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@DrRDizzle screenshot my dear friend
How reliable a "car movie" is that? ;-P
Q: What series should I watch next?

Teo VecerdiI have really liked Prison Break, The Walking Dead and Orange is the new black and have watched the first 3-4 episodes of Breaking Bad but that felt a bit boring. What are your suggestions for what series should I watch next?

You are officially dead to me ;-(
I can dish out, too! ;-P
@steelersquirrel lol. I think I can get that for you from ur account history
@steelersquirrel k
@steelersquirrel who don't like squirrel. I lie wolf more but squirrel are always adorable
Gone in 60 seconds - now you can start arguing.
@DForck42 And I have Ferrari but it's parked in my dreams :P
@steelersquirrel Awww, you know I would never seriously say anything against Sheena or her family!
I thought Ben's old man beard was kinda awesome.:(
@NapoleonWilson when did we start discussing history here O.o
Off topic alert
@AnkitSharma Many moons ago. ;-P
@steelersquirrel I liek tokyo drift and bit offirst one rest I don't give a shit
@NapoleonWilson Hahaha! Awwww! Of course you can! ;-*
@AnkitSharma lol
@Catija Sure! I will argue how Sheena is waaaaay better than Eleanor any day :P
@NapoleonWilson that shit of scene was too stupid for me but I have seen similar stuff in Indian films too, smaller landscape but similar shit
@AnkitSharma you own a car at all?
@Catija uhuun
@AnkitSharma Well, Black Moon Rising already had it back in the 80s. That was awesome.
@NapoleonWilson hey I was busy with shitty work
Apparently. ;-)
@AnkitSharma The fact that Ronda Rousey was in that scene made it all the more crappier ;)
@NapoleonWilson I hate stupid action.
I don't.
@Catija of-course
22 hours ago, by Ankit Sharma
I wanted ben there too, how can they miss the supercute mascot of movie.se
@NapoleonWilson I'm totally telling Sheena all of the smack talking that you were doing towards her family! ;)
@DForck42 After buying a house and paying EMI, I can't even buy it anytime soon.
@steelersquirrel lol
@NapoleonWilson But you hardly even get impressed :P
@steelersquirrel lol
@steelersquirrel No, please don't! I'm sorry and I take it back, I was just joking. :'(
Yeah finally done will whole boring missing chat msgs \o/
@AnkitSharma I do.
@NapoleonWilson Hahaha! OMG! You are just too effing adorable! ;-*
@steelersquirrel Awww, ditto! ;-*
@AnkitSharma True dat! ;)
@DForck42 Anyway I can't drive either
Jan 1 at 16:51, by steelersquirrel
Hey, Napoleon...World peace has been achieved, cancer has been cured and you have just inherited 10 bazillion dollars! Napoleon: "that's nice" :P
Hehe ^^
@AnkitSharma no license or...?
@NapoleonWilson is this wut to me or to squirrel
I told Ankit that he can come to the states and I will corrupt him teach him how to properly drive a car ;)
@DForck42 no license + no driving skills. I did joined classes to learn few moons ago but never learned much and now remember nothing
@steelersquirrel blame @Walt, he was supposed to smuggle me in US for our porn rainbow art film
OMG!!!! The rainbow porn art film!!! I forgot!! Hahaha!
@walt I need refund for my broken dreams
@AnkitSharma ahh
If memory serves...I believe that Walt was going to smuggle you in using a crate and a breathing straw :P
@AnkitSharma according to a previous intern we had, he stated it's not hard to get a license in india
I don't know if he was being ridiculous or what
he also made a statement about bribing police so you don't get tickets and whatnot, so...
I even had my bucket list ready

