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00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 00:00

@steelerfan Awww, don't worry, you don't have to watch it.
@steelerfan Hmm, was there ever a season they didn't have to do that lately? ;-P
@steelerfan Right, your father-in-law's family are Chicago people, right?
@NapoleonWilson Yep. The only reason that my father in law was a Steelers fan is because he moved to Pittsburgh in his early teens while my two uncles stayed in Chicago.
Ah, I see.
So if that wouldn't have happened, you might not ever have wanted to have anything to do with your husband in the first place, eh? ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Nope. I would have kicked him to the curb ;)
@NapoleonWilson Well, they went to the superbowl in 2007 (I believe) not too long ago.
Phew, and I was so close to picking a team just from my favourite colour or animal.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, God. You're much too awesome for that! Hmmm...I seem to remember you saying that the Steelers didn't impress you at all and that you were doubtful that you would ever be a fan ;)
@steelerfan Well, that was last years opening game, until they fired that kicker. ;-)
I was probably above all messing with you. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Oh, really? I didn't know if you knew me that well to mess with me yet at that point, but, whatever you say, babe :)
@steelerfan Hmm, maybe I was honest then, hehe.
You know there's about one reason I'm a Steelers fan, but that's the most important reason of all. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Awwww. You're so effing AWESOME ;-*
@steelerfan Awww, hehe, ditto! ;-*
OMG! Are you wearing your hat?
@steelerfan Of course! Why do you think they won?
Oh, touchdown!
So there's 2 minutes left for the 49ers to make another 13 points.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, of course. How silly of me ;)
Well, New England won. Shocker.
Oh, God. My cousin's Argentinean girlfriend (who is a chef) is making homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner. I should've went swimming today. I love macaroni and cheese. It's my weakness. Dammit!
I have only had it in a box ;)
@steelerfan Awww, then eat some!
@NapoleonWilson Well, I'm going to have to. I don't wanna be rude ;)
I'm shocked that real cheese is going into this. I thought it's only made with powdered cheese ;)
I'm watching in amazement.
@steelerfan Good!
@steelerfan Huh? "Real" cheese as opposed to what?
Though, now I'm hungry. Meesa be gonna go make me summa that Leek White Wine Pasta with Parmesan I had for lunch.
@NapoleonWilson I have only had boxed mac and cheese. The one where you open the little package of powdered cheese stuff that you mix in.
I'm watching all of this butter and cream and cheese going into this thing. Oh, God.
@NapoleonWilson Awww. I'm sure that it's delicious. I would rather be eating that with you :'(
@steelerfan Oh, it is. But don't worry, I'm not sure how much you would have eaten of it anyway. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Awww. I told you that I don't really care if I am on vacation. I ate normal when we were together, didn't I?
@steelerfan Um, I don't really know. You didn't really eat that much at all.
Of course, I knew that I would be in the pool twice as hard when I got home, just to get back to my pre-surgery/pre-accident dress size, so, I didn't really care.
@NapoleonWilson Really? I even ate carbs!
Swords from effin' Gondolin? Wut? I doubt that's part of the books, or that Gondolin was even a concept at all back when The Hobbit was supposed to be nothing but an entertaining kids story.
Uff, that was delicious, but now I'm totally full.
@steelerfan But you seemed satisfied with one (or half of a) meal a day.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, yeah...I don't know how it is over there, but, if you come over here, we refer to people who are originally from Mexico as "Hispanic" not "Mexican"...just fyi ;)
@steelerfan Hmm, why?
Aren't they Mexican? And wouldn't a Nicaraguan be Hispanic, too?
@NapoleonWilson Well, I wouldn't say that I was satisfied...I'm still hungry, I just deal with it.
@steelerfan Hmpf. :'(
@NapoleonWilson I don't know why. We just have a large Hispanic population here in Oregon. They prefer Hispanic over Mexican.
But, then again, I got called out the other day for saying "you people", so who frigging knows.
@steelerfan Well, that would make sense if they are diversely Hispanic, from various countries. Or rather US Americans of Hispanic ethnicity. Then it would be inappropriate to call them "Mexican" when they're actually US citizens or from other countries. But when I'm talking about a genuine citizen of the nation of Mexico, that seems to be an entirely different thing.
It's the context that matters.
And the Native Americans who inhabit the Warm Springs reservation get offended if you call them Native American. They want to be referred to as "Indians" and to call their land an "Indian reservation" it's confusing.
Afterall, I wasn't talking about a German or American citizen of Mexican (or otherwise Hispanic) origin, but about an actual Mexican citizen.
@NapoleonWilson I don't know. Every person I know who has moved up here directly from Mexico is called "Hispanic" I haven't heard the word "Mexican" for ages.
@NapoleonWilson It's all good. Don't worry. I was just telling you for when you come here. We refer to them as Hispanic. It's okay :)
