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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

"Oh, you like films huh? Well what's your favourite insert obscure filmmaker here movie?"
@Randal'Thor Yeah, but it's really difficult to even put an answer together with users like Adamant and Richard. Don't get me wrong, they are valued members of the community, but they monitor the questions like all day and they are right there and put an answer together in like 2 minutes and there is just nothing left to contribute.
Gatekeeping also has a lot of ties to casual sexism, especially in male dominated hobbies.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, that sounds like the Series 7 finale. I haven't actually seen Series 7 yet, but that's an absolutely terrible episode to watch if you're not a serious fan. It's not only the culmination of a season, but I think it's a culmination of lots of different things, with loads of nods and references back to stuff from the last 50 years of DW. (Plus, the Eleventh Doctor era is pretty crap on the whole IMO.)
@DrRDizzle Yeah, I remember letting in a girl I thought was hot to that anime group for little other reason than I found her attractive. Goodness the stupid shit I did and thought when I was younger....
Especially since they are so much about canon and the whole world that I wouldn't even dare to answer some totally obscure Star Wars question simply because I haven't read some stupid EU novel. Hell, I have actually read most of Tolkien's stuff, but I still feel highly unconfident discussing that stuff with people who actually read his letter correspondences(!).
@MattD Don't worry man, we've all done really stupid shit thanks to hormones and a lack of experience.
@DrRDizzle Oh yeah, I'm not sitting here beating myself up for it. Just took me way too long to realize how stupid I was being, putting girls on pedestals and shit.
This article on Cracked is not only a damn good read, but also really helped me see the light on a lot of the stupid shit I was doing and saying.
I mean, Adamant already has a question answered before Obie even posts it in chat or he is already making comments about meta stuff before it's posted in chat...dude's on top of it!
@Randal'Thor Well, there wasn't anything else on TV. I am aware that this might not be the best example for getting into Doctor Who.
Seriously, everyone should have to read that article at least once.
@Randal'Thor That guy also seemed nothing like I would imagine the Doctor at all.
@NapoleonWilson Exactly! That's why my only answers have been about Predator and Bride of Chucky :P
@steelerfan Don't let anyone intimidate you, please! Sure, those two (and several others) know their stuff and are good at writing up answers, but there must be plenty of works you know more about than they do. You might get lucky and be quicker than them, or you might be able to post a better answer even if you're slower. FGitW isn't everything! Besides, if nothing else, they have to sleep sometimes ;-)
@Randal'Thor Sure. I will answer something that I feel confident about, like the answers that I have given :) Adamant doesn't sleep very much. He's a vampire ;)
@steelerfan Well ... that's just called "being more involved in SFF than just hanging out in the chatroom" :-)
@steelerfan Preadator is fucking awesome, though.
@Randal'Thor Of course! I'm not knocking Adamant at all and he obviously cares for the site a great deal and I have told him that on numerous occasions. It's all good :)
@NapoleonWilson I had the same thought when I first saw that Doctor. "Who's this idiot going on about how 'cool' he is all the time?" David Tennant is WAY better. In fact, all the other New Who Doctors are way better.
@MattD Starred for truth!
@steelerfan I know you're not knocking him. I'm just saying, it's not particularly impressive to be aware of goings-on on the site though other channels than chat.
@Randal'Thor Sure. I fully admit that I am just a chat user over there and that is really my only interest is chatting :)
I feel like I need to give SFF a fair shot now.
As in making an account and seeing what I can do.
You have pulled another one to the dark side, @Randal'Thor!! ^^ :P
I think the other reason I've avoided it is I know they tend to suck up a lot of Q&A that could also go on here, so I wanted to support the site that I'm clearly better suited for and could use more help.
SFF seems to have their shit on lock, as you all have noted.
@MattD Excellent! I'll stand ready to upvote your contributions :-D
SFF is cool about "trivia" type questions, though. I really like that about the site.
Do they also cover things like comics and whatnot?
Like, I don't think that the Doctor Who question I asked would have been well received over here. Maybe I have already said this before...
@MattD Yes.
@MattD Sure! [marvel-comics] and [dc-comics] are both among the top 16 tags on the site, and one guy has picked up over 100,000 rep mainly by answering questions about comics. (But he doesn't post much any more, so you don't have to worry about him beating you to every question like Steeler was saying.)
@steelerfan message no "32333333", cool.
@steelerfan Agreed (at least with the first sentence).
Identification Requests

Proposed Q&A site for all the people that are trying to find Movies, Books, Music, TV shows, Anime, Manga, games and stuff but don't remember the name.

