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@NapoleonWilson I know. I really want Broncos to stay undefeated when they play the Patriots. Manning is like 2 yards away from all time passing record. Exciting!
Sure, he is a good passer and does the job for quite some time already.
Yeah, I like Manning. He needs to retire after this season though.
Hmmm... I think that's a bad sign.
@Catija Napoleon and I are watching the last part of Broncos/Colts game :)
@steelerfan I figured.... well, not that game specifically... it's the great horse showdown.
@Catija Yeah, only 3:45 minutes left to go.....
Oh, so the Colts are supposed to be horses, too? Well, considering their logo it makes quite some sense.
Yep. You would think Broncos could easily stomp a Colt ;)
@steelerfan Colts should be faster, though.
@Catija Very true!
@steelerfan He didn't propose, the OP got that wrong. But he put some cream or something under his eyes to look teary-eyed and it backfired.
I don't really remember most of the non-Pearl Harbor romance stuff at all in that movie, apart from the visuals of Kate Beckinsale.
@Walt Yeah, I will have to re-watch. Are you still watching something silly?
@steelerfan Probably, I guess he is rewatching Pearl Harbor right now.
@steelerfan Yeah, kinda :)
STUPID penalty this point in the game. What an idiot!!!
@NapoleonWilson Now that's low, Napoleon... I don't think I ever saw the whole thing anyway, nor am I planning to.
@Walt I've never seen it, either. :D
Pearl Harbor was kind of lame.
@Catija Good on you :)
Well, it wasn't complete crap, I generally tend to enjoy both Affleck and Hartnet (as well as Kate Beckinsale, be it for other reasons, though), but the forced and clichéd romance stuff made the majority of the movie simply not have much rewatchability. I think steelerfan hits it on the nail that it was simply just lame, especially lamer than it could have been.
I think I only saw the first 40 minutes or so. Not sure why. Must've hit my head or something.
@NapoleonWilson Agreed. That part of the movie ruined it. Kate Beckinsale is very beautiful though.
@NapoleonWilson It's more of a Bay thing. I haven't seen Armageddon in one sitting either (more like 8). His movies are more than lame, they truly hurt me.
@steelerfan @NapoleonWilson So who won?
Well, Armageddon was quite a bit better and is a bit more rewatchable, especially since the, still totally forced an unecessary, romance didn't have such a big part. Sure, it's again full of Bayisms, but they don't really bother me that much if the rest fits. It's definitely one of Bay's better movies, even if of course a classic Bay.
Oh, I see it now. A few seconds left
Denver just lost. STUPID penalty on field goal!!! Colts have first down.
Aww Manning looks schad
On that note, I am going to bed. See you guys later :)
@NapoleonWilson We've been watching the Underworld series the last few weekends. :D
@steelerfan Night!
@steelerfan Night!
But I still like him most before he went "full Bay". The Rock is a 90s classic and while Bay already explored much of his overabundance of action cheese there, he didn't go completely out the window with it and it fits well into the mix. Likewise the first Bad Boys, which is leagues better and funnier than the second one.
@steelerfan G'night!
@NapoleonWilson Among their many faults, I just can't stand the editing in Bay films. No shot should last longer than 3 seconds? Where do they teach that?
Though, the real surprise was Pain And Gain, from which I expected a classic Bay story and actually got like a weird child between a Coen brothers thilleramedy and a Bay comedy. Pretty weird but interesting. It was practically Bay filming a Coen brothers script, that was actually written by the real world.
So, now to switch over to Skyfall.
Yes, Racist Stereotypes 1 is leagues better than Racist Stereotypes 2, somehow
Hands up who thinks Daniel Craig looks even hotter with a stubble beard! o/
@Walt Was it that stereotype?
@NapoleonWilson From what I remember. Which isn't much, I'll admit. I do not like this guy. I do not like his awful films. I do not like them on the train or in a barn or in the rain.
Well, maybe I didn't get the stereotypes then. I found the movie funny and entertaining (the first one). If that makes me part of the problem I'll have to live with it.
I'll not deny that the second one was quite a bit more blatant with its humour and stereotypes, though.
@NapoleonWilson And his racist streak got even worse in Transformers with some of the bots there. Bay and Lucas should team up and teach a class about bigoted anthropomorphization.
@Walt Sure. But I try to judge movies individually and not by considering the supposed personality of the director or his other films.
@NapoleonWilson I am talking about the movies. :/
@Walt I know.
@NapoleonWilson But I'l just count to 10 and focus on the good things...