@steelerfan Yeah, but they are Usonians afterall since they moved. Add to this that the word "Mexican" probably comes with a bad connotation because people probably get called that who aren't even from Mexico. But when I want to refer to someone from Germany, I say German, when I want to refer to someone from Mexico, I say Mexican. I wouldn't call any US citizen of Hispanic ethnicity "Mexican", because that seems indeed fishy.
But then again, we only call people who are citizens of one American country "Americans", so there's that. ;-)
My friend, April is part Latino. You can call her Hispanic and see what happens ;)
@steelerfan I will still refer to my cousin's girlfriend as Mexican, since that's exactly what she is. Calling her "Hispanic" is ambiguous, and even brings ethnicity into a context where I'm not talking about ethnicity at all. I don't care what her ethnicity is, all I want to say is that she is a citizen of the country of Mexico.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah. It's fine to use American or German as far as I know. Of course, I use "Brit" when referring to Rand and Dizzle...just bantering because I know they don't mind.
It all depends on the context. No word is universally inappropriate or universally approrpiate.
@NapoleonWilson Sure. Whatever you wanna do. I was just telling you for when you come over here...to prevent you from being punched in the face or something ;)
It would just feel weird to call somone "Hispanic" when the only information I want to convey is that she is a legal citizen of Mexico. That she's Hispanic seems irrelevant to that.
@steelerfan As said, it would depend whom I say it about. That's the point I want to bring across. If someone punches me for calling a legal citizen of the country of Mexico a "Mexican", then it's not me who has a problem.
I guess it's just the differences in where we live, then. Maybe it's because we have such a huge Hispanic population here. I just don't know. The word "Mexican" is just not used here.
@steelerfan Because you rarely have to talk about actual Mexicans. I realize that US citizens of Hispanic ethnicity are not (or rarely) "Mexicans". Of course it's not used to describe them. That's the point.
@NapoleonWilson I was being facetious. I doubt that someone would punch you in the face for that, I am just telling you that it's not acceptable to say that in this part of the world. Don't worry. I understand what you're saying!
@NapoleonWilson Okay, but, if she moves to the U.S., she would be considered "Hispanic"
We even used "Hispanic" when we were in Mexico, so, I don't know.
@steelerfan Well, she's still a Mexican, unless she actually changes her citizenship. But I guess you still can't call her that. Whatever.
Anyway, I still maintain that context is important.
Gheez, I probably have to get used to thousands of such sensitivity pitfalls there. ;-) I even used the word "coloured" once and thought it was totally innocuous.
@steelerfan Ok, that's weird.
@NapoleonWilson Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just trying to tell you how that group of people who live here prefer to be called. You guys don't have a large Hispanic population (I assume)
@steelerfan I know, don't worry.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, my. Uhm...yeah. Please don't ever use the word "coloured" over here.
@steelerfan But that's the point, I was not talking about that group, I was talking about a genuine legal citizen of Mexico. It's the context that matters.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah...we are apparently a little more sensitive over here, then, I guess. Maybe ask @Catija. She lives in Texas where there is a larger population Hispanics. We just don't use the word "Mexican" here. Maybe they do in Texas. I don't know.
@steelerfan Again, I understand that and in most cases the word "Mexican" would be inappropriate there. I totally get that. All I'm saying is that it's not universally inappropriate. It all depends on context. The appropriate contexts are just rarer over there.
@steelerfan If they are actually Mexican citizens, "Mexican" is fine... "Hispanic" is an ethnic group, not nationality. Not all Mexicans are Hispanic.
When I'm in Mexico, the people around me are to 100% Mexicans. Calling them that is perfectly accurate and putting a negative connotation to that would be weird. Because they're effin' Mexicans.
@NapoleonWilson Except for tourists... but, yes.
@Catija C'est exactly whatama sayin'!
We always use Hispanic here. I haven't heard the word "Mexican" since middle school. But, that's in Oregon, I don't know.
@NapoleonWilson Alright, then use "Mexican" it's up to you.
@steelerfan As said, that's probably because you rarely meet actual Mexicans at all, let alone in a context where nationality is more important than ethnicity.
But I for myself run a higher chance of meeting a Mexican than a Hispanic here. ;-)
... "Hispanic" doesn't have anything to do with nationality... Half of Texas is Hispanic and they've been in the US for three generations.
And in fact using the word "Hispanic" (or whatever the German equivalent is, if there even is one) would feel totally weird. Because I don't really care about their ethnicity. I don't care what they look like, I want to know where they're from.
April is Latino and gets pissed if someone refers to her as Hispanic... which someone did a few months ago...oh, Lord.
Sometimes I hear "Mexican National"....
