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Hmm...what could I use for an avatar...
This maybe?
Just slice up a gnome and make some pictures
No, It's not video gamey enough.
@GnomeSlice yum yum.
That's the one.
Hmm.... No, it's too bright.
Toki Tori?
That could work.
@Mana > I need input.
Could work, yeah, although I'd be able to take you even less seriously.
Isn't that a plus, for you?
I guess, yeah. Go for it broseph.
Hmmm....... You wouldn't be able to read that scaled down though, I presume.
You really wouldn't.
can we take this to FB chat stop spamming the chat with silly imgszzz
This is serious bidniss.
Not mere silliness.
I think my avatar is vital to the future of Gaming.SE.
Got to say I think incognito would be the most bro image
so it's definitely the one you should take
Dammit, why are these all so big?
@GnomeSlice Especially if you become mod. People need to see your gravatar and be stunned by its amazingness, so that you can close their game-rec questions with extreme prejudice while they aren't looking.
@GnomeSlice Agreed.
I needs to be lighthearted, but serious.
32 messages moved from The Bridge
Here, have a dedicated room.
Way to spell my name wrong.
GnomeSplice is clearly a better name anyways.
I need input here.
@GnomeSlice That's more of a Gracey image.
You think? It's the Google Chrome Incognito Icon.
....Which sort of supports the whole ninja thing, I suppose.
@GnomeSlice That's more of an ArdaXiey... ArdaXily... ArdalyXi... Arday image.
I do like that one.
@GnomeSlice too detailed.
It must work at 16×16
Something your current avatar does nicely.
That one is really crummy are large size, but would look fine scaled down.
I used to use that one a lot.
this is dumb
@Mana It's important.
This one is relatable.
important but incredibly dumb
Except it still has a watermark on it. Whoops.
it's relatable in that relatable isn't a word
A video game odyssey.
@GnomeSlice I like this.
@badp It makes me look angry.
@GnomeSlice I don't think you can use animated gifs :)
@GnomeSlice It's stylish.
@badp I'd forgotten it was animated.
@Gnome these headphones sound really good
not really sure what you were talking aboujesus christ get it away get it away GET IT AWAY
@Mana My pair must have been defective then. :(
But the ones I have now sound incredible anyway.
That game is so underrated... :(
@Gnome just choose one
@Mana It's not that simple.
Technically, that one's based on a game based on an anime, but still.
That's the only anime I almost decided to watch.
I think that if you found the right anime you would quite enjoy them
They're pretty slow paced.
well...yeah. But so are most TV shows.
Which by the way was a great show, and I wish they hadn't cancelled it.
I suggest this one. I think it's gnomier than the others.
That would be great, but at 16x16 it would look like nothing.
and that's why you suck at choosing avatars
@GnomeSlice just crop the square with his face.
well that one is the most well-suited to your IRL appearance
the only thing you're doing here is showing us amusing images
No, I'm not.
No wait.
I was in the process of explaining.
none of them, except the Megaman ones, look even remotely suitable to an avatar
I would crop out the CARD part, and just use the image.
Portal is too mainstream, though.
Ooh, I like that one.
@badp @mana @sjohn @fabian @Foak @tim Any comments?
@GnomeSlice hold ctrl-minus for a few seconds, then review your proposals.
That should help you decide.
Well, so far, people have expressed interest to:
The HL gnome is the obvious winner
Alternatively -- mugshot.
That one...
like a blocky mr. Yuk
That one has been starred.
This one...
And that one?
Needs cropping, but still.
@GnomeSlice this will be inscrutable at avatar size
@sjohnston @badp suggested cropping it to just his face.
Or just his person.
That one isn't really applicable, I suppose.
I wonder how that Metroid would look at avatar size.
@GnomeSlice Man, first you complain about pointing to an angry avatar, then you supply us with an angry avatar after the other.
That's only one angry avatar.
See this is hard.
It needs to be reserved, yet forceful.
How about that one?
this is still really dumb
Political, but casual.
Informative, but interesting.
Is this from unicornday?
it is impossible to go wrong with unicornify
as evidenced by myself
@GnomeSlice unicornify with your email hash.
I wondered about that.
It's just you.
@badp Email hash?
@GnomeSlice Argument for the service.
Aha. I get a rainbow in mine.
...I dunno.
@badp Gnome's a horrible programmer so he still might not understand
It's awfully small.
trust me on that one
I know what an argument is, thank you @Mana.
No problem. @Gnome.
GTFO my room.
not cool....
This one suits me pretty well, I think.
reminds me of rageguy
I think it is rageguy.
@GnomeSlice -1
Oh woops, It can't be animated, can it.
@sjohnston Oh, that rageguy.
@GnomeSlice best prank ever
I know. :P
But unreadable at avatar size.
When I searched GnomeSplice on google, this one was the best I could find. It might even compress well.…
Although I suppose that applies more to board games.
hmm, I need to figure out how to imbed images
@FOak .....lolwut.
You have to put just the image.
No message.
If that doesn't work, there's an upload button beside the send button.
There we go, that seems gnomish
How so?
well, I meant yours, and I tried to find a better picture
but little green hut is what I was thinking
mine is a little too graphic looking
But at avatar size, who will notice?
Hah, that one's cool.
maybe work with that?
Don't know how well it would scale though.
That looks really disgusting, somehow.
So have you got any possibilities yet?

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