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@AnkitSharma so you want to be inclusive by excluding people of faith? . . . Ooookay.
4 hours later…
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ you can have faith without religion
Good omen was really good, will strongly recommend .
@AnkitSharma i'd watch it because it's got David Tennant
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ if we did it before many past tragedies will disappear
@Memor-X nice choice
Anyways they might not get second season as the book is over but we never know
also would watch it because the original book was written by Terry Pratchett so am expecting some nice humour in it
@AnkitSharma Banning religion itself is the reason for many atrocities. How many Christians, Muslims, Jews etc. were killed because of their religion?
@Memor-X it's odd that you don't find it unreasonable that two people interpret two lines in a book or a movie differently, but religion is this rigid set of beliefs that only counts if there's inherently something immoral or illogical in them.
@AnkitSharma Plus, it'd be very, erm, simpleminded to assume that religion was indeed behind those, and not some power-hungry douchebag who needs so desperately to justify their actions.
What am I doing even, defending "religion" here.
Whatever that is.
It's still contradictory to me though, that someone can be shunned and slammed for an often arbitrary label, but anything that sees a whole other race in negative light is racist immediately.
My point being that "Christian" is as much an umbrella term as "Black"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oh i don't find it unreasonable, i find it unreasonable that a religious group look at something with one meaning, makes it all about that single meaning and demands things to change because of that meaning to how they see it
take Mrs Browns Boys, in one episode Mrs Brown is told by Damian that Rory and Dino can't get married in the church because they are gay, but them Mrs Brown asks if the church is against love and pushes that their wedding isn't about them being gay, it's about them being in love
in the end though Damian comes over to the Brown's to marry Rory and Dino because his faith, not the region, believes in love
plus lets not forget that there's this church in the US which celebrated when Robin Williams died because of his role in Mrs Doubtfire, if they had their way we would have never gotten that movie because it promotes transgenderism
if your faith had you view the film like that then there's no problem because faith is something personal and not something you push onto other people
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ however one is generally a choice, the other isn't
i was born atheist but i can choose what i believe in, but i can't choose to not be white
1 hour later…
@Memor-X the remarks are often general though, not directed at a small group, but an entire faith
@Memor-X your religion is generally a choice? Maybe only where you come from, alien
If religion were a choice, there wouldn't be such large discrepancies in distribution.
Of course, 'black people who smuggle illegal drugs' is also a subset of black people, and making remarks about them doesn't make it racist.
It's racist when all black people are assumed to possess a trait.
Likewise assuming all people of a religious faith share some common belief, especially one used to justify committing heinous crimes in history
@NogShine palindrome
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ that's also because of religion. Religion makes people over sensitive and then they get offended by each other and you know what happen next
Religion made India weak to fight with Britisher and we lost so many and British ruled what long then they could have. Mughal was ruling fine but their religious agenda made them stupid, hitler also had religious intents, anti-lgbt group alos have religion as there shield
Now let me think what religion did well? Fear of bad deed punishment in hell.....hmm we have police system for it now so whatever
@AnkitSharma Lots of atheists have killed religious people in history.
By your diagnosis, not only atheism is a religion, but also most of this new age social justice warriorism.
@Memor-X WTF, really?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ one problem at a time SJW is another concept which work in grey area
@AnkitSharma What religion did well? It managed societies for thousands of years before people started wondering whether they need it.
@steelersquirrel hey I cought you red handed
@steelersquirrel just barking on each other :D
Ohhhh...I'm totally red handed!!
@steelersquirrel ooopps
Ankit...barking? Wuuuuut? lol
@AnkitSharma I'm not blind to what things people do because of religion, but choosing the worst of the worst, the outliers, is not a good way of argument. CC @Memor
@steelersquirrel \o
I mean \o, BITCH
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I am talking more from my observation and what religion did long back can be handled by law system better now.
@Memor-X Hello!!
Uhoh...I came in the middle of an argument. Ahhhhh...just like the good ol' days :P
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ India took ages to remove 377 colonial law because of religion only.
@steelersquirrel lol
@AnkitSharma Can be handled better? Now we can endlessly argue about that. One of religion's accompanying 'symptoms' is a belief in a moral system but "law" doesn't answer too many questions religion tries to
@steelersquirrel yeah now ping napolean too and it will be full house
He's probably still sleeping.
@NapoleonWilson PING!
@AnkitSharma And you extrapolate from your anecdotes that all religion is bad and should be banned? How is that different from why religious fanatics want to ban LGBTQ?