Die Hispanics sind eine Ethnie in Amerika, die alle Einwohner mit hispanoamerikanischer oder spanischer Herkunft umfasst. Der Begriff wurde in den 1970er Jahren von der Regierung der USA geprägt. Aufgrund der Vermischung verschiedener Ethnien der USA während der letzten 400 Jahre besitzt der Begriff keine Trennschärfe, im Wesentlichen beruht die Zugehörigkeit zu den Hispanics auf einer Selbsteinschätzung, die der US-Bürger alle zehn Jahre in einem Census, einer Art schriftlichen Volkszählung mit Fragebogen, angibt. Für 2014 gab das US Census Bureau ihren Anteil mit 17,4 % an, sie gelten als die…
But of course when a bunch of redneck assholes runs around calling half of the American citizens "Mexicans" that doesn't help to clarify matters much. ;-)
Seriously, if it's OK for Wikipedia, it's OK for everyone. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexicans
I'm just so used to hearing "Hispanic" up here. I don't think that I have ever heard "Mexican National"
Sometimes, in Texas, you just hear "Nationals" as shorthand for "Mexican Nationals" and that's usually derogatory.
@NapoleonWilson I think that's why Hispanic is what is used up here. That's why it's weird for me to hear "Mexican"
@steelerfan Yeah, I figured as much, which is unfortunate.
So, whenever I hear "Mexican" it just sounds bizarre to me.
@NapoleonWilson Or, if they're truly redneck, it's more likely "Meskins".
I haven't even heard of "Meskins" Oh, God.
But if you're in Mexico and have a bad feeling calling those people Mexicans, then that's something that should make you worried about the transformation of language and semantics.
When, I was in Mexico, I never called a native of Mexico "Hispanic" I just said "hola" and moved on ;)
Or asked them how much tequila was in horribly broken Spanish :P
Just don't adress 'em with "you people" and you should be fine. ;-P
@NapoleonWilson Argh!
Calling Hispanic people "Mexicans" by default when they could (and likely are) American citizens and are not and never were Mexican citizens, is possibly problematic... that doesn't mean that the word itself is wrong.
@Catija Exactly.
@Catija I'm just trying to prepare Napoleon how we do things in this here part of the world ;)
Like there aren't any rednecks around here, either ;)
@steelerfan I think that he's going to be just fine... and if he makes any errors, I'm pretty sure the accent will give them a hint that he's new to the area. ;)
@steelerfan But I told you I wouldn't call a Hispanic American "Mexican". But I won't for the life of me stop calling my cousin's girlfried "Mexican", sicne that's what she is and calling her Hispanic would be useless when all I care is the effin' country she's actually from.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, that'd be the equivalent of saying that calling you a "German" or me an "American" was offensive.
@Catija Hehehe! He can never lose his accent. If he does, I will promptly be sending him back :P
@steelerfan :'(
@NapoleonWilson JFC! I get it! Calm yourself! ;)
@steelerfan Well, if you send him back occasionally, the accent will be refreshed, so I think you'll be good... also, I have a Polish friend who still sounds Polish, so I don't think it's something you need to worry about.
@steelerfan Okay, sorry.
Hello friends
We went to the Renaissance Festival yesterday.
@Catija Hooray!
@Catija fun, did you dress up
@Catija WUT??? OMG!! Did you see Henry VIII jousting?
@MannlyMann Hello, my son!
@steelerfan Hello, hows it going for you
Im in bed with a 102 fever and body aches
possibly whooping cough
@MannlyMann Normally we do but breastfeeding a three-month-old while wearing an overbust corset just isn't a good combo. So we'll be holding off on the dressing up until he's eating solid food only.
@MannlyMann Stay away from my baby! :P
@Catija I can see how that would be hard
@MannlyMann Good. Just arguing bantering with Napoleon in chat...you know, the usual ;)
@steelerfan Was he actually jousting? I thought it was the Black Prince who jousted against Sir Ulrich in that totally historically accurate film.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, H8 jousted quite often!
@steelerfan We actually mostly were stuck in traffic and then wandered around. We met up with a friend who moved to Houston (the Festival was near Houston) and we spent a lot of time talking rather than actually doing stuff. My mom came, too... she bought a bunch of jewelry.
@Catija I have quarantined myself in m room no one sees me :p
@MannlyMann Oh, God!! Are you going to the Doctor?
@steelerfan Oh, was it in huge international championships with leaderboards and Queen music?
@steelerfan Nah my real moms a nurse, she makes our house into a doctors office when one of us gets sick
@NapoleonWilson Uhuh. I see what you're doing here ;)
Im on extra strength Tylenol and advil every 8 and 6 hours respectively
@Catija Oh, your mom came? How does she like Bennett?
@steelerfan For someone who doesn't like babies at all, she tolerates him rather well.
@Catija Awww. It's kind of hard not to. I don't know how a brand new beautiful grand baby couldn't melt your heart :)
@MannlyMann Does your mom think that it's whooping cough?
Hmm, I like 'em older, when they actually behave more like humans.
@steelerfan I mentor a junior robotics program, and we were recently notified that one of our kids has whooping cough
@NapoleonWilson Have you ever even held a baby before?
Q: A movie about Cannibalistic alien preying on humans

