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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@DrRDizzle I think it's for his birthday
@Catija Awwwwww. OMG. You don't know how badly I needed to see this picture right now! He is just the most beautiful baby EVER!
@AnkitSharma Haha! We shall see. My Bill Paxton questions have +10 and +3. PaulieD is slaying this challenge! ;)
hey here comes the squirrel
@steelersquirrel :( are you feeling okay?
you've been really.. sad recently
@Riker Oh, don't worry. I just have a lot of things going on right now. I'm fine. I promise :)
It's so cool seeing you in blue now!
okay :)
@steelersquirrel :D
I can't believe that you have gone to the dark side and become a smurf! ;)
I can also mod-edit and pin messages
so next time you say something funny I shall pin it
You can pin stuff in here?
@Riker Wait. You mod-edited my message! Did you change "weird" to "cool" or am I going mad? ;)
@Riker You will annoy Napoleon with that...just a forewarning :P
:p I can be ankit-on-west-coast
@Riker how :p
...... because I pin funny things and am on west coast?
gotta start practicing my 'uff's now
And constantly arguing with Dizzle... ;)
@steelersquirrel ooh thanks for the heads up
@steelersquirrel I put my rage out on him today.
Hehe! Poor Dizzle.
I was going to ask another Tombstone question for the ToW challenge. Maybe I will wait for the Kurt Russell challenge to ask it...
the other fun mod power: self starring, by pinning something then unpinning it :D
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute...you can self star stuff?
yes, as either room owner or moderator
@Riker I knew no-one actually liked @AnkitSharma's messages.
if you pin a message that you wrote, you're counted as starring it
and if you unpin it, you still star it, it's just not pinned
I am foreseeing Napoleon coming in here and warning you about being responsible with your mod powers and such in the not so distant future... ;)
oh I'm counting on it
but this is the screening room, where most minor mod abuse goes unnoticed
waits for Napoleon to explode
@Riker you know there is a sandobx
yes I do
where you could go and test all that stuff and no one would care
so why do it here?
because there's no messages of steelers to star in the sandbox
Because he secretly likes to annoy Napoleon ;)
>_> shhhhh
a flimsy excuse followed by and actively abusive one, seems on par for mods
ok are you calling steeler's messages not funny ;p
My messages are usually just gibberish ;)
@Riker no I am saying your actions aren't.
they're not supposed to be funny
well I'm outta here for a while, see y'all
@Riker you seem to a very cavalier attitude to abusing your moderation tools.....
@Skooba I've had them for 1 day and I've already screwed something up, so it's not as much cavalier as false bravado to pretend I'm not scared of screwing up royally
but seriously I have to leave, bye
@Riker making a mistake and actively trying to do things you know are not right are two totally different things. as a moderator you actions have much more weight and you should treat them that way.
I come forth from mobile
@Skooba yeah, I know, it was a joke.
Mmmmmm...kiwi! ;)
Kiwi \o/
@Riker uff you got that trick
@DrRDizzle shut up and write your lame reviews
@Riker sound like a bizarre idea
Yeah. Riker is rolling up in here pinning stuff left and right ;)
@steelersquirrel yes, mods have same power in all chatroom except SO and main meta chat
@Riker I hope you don't over do any of that joke, else it might bring you trouble
@Riker Common I am way more sane then that :P
I was waiting for Napoleon to roll up in here and scold him :P
@steelersquirrel arguing with @DrRDizzle is easy, you just need to talk sense and it will go against what dizzle is saying
I can't argue with Dizzle. He is a fan of Shaun of the Dead and Aladdin ;)
Hello friends
Hello my son!
How's life
@steelersquirrel or worse, neighboring mod might come and bring shit storm
@steelersquirrel Hell yeah
@steelersquirrel Yeah he make sense 1 in 100 time
@AnkitSharma Yeah...that's what I really don't want :(
@MannlyMann Okay. How are you?
@steelersquirrel wow skooba already shouted on him, now we need his other step dad Nap to shout on him
@MannlyMann hello
@AnkitSharma Yes. I believe that he will be grounded :P
@AnkitSharma poor dizzle. I like his reviews
I love Dizzle's reviews!
@steelersquirrel I demand punishment, I even have an idea
Murga (also spelled murgha) is a stress position used as a corporal punishment in parts of South Asia (specifically Northern India, Pakistan and sometimes in Bangladesh). It is used primarily in educational institutions, and by the police as a summary, informal punishment for petty crimes committed by boys, such as eve teasing. The punishment is usually administered in public view, the purpose being to deter recurrence of the offence by shaming the offender and providing a salutary example to others. The word murga means rooster in Hindi and Urdu language. The punished person takes a position...
@Skooba Did you read his logan review and still think the same O.o
@steelersquirrel he got his reprimand. if he does it again I bring out the belt.
Yes. Napoleon and Skooba will beat him later ;)
@AnkitSharma OMG!!!! That's so cute! I didn't even think of that! Look at him growing up!
Now I have to do dogstting till monday :'(
I never got spanked as a child. My dad would always give us a firm "nudge" on the back of the head ;)
@Catija aw! he is so cute!
@steelersquirrel my mom used kitchen utensils...
@Catija I even want to make a meta announcement about ben being our mascot but I am sure napolean will not allow it and will go gaga over it
@Skooba :D Thanks! He was being so cute this morning, too.
@steelersquirrel My mom slapped me few times but I gave her reason to do so,so that was fine
@Catija mine is out of that stage... he goes to kindergarten this fall... wife is freaking out.
@Catija I know, right? You have the most beautiful baby! It's so cool to see how you are so proud of him! You really are a great mother. Make sure you give him kisses every day! You and Andy are extremely blessed :)
@Skooba Starred for truth
@steelersquirrel Starred for truth again
@steelersquirrel I'm good
Why the hell starboard is full of dizzle's praise, fanfamily is dead to me now.
Mwa hahah
@AnkitSharma Awwwww. Do it! Why would Napoleon freak about that?
Now I need @KutuluMike @phantom42 and @Himarm to say some truth
@steelersquirrel because meta is serious business
@AnkitSharma Yeah, but SFF had that avatar thing and stuff that nobody freaked out about.
@steelersquirrel SFF even had meta post about how SFF is superior why and why not you go to movies.se post with potential mud slinging answers and it did worked well for them.
In short different site different ruels
@AnkitSharma Da...wut? Oh my.
Well, I say that Ben should be our official mascot of The Screening Room. There. It's official. We don't need some stupid ol' meta post declaring that!
Q: Do you spend significant time on movies.SE? Why or why not?

