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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

@AnkitSharma There are other Indian languages like Telugu, Marathi Bengali film industries too. I meant them
Q: Identify novie with minor car accident

JjjjjI remember a scene from a movie but can't remember anything else. There is a (famous?) person being driven by his driver/bodyguard when they have a small accident and the driver makes the person leave the scene before he is spotted to avoid publicity, while the driver deals with the other driver ...

@steelersquirrel did you visit england by any chance? :p (see above)
Q: What movie character was "hit by thunder"?

Robert HowellI specifically remember a character being introduced to a group, and someone in the group whispers, "He's been struck/hit by thunder 3(7?) times." I have had no luck googling this. Any help is appreciated.

@Riker Oh, God! You found me out! Yep. I was totally just in England ;)
random flood of the day
Hehe! Yeah...I just saw that in the other room ;)
ah ok
@DForck42 lol
@steelersquirrel ohh
@SreeCharan but they are not called bolllywood
@steelersquirrel now I got it
@steelersquirrel still there
@AnkitSharma Nope. I'm at work :)
Another user removed 🙄
@AnkitSharma Wut? Well...I didn't lose any rep yet ;)
How does this answer the question? — John 17 mins ago
It doesn't, John. It's just a troll.
For some reason, that question seems to attract the rude/abusive answers ;)
@steelersquirrel I lost 10 rep
@steelersquirrel protected
Anyway highly rep user can protect question too or you can just flag a question for protection
Oh, okay. I just flagged it as rude/abusive.
@steelersquirrel If you want quicker deletions, report the post to Smokey
Morning chaps
@M.A.R. Hello :)
Jello :)
I'm a chap-ette, btw ;)
No worries :)
Stupid English genders
Why can't they just go genderless?
Look at how fine Persian is doing without genders
M&TV is the only site I can zoom into 125 % without a scroll bar appearing.
What's so different about this site?
Well, most people just think everyone on the internet is male ;)
Actually, I take y'all to be dogs
@M.A.R. Uhm...because we are more awesome than any other site :P
@M.A.R. Hehehe! Good plan! ;)
Movie-loving dogs
Exactly :P
@Paulie_D Argh! I thought that you were the hugest advocate of not answering questions in comments to bad ID questions :(
There's a scene in Benjamin Button about being struck by lightning 7 times. - youtube.com/watch?v=DCaN59knUCkPaulie_D 24 mins ago
<confused squirrel>
Good Noon @steelersquirrel
How ya doin'?
I'm good! How are you?
Fine. :)
I'm getting off work in about an hour!
Ohh. Aren't you on NOC shift today?
No. My schedule is kind screwed up today. I will be on noc shift tomorrow, though.
Seems @NapoleonWilson super-busy with his new job.
Yeah. He's busy and has a new schedule. I haven't talked to him much, either since I have been busy as well :(
@steelersquirrel He's on day schedule or night?
@AJ Day schedule. He just has a long drive to work and I don't think that he can be on the site at work anymore like he used to, so he's not around that much anymore for now.
@steelersquirrel I can understand. He will be at work when you are asleep and vice-versa. And I also drive one and half hour to work, so it was hard for me too in the beginning. It's just a matter of time when he'll get habitual of this.
@AJ Yeah. I'm sure that it will all work out :)
Okay...PaulieD! Dude, you're VTC questions that you're answering in the comments. Didn't you just post a meta about this very thing? I'm just trying to understand what's happening.
I am back \o/
@M.A.R. we are more cool and awesome
@steelersquirrel exactly
@AnkitSharma /o\
@M.A.R. woof woof
@AJ wassup
Watching Next.
I am planing to complete Dev DD
@AnkitSharma What's that?
@AJ web series from Balaji
They launched a site/app called ALTBalaji with fresh new web series
Most of the show are bold
Like Romil and Jugal is a gay incarnation of Romeo Juliet story
Dev DD is about a over the top bold girl who have no filter attached
And they are not censored so they can go anyway, like they show smooch a lot or foul language, gay kiss etc
@DForck42 I don't feel all of those comments really need removal, many of then are constructive comments which are good for future visitors too.
good. how much is remaining of that?
means ??
Kitne episode dekh liye
half season of Dev DD and full season of Romil and Jugal
Boygiri sound interesting too, so might check it too
My friend gave me his registered ID so I can watch full show in free :D
That's nice. :D
Anyways I was going to pay it already, as it's quite cheap, 100 for 3 month and 300 for a year
Suddenly too silent
Time for me to go home :(
Bye then, take care
I will be back tomorrow...all night!!!
Time to twitter stalking to get some answers
Made one tweet already but most of this people are not on twitter, grrrrr
That reminds me I have to answer Napoleon's Dark Knight question.
2 hours later…
Q: What movie is it