There won't be another Transformer film next year... There's that silver lining
@Walt I'll be happier when they decided that they've done enough damage to the franchise and stop making them entirely.
@Catija Unlikely, though :(
@Walt Bay could get tired of it and hand them off to someone else who is better at knowing how to make a good movie.
@Catija But can some Bay underling really salvage these silly things? Can anyone?
@Walt If it's not an underling... the studio may opt for a new big name director who wants to do it right.
A reboot, if you will.
Pff, why should one? They work reasonably well as they are. They're dumb movies about giant robots. That's all there is to them and for making such things Bay seems the perfect choice. He fits perfectly to that franchise, so why bring in someone else to do a Michael Bay movie, just with less experience with Michael Bay movies.
@NapoleonWilson Amazingly, I agree with you :)
@NapoleonWilson No. I want someone who actually likes Transformers and cares about the history to take it over.
@Walt You might have missed the part where I implied that I actually enjoy those movies for what they are and aspire to be, nothing more and nothing less.
@NapoleonWilson You had me at 'dumb'
@Catija Hmm, granted, all I know about those things is from the Michael Bay movies and a scene in Fresh Prince of Bel Air. So maybe I'm not the best person to judge those movies' merits for the broader well-being of the Transformers brand.
@Catija I guess the animated series was fun for kids. But I don't know what more could be wrung out of this franchise. It was first and foremost about selling toys.
@NapoleonWilson It literally started as a toyline.
@Walt Yeah, that much I know. What I don't know anything about is the apparently rich extended universe all the Transformers fans complain about being violated by Michael Bay.
@NapoleonWilson Maybe they were better off being animated films. Bay's films focus on (badly written, it goes without saying) human characters too much. And all the bots kinda sound the same.
Maybe next they'll do a movie about the friggin' pen and paper battleship game.
@NapoleonWilson Fell asleep after about 20 minutes of that one. What the hell was that?
@Walt But aren't the humans what we need to relate to? I don't give a damn about giant robots boxing for 2 hours straight without any relatable characters. (But well, maybe all the people who complained about 2014's Godzilla might enjoy such a movie.)
@Walt The best scene was when they literally played battleship. I mean they sat on a computer console and played friggin' good old battleship against the aliens. But well, like the Transformers movies it was a fun and entertaining action smasher, nothing more and nothing less.
@NapoleonWilson Because it's called Transformers and is about a lot of giant robots from outer space that turn into vehicles and battle on Earth. And not about an annoying teen and his shrill parents.
@NapoleonWilson Wow. Sorry I missed that part, that sounds hilarious :)
Granted, they could tone down some parts of the human stuff. But overall I find Shia Lebeauf(?) quite sympathetic in those movies, as in most of his movies. And Marky Mark was a great addition.
@Walt And if I remember correctly it had the USS Missouri, from Under Siege fame!
Hang on, back it up. Fun and entertaining? You just described a scene that sounds like watching paint dry. And the first half hour was so boring I nodded off. Explain yourself!
@Walt Well, that single scene was still well-integrated into the rest of the narrative (measured by the standards of the movie, of course), and it wasn't the whole movie anyway.
@NapoleonWilson No no no, lower your standards like that and they'll keep giving us films based on board games, mister.
@Walt Pff, then what? Complain about any friggin' movie that the internet people want me to hate because it didn't feature the character development and witty dialogue of an Aaron Sorkin movie? No thanks, I enjoy enjoying movies for what they are and aspire to be.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, make no mistake, Michael Bay thinks he's making masterpieces.
@NapoleonWilson And that's OK, I'm not a big fan of Sorkin either :P
Huh, critics not really thrilled with Spectre after all. Seems it's the new Quantum of Solace.
@Walt I'm not sure about that. I think he wants to make big action smashers he likes to direct and watch. And that's fine, because that's what they are.
@Walt Pff, I heard as many postive opinions as negative ones, and I'm pretty sure I'd agree with the former once I've seen it. I don't know if they all expected another complete Bond messiah or what. But I'm also pretty sure it's not as bad as Quantum of Solace (which still wasn't that bad, even if a bit too short and awfully edited/Bourneyfied and definitely the worst Craig, which is a high standard to measure against).