Closed before being launched.

@MAFIA36790 Already posted here.
@arda Huh?
> closed as not a viable proposal by Robert Cartaino♦ 2 days ago
Q: Name of an episode from a csi type show where kid drowns in toy submarine

Joshua Pagei know this is super vague, but it's all i can recall. it was about someone (i believe male) trying (possibly succeeding) to kill someone who sold one of those cheap back-of-comic toys, it was like, a cardboard submarine or something like that. he wanted to kill him because when he was a kid, hi...

I was dubious of the site; but didn't expect to be claosed so soon ;/
But sure, can't hurt to repeat it. Let's get this thing going!
@NapoleonWilson ohh.
@Randal'Thor Was expectable, even if unfortunate.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know.
@NapoleonWilson Most of the area 51 proposals I were following never came to success...hmm.
@MAFIA36790 Well, they hardly do nowadays. I'm glad this site was proposed before the big Area51 overhaul.
Anyway, that ID thing was bound to fail, even if it would have been awesome to have.
@Randal'Thor I hope that you don't think that I was trying to deter Matt from coming over to SFF because of the competition or anything. I really wasn't. I was just saying that there are users who know so much more about SFF than I do and if an answer is already posted, I just don't have much more to contribute since their answers are always so good.
@steelerfan Don't worry, I know you weren't trying to deter anybody :-) But since you mentioned something that could be seen as a deterrent to contributing on SFF, I thought it was worth rebutting in that particular case.
@Randal'Thor I may have a shot with DC comics then. I'm not as "well read", but I'm a huge fan of the DCAU, which seems to be among the more popular takes on the characters.
@Randal'Thor I think that having those guys around is good competition for hard-core SFF people :) I'm even trying to get my nephew to join over there!
@steelerfan I see.
Gah, now I just wanna go home and watch either Scott Pilgrim or my DCAU collection.
@NapoleonWilson Awww. That's just more of what he is into. I'm sorry :'( Like he has the time for that right now, anyways.
@steelerfan I know, don't worry.
@steelerfan Great! Soon we'll have your whole family on SE, as well as your internet family in Mos Eisley ;-)
@steelerfan Have you checked if they air Stardust again for you to DVR it?
@Randal'Thor Hehe! I even had my dad help me on an answer here yesterday! Woot!
@NapoleonWilson Yeah. I checked last night. I didn't see it :(
I just need to order those 2 movies from Amazon and be done with it.
stardust is on netflix atm
I don't have netflix anymore.
I suck.
I don't have it since I moved into my mom's house.
Crap. brb.
you canceled you subscription, or just no devices to watch it on?
Q: what's this movie?

Khlia RobinsonThis girl who lives with an abusive husband finally goes to the police for help and they put her under the custody of an ex marine or police (not sure). She stays with him and he trains her and eventually falls for her. The husban ends up killing the girl mother and there was this one scene in th...