Cheyenne JeanCan someone help me. Im looking for a movie i had watched once in middle school but i cant remember the name. All i remember is that a man lost his son and threatened to kill his nephew on his 21st birthday but he dies before the boy turns 21. Then this boy is about to be 21 and two of his friend...

Uff what happen to this stupid internet. grrrr
@MovieReel I can see snapchat effect :P
Saving all characters
Even apostrophes
I fixed a bit but not in mood to fix more :)
why weekend questions are so bad
@M.A.R. k
@AnkitSharma i dun y
Wait, forgot the tags
edit again then
Speaking of weekend questions
Q: I went to a party with fun people. There was a lot of alcohol. I was very uncomfortable around the guys. Should I ever go again?

Kaori MiyazonoI didn't talk or anything, only with my best friend. We stayed there for 6-7 hours. I drank a lot, but I didn't become drunk. I was the only person who was sober. Now they probably think I'm just a silent loser, and I am. They were very kind to me, and I laughed a lot when watching them. Everyt...

Don't forget to take screenshots
Screenshot done, flag done, DV done, upvoting ur comment done
@Memor-X hi, why so silent
@AnkitSharma i've had a shit day which just completes the 6th shit weekend in a row
i just turn on my laptop incase if i need the internet
@Memor-X ohhh so sorry for that
Office issue or personal
The adjective is "shitty"
@AnkitSharma i would say office because i no longer have a personal life.
I had shitty days too but seems like they are getting little better
i get worked every fucken weekend to the point that i can not watch any anime, play games. i get told i'm doing work yet set on my ass doing nothing all day because i don't want to have what i enjoy ruined only to find out at the end of the day that someone decided to changes their plans so i wastes the entire day
i had left over pizza read for lunch save and find it's gone....again. i have a shower and before i get to wash my body someone uses the fucken water despite the fact it takes seconds to check if someone is in the shower
and this has been going on for 6 weeks
i might as well just stay at work 24/7
holy shit
Is it some project pressure
@AnkitSharma no. this is from my family. i would be better off going to work and never coming back home
didn't got it
weekends don't mean anything to me anymore. it's just me doing another job
why not try to change it
@AnkitSharma yeh, the alternative is for me to move out and die alone
ufff, don't be so dramatic
Things can turn better if you can try enough
I don't really know your situation and it is easy to say out like this but things do turn better.
I am the one who even planned a suicide once so I know how bad we can feel sometime
@AnkitSharma it's the truth. i have no one else so if i move out i end up alone. i've tried explaining how i hate these unplanned weekends and how they mess up my time....countless times. i've tried doing my stuff at night but because i'm the only person who knows anything about technology i'm on call 24/7 by my family to debug EVERY tech problem they have like doing their ebay searches or getting a VCR to work which the problem was an AV cable was out
Try to convey your point to them, try to make them understand you need your own time. Maybe get a middle-man who can covey your point bit better.
Go out on some weekend trip, enjoy the life
@M.A.R. do we have any site which can cover this? If its office party then it can go on workplace
@AnkitSharma i have tried that but they don't listen. and isn't a middle man supposed to be neutral? how can anyone in my family be neutral when they are the cause
@AnkitSharma Nah
@Memor-X any family friend who can be this middle man
@M.A.R. quora is better and more fun
@AnkitSharma no
@Memor-X why don't you just make a weekend plan and spend some time out with ur friends, take a little break
@AnkitSharma that's the problem! i plan out my weekends yet because no one tells me anything and forces me to do work for them those plans get tossed out the window. and i have no friends to spend time with
@AnkitSharma I don't hate them, so no
@Memor-X what about office friends?
today when i was sitting on my ass doing nothing i could have been watching Angel Beats, playing Neir: Automata, running my autodownload scripts, getting set up to work on my game, hell i generally get on my PC at about 3PM and was going to finish playing Majora's Mask but no, i had to wait around to unload wood which didn't turn up until 6:30 and e didn't stop until 7
@AnkitSharma there's only 4 other people who i work with, 3 have families and one's on a vacation at the moment