Yes, 'many positive opinions as negative ones', = mediocre. Which seems to be the popular opinion.
@Walt Pff, I can live with the internet's definition of "mediocre", which pretty much amounts to "good but not great" in most cases.
@NapoleonWilson Quantum was blah, sure
@NapoleonWilson Merely said that critically, it seems to follow the same pattern as the first 2
@Walt I thought even the internet pretty universally liked Skyfall, though. No?
@NapoleonWilson I think so. Why?
Oh wait, you said first 2, not last 2. But still, I thought Casino Royale was quite liked, too, no?
Then I simply don't know who said what in your above sentence that contained the word "critically".
Pattern = 1 film liked, 2nd film a disappointment
Since when are the critics = the internet?
Oh, ok. Then maybe it's like the Star Trek rule (just switched).
@NapoleonWilson Too bad it seems there won't be a 5th and we'll never know for sure ;)
@Walt Internet, world, people, humanity. Call it what you want, the public conciousness towards which the primary gateway is the internet nowadays.
@NapoleonWilson I see a huge difference between the public, the internet and the critics when it comes to films, actually
They often disagree
@Walt Which would be very unfortunate, especially after Craig previously said he wants to do like 8 more until his death after Skyfall. I hope his recent denials are simply due to exhuastion. It would be bad to loose him as he's great. They shouldn't let the critics bog them down either.
@NapoleonWilson It's called negotiating a contract ;)
@Walt Hmm, I only notice them often disagree with me, but not so much among each other.
@NapoleonWilson Really? People disagree with critics about pretty much everything
@NapoleonWilson Nuh-uh!
See, I'm part of the public now :P
Wait, that's just crying, I think. :S
Well, mine's a Pokemon crying
And don't feel too bad for Bond execs, $300m so far
Sure, they deserve it, they're making Bond movies. They never ought to run out of money!
@NapoleonWilson When Michael Bay will release his version of Bond as a buffed up CGI bear from the 'hood in 2025, you'll change your tune
@NapoleonWilson That's just Cartman wanting cheesey puffs
@Walt I'll doubt that'll happen as long as EON has the reign (or as long as the public mood and notion of a classy British spy doesn't change significantly).
@NapoleonWilson Well, I'm calling it anyway. 2030, max.
@Walt I'm not.
@NapoleonWilson Nice Connery impression ;)
Aww, I liked that typo :(
Interesting that they initially wanted Connery to play the house keeper in Skyfall. That would have been quite interesting, especially for all those continuity conspiracy theorists and their useless theories.
@NapoleonWilson Wow, didn't know that. Sounds like an awful idea, TBH. Would've been totally distracting
And I like Finney, anyway
Pretty sure I answered this before. And now I can't remember what it was or where the post is. :( I need to stock up on walnuts or something
Meh, it has paragraphs with multiple lines each and some numbers sprinkled in there, a fitting tag and a title that doesn't read "name this thing". So I don't need to bother reading that, let alone care about it any further, fortunately.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, it's not bad
I'll try to go through some of the ID ones tomorrow
Bye for now. Enjoy Skyfall... I'm guessing you're still in the middle of that opening sequence ;)
Hmm, and I wanted to ask some questions about Tracker, and look into the trivia and ID posts on meta, not to speak of the still 150 questions long possible quarter favourite list. Quite an unproductive weekend for anything non-Minecraft. But at least I answered that Rosemary's Baby question. ;-(
@Walt No, I'm literally at Skyfall already. G'night, though!
@NapoleonWilson Don't think I saw that q
@NapoleonWilson Hmm, I've been thinking...
@Walt It was a very old one and already answered, I merely added some stuff, as it was on TV just recently.
I've been awarding the exact bounties I got chronologically because I'm a big weirdo, and I now reached a 200 one.
@Walt Your systematic bounty approach is very interesting and appealing, though. At least for someone who also earns a bounty now and then.
@NapoleonWilson So I might want to award it to the best answer in 2015
@NapoleonWilson Thanks. If I'm honest, there's not much thought behind it. Other than weirdness ;)
But anyway, enjoy that whole 'Home Alone with British Senior Citizens' ending ;)
If it wasn't off-topic trivia I'd ask from whom that version of Boom Boom is that Silva plays from his helicopter. It's obviously not John Lee Hooker.
That being said, Spectre would already be half-done if Mendes achieves the same audivisual style and atmosphere as Skyfall did. And from what I've heard in that respect at least Spectre doesn't seem to disappoint.
Q: Who will tell "start camera action" when director cast himself in the main role?