@NapoleonWilson PING! PING!
@NapoleonWilson PING! PING! PING!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ about religious contradiction. In Hinduism one god tell me about treating everyone equal and one scripture told me how someone get torture i hell for no fault . Same for all religion
You simply ignore all the good things people have done and are doing, while they consider it in the name of their religion.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ what better purpose it serves now?
@steelersquirrel lol
Entire cultures can be described as religious. You're simply saying no person with those cultural backgrounds did good things
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ well yeh it is. many religious groups will try and convince you to accept their faith, hell Israel Folau tweeted that several groups including alcoholics, homosexuals and and atheists must accept jesus or they're going to hell indicating that it's a choice. also if it wasn't a choice that means i am not allowed to have a religious belief because i was born atheist (not that i'm complaining)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Jesus did lot of good and now we do bad on his name, so yeah religion is not all bad
@steelersquirrel i would more say debate
an argument would suggest we're all angry. i'm not
@AnkitSharma So you're saying doing good things because of religion is a thing of the past?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ yes
@Memor-X You're angry
@Memor-X A "debate" with Ankit could last weeks... ;)
@AnkitSharma Frankly, that view is very ignorant.
@steelersquirrel agreed
@steelersquirrel you don't come to hangout so I need to give you P news here, he told his parents
@Memor-X How does that make it a choice? What I'm saying is, take Iran for example. It's 98 percent Muslim.
And no one is being forced into being a Muslim. Not today.
@AnkitSharma Wuuuuut? What did they say?
How can that be a choice? How can 98% of a great population to which randomness is applicable (because it's so big) choose only one of the major religions?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ but if implement it can change things, we don't need to spend so much on temple and church and can use for employment, agriculture, orphanage, education?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ maybe it's wrong for me to do that yes but some groups make it hard, take the catholic church who for decades has abused children and covered it up with it's leaders being complicit in all levels. sure this doesn't mean it's followers are paedophiles but it takes people outside the religion to expose it and you don't see Catholics demanding the church to change
Nothing. No effect can scale to this large a population. Not migration, not converting (that belligerent attitude doesn't happen much here anyway to my information), and not the general outlook of what the Iranian culture looks like
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ nope, because i am drinking cola and thus it's quite impossible for me to be angry while i have caffeine in my viens
@AnkitSharma First off, that's really idealistic. It's just a hypothetical scenario. If governments or people wondered how much they should invest in scientific research, for example, as opposed to agriculture and 'education', we would have hardly been at 1800s technology by now.
@steelersquirrel accepted him but not fully
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ but at the same time no one is being forced not to be muslim and there's that 2%
@Memor-X Huh. Caffeine raises blood pressure
@Memor-X I'm pretty sure we have our share of wackos who think it's either Islam or be beheaded but they're not coordinated
They live in the 20th century at the moment.
Maybe early 20th century.
I must have the highest blood pressure EVER! lol
now yes it would more likely for people in one place to follow the same religion however that would be because they have been brought up with that religion in the house hold. there's nothing stopping them for choosing something else when they are ground up and not forced by their parents (which alot of the time is the case, children follow a religion because their parents force it on them)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ it also sharpens my mind for programming
@steelersquirrel OI! OI! OI!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ i think you're replying to the wrong message there
@AnkitSharma What do you mean...not fully?
@Memor-X Again, you're pointing to the outliers. If 500 million Christians (and that's 10% of all the Christians) imposed their religion on others, we probably would have had constant power outages due to global wars and wouldn't be having this conversation.
Bad things are done in the name of some religion. Bad things are done and later justified by some religion. That doesn't mean a person of the same faith has to hold the same values of the bloodthirsty tyrant who committed the war crimes
Also consider that good things, and I'd argue way more good things have been done and are being done in the name of religion. Their impact is small, and they're sometimes so frequent they're simply being overlooked. But it's simply ignorant (and very arrogant) to assume the lot of the religious people in the modern world never do anything good and trace back their line of reasoning to religion.
Also consider that your atheist background, and the fact that whenever you have a resonating emotional experience related to religion is because some asshole in Twitter waved some figurative flag so they could validate themselves, might heavily skew your impression.
It always amazes me how some atheists can keep quoting Dawkins or Hume or Brand all the time, but they're never willing to hear what the other side says, just pull some strawman from the average idiot on the internet as inexplicable idiocy of religion.