Kiss MeI am looking for this sci-fi horror movie. I saw it in 2010 in my local tv channel. It's language is English and subbed to my country language. There are a group of cannibalistic alien. The alien has scary looking face. They hunt, torture, and eat humans. The protagonist group encounter them in ...

@steelerfan Probably not. But I don't really have much of an urge to.
I love how whenever I type in "baby" My tablet wants to prefill "Bennett" right after it ;)
@steelerfan When said grandbaby makes you feel old when you are in denial about aging... your heart may not quite melt.
@steelerfan I have a baby and I agree with @NapoleonWilson :P
@NapoleonWilson Awww. You need to just hold one and you might change your mind.
@MannlyMann Anti-vaxers?
@steelerfan Gheez, you're the one who doesn't want kids. ;-)
@Catija idk but they didnt tell us who was sick so every mentor including me and my gf are all at risk
Andy's changing Ben into his PJs... he just said "You're naked as the day you were born... I should know, I was there". HA HA.
even though I have had my shots
@NapoleonWilson I know, but, I still love holding and smelling babies :)
Im at risk because my gf is older and her shot was a long time ago, and since we kissed multiples time it puts me at risk
@steelerfan They should make a baby rental service then. ;-)
@Catija Hehehe! Have you guys got peed on yet?
@MannlyMann That's cruddy. :( Sorry. Though, you're old enough (I assume) to be able to survive without breaking ribs.
@Catija yeah Im sixteen and my gf isnt sick but I am badly sick so we don't know
@MannlyMann Frigging girlfriends!! They're nothing but trouble!! ;)
@NapoleonWilson Exactly!! Just like renting some kids for Halloween ;)
@steelerfan One of Ben's first diaper changes... he was about a day old... I was holding him in place on the changing pad and Andy was changing him... and my hand felt really warm all of a sudden... which was startling and nice (the warmth was nice)... until I figured out why it felt warm and wet...
Or maybe find a way to conserve that strange baby smell you like so much. Hmm, I heard Jean-Baptiste Grenouille knows some ways to do that. >;-P
@steelerfan Nothing but trouble ;)
@steelerfan I always wanted to rent a kid so that I could go to the children's museum.
@Catija HAHAHA! Yep! Little boys! My nephew peed on me lots of times.
@steelerfan ...
@NapoleonWilson 0:)
I gotta go have dinner with my guests. See you guys :)
@steelerfan Aww, toodles!
@steelerfan Have fun and a good night!
@steelerfan fair winds and a safe return to those you love
Oh crap, the stupid challenge thing.
@NapoleonWilson ?
@Catija Um, that title was purposefully chosen as a reminiscence of the titles of the previous Harry Potter films.
@NapoleonWilson ... I didn't get it.
You can revert.
Q: A TV show on netflix that had an odyssey store