Latha SharmajiIf director is infront of the camera, then who will tell those words to start a movie shot. Who will tell "start camera action" when director cast himself in the main role?

1 hour later…
Q: About the ending of Watchmen

ALANAfter the world was being saved , What is the journal of Rorschach being found implying ?

1 hour later…
Q: In Family Guy, who voiced GRR Martin?

RSmithIn the Family Guy episode "Pilling them Softly", Brian and Stewie go to a book fair where they meet George RR Martin. Who voiced the character? Was it Martin himself, or a different voice actor?

3 hours later…
Q: Is clapping the clapper just tradition at this point?

user1103As I understand, modern film and audio are synced using SMPTE timecode which is embedded in the metadata of the respective source files. Modern clappers also display the timecode, but they still have the clapper bar. Is it really necessary to actually clap the clapper anymore?

Q: identify this movie

sindrewhen i was a kid, i always watched my mothers collection of horror movies when she wasnt home, i remember one particulary movie, about a group of people (including a psycich teenage girl, who doesnt talk much) going into a haunted house, kind of a huge mansion! its a huge old house/mansion and in...

@NapoleonWilson Personally, I thought Spectre was as good looking (cinematography wise) as Skyfall in parts - to the point that I thought they shared a cinematographer. It turns out they don't.
@NapoleonWilson Contractually, they've got him for one more film anyway. I doubt he'd sign on again after that, but I'd be very surprised if they didn't make him to one final film.
Q: A movie about a woman who saves her son from villains at the movie?

Nahian WinchesterI remember watching the movie in 1999...the son was kidnapped from his house and the mother fights and saves her son from the bad guys at the end of the movie? I don't remember the name of the movie but it must be a movie released in the 90's...

@Kanth which genre?
Lots of new faces...hmmmm
@DrRDizzle if he say no, we might get new version in few years with new actor and then his trilogy..........
@Washu Any kind of genre.
This chat seems so cool
@Washu Have you checked when you scroll up or down, this chat resembles the cinema reel.
@Kanth you mean the bottom bar
Q: Movie about people got invited to an island and one of them is a killer

Laine Hanbin KimI just want to ask what is the title of the movie were group of people or friends have been invited in an island and then one day it start with killing them one by one. They've been suspicious if who the killer is and it turns out to be one of them. The killer wear a mask and the ending, as far a...

Q: Identifying an episode from an old sci fi tv series

xxdeekxxI don't remember much, it was about scientist in a lab where the people outside were infected or something. At the end a guy is trying to get into the lab using the keypad and he says "we have eternity".