It seems it's just as prone to hypocrisy and blindness as is any other religion, whether or not the atheist belief is faith-based (naturalistic vs. non-naturalistic)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ no my relation with religion is that i am not religious. i have faith in my own spirituality that there may be greater powers out there but i do not believe there is a single creator who dictates our fate
Alas, the modern society and the way the platforms build up dopamine celebrates and promotes extremism. It's much more notable when a religious figure is homo/xeno/claustrophobic than when it's business as usual
@steelersquirrel they accept him, they are fine if he don't marry. rest not so much
When I saw that there are 86 unread messages from this room, I thought there must be @steelersquirrel around. ;)
Hey @steelersquirrel! Long time no see!
@AJ i think @steelersquirrel came in at around message 60
@Memor-X And what I'm saying is what your line of thought is is arguably a religion. It might just be semantics in that regard, but IMHO it shares the many traits of religion, as I define it. BTW, that fallacy (IMO) of God dictating fate is well-discussed and adequately debunked, in Islamic philosophy, at least.
@AnkitSharma That's weird.
@steelersquirrel what's up?
@Memor-X Ohh.
I got busy in selecting wedding photos.
@AJ It's mostly @Ankit being wrong.
@steelersquirrel quite positive for the current standards here
Any brilliant observations you have to add to my monolog, @Ankit, or are you just going to bang the drums of 'this asshole in that place identified as religious'?
they reacted better then my sisters @steelersquirrel
@Memor-X agree, an also @steelersquirrel is slackersquirrel now
@AnkitSharma What about your parents>? Have you told them yet?
OMG. I'm a total slacker!
@steelersquirrel delaying as long as possibe as I know they will beway negative
I guess the latter. Who are we talking about, BTW?
I recall you mentioned someone identified as homosexual?
That stuff is forgettable. As it kinda should be
It's up to Ankit if he wants to reveal who he's talking about :)
@steelersquirrel No, I think he did, I just forgot.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ on contrary I have no aethist background and raised with a religion and still have a slight believe in supreme being but religious following I am talking about
@AnkitSharma you were raised in a culture of religious clashes, I believe. That's even worse than an atheist background
Atheists can maintain a neutral stance, but that's not an option for you.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ ufff
That's a brilliant observation.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ O.o no I was not born buring a religious riot for sure
@AnkitSharma But you were raised in one side of a ridiculous fight between Muslims and Hindus.
It's just impossible for that not to have affected your perception.
And if anything, the far-right seems to have only gained momentum in the past few years.
> For the first time on television. John Wick 2. Monday 9pm
.......FUUUUUUCK! first i thought it was last night, then i thought it was tonight!
i've not been listening to my podcasts waiting all this time for what!?
It's like seeing Trump's handsome gestures every time you turn on the TV. Except with more of a 'Muslims are impurifying us' vibe.
@Memor-X That reminded me of Keanu's face Yawns
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ well chapter 2 has Ruby Rose in it
I'm pretty sure evidence of events of geological scale can be seen on his face.
not that Ruby Rose
He was probably born with a beard.
the one who isn't an anime character
3.0 billion B.C.
but also Keanu Gun Fu is a +
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ no, he didn't have one in his early career in Speed and The Matrix
Life first gave us Keanu Reeves, then it had to dial it back a bit since he was too awesome to handle.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ that's American media you are talking about not a full truth
We then got cyanobacteria
@Memor-X still in my pending list
@AnkitSharma it's coming on TV so might as well watch it while it's in the background
@Memor-X yeah she is cute
@AnkitSharma well if it wasn't for the fact that i'm a realist and knew it could never happen, i'd so have a girl crush on her
@AnkitSharma I think there's a gif of a spinning loading bar on top of your pending list and you're waiting for the first movie you watch to show up.
@Memor-X Speed is so under rated gem
Speed is underrated?
I missed that part
It's not overrated, sure, but it does gets lots of . . . rates.
Watching Leila, religiously controversial show about a dystopia/utopia shit
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ after matrics people forget about it
@AnkitSharma Obviously the full truth is Indians are people and the religious events are again, outliers. I wouldn't use them to make a whole nation accountable. But it's much different than a country without the mob religious violence.
'matrics'? Metrics? I use imperial units
I gotta get out of here, people!!! See you sillies later :)
@steelersquirrel Is that because I use imperial units? I can switch back to metric
No. I have to sleep :)
OK! Good . . . maybe night
It just struck me that British weirdos didn't come up with a way to make measuring time much harder.