You know what the disadvantage of deleting bad closed questions is?
The duplicate title block doesn't kick in for the 5000th question titled "what's this movie?"!
Eye of the Tiger is ranked no.1 ;)
My roommate is leaving the room, so I will have a spare room to ruin after a month
Uff I am late to talk
@AnkitSharma Did you really steal his kidney ;P
> "Eye of the Tiger" was written for the movie Rocky III at the request of Sylvester Stallone after Queen had denied him usage rights to "Another One Bites the Dust."
Had the Queen given the rights, then the world wouldn't be the same anymore.....
user image
@MattD :D
Except in this case the image would make me prefer Trump over Clinton.
@MattD Just about to say it ;)
yeah clintons the one whose brain my be going
switch em
@Himarm Nope, they're each appropriately selected.
@MattD Well, there's actually people who, believe it or not, consider doing exactly that, because they think that someone who knows politics is worse than someone who, I don't know, can't actually work with any serious politician in the world at all.
cause of there is no good politician
There are plenty of good politicians, they just get crowded out by the more "newsworthy" ones.
ok its true but they are not on top level , i think
Well Trump isn't even a politician for one.
@MattD :D
Which is unfortunately part of his appeal to loads of people.
is he a comedician ?
Indeed. Someone who basically says "experts are for suckers" is dangerously close to having to work with a world that considers him nothing but a joke and a danger for the well-being of an entire world.
I'm honestly wondering if he's pulling some kind of Sacha Baron Cohen, Borat-esque prank on the American public, but it's gotten way too out of hand.
it would be interesting
Yes, what started as a bad joke becomes a sad reality.
@NapoleonWilson More like he's exposing the problems with the process and the media and politics in general, especially on the Republican side of things.
It is like a satire that you couldn't believe if it wouldn't actually happen.
He demonstrates what appealing to extreme fringes can bring.
@Himarm So, will you be voting for Harambe then? ;)
Gheez, why does everyone have to trigger him on Harambe today? ;-)
Welp, I guess that my dad is a complete idiot, then ;)
@NapoleonWilson Sorry :(
@steelerfan Don't worry. ;-)
@steelerfan why ?
@wade-watt Because he is a Trump supporter.
@MattD im mean technically hes appealing to about 40-50% of the us population, not just a fringe minority, on the other hand Hillary also only appeals to some 40-50%
His largest group appears to be angry, white, over 45 voters who grew up in the 80s and have fond memories of a time they were largely in control, who've been seemingly pushed out at most levels, but don't seem to realize it's largely their own fucking fault that it happened.
harambe 2016
@steelerfan huuuge respect for your dad :)
@MattD Oh my
They bitch about a system they have literally constructed over the last 30 to 40 years.
@steelerfan both politicians is not good , i believe that but we can argue , who is better than others :D
@wade-watt I'm voting for Dark Helmet from Spaceballs. He is a better choice than either of them ;)
@steelerfan ahaha :) its true
@steelerfan Sorry if that's coming across as mean spirited, but practically every commenter I see on any post from Trump's Facebook page that's shared and pops up in my newsfeed can generally be summed up as, "White, over 45, and angry."
@MattD Well, my dad is white and over 45. I don't think that he's angry, though ;)
If anything, it will become (or is) a historical election in general.
@NapoleonWilson Oh absolutely it will, but compared to years past it feels completely different in general.
what do you think guys , if Trump elected ?
their down to fighting over meme's both sides are beyond stupid at this point
Literally a few days ago on NPR when they were talking about polling numbers, they finished the update with the phrase, "Both candidates remain unpopular."
How will be america ? (general )
That's literally the best summation period. We have two literally very unpopular candidates to choose from this cycle.
People also try to talk about Gary Johnson or Jill Stein, but they're pretty much non-starters for me. They have no chance, though I wish they did.
I could see voting for Johnson, but he's completely opposite me on several key issues.
I just don't like a lot of people being lumped together, like if you support Trump you are a racist, angry, white bigot. My Father took in all different types of people when I was growing up Homosexuals, hispanics, african-americans white people, poor people who were having a hard time and gave them a place to stay and helped them get back on their feet. He is the furthest thing from angry or racist is all that I was saying.
I like Canada 's MP Justin Trudeau
@steelerfan I know that not everyone supporting Trump is a bigot of some kind, but his platform is largely predicated on "America being stolen" by whomever is best suited to their minds, be it minorities or Liberals or the government itself, and they don't seem to realize that those problems came about due to their own actions.
@steelerfan Trump provides huge entertainment in many shows like Jimmy Kimmel.
I constantly see them bitch about politicians who have been in office for decades, and yet they are the ones who put them there and who likely continue to put them there.
"Let's implement term limits for members of Congress!" We already have that, it's called an election.
Trumpa Loompa
@MattD Point taken. No worries :)
My new mom is a Clinton supporter, so there's that ;)
@MAFIA36790 Hehe!
@steelerfan I'm pretty much the only Democrat in my entire family. Fortunately my wife is also pretty much Democrat/Liberal, as is most of her family.
there are no supporter of Trump so how can he win elections demo's ?
and statistics
I don't feel I have to walk on eggshells around them.
Then again I've never had a problem expressing my opinions to my family on various matters. :P
@wade-watt How did he even come to such stage as the ultimate contender? I wonder that...
@MAFIA36790 richness ?
@MattD Yeah, my sister and I are in the minority. We are really on neither side. I actually like that candidate that Wad is working for...great, now I forgot her name. She is the green party or something. I believe that she's a Doctor.
@wade-watt maybe; but you can't deny there is no support for him at all.
@MAFIA36790 Because enough people liked that he was an outsider and was "self-funding" his campaign and wasn't bought by other people and would build a wall and blah blah blah blah blah.
@MAFIA36790 yeah but a few maybe
good news is after the latest set of DNC leeked emails, we know the going price for a US ambassadorship
@MattD Maybe if he becomes President, he would be an ally of the Fat Kim ;P
600k will get you a decent spot
@MattD Have you seen the "News room" over at SFF? There are always interesting political debates going on over there. Ask Himarm ;)
3.5 mill gets you to be ambasador to UK
@steelerfan There exists even such thing? OMG!!!
@steelerfan I have not. As noted earlier I don't really venture over there.
@MAFIA36790 Yeah, it was created after there was some police shootings and the whole Black Lives Matter thing was being hotly debated in SFF main chat room, so whenever there is political talk, people go in there and debate.
People go in there and debate...and get flagged...and get chat-banned :P
@steelerfan oops... Radioactive zone .... Warning ;))
@MattD If I had a problem with politicians being bought, I'm not sure I would root for the most capitalistic capitalist that capitalism has ever seen, though. ;-)
Anyway, I'm gonna try and scrounge up some lunch.
I liked his reality show, though, where people had to fight for a job in his business. That was quite interesting. He should go back to that.
@MattD BTW, who will pay for building the walls? The Mexican Govt. or the Trump Regime Govt.?
I thought the premise was that Mexico does (by whatever magical persuasion).
@NapoleonWilson The Apprentice? I think that his daughter took it over.
@steelerfan Ah. I only saw a single season of that quite some time ago. But I enjoyed it.
I have never seen it.
I wonder if they have Simon's water gallon puzzle over at Puzzling.
I also like the St. Ives guy with his seven wifes and seve cats, but I guess that's more of a trick question thing and I doubt they'll do that there.
Hey! That's from Die Hard with a vengeance
Of course it is!
Yay! I'm done with work. Leaving now :)
@steelerfan Me too! \o/
@DrRDizzle So is that title actually meant in the sense of never stopping the act of never stopping?
@NapoleonWilson What puzzle is this?
@MAFIA36790 lol, no
@Randal'Thor One about switching water from specifically measured bottles to reach a certain target amount.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, there's a whole tag for those problems. I thought you meant one in particular.
@Randal'Thor I do mean a specific one. But I'm too lazy to explain it, watch Die Hard with a Vengeance instead. It's rather simple, though.
@NapoleonWilson It's covered by the general case anyway (which actually mentions that film in the question).
Oh, well that's a Puzzling question of the good kind!
@NapoleonWilson As opposed to?
Q: What is the origin of the title of Death Eater?