ThePopMachineObviously there is significant overlap between scifi.SE and movies.SE. Do you spend a significant amount of time on movies.SE? Why or why not? How is the other site different in culture? Content? Quality of questions? Quality of answer? If you spend time on both, how do you decide where ...

If Napoleon has a problem with that, he can come and talk to me about it ;)
Wow! Wad gave a great answer and even praised you, Napoleon, Catija and Walt...and then Napoleon gave a comment on his answer that didn't even thank him. Sigh ;-(
@AnkitSharma Woot!
@steelersquirrel he made opinion that we only cover latest stuff only and napoleon cleared it
That meta post was the bad idea to start with
@AnkitSharma Yeah, I know. I was mostly joking around. It was still nice of Wad to say that about this site when it seemed like others were not being so kind. It was also nice of Wad to say nice things about you guys. It just would have been nice if that would have been acknowledged is all that I was saying. No worries :)
That post was making random wrong statements and we only entertain new stuff was wrong one too and that did needed clearing
@steelersquirrel That's a pretty large and impossible-to-pronounce name.
@steelersquirrel JohnP gave good answer to it, I will say best
@steelersquirrel I think wad changed his answer a lot after coming here. Previously it was not like that, he came ehre when he was cappy
Yeah...I remember ;)
I gotta get out of here for a bit. See you sillies later :)
Q: Do you know this cartoon series?