1. getting smuggled
2. Work in rainbow ---porn--- art film
3. become celebrity
4. becoem main lead in magic mike 3
5. Big brotehr celibrity
6. green card
7. US election
8. rule the world
Bribing police to not get a ticket? I totally need to learn those skills! ;)
@DForck42 It's a truth but depend form place to place
@steelersquirrel yeah, he tr\ated it as a totally casual thing, it was weird
@AnkitSharma HAHAHAHA!!! OMG!!! I like how the "art" film is at #2!!! LOL!!!
@DForck42 ditto ^^
@DForck42 that's unfortunate truth
@DForck42 I am lazy af
We need more traffic cops like that in the U.S. I am always getting speeding tickets! ;)
@steelersquirrel :D
@AnkitSharma lol
I don't even have passport or gf or a good life :D
But I am too lazy to even give a shit to it :D
@AnkitSharma Wasn't there something about the playboy suite in Vegas in there somewhere before? ;)
@steelersquirrel not really, will give it a thought. There are many secondary things too which are not mentioned which involve chainsaw , duct tape and drums
@NapoleonWilson OMFG!!!! Did you set up the Underworld feed in that off topic room to be a Steeler fan?!?!
What is this off topic room???
It's the room that Amaranth and I go into and talk about Underworld!
Ohh on the other side of the world, that's why I missed it
Yeah...it's on sci-fi
I think that it only has Underworld questions fed in there. We named the feed "eve" from Only lovers left alive
Napoleon changed the name to Eve and she has a Steeler logo next to her ;)
Hello friends
Why does @steelersquirrel have a pilots hat?
@MannlyMann Because I kept it from the hat shenanigans!
in Mos Eisley, 1 hour ago, by steelersquirrel
Of course! That's why I had to be immortalized with a picture of it ;)
Wait what hats
Did you just say "what hats"? WUUUUUUUT?!?!
@steelersquirrel heh
Q: 90's or 00's show/movie - Teens with super suit

user22360It was a live-action, can't remember if its a show or a movie (I was really young then), but here's everything that I can remember: Three teens (two boys and a girl) found an old device (in a garage, maybe) with a black and white picture showing a digital image of someone's face on it. He gives ...

What hats very confused
@steelersquirrel No, not at all, that wouldn't really be appropriate anyway. I just changed its name as you requested.
Also I know my avatar is a tree but I'm not an actual tree
@NapoleonWilson Well, it showed up with a steeler logo on it!!!!
@MannlyMann It's this whole hat thing that we were all obsessed with competing over getting for the last few weeks :)
How do you get them
@MannlyMann doing different things around the site/network. where you been the last month?
By doing certain things on the site...like editing, asking or answering questions. Stuff like that. It's over now, though :(
School and sleep @DForck42
And my robotics season started so I'm spending about 17 hours at school more every week
OH.MY.GOD. There are 2 squirrels outside of my window in a tree. It looks like they might be mating. Is it squirrel mating season right now? This is highly entertaining to watch! ;)
This is what my life has resorted to... ;)
I gotta go but I'll be around later probably
Bye guys
@MannlyMann ahh
@steelersquirrel oh my...
They're either mating or seriously fighting over one another's nuts ;)
Q: Cast lists for TV shows without number of episodes listed (not IMDB)

Nate EldredgeWhen I'm watching a TV show, I often like to look at a cast list, to match up actors with their characters. The gold standard for complete and accurate cast lists is of course IMDB. However, IMDB uses a format like: Andy Actor ... Charlie Character (7 episodes) So say the first season has...

@steelersquirrel Cool!
Squirrel mating season, eh?
@MovieReel VTC - Off-topic because asking for external website rec
@NapoleonWilson Hehehe! Yessssss!!!
OMG!!!! This is frigging hilarious!!!!!
This is totally what these squirrels are doing outside of my window! HAHAHA!
Apparently squirrels only mate in the middle of summer and at the end of winter. Haha!
Awww, aren't they just cutesie-sweetsie?
OMG! They are totally hopping around and doing like 180 turns in mid-air!!! It's frigging hilarious!!
I guess they're really excited :P
Q: Movie with religious symbols and seashell breasts

HelpFilmFinder Here's the link. OP hasn't answered in the comments yet.

@MovieReel A shame that this is bad ID, because those are clips from the visually fascinating The Color of Pomegranates which probably influenced a lot of Jodorowsky's work. Highly recommended.
@steelersquirrel A breathing Pixy Stick, actually. I spared no expense!
@steelersquirrel the collars in Rise work based on expansion. In that if they transform, their larger werewolf necks would expand into the collar, stabbing them with a sharp maybe silver tipped point into their neck, making them bleed out or choke on their own blood.
Not a magical transformation inhibiter
I've got one of the highest helpful flag counts on the site, and my last 3 flags were all marked helpful.
And those declined flags were only because Ankit is refusing to migrate questions which are closed here but would be desirable on SFF (i.e. precisely satisfy the requirements for migration) :-/
Well, since I can't flag it, will someone please get rid of this shit:
A: Why is Howard Wolowitz' mother not shown in The Big Bang Theory?