Ocean KnightI don't remember it being explained in the movies. Does the title have any meaning and where did it come from?

Q: 1980s TV show or movie where a man is shot with a machine gun in a cave

NinjatacoshellI have a memory that is an amalgamation of several movies and TV shows from the 1980s. I've been able to parse it and identify most of the pieces (Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold [1986], Willow [1988], Star Trek: The Original Series [not technically from the 1980s but that's when I saw...

@Randal'Thor Well, questions that aren't about puzzling.
@NapoleonWilson ??
You mean off-topic questions?
@Randal'Thor Indeed, like people presenting their cool puzzles and getting spoiler-block-ridden answers. You know, questions that aren't actually, well, about puzzling. ;-)
@MovieReel Sounds awfully familiar.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, so you're one of those people :-/
@Randal'Thor I thought you knew that already.
21 messages deleted
:32339747 Sure :-) It's kinda off-topic anyway; this would be a better place to discuss Puzzling SE.
@Randal'Thor Indeed. Which I'll the hell refrain from doing.
Q: Movie with coincidental visit to Africa and marriage

Έρικ ΚωνσταντόπουλοςAs far as I can remember, a guy was coincidentally meeting a woman (I think her name started with an 'L') constantly. When they visited Africa, they, again met. As far as I can remember, there was an assistant, called "Mfana". Also, one of the guy's daughters was called "ESPN". Here is what I ...