not to mention i tend not to get too attached to colleges now, espeically since i only have 3 more months left
changing company?
getting attached to people is not bad, you can still be friends with them even after changing your company
@AnkitSharma contract expires and i don't know if it'll be renewed
@AnkitSharma but generally we rarely have similar intrests. the only people i really talk to who share similar intrests are the people in these chat rooms. but they are always a world away
Uff WiFI at my sister's place is too bad that I can watch this webseries, grrrrr
Maybe my brother in law is taking all the bandwidth with netflix
@Memor-X I can understand, I am not good in making friends either and went throw all this
@Paulie_D @NapoleonWilson hello o/
@steelersquirrel Yeah, I goofed on that one. Blame sleep depravatiion
Watched Next and Pandorum. Nice thriller movies. I don't know why they ended up so bad on box office.
@AnkitSharma Hello.
@AJ because Nicolas Cage is bleh
@AJ Next was fine. Dunno about Pandorum
Yeah, Pandorum was indeed nice. Nothing too special but still underrated.
Not seen or even heard about Pabdorum before and I can't stand Nicolas Cage
He has a few good movies
Just a few
Knowing was ridiculously pointless
@Memor-X sometime going on wal in nice weather can be a good idea too or maybe skates or cycling
@NapoleonWilson It's Pandorum. :P
@AnkitSharma ^^
As one critic said, "You're better off not Knowing", haha
@M.A.R. I have seen ghost rider 2 and his costume of suprrman lives. So I have enough reason to despise him :P\
@M.A.R. lol
@AnkitSharma He isn't a bad actor. I really liked some of few movies that I watched. Like Ghost Rider, National Treasure series, Face Off, and Next.
@AnkitSharma Yeah Second one was bleh.
Face Off was good
Travolta is a thousand times better than Cage though
Ghost rider 1 was ok, 2nd was one of the worse superhero movie ever made
@AnkitSharma Meh, Daredevil is the best worst
I didn't watch that one.
Percy Jackson movies were also really bad
Good candidates for being worst
@M.A.R. Daredevil had lots of cool moments and I kind of liked it. And I heard that extended cut was better
But still lose the lameness battle
@AnkitSharma I heard that about Suicide Squad as well
Percy Jackson is not really a superhero and second they are films made for kids
You'd think it's a typical technique to wash off failures
@M.A.R. I have not seen it's extended cut but watched it in theater and I kind of liked it too
You should really try setting the bar higher
@AnkitSharma I think I watched the Lightening Thief one. That made me skip all other PJ movies.
I mean, it's sometimes fun to shut down mind and enjoy mindless
@AJ I have seen first one only and bits of second one but I don't care about that franchise
@M.A.R. like watching XXX return of cage in theater :D
But saying you enjoyed such movies is a disgrace to really enjoyable ones
Time to give eyes some rest. See y'all later. And I might try your Dark Knight question.@NapoleonWilson
@M.A.R. hahahahha
Just watched Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Weird name
Good movie though
name is weird
I thought it was gonna be extremely cheesy
But it was good
Great netflix off , my buffering on, time to complete Dev DD
@M.A.R. I thought it was really good, especially the rather uncompromising ending.
@NapoleonWilson Nah, questions immediately popped to mind that the movie never answered: "Why is the boy so special?"
@AnkitSharma Of course, it's a totally fine movie.
"Why, if they're here to save the boy, they won't try to save as many people as they can?"
@M.A.R. Well, to each his own. I comitted to the film, though.
"Why and how did the girl know about the terrible events in the future?"
"How many kills constitutes a terrible event? 30? 50?"
@M.A.R. That is a problematic attitude, though.
Considering one event involved three people, then the events should've been much more than that, because there are fatal accidents happening around the world
Plus, what happens to the side that wasn't facing the sun when apocalypse happened?
Does it mean Asia was safe?
@NapoleonWilson Why?
I struggle to think how these questions are too relevant for the movie's story and themes, though.
@NapoleonWilson It was such an inaccurate portrayal of things that you wouldn't want to like it
I mean, that's certainly not what a university professor talks like
@M.A.R. You shouldn't feel bad for enjoying something, neither does it automatically relativate your enjoyment of other things. You're not comparing things rather than enjoying everything for its very own sake. Not everything is related.
The guy that played John Daggett in The Dark Knight Rises was more natural, though