Christine SalyersI remember that it was a small store with the name odyssey in it and it was a bit like american pickers but these people were looking for weird things like straight jackets and skeletons and a jar of a deformed pig fetus. Please help!

Hmpf, I missed that The Medusa Touch was on TV and watched The Hobbit instead. :'(
Q: Topic Challenge: Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts

Napoleon WilsonLast week saw the release of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a spin-off from the popular series of Harry Potter films and itself starting a new series of films in the Harry Potter universe. So due to popular demand we're starting a new topic challenge. From 2016-11-21 00:00 UTC to 2016-1...

Q: what does C.A.S mean?

SachithIn movie's crew names, there is a C.A.S after a name.When I searched for it, I get Chemical Abstracts Service.I think its not the meaning of this. What does C.A.S mean?

@MovieReel This doesn't happen to be covered here, does it?
Q: Why didn't Harry Potter become an Obscurial?

user3932000In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, it says that young wizards or witches, who have had their magic suppressed throughout their childhood, become Obscurials and develop a dark, parasitical magical force. So why didn't Harry Potter become one? The Dudleys pretty heavily abused him—albeit ...

Q: A Westworld Question [SPOILERS]

ZxyrraSPOILERS AHEAD In tonight's episode, it is reasonable to think that that could happen because However, So how could

Q: Whatever happened to Peter Pettigrew?

ThunderforgeIn Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, Harry and company are in Malfoy manner's cellar. Peter Pettigrew walks down and then pretty stupidly walks into the cellar without looking, where he is stunned: You know, I forgot how dark this movie was. Literally. After that, he just disappear...

@NapoleonWilson Not till then. But I added it now with reference to Catija's answer.
Since this list is long, I'll keep adding them as I find them.
For this, I now go through credits to find missed ones. But it seems I covered most popular ones.
Just commented, I think it makes sense to keep it in alpha order for ease of reference.
Hey @AnkitSharma
Q: What was the first book that was split into two (or more) films?

ThunderforgeIt's become a trend for book adaptations, especially the last in a series, to be split into multiple movies: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay parts 1 and 2, the three The Hobbit movies, etc. What was the first film adaptation of a book to be split ...

Q: In George Méliès' Cinderella, what are the dancing clocks supposed to be?

ThunderforgeIn George Méliès' 1899 adaptation of Cinderella, the titular woman returns home after the ball, clearly distraught. Then a clock starts to move, people emerge from it, and then they dance. Then suddenly everything is back to normal and the prince arrives. What ...

Q: Was the depiction of George Méliès accurate to what we know about his life?

ThunderforgeThe 2011 movie Hugo was about a boy of the same name who fixes an automaton that was built by George Méliès. Hugo learns that the man was a film maker and eventually inspires him to take pride in his career. While the question Did Hugo Cabret and other characters really exist? asks about the exi...

