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Something that's been around for ever but recently I seem to be noticing often: answers that are essentially variations on previous answers. I am happy for answers to complement each other e.g. concise vs discursive, informal vs technical. But while we can vote to close a question as a duplicate, the main recourse for repeated answers seems to be downvoting or commenting and hoping that others agree. Perhaps there is guidance somewhere about not answering with a variation on an existing answer.
1 hour later…
@NickCox Do you mean answers on the same question as previous answers? (I feel that I am writing the same three answers in minor variations over and over again, "trust auto-ARIMA even if it gives you flat forecasts", "no, we can't say why you can't get as accurate as you want" and "don't use accuracy", in response to questions that are minor variations on each other, which is why I am hoping for AI to take over this chore.)
Regarding people rephrasing existing answers to a single question: is that really an issue? Maybe I'm not paying enough attention to questions once they are off the landing page... how often does that really happen? Is that some undergrad training their LLM?
1 hour later…
I mean that answers to a specific question just repeat what has already been said by others in their answers. The examples most vivid are when there are already several answers with some overlap and someone is now just saying what has already been said. If it's said poorly there seems little point in their doing so.

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