Shriyesh PujariSo guys I'm trying to remember this cartoon series I used watch when I was kid sorry there's not many details I have but each episode contained a moral story in which the characters would be animals always anthropomorphic nature, the show would always start with intro in which different kinds of ...

woo got the outspoken badge in here! Thank you to all my adoring fans!
Now I have to start taking to walls
@Skooba congrats
And I got my 113th Popular Question badge here, I should thank my fans too
haha! awesome!
That's a lot of good content!
So I can get Populist badge now.
I asked 306 question, so ratio is 3:1
And Notable Question are only 64
very nice. I am keep about a 2:1 on SFF
Which is not really bad
@AnkitSharma Mine is 4:1
technically here my ratio is 8:1 but I don't have that much content.
and it should go way up once the new season of GoT hits the screen
@Skooba many of my questions here are from non popular stuff too, so I blame that :P
@Skooba Why don't you participate in non GoT stuff too
@AnkitSharma dunno really. but as far as this sites top tags go, it is the one I know the most about
Many of my questions have the tag which no one else used except me
@Skooba Go for any nolan film they are always big deal here or MCU, breaking bad, DC stuff, spy-fy etc
@AnkitSharma even on SFF my tog tag is GoT, followed closely by HP. Things that I have read multiple times
Its just too bad Top Gun doesn't have more questions. I could answer like all of those
@Skooba yeah you can go for harry potter and star wars stuff too
we have one
Q: How did they film the flat spin in Top Gun?

nitsua60Did they really throw an F-14 into a flat spin and then have to recover it? Or is that a model shot? It seems (to a complete layperson) like an unthinkably-dangerous thing to do, but the shot looks just as authentic as all of the other real F-14 flight scenes.

But you can even ask new ones
and then self answer them all lol
There should be something which you don't know and want to ask and is not scifi enough
my three questions were all well received
this is still my favorite
Q: What kind of corn did Ray grow?

SkoobaFrom Wikipedia: Ray Kinsella is a novice Iowa farmer who lives with his wife Annie and daughter Karin. In the opening narration, Ray explains how he had a troubled relationship with his father, John Kinsella, who had been a devoted baseball fan. While walking through his cornfield one evening...

Time to ask more I suppose
Or you can go for topic of the week
Q: Topic Challenge: Bill Paxton and his films

Napoleon WilsonFebruary 25th saw the death of actor Bill Paxton. So in honour of him and due to popular demand we're starting a new topic challenge. From 2017-03-06 00:00 UTC to 2017-03-12 23:00 UTC we're challenging you to all your great questions about Bill Paxton and the films he was in.1 Once the challenge...

@Skooba Awwww! So sweet! I'm really enjoying the cute baby phase a lot more than I thought I would. I was never a big fan of babies but he's been such a joy.
@Catija the talkingbit can be so cute too. my daughter told me last night I was a little daddy sandwich and she just wants to squeeze the jelly out of me. then it was big hug time.
my son in the learning to back chat stage lol
@steelersquirrel You are too sweet.
@Skooba awwww. So cute! I kiss Ben on the nose a lot and I think he's trying to reciprocate... sometimes he'll grab both sides of my face and pull it in close and grab my nose in his mouth.
@Catija hehehe. yeah he wants to give the love back!
@Skooba how cute
@Catija awwwwwww
2 hours later…
Q: Scooby Dooby Doo animated movie aired on CN

Anish Kumar DasI am searching for a particular Scooby Doo animated movie, that aired on Cartoon Network, featuring a all girls'music band and either vampires or a witch. Can somebody please tell me what the movie is? I don't think it is very obscure and I think many people have watched it.

Q: Name of the movie

E.SGenre: Drama Country: USA Year: 80s movie So I don´t remember much but the movie is about an older brother committing suicide by driving off a cliff. I was so sure of it being Ordinary People but realized it´s not but I do think they are a bit similar. Anyway, there was something about the fami...

2 hours later…
@AJ I think I heard about this before. Sam Neill is awesome!
@BlueMoon93 The title is good, the spoiler block in the body seems unneccessary.
@steelersquirrel :'(
@NapoleonWilson dont be sad!
Q: Why do newspapers in film have random article text?

HaedrianSometimes a film uses a newspaper as a prop (with the camera showing the paper). I've noticed in many films, the article being focused on will have a correct title (which is what drives the plot forward), and perhaps a paragraph of logical text, but the rest of the article is about something tota...