@M.A.R. They're pretty much exactly as dead, it's the friggin' sun. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson I'm evaluating things.
Evaluations requires not being sensational
@M.A.R. It was to me, since he played one and talked like that. So that university professor obviously talks like that.
@NapoleonWilson It'd make sense that the explosion made enough carbon dioxide that changes the atmosphere forever, making it impossible for any living thing to . . . live, but there was this nihilistic "supernatural forces are out to get us" theme all over the film that I despised
@M.A.R. And that's a fine thing to do. It just shouldn't be mistaken for enjoyment.
It just feeds Christian-themed conspiracy theory
@NapoleonWilson What if I'm enjoying evaluating things? :P
Come on man, people are different. You can't expect me to like something I don't wanna like
@M.A.R. Well, then you didn't relate to the film's themes, which is a perfectly fine reason to dislike it, of course.
The uncompromising attitude was one of the best things about it for me.
@NapoleonWilson What do you think was the film's theme?
"Shit happens"?
It certainly didn't seem like trying to make everything look random
Considering creepy angels were stalking the family to follow all the clues
Like if you didn't listen, your car should crash
@M.A.R. You can very well do that. But then you're enjoying evaluating things rather than enjoying things. ;-)
Which it did
Just add @DrRDizzle to mix and it will be fun chat :P
If they wanted to make science look feeble and that random stuff happens, they could've done it a million times better
@M.A.R. Of course I can't and I never tried to. In fact it's exactly what I try you to not do. ;-)
As said, noone should feel guilty for enjoying something or relating to a film more than you do.
My stance is clear: The movie could've been much much better, and I don't like things that could've been much much better
@M.A.R. hmmm
For instance, Inception could have been slightly better
Like with even more twists
Inception was fine
It was awesome
I don't know if you interpret too much of a religious agenda into the film that you don't agree with. I don't either, but I also didn't see it as a propaganda film.
@NapoleonWilson It didn't go as far as propaganda, but it couldn't help hinting
I don't have anything against religion. I'm not an atheist
But I have everything against superstition
If a movie aims to be unrealistic, it better be artistic
Because art is the only unreal thing that's awesome
@M.A.R. Well, my stance is that it was good enough, since I don't immediately know how specifically it could gave been better.
Well, not talking about real art here
@M.A.R. that was deep
It's not a masterpiece, but noone requires it to be, it was a nice film, nothing more and nothing less.
@M.A.R. Of course it could, much even. It didn't use its idea to full potential and had too much of a linear and straight forward story, on first view at least.
Nevertheless amazing film, though. (Inception, that is)
Well, the upside was the visuals
The plane crash scene
And the train crash
Also the apocalypse was elaborately explosive
What's the best Johnny Depp movie?
I disagree with the attitude that you necessarily have to support a movie's themes in order to enjoy it, though.
@NapoleonWilson Well, sure
There are a lot of factors
But generally, Inception was awesome, but Knowing was not
That's about it
Stuff being unscientific or supernatural or even superstitious is mostly irrelevant details
Like wondering that if Santa exists, how he manages to drive deer without them running off
It's mostly that you like or dislike a movie, then make up reasons for why
@M.A.R. Well, when comparing them, of course, I totally agree.
I also agree that Knowing is far from awesome.
But there's nuances in everything.
I also don't like to compare arbitrary things too much. I don't think the moon is better than my left shoe because it is responsible for creating tides. ;-)
@M.A.R. I like Edward Scissorhands more then the rest
That was a little bit too Tim Burton for me. But I haven't seen it for a long time.
OK lets agree on Rango then ;)
@NapoleonWilson butron lately lost his touch
Sure, that was nice indeed.
Q: A TV episode where a son visits his father in the past to make a copy of a baseball

JonathanReezI remember watching an American live-action TV show in the early 2000's, where in one episode the main character meets his own future son as he comes out of a time traveling bus. The son has a machine that can clone any item and he asks to clone his father's prized baseball that he apparently mis...

01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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