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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@AnkitSharma I invited him. He's just not too comfortable with a lot of people in chat rooms, I think. Y'all can always go over to that off topic chat room if you want to. I know that it's on sci-fi, but we are the only 2 that are ever in there.
I will think about it, anyway I don't even mind if you make such room here or move that room here
I didn't even think about making one over here. It all started because he had some spoilers for the new Blood Wars movie a while ago and didn't want to upset anyone, so, we just made a room letting everyone know that it was spoilers and it has just kind of turned into an Underworld chat ;)
fair enough
We even have a feed named "Eve" from Only lovers left alive. She's apparently a Steelers fan since there is a steelers logo next to her ;)
Oh, okay :)
@steelersquirrel some of your kids want to listen to music containing strong language over in Mos. Can they?
Time for punishment for kids
go for this punishment :
Murga (also spelled murgha) is a stress position used as a corporal punishment in parts of South Asia (specifically Northern India, Pakistan and sometimes in Bangladesh). It is used primarily in educational institutions, and by the police as a summary, informal punishment for petty crimes committed by boys, such as eve teasing. The punishment is usually administered in public view, the purpose being to deter recurrence of the offence by shaming the offender and providing a salutary example to others. The word murga means rooster in Hindi and Urdu Language. The punished person takes a position...
@steelersquirrel regrettably
@Passerby You didn't like it?
Arguably the weakest in the series
I was going to go see it on Friday. Friday the 13th!!!!
I won't spoil it
@Passerby even weaker then awakening O.o
@Passerby I will be calling them hemi-gods from now on since that sounds so much cooler.
@steelersquirrel Just stay away from guys in hockey masks
@SQB +star for making that cool statement
Awakening was decent enough.
@Passerby Oh, it's fine. Like I said, Amaranth has been talking to me about spoilers for the past few months. I don't freak about spoilers :)
@Passerby It had many dumb cliquey moments. I will say only first 2 were good. Not seen blood wars yet
First four were good :)
But rise of lycan was unnecessary
Awakening had many faults and clumsy story
Q: movie about boy who can see future

David Junior KiguradzeAt last boy-man is old. And one journalist is asking him questions about his life.

@MovieReel I can migrate that ;p, any takers
@AnkitSharma Hehehe! :P
Just dropping in to let you all know that my review of Damien Chazelle's La La Land is up, for anyone interested.
Hey @steelersquirrel how's life treating you?
@MannlyMann Good!
Just getting ready to run out for a bit! bbl
Q: Did the producers of "Buffy" know that the show would be renewed before the Season 5 finale?

Michael SeifertI've been re-watching Season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently, and I was curious about some behind-the-scenes events that affected how the plot turned out. Specifically, at the end of "The Gift", the finale for that season, This makes it seem like the episode was intended as a series fi...

1 hour later…
Incoming Ninja Assassin question.
Q: What is the significance of the scene the proprietor is watching during the "laundry scene"?

SQBIn Ninja Assassin, the hero, played by Rain, is attacked in a laundromat by an assassin played by Linh-Dan Pham. The scene is cut with shots of the proprietor of the laundromat watching a samurai movie. Which movie is it? And what is its significance?

@SQB Incoming upvote! Hehe!
Oh, snap! Someone asked a Buffy question over here :P
@Randal'Thor I've confirmed that "troll" does not appear in that room. I checked all the deleted messages, too. (Sorry it took so long to respond -- I took the day off from work and haven't been near a computer all day.)
Alrighty then ;)
Q: Pertaining to The Martian, what is the ratio of SOLs to Earth days?

LoraxI didn't see an explanation in the movie. How many days pass on Earth when one SOL passes on Mars? I heard a reference of two months passing, but I thought only (counts)....less than 50 SOLs had passed.

Meh. The Time Traveler's Wife tag is spelled incorrectly. It has two lls when it should only have one. @NapoleonWilson @AnkitSharma
The Time Traveler's Wife is a 2009 American romantic drama film based on Audrey Niffenegger's 2003 novel of the same name. Directed by Robert Schwentke, the film stars Eric Bana, Rachel McAdams and Ron Livingston. The story follows Henry DeTamble (Bana), a Chicago librarian with a paranormal genetic disorder that causes him to randomly time travel as he tries to build a romantic relationship with Clare Abshire (McAdams), who would become his wife. Filming began in September 2007, originally in anticipation of a fall 2008 release. The film's release was postponed with initially no official explanation...
What? Is Himarm over here creating tags now? ;)
As long as they're not in Himarmese.
@AnkitSharma all movies are unnecessary
@steelersquirrel Oh, don't worry. Any resident Buffy fans can just reask it elsewhere if they want to answer it, or so I've learned. ;-)
@MovieReel Um, like what Wikipedia says the length of a Mars day is maybe?
@NapoleonWilson OMG! You're awake! Can you call me?
Q: Hiroshima mon amour - movie plot

user1349390I would like to know the (detailed) plot of the movie "Hiroshima mon amour". I could have simply watched it, but it is not possible in the country I live right now. Thank you

@steelersquirrel And it's about my favorite episode, too. And I can't answer it. Hmmf.
@AJ Sorry. I remember I looked, but didn't get very far. :(
@Null Thanks! :-) (cc @AnkitSharma)
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