I find "what is the state of the art on x" type questions perplexing. Firstly there's the problem that it's pretty much guaranteed to be opinion-based and invites any number of answers which may all be equally correct (so should usually close for that reason), but there's additional issues - what's good in a specific situation is rarely what has been recently published or even what most people are using. It's good to know about recent developments, but benefits are typically situational.
They're not about understanding anything, they're about buzz for nothing better than the sake of buzz.
I refuse to answer any such question on principle; I think they're utterly counterproductive to good practice.
(Indeed, more broadly, seeking what's 'state of the art' seems like a commitment to mediocrity. It's not about understanding the issues and finding good solutions for the specific circumstances -- whatever their source -- but something that seeks only currency for what seems to be no better reason than someone else says it's good.)
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