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@Glen_b @usεr11852 Hey Glen I saw your message here. Ironically this was as preparation for a final I am taking the next few hours. Ironically both this and the other question I posted recently came from that GT course, and the professor is a bit of hard one. Not sure you or anyone does any teaching, but hopefully you can appreciate this attempt at organizing things the common non-parametric tests:
Please give me about 2 days to reword things and I will message you back.
@Glen_b ^
@whuber @gung @mtk https://stats.stackexchange.com/posts/419805/revisions and
https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/419805/ Hold up on closing/deleting/locking the following question, and give me at least 24 hours to respond for the same reason above. I did indeed start this concept map for the same course. I then cleaned it up. (Did I mention my professor is of hard one to require stuff like this in basic modeling 101?).
@whuber @gung @mtk I was concerned about where this belonged on meta CV SE, CV SE, or data science from the get go because of "too broad". It makes not sense to move a question then down vote/delete it within 72 hours. The point of the question is about how to make a good concept map of interpretability and explainablility. Concept maps are in my opinion designed to make things less broad and more narrow.
I was honestly not sure if the phrasing of a concept map question would be immediately taken as too broad. I was also honestly whether the topic of interpretability belongs on data science SE, meta-CV SE, or CV SE. (I am also not sure intepretability is the same thing as interpretation (as the definition of intepretation feels like its broader and includes explainability/intepretability and data literacy (or the ability of a model to be visualized to non-experts)).
^to @gung point
To this extent I plan on making a new meta SE post about when I get a chance as soon as possible:
1) Should original question be split apart of rephrased? If so how?
(As the intent was indeed to help clarify things other answer and narrow down the topic. It was inspired by @mtk post and then I realized from my studies that that interpretable metrics are more context-free than )
2) Where does the questions about interpretability belong?
3) Are concept map questions too broad and if so where do they belong? (separate question?)

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