, so nothing has happened yet.
I was just watching Last Week Tonight, he said that the senate will probably pass a more moderate version but it'll still be "pretty fucking bad" as in his own words. I hope the proper measures you guys have is enough and Trump doesn't fuck the system really bad. (I know we don't have anything of the sorts over here and Erdo will probably fuck us really bad...)
I live in the UK, where we have the kind of universal healthcare model Bernie thinks the USA should have.
(it works pretty well)
We have a sort of healthcare where you have to pay for your healthcare, it's a small amount if you're not earning money or your family isn't earning much, but you HAVE TO pay and if you don't, you become indebted to the government. If you didn't submit for a healthcare, you get to pay even more than you would have normally paid. You can't even use the healthcare until you pay your debt... So, it's sort of a scam but it's legal and run by the government.
It works pretty well except when the Tories want to privatise it, reduce expenditure on it to the degree that it dissolves the NHS, exile the numerous European workers that make up over 50% of the NHS and increase the restrictive nature on supportive allowances like Disability Allowance or Caretakers Allowance.
If you couldn't tell, I dislike the Conservatives...
well, they are dorks
the whole privatization of the railroads... how did that go eh?
Totes amaze balls mate.
Input recording system at work:
I like that bouncing grenade. opportunities for "holy shit" moments.
So let's say I added a timer, and provided your best time result
Let's say you beat a level before I put the timer code in and there is no data
What would you display?
--:-- or 99:99 or 00:00 or NO DATA
But it has to be blinking
@jgallant is this for picross?
is a timer relevant for this kind of puzzle?
it can be if you want it to be
memorize it and it's just a matter of how fast can you click
if you don't want it to be you can always just turn it off
works for me
1 hour later…
Wow looks like we still have a lot of douches in the game market
Was reading about that yet another voxel sandbox game, Creativerse
While it were on Early Access on Steam it was a paid game
And now that it were released, it became "free"(very limited) and has a DLC "Pro version" that unlocks all the stuff in the game
Turns out that everybody in EA didn't get the DLC and are left with nothing to play
bad decision on their part to burn all their customers
nowadays it seems to be the thing to do
if you are not screwing your customers, you are not doing it right
2 hours later…
Does specifically avoiding something authorize you to use that tag in a question?
E.g. the multithreading tag for this question:
Q: Can a loading screen be implemented using one thread only? If so, how?

ClassicEndingMusicI have seen guides on how to implement a loading screen using more than one thread. But sure it must be possible to do so with one thread, since older (even 2D) games that run on single-threaded machines had loading screens as well. So, how do you do it?

how exciting.
Braindead puzzles are the best
naw i mean the timer.
i don't get it, but multiple people have requested a timer.
Well, they just want another challenge for themselves
yeah but i mean once you beat the puzzle once, it kinda defeats the purpose.
Yup, I know
It just becomes a korean time trial
Talking about those
Have you ever seen "osu!"?
i heard about it
Friend showed me up that and I was like "wtf"
Then watched some videos of korean level players and I became even more wtf
yeah its messed up eh
That shit is insanely fast, I can't even see the correct order before the buttons disappears
it is for touch screens right?
It can be played with a mouse, but it's intended to be played on touch screens, yeah
Look at that shit just wtf youtube.com/watch?v=NEee6yvuaiA
He is doing "bad" you can see his score is only B
How a human can do S on that shit
@Bálint We tag based on what a question is about, not based on what it is not about, so no, that's not a question.
@DH. that is crazy
got a rare crate drop in rocket league
it has 3 bodies available
I won't open them. I won't pay to gamble on content. :(
which is a shame. I want to support the developer. But I really don't like this random crate shit that's all the rage right now
unless it's done like LoL did it, where you get some and can open some for free, buy more if you want AND you can still buy what you want individually without gambling on the crates.
@Almo 🎲🎁💩
yeah hehe
best car in the game
and quite frankly that is the only opinion that counts in this case.
everyone keeps asking me for my green wheels
apparently they are rare
those are fucking cool wheels man
I have two crates with ZSRs in them.
but I would be pretty mad if I paid $4 to open them and didn't get the car
Yeah I know
I bought some keys just for the hell if it. I put 300 hrs in the game I don't mind supporting the devs
9/10 the items were shit.
The drop system is kinda fucked but that is what people like. If it is rare is really is rare.
people like assassin's creed, too
Assassin's Creed is a decent game, problem is that it became yet another yearly game
@jgallant well, there's having common and rare items, but there's a difference between having commons that are nice and rares that are better, and commons that are awful and rares that are decent.
(so linked because it's one of the biggest wastes of cardboard in the history of M:TG)
@DH. it wasn't a decent game
people very high on that project knew it wasn't, and were very worried about it
when the first review was from IGN and was low (like 5 or 6), they thought they were sunk
Ubi was surprised when it kicked ass.
I couldn't even finish the tutorial. It was boring.
as far as I can tell, what saved it was the combination of its technical and artistic competence.
it's one of the few games I've played that my wife noticed as having really good art direction.
Q: Link color in chat is too similar to normal text color

doppelgreenerIn chat, the link color is extremely similar to the regular text color. I have good eyesight and a well-calibrated display, and I have significant trouble telling them apart. Here's an exercise: somewhere in these messages are links. Can you tell how many there are and which words are the links?...

Hey Josh o/
New avatar?
AAAH something changed, BURN EVERYTHING
@Josh ಠ_ಠ
1 hour later…
mod abuse
2 hours later…
This photoshop is so funny
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