Q: Malcolm in the Middle - How would you describe Francis's smart and intelligent use of English language?

NSFeasterI found it really funny how Francis had such a great grasp of the English language and used fancy words. Why do I find it funny? What thought process went into the writers' mind while creating his character with that trait?

1 hour later…
Q: 1960's War Movie

KJW007When I was a kid, I saw a black and white war movie in the 1960's, but I can't remember exactly when. I also forgot its name, which is what I need to know. I remember it as being about one of the French colonial wars in Africa, possibly in the Sahara Desert, possibly after the end of World War ...

@NapoleonWilson Awwwww. Well, of course I don't think that you and Ankit are on the dark side ;)
@Catija Awwww. I know that you were stressed about being a mother and not sure if you would like babies. Now look at you! I think that it's so awesome how much you love and adore that little guy! He is kinda hard not to adore...just look at him! He is just so beautiful :)
Catija and Skooba have the most beautiful children on the planet.
I see @NapoleonWilson is fixing images.
@Catija Yes.
A few at once.
@steelersquirrel :D If I'm ever up in the Pacific NW, I want to come say hi.
Hopefully he won't be a teenager by then, sullen or otherwise.
@NapoleonWilson Are there a lot of them?
@Catija The query gives 57 and I already fixed a bunch.
So this should be done soon.
That's not too bad. I saw the meta post on SFF and they have over 200 or so...
I wonder if the Youtube links are also affected.
@Catija Yeah, that's how I learned about the whole thing in the first place.
@Catija OMG! Of course! You guys are more than welcome to come and visit if you're ever up here! You might not get Ben back if I get to hold him, though ;)
@steelersquirrel Well, at least I'll know where to send the cops :P
But since we are careful about our frontpage rather than crazy, I figured there's no meta post necessary and I'll just fix it in a few sessions.
@Catija Hehehehe!
That's fine with me. I thought it was interesting how heavily downvoted the answer saying they should fix a few at a time was.
You can also stock up on Mary Jane.
Seemed like a reasonable thing..
@NapoleonWilson Shoes?
Oh... pot?
@Catija That.
Nah. We'd lose our jobs. We're not allowed.
Anyway, the only time I've been in a room of pot smokers, it made me queasy and I had to go outside or I'd have tossed my cookies.
Yeah...that's all Napoleon did while he was here. He just came for the legal weed ;)
I didn't even smoke it... it just smelled so horrid I couldn't stand it.
I don't really have much intention to ever do that anyway.
Why would you want to intentionally inhale something that smells like a skunk's emission? I can get that just by staying at my dad's house for a couple of nights.
I don't like it. It makes me goofy. Well...goofier than normal ;)
Oh god, watch out! O_O
Oh, @steelersquirrel I'm sorry to tell you of the demise of one of your compatriots. He unwisely decided to chew through some power lines at one of our locations and was fried... and took the power out with him.
And I hacked up a lung after inhaling it. It's awful. I have only done it twice in college.
Awww! :'(
What's with those squirrels sucking the power out of everything?
@Catija Noooooooo! I told them at the last squirrel meeting to stay away from power lines!! ;)
I've never done it - or any other illegal drug - before. I'm just not interested.
@NapoleonWilson Well, that's what happens... you start in on the easy stuff like pot and move up to the high risk stuff and the next thing you know, the only way to get your high is with high voltage... :P
@NapoleonWilson Hehehehe! Awwwww. I know that I have already taken years off of your life ;)
@steelersquirrel Are you making Napoleon resemble a raisin?
@steelersquirrel Well, that's why I came with more than 8 in free stock.
@Catija Emotionally...yes. Probably ;). He will never resemble a raisin to me. He will always be totally handsome in my eyes :)
@NapoleonWilson So...you have 9 lives now?
@steelersquirrel No, just over 8 years for you to take.
Wut? Why does that make you cry?
I was so proud of that joke. :'(
@NapoleonWilson Because 8 years isn't much.
@NapoleonWilson I'm sorry. Hahahaha!!! There. I am laughing ;)
Okay, much better.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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