> जब नोट रखते हो हज़ारों में,
तो कुछ दिन तो गुज़ारो क़तारों में!
Bank Tourism Dept
@AbhishekAggrawal, Root is gone; India closed the match, actually.
As we assumed, batting in this pitch early in the morning is tough.
A brilliant over from Shami.
4 more to go
I noticed a suggested edit in Physics which changed the sentence "Where your intuition has failed you is in" to "What sometimes causes confusion"; am I the only one who thinks this is a trivial edit and doesn't make any improvement?
@AbhishekAggrawal yeh; that's Rashid.
Shami is in fire.
It's a matter of time when the tailenders of England collapse.
Ansari is in strike.
@AbhishekAggrawal That's amazing ;)
Morning @AnkitSharma.
@MAFIA36790 Yeah picked from my fb feed.
Good morning
Well, they have survived the pre-launch period; let's hope they are done before tea.
@MAFIA36790 They should be done before lunch as pitch will help batsman in afternoon.
@MAFIA36790 lets hope.
@Catija don't ;eave me alone with cricket freaks :D
Where is my dear Cricket hater @DrRDizzle
> Alan Wilkins: All over for England. The harsh reality of keeping a rampant India at bay hit them hard on this final morning. Virat Kohli using all his bowling permutations to great effect. That will give India extra satisfaction knowing that the bowling unit has provided so many viable options for the captain
@AnkitSharma sleeping?
@MAFIA36790 :/
@AnkitSharma maybe getting ready to go to work.
Does @Randal'Thor like Cricket?
Maybe he doesn't even know there is a sports called Cricket
@AnkitSharma Ok. So only a few guys here, currently 2, like Cricket.
Well, it is more surprising to me that Dizzle doesn't admire the great English sport.
Well, his people invented this sport and he doesn't like it.
Not a big deal, Cricket is like a religion in India but I still can't stand it
@AnkitSharma It all happened after Ind won the World Cup in 83; rest is history.
Ansari just after the launch.
Another one in my FB feed.
> Jaa Simran Jaa, Lag jaa ATM ki line me.
Simran? Arbitrary or some inner meaning?
> Jaa Simran Jaa, Jaa jee le apni zindagi.
Ah! Just googled; got the reference.
Bairstow is annoying ;/
@MAFIA36790 He must be destroyed.
@AnkitSharma :(
It's Broad. The guy who got six sixes on six balls. This only proves that never mess with us. :P
That's it! Job's done! English are done!!
WE WON!!!!
> England require another 247 runs with 0 wickets remaining
Done with my ToW entry
Lets see how it goes
@AbhishekAggrawal ;P
Q: Is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them understandable enough without watching any other Harry Potter film?

Ankit SharmaI am planing to watch Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and asking this question in place of a friend who might give me company. But he has not seen any HP film before. Can we understand Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them without watching any other Harry Potter film? Or do I need to w...

@MovieReel very good question; +1; as said in another post, it's not a prequel; so I think it's not mandatory to know about HR; but totally not an expert.
Wait; which other post... I can't remember ;( Just read yesterday ;/ Might have come in HNQ.
Okay, will ask a question on it with the tag identify-the-question.
I didn't say it's prequel. — Abhishek Aggrawal 34 secs ago
Liar liar pants on fire
@MAFIA36790 didn't got you
@AnkitSharma ;P it's a typo for sure.
@AnkitSharma I read another post yesterday which said it's not a prequel.
@MAFIA36790 @AnkitSharma yeah. It was a typo
@MAFIA36790 k
@AbhishekAggrawal k
I smell HNQness
A: Is Fantastic Beasts a prequel to Harry Potter?

KutuluMikeThe movie is roughly based on the book of the same name, which is a fictional textbook that's used by Hogwarts. The movie is essentially the story of the guy who wrote the textbook, and is not directly related to the main Harry Potter story. Rowling has specifically said that the movie (which is...