james caveCus she is a horubal actor right thats why right ya thats why

@Randal'Thor flagged
@steelersquirrel lol
@MannlyMann it's internet, so we can never know
@steelersquirrel No, that wasn't Napoleon ;-)
@steelersquirrel why it have a star O.o
@Randal'Thor O.o
@Randal'Thor purged
@AnimeshAshish hi
@AnkitSharma : You dont need to constantly tag him. Its considered pretty indecent and irritating in the chatroom.
@AnimeshAshish You mean mafia? I am not doing it constantly
You should not
Stopped long long back and it was not even that constantly
"You can ask it on the other site but please add details". Yeah, when you actually add details you can as well get it reopened here.
@NapoleonWilson That's why I declined those flags.
And that's why I flagged the comments as not constructive.
Didn't had idea about the comment
But I agree that he shouldn't have been flag-banned by the system.
I don't have idea about how flag banning even work
I didn't even know it existed.
I did heard about it before
not sure about the exact trigger
Q: Why Percy Jackson is said to be 'son of Zeus, Hades or Poseidon'?

kenorbIn Sea of Monsters movie from 2013 at the beginning it's clear that Percy Jackson is: Son of Poseidon, god of the sea. Also the whole plot suggests that. So why centaur at 25min of movie says that he is: the only living half-blood heir of Zeus, Hades or Poseidon The same at 1:35min: ...

Q: How does Tony know about Pussy?

dabadabaTony has suspected Pussy was an informant for a long time, but how did he know before finding the wire at his place? He was already lookin at him weird in that episode, thinking he was a rat. And previously, there's a bunch of stuff. But there are never "facts" that hint him Pussy is an informat...

Q: Why Lash has been killing Inhumans?

kenorbIn the 2nd season, why Lash has been killing all the other Inhumans, if he had also ability to heal and protect them (as he did with Daisy 'Skye'), making them impenetrable to the parasite infection?

@MovieReel title giving me laugh
@MovieReel Hmm, never be afraid of just giving an obvious answer, I guess.
Let's hope it doesn't get hot from the fast answer, though, as that would be really undeserved.
@NapoleonWilson only one or only available one
As zeus daughter was that tree girl from 2nd film and I am sure they talked about other demigods too
@AnkitSharma Only one. I think they didn't know about any other children at that point.
I think they mentioned some other demigods in museum, not sure. Film was so forgettable
Well, there were other ones (in actual mythology), but I guess they're long dead.
I've seen the first one a few times and the second one once. They're nice, totally watchable, but not as captivating as their obvious model about that wizard school.
Greek demigod concept is bit confusing to me, specially there long lineages and absence of there immunity to death
@NapoleonWilson I have seen both of them once, not a fan, have no issue either.
Anyway time to complete Preacher
Only one episode left and I don't want to ask my question before checking this episode
Yeah, I have to try that some day, too.
It's fun and different from all other comics adaption.
Have small bits of western touch too
Q: What does Ivy mean in this exchange?

lauren96Early in the 1992 movie Poison Ivy, Ivy (Drew Barrymore's character) as the following exchange with Darryl Cooper (Tom Skerritt): Darryl: Where do you live? Ivy: My aunt gets money for letting me stay there. Darryl: I get the picture. What is the picture that Darryl gets? Why is Ivy's aunt pa...

@AnkitSharma Hehehehe! It's giving me a laugh, too! I smell HNQ!! ;)
Wow forest Gump is still in HNQ
Pun intended :P
@steelersquirrel of-course it's in HNQ. Just checked right now
I did seen that coming
Another pun intended! Okay. I will stop being naughty now ;)
@AnkitSharma OMG. What in the heck is that about? :(
No idea
Hmmmmm :'(
Ohhhhh...Rand said the "sh" word! <covers mouth in shock and horror> :P
Wow 6 chat flag, which rooms is on fire
I know! It's some Russian chat room, apparently.
It's Walt skynet. Napoleon and Bob are his accomplices. I'm totally onto their game ;)
in Mos Eisley, 3 mins ago, by CBredlow
Q: Spam-Flag Wave seemed to crash chat

Kaz WolfeAt about 19:35 PM UTC on January 10, 2017, a very large number of chat flags were sent from the Russian StackOverflow chatroom to every 10k user on the network. Shortly afterwards, chat began to lag very severely, finally crashing altogether around 19:40 PM. As of 19:42 PM, the chat appears to...