With a nonsensical unit that doesn't even convert all that well to your normal-ass seconds
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Like for media in here American police is either beating blacks, Trump is saying shit and some shootout. But that must be not what America stand for, there should be more to it
@steelersquirrel so soon
@AnkitSharma I keep using the term "outliers" and you keep ignoring it
I did acknowledge
You don't have a logical debate entirely dependent on "this guy said that" and "those guys did this". It can only present what it is — anecdotes.
They can be used to say this thing exists, but it wouldn't necessarily be an everyday thing, or a common national trait
But international media stands for showing what bad in other nations
Like we never get any Canadian news here
It’s either trump or how brexit is not happening
What I learned from Hollywood is we need alien attack or a zombie outbreak to get world peace
@AnkitSharma well maybe not alien attack but if we was visited by Vulcans :thinking:
ofcause if we did end up in that kind of universe i would get getting my own ship with a holodeck and living in the holodeck while parked on earth
fight fight fight
7 hours later…
@AvnishKabaj no it’s not fight it’s just @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ being wrong ;p
@NogShine I liked Kabir Singh accept the boring ending . My friend said both films are same except one scene which was irrelevant for story
@AnkitSharma Pfft, you still haven't responded to my beautifully crafted arguments
is it ok to talk about spoilers in here?
i mean, i wanted to ask, about something that happens in a film
@user7237069 Is the film only recently out, or?
2018 i think is when it came out
just, checked, it was april 2018
Sure, go ahead then
so i was just watching it and suddenly had a quick question about something that happened din the film, and thought that maybe i could say something here
Spoiler warning is only for movies that have been recently released. It's not scaleable to enforce it to every movie someone hasn't seen yet.
when thanos kills loki and thor is unable to speak, is there something relevant about the fact that thor cannot speak that prevents loki from coming back, i mean, thanos says" no resurections" and thor is there trying to speak but cannot
if thor was able to speak, would it have been possible for loki to return
@user7237069 Erm, how? He was gonna blurt out some magic voodoo?
He was just smack talking and Ebony sealed his mouth to have shut him up
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ i really dont know, it just seems like there must be something about the fact that he was prevented from speaking that is special
Nothing to do with resurrecting Loki
so why did thanos say no resurections?
Because he killed Loki for real this time
Loki faked his death back in Thor 2
i've seen that, though i thought that there was something special about loki and thor, loki dying words were "you will never be a god" so he and thor are gods right? and thanos is not
Also a deathbed smack talk
Have you watched Endgame? I haven't yet, but I don't think there's anything to it beyond your own theory
i've seen endgame, it's good, it provokes an emotional response definitely, i dont think there's anything about my question that is addressed in that movie what so ever
watch it
you will like it i think
@user7237069 That could be related to the fact that species like humans (with much smaller life spans) considered Asguardians to be essentially gods but he's saying that a murderous Thanos would just be seen as a force of evil, never a god
Considering his lust for recognition and glory and all that.
But even this would be reading too much into it. It's just a deathbed "you can kill me but not my spirit" remark.
well i thought that loki was prevented from coming back because thor could not speak, i sincerely hope that i have not spoiled that movie or any future movie for anyone reading this
i mean, maybe he will come back
@user7237069 That's a plausible implication but it's easily negated
he probably wont, but i liked him
he was bad, then he was good
then he was dead
it's compelling, the complicated hero, the bad guy that you care about
The two events happened at the same time but it doesn't mean one is caused by the other.
i'm certain this is typical storyline devices for academics
@user7237069 Yeah, it's just a tinge of realism.
A similar example is Mission Impossible 6 when the secretary (Alec Baldwin) dies as soon as you start to like him
i always like him to be honest, maybe it's just his face
i was thinking more along the lines of from dusk till dawn
also reservoir dogs
these guys are bank robbers
but i like them
Well he was this whiny annoying jerk for most of Rogue Nation, I'm talking about his character not himself
@user7237069 If villains are portrayed as relatable the audience could like them.
thanos is good example, in infinity war, when gamora dies, and when he see her again near the end, i feel for him, but he is the villain
i feel for his loss
Erm, I think we got sidetracked
What are we talking about, now?
sorry did you say you never saw infinity war?
no, that was endgame
I've watched Infinity War but not Endgame yet
Don't have a choice, Endgame doesn't air on theaters here and I can only pirate it.
but yeah, so when thanos, the bad guy, does a bad thing, i still feel bad for him
he became human at that moment
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
BRB gotta do a restart
i'll be here
welcome back
Endgame is super overated
@AvnishKabaj Hmm, that depends. What's a movie with such ratings that is not overrated to you?
1 hour later…
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ into the spiderverse

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