Now it has a better title. @AnkitSharma
Q: Irish or Scottish horror movie where possessed babysitter hurts babies

user43438Foreign film (maybe Irish or Scottish). It was a ghost story about a small town where the babysitter (a young girl) was hurting babies because she was possessed. They had a social worker come in, and in the end they found out the villagers killed 3 kids by running them off the road and they are ...

> possessed babysitter hurts babies
Kinda tongue twister.
@AbhishekAggrawal lol
My question is in HNQ with another HP/fantastic beast question and BGF question
But core s 15.118 yet
@AnkitSharma I think it's in Top 30.
Speaking of HNQ, @ankit, I got a popular question badge for Randolph Morgan question.
@MAFIA36790 Wow 2K views
@AnkitSharma I edited your post to fix something.
@AnkitSharma really, surprised a bit; as I only notice the no. of views when got the badge; actually never expected that question would gain so many views. There are other better questions which I could expect so many views; but it was simply not such type of post; nevertheless it happened surprisingly.
@MAFIA36790 Ofcourse it was in HNQ
@AnkitSharma maybe; but I didn't notice.
I missed to notice that too
Maybe because of significance of Morgan surname
Q: Is there any connection between all the psychopaths called Morgan?

ChristiOne of my favourite characters in Angel is Lilah Morgan - a character who basically revels in her own evil, not for any great purpose, but because she likes her comforts, enjoys her work, and doesn't particularly care about treading on anyone in order to get what she wants. She is basically a cl...

@AnkitSharma aah!
@AbhishekAggrawal I agree with that.
I don't know if I could give a better reason for reject, but it's the same in both excerpt and details
He didn't tell when to use the tag explicitly; only just two external links.
crossed 33k
Q: Please open the Hot Network Questions to auditing via the Data Explorer

E.P.One of the contentious issues on today's Stack Exchange is the Hot Network Questions sidebar, which can drive a lot of traffic to junk-food questions that can be very poor fits to the sites that host them (and, because of that, it can land a ton of rep on askers and answerers that by normal site ...

Uff failed to get answer for possessed babysitter ID
Oh I didn't know that we have Ph.D. holders on M&TV.
@Anu7 Maybe it would be better to have the references in a new question? "What are the references to the Harry Potter series in Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them?" And then add spoiler tags in the answer. You can also self-answer questions. — Thunderforge 23 mins ago
@AnkitSharma happens.
Looks like another Fantastic beast question cooking
@AbhishekAggrawal who?
@AbhishekAggrawal almighty Walt must be know it
@AbhishekAggrawal ah yes; did notice him; he comes here but never talks.
@AnkitSharma Yep. It seems it'll get a self-answer.
Network wide Harry potter always get more love, I have seen weird question coming in HNQ and getting way many votes from sister networks
Q: Breaking the HNQ feedback loop on bad questions

E.P.The Hot Network Questions sidebar is a bit of a contentious issue, because it tends to promote questions that are often perceived as 'cheap', of relatively low quality, or on the fringes of topicality for the site that hosts them. One reason for this is that they're subject to a feedback loop: t...

@AnkitSharma It has almost 4k questions.
we have 93 ;)
Maybe it's because we only talk about movies.
HNQ is really weird; many ordinary posts get upvoted quickly and go in HNQ and then tons of votes from all over SE; even wrong answers are heavily upvoted; this is an annoying problem and it was recently discussed in The h Bar.
@AnkitSharma I assume it isn't a proper tag wiki.
Because we don't work in speculative questions
@AnkitSharma like the one I answered yesterday?
yes, we hardly get those kind of question and mostly people avoid them but on otehr site they are entertained
Even same universe gorilla vs shark are fine there
Even anime.se had same problem with death note and become a jokes
A: The Many Memes of Anime.SE and its Merry Fellows

Memor-XMeme: Death Note Puzzles. Originator: @Eric Cultural Height: When the next Death Note Question is asked. Background: in the anime Death Note the titular item and those who own one follow a set of 56 Rules. For some reason people ask questions on how to kill certain people in certain ways or ce...