@Kanth yeah :D
@AnkitSharma Craig can't say no without being sued though.
@AnkitSharma I'd expect the final Craig film to come out in about 3-5 years, followed by a new Bond at some point around 2022
@DrRDizzle didn't follow though that franchise but i think he is saying shit about James bond recently
@AnkitSharma He was saying he needs a break. After shooting what by all accounts was an incredibly exhausting film, I can understand that. Still, it doesn't matter what he says - his films have made significantly more than any other Bond films to date, and I can't see the franchise being willing to let him go.
@DrRDizzle On the side note all 3 top grossing franchise are in running condition. HP and James bond will be in competition for spot but MCU will be way ahead (more movies more money).
@AnkitSharma MCU will surpass 10 billion very soon. I can't see Captain America: Civil War making at least the same amount as Avengers: Age of Ultron.
@DrRDizzle even if they make average successful films they will be way ahead. Because their film doesn't need same cast and they have more content to adapt. And now 2-3 films a year. Maybe 4-5 soon.
Middle earth is over , so star war will take it place at 4 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@AnkitSharma I think they are aiming for one filn every quarter, which makes sense.
@AnkitSharma I imagine that The Force Awakens will break the 2 billion mark.
@AnkitSharma Oh wow, that chart lists both Avengers and Iron Man as separate franchises, as well as including the both in the MCU. In the top 20 highest grossing film franchises of all time, the MCU appears 3 times lol.
@DrRDizzle and batman and spider-man franchise calculation is wrong.
@AnkitSharma How come/
@DrRDizzle they added ASM collection with SM trilogy
Similar for batman
They are reboot and different franchise all together
@AnkitSharma But that is the Batman and Spider-Man franchise. Continuity != franchise.
@DrRDizzle then this page might got more tricky with DCEU and new spider man
@AnkitSharma No. A different canon, but still one intellectual property. The new Spider-Man film will be part of the Spider-Man franchise still.
And is spider man individual film going to be counted in SMU and MCU both or not
@AnkitSharma It will. A new Batman will count towards the Batman franchise, and Man of Steel will count towards the Superman franchise, and I have no idea about Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice - will that count as both?
@AnkitSharma Yup, both. Because it is part of both franchises, even if it is only canon in one universe.
@DrRDizzle as per their current calculation, i will say both
@DrRDizzle canon in both just the studio is different
@AnkitSharma What about Captain America: Civil War? Captain America, Captain America and Iron Man, Iron Man, MCU?
@AnkitSharma The new Spider-Man won't be the same version as the Andrew Garfield or the Tobey Maguire one.
@DrRDizzle all threE above :D
@AnkitSharma Why don't the Avengers films count as Iron Man franchise then?
@DrRDizzle I Mean canon to MCU and new SMU
@DrRDizzle good question, maybe they want them as main cast rather then group
@AnkitSharma Yes, that's correct. But there won't be a SMU - anything that happens in the Spider-Man films will be canon within the MCU, so it isn't a separate universe.
@DrRDizzle i have very less faith in Sony, more Disney interfere the better is product
@AnkitSharma Well, I wouldn't put the success of the MCU down to Disney if I'm being honest - Kevin Feige is the guy I see as responsible for the success of the MCU. But yeah, now he is involved in the Spider-Man films I am a lot more confident in them.
@DrRDizzle But production house as a whole is good in case of MCU. But for spider-man they just good in pissing director
@AnkitSharma I don't understand that message, sorry.
@DrRDizzle I mean its not only kevin but the whole team , mutual trust between director producer always make good film.
@AnkitSharma Oh yeah, of course - but Kevin is the one with the big multi-film plan in his head, the road map of where the MCU is heading and how it can develop over the course of multiple of films, which (for me) is one of the best things about the MCU.
@DrRDizzle but they got good director to make that plan work. joss, james gun , russo etc.
Else it might never came out of papers
@AnkitSharma Yes, but the plan still worked when the director was less than stellar.
Pinch me someone, i am talking to @DrRDizzle without disagreeing with him, even when the topic is comic adaptation.
@AnkitSharma Let's not make a big deal of it, might ruin things ;P
@AnkitSharma Yes. It's so cool, isn't it?
@Washu disappears without suggesting
@Kanth that was surprise for me too when it appeared.
3 hours later…
Q: B&W 50s/60s murder mystery without a body and with a twist in the tail

Betty FarquharWoman overhears her boyfriend & his new girlfriend plotting to kill her. She then disappears and sets out to frame the boyfriend for her murder. She succeeds in providing enough evidence to get him arrested and charged with her murder. At the end, she's sitting in the courtroom listening to the...