@NapoleonWilson I've got the pitchforks ready :-P
@NapoleonWilson Yes. Don't ever stop not stopping.
@DrRDizzle I admittedly only realized this now.
Makes sense, though, and is pretty great.
@Randal'Thor Sure, the Nelson Mandela of Puzzling. ;-)
So much deleted stuff
Anyways good night
@NapoleonWilson Napoleon, all is forgiven :-)
@steelerfan Drgh! I never realized that it was actually the disappointed cougar that claimed Johnny stole the wallet that the Schumachers actually stole. I have seen that so often but never really seemed to have picked that up. Duh!
@NapoleonWilson Are you watching Dirty Dancing right now or something?
@steelerfan sorry :(
user image
My stupid pool is closed for the rest of the day and my dad doesn't want any visitors, I guess :'(
@Catija Awwwww. YAY!! This just made my day brighter! :)
@NapoleonWilson @Randal'Thor What in the heck were you guys doing in here? ;)
:D Always glad to help. :D
@Catija He is just so beautiful! How is he doing?
@steelerfan Of course!
He's certainly a cutie :D He's doing great. The pediatrician's a little concerned about his weight gain being low but he's been doing better this week. We'll see what she says tomorrow at our appointment.
@steelerfan Oh. I'm sorry.
@Catija He can talk already?
@NapoleonWilson Huh? She... the pediatrician...
@NapoleonWilson I know. My dad has never not wanted to see us :'( I...I don't know :'(
@Catija Oh, right. Sorry.
@Catija Are you breast feeding?
@steelerfan Oh. Well, maybe you should just look after him anyway then. :'(
@steelerfan What does you mother say on the matter?
@steelerfan Yeah.
@Catija As long as he still has an appetite, he should be fine. He looks nice and healthy and beautiful :)
Supply isn't an issue and he certainly eats often... we went to a lactation consultant and she said that he should be doing just fine... it's just difficult to tell... and they expect them to gain 1.5 oz (45 g) per day! Which seems like a lot to me.
@NapoleonWilson I don't know. She hasn't called me back yet and my phone is dead atm. I might go down to her work and talk to her. I don't know yet.
@Catija Don't babies need to be in a certain percentile for their weight and growth? Like, as long as they're above 50 percentile or something?
I swear to God that I want a baby if I was guaranteed that he would be this beautiful. OMG.
@steelerfan Well, he's down at 33% or so... so I think that may be part of it.
But last time he was measured, he's in the 90th percentile for height.
@Catija Ahhh...I see. Well, he is a big boy! Perhaps he just needs to eat more ;)
Today I sat at my desk halfway between sleep and awake and hoped for an interesting Movies and TV question...
Q: What exactly are Dementors in The Prisoner of Azkaban?

El BromistaIn the Prisoner of Azkaban they have these Dementors looking for Sirius Black. But what are they? Are they created beings, dead witches and wizards, cursed beings, demons, etc? I know they mention in the movie they are guards or something in Azkaban. But beyond the role of what they do, what ex...

So I created an SFF account, mainly to flag and comment on this answer. :P scifi.stackexchange.com/a/140767/71606
@MattD Thanks! Enjoy your Citizen Patrol badge ;-)
Q: Weird Framing? Everybody Says I Love You (1996)

Akshat BatraThe directing style of Woody in this one baffles me, he constantly cuts faces, shows only certain body parts and more than often there is no emphasis on the person who is speaking in the frame. My favourite example is in the jewellery shop scene. Here we only see the jeweller's hand, only afte...

Q: Italian cinema, 80-90's, comedy

TTHUNI am looking for an Italian movie, which is made in that time period. The features I remember (I was 5 when I saw it): - A married couple - Wife wants the husbands money - She maybe schemes with a lawyer to get it - She visits a test tube baby laboratory - At one scene she ties up the husband and...

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