Sorry, but @ankit, @AbhishekAggrawal, could you tell me what you are talking about?
@MAFIA36790 we are talking about question where user speculate about stuff which is not addressed in film
like this which AJ answered :
Q: Appearance of a boggart to someone who is most afraid of boggarts

Shubham Singh rawatAccording to the Harry Potter films, in front of a person a Boggart takes the appearance of the thing that a person is most afraid of. What if the person is afraid of boggarts? Would it solve the problem of no one ever actually seeing what a boggart looks like? Although it wouldn't matter for the...

@MovieReel Ufff this new HP question was too much, closed
Q: What if Voldemort comes back?

Abhishek Dhanraj ShahdeoThe whole series is about preventing Voldemort from coming back. He did terrible things, that don't have enough mention of what all he has done and why is he so evil? For killing unicorn and drinking blood For killing Potter's parents For killing muggles, etc What are the terrible things tha...

@MovieReel Classic what if; no place in SE.
@steelerfan I think you mentioned that before too
@MovieReel What if I write Voldemords name in Death note?
@steelerfan Ellen looks cool in her chat show
@NapoleonWilson bummer
@Catija Nice point :D
@steelerfan did You referenced Taylor Swift here ;)
My Lifehacks question is still in HNQ and about to reach 10K views.
@AnkitSharma It doesn't have my upvote.
This new user is a fan of HP.
@AnkitSharma Yeah, I didn't like it very much at first, but now... well, it has some interesting parallels to the latest US Election.
Q: Do 40% of U.S. Americans think that global warming is unproblematic since Christ will return soon?

TurionNoam Chomsky states in a recent interview: One of the difficulties in raising public concern over the very severe threats of global warming is that 40 percent of the US population does not see why it is a problem, since Christ is returning in a few decades. Is it true that 40% believe somet...

@AbhishekAggrawal :))
@MAFIA36790 Wut?
@AbhishekAggrawal Saw it in HNQ.
again, it's a matter of release of not all the facts. Surprising is that almost 40% of US people think Christ will return before 2050.
Oh. I actually wonder about the return of Jesus Christ.
@AbhishekAggrawal I believe in it.
@AbhishekAggrawal I was going to say that
@DrRDizzle You mean Harambe
7 more questions and will be started to award.
I did planned Fantastic beast but my crime partner ditched me for his reporting head and Force 2 :(
@AnkitSharma No lol, I mean Donald Trump and the cult of personality.
@DrRDizzle ohhhh. I just felt so sad for the ending that I can't like it. Few points were quite good but not as good as previous episode
@AnkitSharma WTF ;(
matlab kuch bhi
Did anyone else remember a film about a bomb blast where film is seen from point of view of different different person reporter, spectator, inspector, targeted politician etc and film title was like V***** point
In the end after connecting all the dots film run serially for some time and case get solved @Walt
@AnkitSharma Time to ask a ID question?
@MAFIA36790 no, I can't. Better I ping walt
Nevermind, got it
Vantage Point is a 2008 American political action thriller film directed by Pete Travis; it was adapted from a screenplay written by Barry L. Levy. The story focuses on an assassination attempt on the President of the United States, as seen from the various vantage points of different characters. Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest Whitaker, William Hurt, and Sigourney Weaver star in principal roles. The film is often compared, unfavorably, to Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, which also employed storytelling through multiple perspectives. Rashomon used the multiple perspectives to question the possibility...
@AnkitSharma listed in my watch-list.
@MAFIA36790 go for it, I just love it
Wanted to watch again but forgot name
We even don't have any Vantage Point question but few answer do mention it
@AbhishekAggrawal I will recommend you watching Vantage Point too
@AnkitSharma ok
2 Review queues are opened for me on Lifehacks. \o/
Though I'd get only a few reviews there.
Q: How does Percy Graves use magic without his wand in Fantastic Beasts?

Ghoti and ChipsIn Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, we can see Percival Graves use magical abilities (mainly telekinetic) that we would typically associate with wands, at least as far as wizards and witches are concerned. I understand that Mr. Graves isn't a typical wizard, and that he may be really ...

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