2 hours later…
Q: romantic comedy movies with fight turn to love

Half-Blood princeI have been searching for a specific type of romantic movies to see.That is Foes turns to friends,then to lovers.A simple plot line may be girl and boy meet,they loath each other,then something happens and they become friends.They becomes so close,in the end they become lovers reason for search...

I'm one upvote from the rep cap today..
@Catija I think I have upvoted all of your stuff......let me check.
@steelerfan Too late.
@NapoleonWilson Man, I am ALWAYS too late :)
You guys are silly. I wasn't even here to beg for votes... I was here to brag :P
@Catija Sure, but you still made me finally read those two answers. I didn't vote them up because you begged, but because they're good. But granted, without your bragging I might never have actually read them in full.
I would have upvoted your answer to the clapper question anyways, just bc your answers are always good :)
But anyway, it's always great so see a question getting hawt that actually deserves it.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, it's fun to see questions about production getting attention.
@steelerfan Awww, thanks :D
How did the deer dressing go?
@Catija Hanging in my shop right now. We are cutting and wrapping meat tomorrow. Ahhhhh to live in the country ;)
A: Are expletives allowed in SE chat?

BorWalI have asked a question similar to this in Arqade, with plenty of negative results. They believe as a general rule that swearing should not ever be blocked. It's interesting to see the way people react to swearing in chat. I myself have been exposed to plenty of it in my lifetime. It doesn't mea...