@AnkitSharma ^^
I guess someone felt the need to make a meta post about it ;)
Mine crashed too
How often do we get jokers playing around in the chat rooms?
in Stack Overflow на русском, 11 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
I apologise that this is in English, but I speak no Russian. Please do not use chat flags for messages that are not rude or offensive. That includes people asking questions in chat. Yes, there is a site for questions, but that doesn't make the question rude.
Uhm...because it's a silly waste of time. But, if someone needs to do it, then so be it.
I wasn't the only one who thought that it was silly, at least
in Mos Eisley, 6 mins ago, by Rand al'Thor
Is that really worth a meta question?
@steelersquirrel It might actually help highlight and thus pin down the problem, contributing to a solution of the underlying problem and thus the prevention of it happening again in the future.
@steelersquirrel honestly, if someone thinks it's worth putting on meta, imho it's worth putting on meta
@steelersquirrel Because he also doesn't seem to have realized why that question was asked then.
There could be nothing more weird can happen in Preacher ending, I am invested for second season
if anything you'll get a community consensus on a problem 9whether it's small or big) or it'll go unnoticed
Fine, fine...gheez. Forget I said anything.
You have forgiven
@steelersquirrel Your hat is still on. How did you manage that?
@John screen cap
pun intended
Sneaky! Good call.
@John It's when people start flagging stupid stuff for stupid reasons, then drama and chaos ensue and nothing comes of it except for irritating other people.
Just remember if there is a joker then there will be a Batman too
Or rather the other way around.
And a Robin... And a Batgirl (The bushy tail doubles as a cape.)
I have never seen anything good come from frigging chat flags other than them creating drama and irritating other people, but what do I know, I guess.
Anyway preacher made another Tom Cruise joke in last episode but I am not asking a question this time
@John My fav is always Nightwing
Why are we even talking about chat flags at all?
Lets talk about Meat God.
Anybody heard about it before ?
I might ask question about it now
@AnkitSharma Super Meat boy?
@DForck42 I am talking about God of meat refereed in Precher TV show
@AnkitSharma ahh
Q: How did Odin Quincannon's actions served the God?

Ankit SharmaIn TV show Preacher, Jesse Custer ordered Odin Quincannon to "Serve God". And it looks he will but then in green agriculture meeting, he killed them all with shotgun except Mayor. And then he want to demolish Jesse's church. And he justified he was serving the God of meat. But what is the God of ...

Good night
@AnkitSharma night
Q: What's the movie involving Mexicans in the US?

Texas-RangerI can't remember the name about the movie where 2 young mexican illegal workers in the US are involving in the rape and the murder of an American women in her house and swimming pool. While her son is out of the house and come later and shot one of the murderer. If anyone remember please let me...

Q: Does Hagrid know Harry is alive?

user55799I have just watched the last Harry Potter movie and was wondering after Voldemort and Harry Potter battle in the woods: dracos mum knows he is alive and hagrid carries harry back to the castle. Does hagrid now while carrying harry that he is actually alive? I guess he must feel the warmth of the...

Q: Could Reese know he was John's father?

BebsI wonder if Reese could know, or at least strongly suspect he was John's father. By a quick calculation, after making love with Sarah, and if he knows John's age, he probably died being aware of this truth. It might be pure speculation or maybe I missed subtle hints in the movie. But is there c...

Q: What's this horror movie from the 80s/90s name? About a haunted house

Andyi'm looking this horror film, that's about a haunted house that is turned into an hotel. The first scene of the movie shows an elderly couple that is haunted by the presences in their room, they experiment a poltergeist. The owner is a lady that calls to "paranormal investigators", one is like a...

Q: Could the video recorder of Blair Witch Project (original) last as long as it did?

MikeyI live next door to one of the producers of "Blair Witch Project," (1999) so that got me to watch the movie. Not recalling how long a personal home video recorder could work, I was wondering whether a two day hike that turned into a horror might have been recorded, should it have really happened...

@MovieReel The Amityville Horror?
@SQB oooooh
probably, or at least ONE of them
Q: what is the name of the movie about a girl and her affair with her stepfather

user45440In this movie, it starts out with a girl in a red car talking about her summer. She lives with her mom and her stepfather. In one of the first scenes, she comes out of a cake for her graduation party. I remember she started sleeping with her mom's husband . Her mom dies from medication they kept ...

Q: Movie that has an intro where dragons are killed in a sort of maze, but they protect one

promontisI remember that there was an intro with a narrator saying that there was something like an order of dragons. Then those dragons (I think they all had names) get killed in a kind of maze, but they protect one small dragon or an egg or something. I think it was a movie, but it could also be a tv ...

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