This answer reads like someone tattling on Arqade for allowing cussing in chat.
@Catija I know. Not using "hell" gramatically correct? What??
@Catija Uh, the majority actually reads like a completely uncessary deconstruction of how the word "hell" is supposed to be used in a grammatically correct way. I don't have the slightest hell of an idea what he's even upto with that answer.
@NapoleonWilson Hence Mystical's incredibly upvoted comment? Anyway, I was referring primarily to the second sentence.
People need to have thicker skin if they are going to be in chat. IMHO
@Catija Meh, I don't know if that's true or not, but I don't really care either. But I (think I) know what you mean, often people take things like that out of context and deduce crap like "Arqade allows people any kind of swearing", which I'd highly doubt to be the case.
It would give his answer a little more relevance if the example he chose to argue about wouldn't be completely unoffensive. It's just "hell" for god's sake. It might not be that unreasonable to guess that his attitude in the first paragraph was caused by Arqade saying exactly that, too, rather than them saying "We allow all kinds of curses in our chatrooms".
@NapoleonWilson What in the hell are you talking about? ;)
My Bond question would be considered trivia. Ugh, now I have to figure out a new one!
@steelerfan Are you 100% sure about that?
@NapoleonWilson I am pretty sure. It doesn't add value to the plot or enhance the characters in any way. It is a little detail that has always bugged me about James bond's wife.
@steelerfan But maybe you can provide just the right motivation for it to be significant.
Are we that far that our "trivia" policy now scares people from asking? If only people were as considerate when asking ID questions.
@NapoleonWilson I can try. I wish I could just ask you if it's on topic or not.
@steelerfan You could, on meta or in chat.
@NapoleonWilson really? I can run my question by you in here?
@steelerfan You could always post any stuff you want into chat.
@NapoleonWilson So, my question is about Tracy Bond. When Bond first meets her, she is adamant that he calls her Tracy and not Teresa. He even corrects her own father. Well, in "For your eyes only" Tracy's tombstone reads "Teresa" , which she hated being called. Bond put a saying on her tombstone. Why did he put Teresa instead of Tracy?
@steelerfan This might not be answerable from the movies alone, but I don't see how this is 100% "trivia" by our rulings. It might not be a particularly interesting or engaging question to everyone, but I fail to see how that is not allowed while other totally minor crap is.
@steelerfan You even have a very valid character-driven motivation for the question, supported by scenes from the movie. That is not what close as "trivia" is for.
@NapoleonWilson Yeah, it's always something that has bothered me about that scene when they show the tombstone. Cool! I will have to work on it :)
Sigh, maybe I have to look into that trivia crap on meta a little more. Imagine the desaster that would have ensued if you didn't voice your concerns in passing and simply hadn't asked your question. It would have stayed unasked under an assumption that it would be unfitting, an assumption that then stays unrefuted and thus implicitly confirmed and builds itself into an understanding of the site rules that keeps even more questions from being asked in the future.
You're right. I was shying away from that question simply because of the trivia crap. I am glad that I asked now.
That thing is about IMDb stuff like "who played this woman?" or stuff like "what's the name of that cool song in that scene". This is what we need to protect the site from, not things like supposed inconsistencies in character portrayals.
I personally find that tomb stone thing a pretty minor detail that probably just noone in production thought about (in addition to the lack of actual continuity across James Bond movies). But what counts is if you can motivate the question inside the question text.
Yeah, they definitely make a point of her hating the name Teresa and Bond being sure to comply with it in " On her majesty's secret service". Probably not a big deal and just an oversight.
@steelerfan Wasn't the tomb stone only shown in a muuuch later Moore thing. For those movies OHMSS practically didn't exist anyway. On the other hand the tomb stone (and the wife it stands for) is pretty much the only major cross-movie continuity in all of James Bond ever, so that could speak for it being too important to screw up, too.
@NapoleonWilson The tombstone is in "For your eyes only" also, that is the movie where Bond finally kills Blofeld, who killed Tracy.
@steelerfan So it isn't in On Her Majesty's Secret Service?
Ah forget that, no it isn't. That movie ends right with "we have all the time in the world".
@NapoleonWilson Nope. She is killed OHMSS, tombstone is in For your eyes only after Bond drops Blofeld into a smokestack, they show him at her tombstone. Yes, that quote is in OHMSS, and it is written on her tombstone in For your eyes only.
Hmm, then that makes the connection even more evident.
@Walt Nice find on answering the bounty question!! I am seriously getting annoyed that I cannot upload pictures on my i-pad!!! I want to post a question, but I am waiting until I get to work tomorrow because of it. Time to suck it up and go buy another computer!
Q: What was Mizuki writing on her PC in the movie "Confessions"?

ed0In "Confessions" by Tetsuya Nakashima, what was Mizuki writing on her laptop before getting whacked?

By the way, being rep capped sucks... it means you don't get notified when you have upvotes.
Q: Why fake (relatively) easy scenes?

Hannover FistI saw a movie about a year ago where there was a relatively simple shot of a SUV taking an off-ramp on a freeway. It only lasted a few seconds (5 - 10). When they went to commercial, they had one of those DVD on TV or other clips where they show a Behind the Scenes of the making of the movie. I...

@steelerfan Er, thanks, but which one? ;) [I answered a 50 and a 100]
@steelerfan Is it that Bond one?
@Catija Congrats!
On the same boat with you today
@MovieReel Nice that they even bothered with miniatures. Car chases are probably all computerized now anyway
3 hours later…
Q: A space movie(animation+romance), can't recall

MrityunjoyI saw a Sci-Fi space adventure animation movie(English dubbed probably) in 2008. The movie had a character pree-aa-rious(that's how it was pronounced). I forgot the entire plot, but there was this one dialogue which goes "Pree-aa-rious no matter what i'll be there for you till the end of the worl...

Q: in Cocktail, what game/wager is being proposed during the Basketball scene?

FrancisIn the first half of the movie, Brian (Tom Cruise) and Doug (Bryan Brown) are at the basketball court. Brian is shooting, and Doug is mostly just watching as the two talk about Brian's relationship with Coral. During the conversation, Brian says: "10 bucks behind the line?" which sounds like ...

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